White coating in the language of the child
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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The surface of the tongue of a healthy child should be clean and pale pink. Newborns may have a slight whitish coating on the tongue, associated with the use of breast milk or a mixture. If the white coating in the language of the child is sparse, and it does not interfere with the contemplation of the true shade of the tongue, then there is nothing terrible in this.
Such a plaque, as a rule, appears in the morning and is easily cleaned off with a toothbrush. However, sometimes a white coating is pathological. How to define this and what to do in such a situation? We will try to answer these questions.
The causes of white plaque in the language of the child
If the raid does not pass through the day, or, moreover, delivers the child discomfort, you can suspect the baby of any disease.
- Inflammatory process in the oral cavity: inflammation of the oral mucosa, fungal infection or caries.
With stomatitis, the plaque may be inhomogeneous, with light inclusions. If you try to clean the plaque, then the surface of the tongue can bleed.
In fungal infection, along with a touch, there is a feeling of itching and dryness in the mouth, on the tongue, on the lips and cheeks. Plaque in appearance can resemble cottage cheese.
Caries is an infectious process in the oral cavity; therefore, a marked white coating on the tongue may appear attached to the disease.
- Diseases of the respiratory system: microbial or viral lesions.
SARS, colds, flu, which are accompanied by signs of intoxication, as well as reddening of the throat and an increase in temperature, can trigger the appearance of a white coating on the tongue. If the layer of plaque appears on the tonsils, then this is a more serious reason to call a doctor.
Bronchitis can be accompanied by the appearance of a white coating on the front surface of the tongue. Foamy coating may indicate a chronic course of the disease. When complications develop, the plaque can become gray and compact.
The inflammatory process in tonsils, tonsillitis, as a rule, is accompanied not only by the appearance of white plaque, but also by pain during swallowing and by fever.
Bronchial asthma is characterized by the formation of a white coating on the tip of the tongue. Scurf viscous, poorly removable.
- Infection - accompanied by severe signs of intoxication.
Scarlet fever is characterized by the formation of a white plaque on the tongue, with isolated red elements (islets). It mainly develops in children from 2 to 6 years.
In diphtheria, the plaque has a white-gray tinge, with defeat of throat, nasal cavity, larynx and eyes.
- Diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, enterocolitis, dysbacteriosis. Such diseases can be suspected if the baby has diarrhea or constipation, colic in the abdomen, swelling or pain.
- Signs of dehydration are also accompanied by the appearance of a white sustained plaque in the tongue. Dehydration can be suspected in the following situations:
- the baby seldom urinates (once every 5-6 hours and longer);
- his lips and tongue are dry;
- The urine has a concentrated odor and dark shade;
- can be sharpened features.
Symptoms of white plaque in the language of the child
A pathological white coating on the tongue is observed not only in the morning after awakening, but does not disappear after brushing your teeth, and after breakfast. Especially should be alerted if the layer of plaque goes to the area of the cheeks and gums.
Plaque can be heterogeneous, spotty, with light inclusions and even ulceration: such a plaque may be a sign of thrush of the oral cavity. Milkworm is also characterized by "cheesy" plaque, difficult to understand: when trying to forcefully remove plaque, bleeding surfaces and sores may open.
A dense white coating without additional visible signs is most often a sign of digestive problems. There are symptoms of digestive disorder: pain in the tummy, flatulence, stool and appetite disorders.
Darkening of the plaque may indicate the phenomena of general intoxication, and the appearance of yellowness on the plaque indicates a disorder of the liver and gallbladder.
White coating on the background of a rise in temperature in most cases means a bacterial infection.
As a rule, any raid disappears as soon as the baby is cured.
Who to contact?
Diagnosis of white plaque in the language of the child
Where should I go for the diagnosis of white plaque in the language of the child?
Usually the first specialist to whom this is referred is the dentist. He will carefully examine the oral cavity and tongue, feel the lymph nodes, assess the condition of the teeth and gums. If everything is in order with teeth and mouth, the doctor can direct the child to the pediatrician, the children's gastroenterologist, the endocrinologist, the specialist in infectious diseases and other doctors.
Usually, for an accurate diagnosis, only an external examination can be sufficient. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe a general analysis of blood and urine, bacterial culture from the surface of the tongue. Based on the examination, palpation and laboratory tests, the doctor will establish a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment.
Treatment of white plaque in the language of the child
Treatment of white plaque in the language of the child should be conducted taking into account the causes of this condition and accompanying symptoms. It is better not to engage in self-medication, since the raid on the tongue can be a sign of a serious illness.
If the plaque was formed after consuming milk or a large number of sweets, it is usually enough to rinse the mouth and clean the tongue with a toothbrush.
In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the treatment of the corresponding disease is prescribed: gastritis, enterocolitis, duodenitis, etc.
When an infectious disease is prescribed antibiotics, antifungal drugs, immunostimulants, vitamins and detoxifying agents.
With dental diseases, sanation of the mouth and teeth is carried out.
- The mild form of thrush can be treated with a conventional baking soda solution.
- If the plaque is accompanied by pain in the tongue, the agent Calgel will help.
- To eliminate bacterial infection in the mouth, children use Rivanol or Tantum Verde.
- In case of a fungal lesion, special ointments are used: nystatin and decamine.
- In order to speed up the healing process, you can use sea buckthorn oil, rose hips, aloe vera extract.
Prevention of white plaque in the language of the child
From a young age, it is necessary to teach the child to observe the rules of personal hygiene, because teeth, as well as language, must be cleaned regularly. This is done 2 times a day: morning and evening.
It is recommended to purchase a special toothbrush with a device for cleaning the tongue. Such brushes are also produced for children. It is necessary to teach the baby the technology of cleaning teeth and tongue: the tongue is cleaned with soft massage movements from the far surface of the tongue to the near. After this, thoroughly rinse the mouth.
You should rinse your mouth after breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can do this with simple water, soda solution, infusion of chamomile or oak bark.
It is necessary to observe the child and to notice the onset of illnesses in a timely manner: the child becomes whiny, capricious, often crying, refuses to eat. If the disease is treated in a timely manner, then the plaque on the tongue will in most cases not be formed.
It is recommended to give a baby a little for the prevention of white plaque after each feeding a little boiled water.
Forecast of white plaque in the language of the child
If a doctor's examination and determination of the exact cause of the onset of the raid is carried out on time, then the prognosis of white plaque in the child's language can be considered favorable. Sometimes for the treatment of this symptom it is sufficient to perform normal oral hygiene procedures with an emphasis on the area of the tongue.
When we start cleaning our teeth, we often forget that bacteria and germs can be collected not only on the teeth and gums, but also on the cheeks and on the tongue. Remember that the child also needs to be taught to brush his teeth correctly, without ignoring the cleaning of the tongue.
If you regularly cleanse your tongue, watch for proper nutrition and observe the drinking regime of the baby, then a white raid on the child's tongue will not be formed, and for parents at least one cause for concern will be less.