Cervical examination
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Indications for the examination of the cervix
The procedure should be for all women whose age has crossed 30 years. This will allow you to notice possible deviations or damage at the initial stage. The main indication for the examination of the cervix is any complaint or age of the patient.
The procedure is carried out and after surgery or complex treatment of a disease. This allows you to assess the condition of a woman and observe the restoration of the uterus. Actively apply such an examination if a woman is at risk. As a rule, patients are referred to here, who can develop oncology.
To date, doctors often tend to such an examination. It is used also in the event that an ordinary gynecological examination did not give a full picture of what is happening. Colposcopy is also actively used in the presence of patient complaints, which could not be eliminated through gynecological examination.
The procedure is performed immediately after the end of menstrual bleeding. It is advisable to resort to examination in the first 2-4 days. If the appointment date of the examination coincides with the menstrual discharge, everything is transferred. Preparation is carried out for a couple of days before the procedure. It is mandatory to abandon sexual intercourse. A similar requirement is advanced to the use of various candles, sprays and suppositories. You can not use hygiene products, and the genitals should be washed only with water.
Self-douching is prohibited. In general, this type of treatment is used only after the approval of a doctor. Otherwise, there is a risk of harm to your own body. Before the examination, do not take painkillers. Colposcopy is an absolutely safe way of examining the cervix. It is carried out with the help of mirrors and magnifying devices.
Examination of the cervix before childbirth
Gynecologic examination is performed immediately before childbirth. For this, a woman will need to visit the hospital on the 38-40 week. Such an examination of the cervix will determine the degree of its maturity and condition, before delivery it is very important that everything goes according to plan. The body should be ready for future stresses and the birth process.
The cervix is considered ready for delivery, when it feels soft and short to the touch. The finger can freely pass through the canal, it is located in the center of the small pelvis. Vaginal examination is aimed at determining which part of the body the baby rotates. An obligatory requirement of this procedure is the prevention of getting into the vagina and into the uterus of pathogenic bacteria. This will avoid possible postpartum complications. When carrying out a gynecological examination before giving birth, attention is paid to the amniotic fluid, the degree of smoothing of the cervix. All this is an obligatory procedure, through which all women in childbirth go.
Techniques for conducting
The quality of the examination may be affected by the mucus located in the uterus. Therefore, the first thing they do is to remove it. This is done by treating the neck with vinegar or Lugol. A tampon, soaked in a liquid, is inserted into the vagina, it must necessarily be cotton. The technique can be simple or extended.
A simple examination. To it resort immediately after mucus removal. Advanced examination involves the treatment of the vagina by using a 3% solution of acetic acid. After 2 minutes, you can begin the procedure. After such processing any deviations become more appreciable.
To determine the oncology, use Lugol's solution. They need to treat the vagina. This solution turns everything brown. If there is an oncology, there will be visible whitish spots. If the doctor notices this, he will immediately make a biopsy, for histological examination. After the examination, there may be a small scratch that will independently heal within a few days.
Examination of the cervix in the mirrors
During the procedure, special attention is paid to secretions and anatomical changes. Examination of the cervix in the mirrors will assess the condition of the mucous membrane, detect inflammation and the pathology of the vessels.
In the presence of bloody discharge, the malignant neoplasm is excluded. With cervicitis erosion and hyperemia are possible. Cervical cancer is not always easy to distinguish from erosion. Therefore, in addition to the examination, a biopsy is performed .
Women who are sexually active are injected with special mirrors of Pederson or Grave, Cusco. As auxiliary tools, a spoon-shaped mirror and a lifter are used. Most often used mirrors Cuzco, since they do not require a special lift.
A folding mirror. For inspection, the smallest tool is chosen, it is quite enough for a full inspection. Valve mirrors are inserted in a closed state, as soon as it is in place, it is rotated and pushed.
One-time mirror of Cuzco. First, a spoon-shaped bottom mirror is introduced, and then parallel to it is flat. This allows you to assess the condition of the cervix and see possible pathological processes in it.
How to conduct an examination, the gynecologist decides on the basis of the patient's complaints and a previous gynecological examination.
Inspection of the cervix under a microscope
A woman should lie down in a gynecological chair. The duration of the examination of the cervix under the microscope will take about 30 minutes. First, the doctor will examine the vagina with a special mirror. As a lubricant, only water is used, any lubricants can affect the reliability of the results obtained.
Then they resort to examination of the cervix by using a binocular microscope. In order to mitigate the discomfort of the procedure, it is possible to wet the vagina with saline solution. At the end of the procedure, the cervix is treated with acetic acid. This can cause a slight burning sensation. At the end of the examination, the doctor decides about the biopsy. In the presence of pathological processes or any doubt, the material is taken for histological examination. Sometimes an iodine solution is used to confirm / disprove the presence of oncology.
Examination of the cervix in pregnancy
As soon as the woman is registered, examinations will accompany her throughout pregnancy. This is a mandatory and quite normal process. The first examination of the cervix during pregnancy is carried out on the day of registration, then according to a special schedule. The examination is necessary at 30 weeks, this is done when a woman is on leave. During this period, swabs are taken for vaginal flora and for cytology.
The last examination is performed before the birth, it is usually prescribed at 38-40 weeks. This will allow to assess the condition of the cervix and its preparedness for the forthcoming birth process.
Sometimes spend an additional inspection. It is necessary when there is a suspicion of a woman having an infection or showing special symptoms. This will identify the cause of this condition and prescribe a quality treatment. If a woman has bleeding, then an additional inspection is mandatory.
After the procedure, the woman will have to wear a gasket for a while. The main consequence of the examination is a slight bleeding, observed for 5 days. This is quite normal and you should not worry about it. After the procedure, other discharge may appear, their color varies from green to coffee. This is also in the order of the norm and the reasons for the experience should not be.
In order to avoid serious consequences, it is necessary to refuse sexual intercourse, douching and use of suppositories. You can do this after the cervix is back to normal. If a woman is harassed with unpleasant symptoms all the time, you should go to the hospital. In this case, an additional biopsy will be performed. It will eliminate possible serious deviations. Heavy consequences after the procedure does not happen. But exclude the possibility of development is not worth it, every organism is individual.
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Examination of the cervix is an absolutely safe method. He does not give any complications, but if they arise, it is extremely rare and in view of the peculiarities of the organism of the woman herself. However, in rare cases, negative symptoms may appear. After the examination, minor bleeding is possible and this is the norm. But if the allocation is abundant, this is the reason for going to the doctor. Against this background, an increase in body temperature is possible. There may be an abnormal discharge, which requires immediate medical attention. Sometimes there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen, but this symptom refers to the norm.
Sometimes, the developed signs are the response of the body to the procedure performed. Experiencing this is not necessary in the event that they safely disappeared on the second day after the examination. If they persist, you need to visit a doctor. This will reveal the true cause of such manifestations.
Allocations after examination of the cervix
If a woman has not been found to have any complications, and there is still a discharge, you should not worry. After the procedure, there may be a slight incision not exceeding 5 mm. This is quite normal and there is nothing terrible in this process. This damage occurs because of a gynecological mirror. If it is not carefully used, damage to the mucous membrane is possible. Usually, discharges after examination of the cervix remain for 5 days. If they are abundant and last much longer, there is an occasion to consult a doctor.
It is likely that during the inspection there was a violation, and was injured. In this case, they resort to re-examination, to identify the true cause of bleeding. Sometimes the selection does not have a red color. They are characterized by a variety of shades, within the green or even coffee grounds. It is clearly not worth worrying about, such excretions are also the norm. If there is any doubt, simply visit a gynecologist's consultation.
Cervical cervix when examined
If after the examination blood went, there is no reason for panic, this process is quite normal. Upon examination, the cervix is covered by the cervix due to the action of mirrors on it. Sometimes the doctor tolerates violations and injures the cervix. There should be no grounds for experience. Standard colposcopy always leaves behind a small cut of 5 mm. He will heal independently for several days. That's why after the procedure you can not use suppositories, have sex and do syringing.
If there are slight spotting, there's nothing wrong. Within 5 days they will pass independently. If they are abundant and do not stop after a certain time, you need to contact a gynecologist. This does not necessarily mean a pathology, it is likely that a woman has too weak vessel walls and any exposure leads to bleeding. If there are any doubts, it's worth calling once again to the gynecologist.
Pain when examining the cervix
Painful sensations may appear after the procedure. This is due to the use of mirrors. The mucous membrane of the cervix is very tender, so it may cause pain when viewed . It can arise due to incorrect insertion of the mirror or with the assumption of certain errors during the procedure. Usually, the pain syndrome goes away on its own. Its severity depends on the state of the cervix, if there is an inflammatory process, the pain will be strong. Usually it is a pulling pain syndrome that leaves a woman during the day. If this does not happen, there is an occasion to see a doctor.
It is likely that during the inspection, the main techniques of its conduct were violated. If this is not the case, a second inspection is performed. In the course of it can be revealed pathological changes or processes in the cervix. A biopsy is used as an additional method of investigation. This will confirm / deny the probability of a malignant neoplasm.
Rehabilitation period
Within a few days after the procedure, the patient may develop unpleasant pain. Usually, they are not strong enough to be withdrawn from using analgesics such as Analgin, Diclofenac and Ibuprofen. They are accepted according to one principle: one tablet 2-3 times a day. Do not use them for hypersensitivity. There is a risk of allergic reactions. In general, the rehabilitation period does not require the use of any medications, it is done in extreme cases.
If a biopsy was performed during the examination, the recovery period may take up to several weeks. During this time, minor discharges are possible. If the cervix is treated with vinegar during examination, the discharge may be greenish.
The recovery period requires the rejection of suppositories and sexual intercourse. If strange symptoms such as severe pain, bleeding and fever occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.