Wisdom tooth extraction
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Removing the wisdom tooth is one of the most complicated dental procedures, as it is most often caused by improper location, carious damage, strong tooth decay and, as a consequence, the emergence of a foci of inflammation in the oral cavity.
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"Teeth of wisdom" - this name is associated with the period of their eruption: they usually grow up in a person at a fairly mature age - from 18 to 24 years, and sometimes later. In order of location in the dentition (starting from the center), these teeth are sometimes called "eight" or "third molars" (molar - a large molar tooth). Usually a man has four wisdom teeth erupting. According to the results of numerous studies, they do not perform certain functions in the chewing process, although they have the same structure as the rest of the teeth. The need to remove wisdom teeth arises when they can not erupt or grow incorrectly (for example, horizontally), thereby damaging the teeth nearby. The difficult location complicates the process of cleaning the wisdom teeth, which provokes the development of caries. Due to the gradual destruction of the wisdom tooth, the multiplication of bacteria increases, which often leads to inflammatory processes and the development of infections.
Indications for the removal of wisdom tooth
Wisdom tooth extraction is recommended in cases that indicate complications caused by abnormalities in the growth of the tooth. When such problems arise, patients note the soreness in the area of teething, difficulty opening the mouth, redness and swelling of the gums, fever, bad breath, discomfort when chewing, painful swallowing.
Indications for the removal of the wisdom tooth are directly related to the symptoms signaling the inflammatory process or the occurrence of infection:
- the development of pericoronitis - the process of hampered tooth eruption, which causes inflammation of the gum covering it ("hood") and periodontal tissues;
- abnormal growth of the tooth (for example, at an angle or horizontally), resulting in damage or destruction of nearby teeth;
- the destruction of the wisdom tooth due to carious lesions;
- traumatism of the eruption process, which is primarily associated with gum damage, trauma to the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the cheeks, scar formation, development of the inflammatory process, etc .;
- the formation of a follicular cyst at the root of a wisdom tooth;
- development of abscess or phlegmon caused by improper placement of wisdom tooth;
- osteomyelitis of the jaws in the area of teething wisdom;
- the development of the neuritis of the trigeminal facial nerve due to the difficult eruption of the wisdom tooth, as well as other problems.
At the slightest discomfort caused by the painful eruption of the wisdom tooth, it is recommended to immediately consult a dentist who will inspect and based on an X-ray photograph objectively assess the situation for making an adequate decision.
One of the most common problems is a difficult eruption of the wisdom tooth, which leads to inflammation of the gum, partially covering the tooth, - so called. "Hood". His constant trauma to hard food, as well as the formation of plaque, create very favorable conditions for increased multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. Thus, around the wisdom tooth, a foci of infection forms, and the periodontal tissues become inflamed.
The untimely appeal to a specialist or the complete absence of treatment for a damaged wisdom tooth is fraught with the development of serious complications. The most common of these are osteomyelitis of the jaw, abscess or phlegmon. That is why it is so important to ensure that medical care is provided to the patient as soon as possible.
Wisdom tooth removal procedure
Removing a wisdom tooth requires a qualified specialist approach, therefore, an experienced, trained dentist must perform this operation. Before the procedure, the doctor must conduct an X-ray examination of the aching tooth to determine the location of the tooth, as well as the features of the structure.
The procedure for the removal of the wisdom tooth with timely treatment of the patient in the dental clinic is virtually painless, under local anesthesia, and subsequently does not have any unpleasant complications. Typically, this operation consists of the following steps:
- conducting local anesthesia (anesthesia);
- gingival incision to provide access to a diseased tooth;
- removal of the wisdom tooth with modern dental instruments;
- suturing of the gum.
In most cases, dentists use non-absorbable sutures to stitch sutures, which are virtually painless after a few days after wound healing at the site of the removed tooth. If the procedure for removing the wisdom tooth was carried out correctly, the wound healing from the removed tooth will pass quickly and without complications. In this case, the patient should carefully follow the recommendations of a dentist regarding oral hygiene.
Anesthesia with the removal of wisdom tooth
Wisdom tooth extraction is most often performed on the basis of local anesthesia. Various methods and means are used as anesthesia.
The process of action of local anesthesia occurs as follows: the injected substance acts on the nerve, blocking the nerve impulse, which transmits a signal about irritation of nerve endings (ie pain sensations) in the brain. Thus, a person becomes immune to pain in the place where the active substance acts. After a while this substance is removed from the body, and a complete recovery of nerve impulses occurs.
Anesthesia with the removal of wisdom tooth can be used in various forms.
- Infiltration anesthesia is the most common form of local anesthesia used to treat and remove molars or dental canals, as well as performing dental operations on the tooth pulp. Through the syringe, the anesthetic is injected into the mucous membrane, gum or intraosseous.
- Application anesthesia is a superficial anesthetic. It is used in the form of sprays and gels mainly for the removal of mobile (dairy) teeth in children, as well as for the removal of calculus and deposits, disinfecting the oral mucosa before the introduction of a deeper anesthetic.
- Conduction anesthesia is a deeper kind of anesthesia and takes place in the conduct of voluminous surgical interventions: dental operations on the gums, removal of large molars, and the like. The active substance is injected into the branches of the trigeminal nerve.
- Intraligamentary anesthesia is used by dentists to anesthetize an individual tooth. In this case, the anesthetic is injected directly into the ligament near the tooth.
Some of the best anesthetics widely used in modern dentistry are substances based on Articaine. Their names are "Septanest", "Ultrakain", "Ubistezin", etc. The duration of such anesthetic drugs is up to 6 hours. For asthmatics, patients with allergic diseases, as well as pregnant and lactating women, Mepivastezin is indicated.
The operation to remove the wisdom tooth
Removing the wisdom tooth can be simple and complex, depending on the degree of tooth damage and the type of problem that has arisen. With a simple removal of the wisdom tooth, forceps and elevators are used, and the procedure itself does not involve complicated manipulations in the form of gum incisions and the drilling of a specific bone site.
The operation to remove the wisdom tooth in this case is carried out step by step:
- finding out whether the patient has allergic reactions to any medications for choosing the best method of anesthesia;
- collection of anamnesis - a detailed questioning of the patient about the presence of serious diseases (with the purpose of preventing the development of complications during the operation or postoperative period);
- introduction of anesthetic;
- waiting for reception after anesthesia of anesthetic effect (approximately 3-5 minutes);
- Preparation of a dentist for surgery (selection of medical instruments, based on the localization of the wisdom tooth, its condition, the presence of infection, inflammation, etc.);
- operation with the use of special dental equipment;
- suturing of the dental hole in order to accelerate wound healing.
Conducting a simple procedure for extracting wisdom tooth as a whole takes up to 10 minutes (without taking into account the waiting time for anesthetic effect). The patient should repeatedly visit the dentist a few days after the operation.
In complicated cases, a dental surgery to remove a tooth of wisdom (most often - a retentive tooth that can not fully penetrate, or a tooth with a horizontal direction of growth) uses a drill, incisions of the gums are carried out, and suturing of the wound is mandatory. By itself, the preparation for the procedure is similar to that performed with a simple tooth removal, with the only difference: the waiting time for the action of the anesthetic increases to 10 minutes. The entire complex of manipulations associated with the removal of the wisdom tooth is carried out exclusively in medical conditions, corresponding to hygiene standards and sterility. The procedure for a complex tooth extraction of wisdom usually involves a number of actions:
- the incision of soft tissue;
- drill or saw a bone site located above the wisdom tooth;
- tooth extraction with dental instruments;
- suturing a wound.
A couple of days after the operation, a second examination of the patient is carried out. The dentist removes the stitches only afterwards if he is convinced of the healing of the wound and the complete absence of signs of inflammation or infection. The postoperative period is usually followed by a 5-day course of antibiotic therapy.
Ultrasonic Wisdom Teeth Extraction
Wisdom tooth extraction can be carried out using a variety of medical technologies. In our time, ultrasonic surgery (so-called "piezo-surgery") has found its wide application - one of the most modern techniques used to perform manipulations associated with bone tissue, as well as surgical operations of the maxillofacial zone of varying complexity.
Ultrasound extraction of wisdom teeth with the help of special equipment has a number of advantages and guarantees:
- the possibility of carrying out the operation in the most inaccessible places;
- minimal level of traumatic tissue and oral cavity;
- absence of injuries to the oral and bone mucosa (edema, severe pain, heat);
- significant reduction in postoperative complications;
- high accuracy of the manipulations produced, which leads to a predictable result;
- rapid wound healing after surgical intervention.
In difficult cases, for example, such as removal of the retina (unsharpened) wisdom tooth, the ultrasound system becomes the optimal option for the operation, since application of the drill can lead to dangerous consequences in the form of a trauma to the mandibular nerve or maxillary sinuses. When access to the wisdom tooth is limited due to its long-distance position in the oral cavity, it is rather difficult to operate with rotating dental instruments. Therefore, the removal of the wisdom tooth with the help of ultrasound technique is a rational way of carrying out this kind of operations.
Wisdom tooth extraction during pregnancy
Removing the wisdom tooth in the period of bearing a child is allowed only in cases when the future mother has problems associated with eruption or abnormal tooth growth. In particular, it is severe pain, mucosal edema, fever, inflammation in the mouth and other problems.
Removal of wisdom tooth during pregnancy in the first trimester is not recommended because of possible risks to the fetus. The operation is performed only in extreme cases, when due to the violation of tooth growth symptoms of severe inflammation are observed.
In the second semester, the level of risk of a threat to the fetus is significantly reduced, therefore, if a tooth of wisdom is needed, an operation is indicated. However, in this case, one must remember the possibility of toxic effects of anesthetics on the organism of the future mother and child. If possible, it is still desirable to postpone the removal of the wisdom tooth for the postpartum period.
In the third semester of bearing a baby, the removal of wisdom tooth is possible, but again only in extreme cases, because of the risk of premature birth. During breastfeeding, there are no contraindications to manipulation to remove the wisdom tooth, however, in this case, the dentist should also use anesthetics with the lowest level of toxicity.
It should be understood that any surgical intervention, including tooth extraction, is a real stress for the human body, especially for pregnant women. Therefore, before taking a final decision on the operation, an experienced dentist carefully considers alternative means and methods. If the situation is uncritical, the extraction of the tooth is postponed for the postnatal period. Fortunately, for today there are special anesthetics developed for pregnant women. They are absolutely safe, because they can not penetrate the fetus through the placental barrier.
Wisdom tooth extraction under anesthesia
Wisdom tooth extraction can be performed under general anesthesia in cases where the tooth is completely or partially destroyed, and also if it has a complex root structure. General anesthesia enables the doctor to remove all tooth fragments unhindered without worrying about the patient feeling pain or accidentally injured by medical equipment because of sudden movements.
Removal of a wisdom tooth under anesthesia can be carried out only in professional dental clinics. In the process of such an operation, a dental surgeon, an anesthesiologist, and in some cases a competent resuscitator are usually involved.
Among the main advantages of tooth extraction under general anesthesia are the following:
- complete absence of pain and discomfort during the operation;
- preventing the patient from panic fear;
- the possibility of performing complex operations to remove the wisdom tooth;
- excluding the possibility of obtaining accidental injuries.
With the removal of the wisdom tooth of any level of complexity, general anesthesia makes it possible to carry out this procedure quickly and at the highest professional level. General anesthesia will also be the best option in the case of the need for prosthetics of the jaw, extraction of the destroyed teeth and their fragments, branched roots, curettage or scraping. After surgery, the patient may experience a feeling of discomfort, which is usually associated with tissue healing, but this process is short. Of course, before making a decision to perform an operation to remove the wisdom tooth under general anesthesia, the doctor should evaluate the physical condition of the patient: the presence of allergic reactions to any medications, as well as cardiovascular diseases or other serious conditions, a general anesthesia for which be contraindicated.
Removal of the upper wisdom tooth
Wisdom tooth extraction is a very complex operation, especially when the tooth has significant damage or destruction, as well as a twisted root. Often, when the upper and lower wisdom teeth erupt, problems arise because the process is slow and not fully completed, resulting in the tooth remaining under the mucous membrane, which is injured by solid food and causes pain to the person. If the wisdom tooth does not erupt to the end, a "crater" is formed in it, in the deepening of which food accumulates. This leads to the development of caries, as well as the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.
The removal of the upper wisdom tooth is carried out because of its carious destruction or incorrect development. Since wisdom teeth are considered atavisms, since they do not perform an essential function, it is advisable to remove them, not treat them. It should be noted that removing the top "eight" is faster and easier than the bottom one. First of all, this is due to its availability.
The operation to remove the upper wisdom tooth is under local anesthesia. Usually, the use of S-shaped forceps is sufficient for a successful procedure. However, in complex cases, surgery by a dentist is performed step by step:
- the gum is dissected;
- tooth is sawn into smaller fragments;
- parts of the tooth are carefully removed;
- The seams are superimposed on the dissected gum.
After surgery for 3-5 days, the patient may have swelling and pain, with the purpose of eliminating which pain medications are usually used.
Removing the bottom wisdom tooth
Removal of a wisdom tooth, which has problems with growth, as well as pronounced destruction, is the only correct way out. In this case, the treatment of the tooth is practically not considered. Special difficulties in removing the lower wisdom tooth creates its localization, as well as the fact that the bone of the lower jaw is much denser than the upper one. A special radiograph made before the removal procedure will help to avoid various complications during the operation. With the help of the roentgenogram, the topography of the tooth of wisdom is determined, the amount and direction of its roots, the localization of destructive foci near the damaged tooth, as well as other anatomical features. Without an X-ray, the removal operation is allowed only if the neck or strong loosening of the tooth is exposed.
Removal of the lower wisdom tooth usually occurs under regional (regional) anesthesia, because local anesthesia is ineffective in this case. Usually, the dental surgeon starts such an operation, relying on the help of a trained assistant. Initially, anesthesia is performed, and then surgical manipulations are performed to extract the lower "eight". If the tooth is hidden under the gum ("hood"), the doctor makes a cut and the opening of the gum. After that, the dental crown is released, and with the help of a straight or angled elevator the roots are removed. Coronal and horizontal forceps are also used. Then the dental surgeon "scraps" the contents of the hole left after removal of the lower wisdom tooth. The final stage of the operation is the application of stitches. With symptoms of inflammation, the doctor uses an antiseptic to wash the wound, as well as an anti-inflammatory agent for insertion into the oral cavity. The application of sutures has a beneficial effect on the healing of the wound.
Removing the wisdom hood
The removal of the wisdom tooth is caused by the appearance of serious problems with the incorrect growth of the G8. Quite often the eruption of a wisdom tooth is accompanied by an inflammation of the so-called. "Hood" (mucous membrane of the gum, partially covering the dental crown). The inflammatory process is associated with pericoronitis - the active development of infection between the surface of the erupting wisdom tooth and the hood overhanging it. In this case, the patient can complain to the doctor for swelling, puffiness and soreness of the gums, swollen lymph nodes, fever, swelling of the cheek, difficulty in swallowing.
Removing the hood of wisdom tooth is considered a conservative treatment for pericoronitis. The paramount task of the dental surgeon is to excise the hood shell in order to eliminate the zone of active multiplication of microbes. Such a surgical intervention is carried out under local anesthesia and, in fact, is a minor trauma. It includes the following stages:
- introduction of anesthetic;
- Hood excision with surgical instruments;
- thorough washing of the postoperative wound with effective antiseptics;
- drug therapy;
- repeated reception of the patient for the purpose of control examination of the postoperative wound.
After performing surgical manipulations to remove the dental hood, the patient is prescribed special rinses with an antiseptic solution (manganese, furacilin, etc.), as well as antibiotics (with intensive inflammation).
Unfortunately, it often happens that excision of the hood does not give the desired results - while the inflammatory process does not decrease. In this case, the removal of the wisdom tooth is recommended. To solve this issue thoroughly, the dentist resorts to the roentgenogram to determine with the greatest accuracy the probability of a proper growth of the wisdom tooth. Sometimes it is better to immediately use the method of tooth extraction, rather than to assign ineffective treatment to the patient.
Removal of a retreated wisdom tooth
Removing a wisdom tooth can be triggered by the impossibility of erupting it. In this case, the tooth remains inside the jawbone or partially covered by the mucous membrane. If a similar pattern is observed, then we are talking about so-called. Retinasized tooth. It happens that such a tooth, placed under the gum or jawbone, does not cause any problems and discomfort to the person. However, there are cases when the retinning tooth causes the development of various complications, in particular, inflammation in the maxillofacial apparatus. Then this anomaly requires immediate intervention of an experienced medical specialist - dentist or orthodontist.
Removing the retinas of wisdom tooth is the only correct decision if the patient is disturbed by anxious symptoms that indicate the development of inflammation: fever, discomfort, ear pain from the location of the retinas. By itself, the removal procedure is rather complicated and can take up to 3 hours in time, since the location of the tooth inside the bone interferes with its removal in the usual way. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and consists of the following stages:
- the gingival mucosa is cut;
- with the help of boron, bone tissue is drilled;
- the tooth is divided into separate fragments;
- all parts of the tooth are removed;
- in the hole (wound) is placed antiseptic;
- suturing (with a large wound);
It should be noted that the recovery process after such an operation is very painful. Patients experience severe pain when opening the mouth, they have swelling in the area of bone drilling. Of course, such consequences are quite normal. With intense pain, the doctor prescribes anesthetics to the patient. In general, the rehabilitation period usually takes up to 5 days.
Removing the root of wisdom tooth
Removing the wisdom tooth can be complicated by a curved root system that interferes with the operation. When the dental crown is in view, the dentist can more easily locate the roots and perform the removal. But if the wisdom tooth is completely destroyed, then it is almost impossible to assess its condition without an x-ray. In this case, only an X-ray image will allow to determine the exact location of the tooth, to study the shape of its roots, to find out the features of the structure of the hole, its thickness and density.
Removing the root of a wisdom tooth without exaggeration is one of the most unpleasant manipulations in dental practice. The complexity of this procedure depends both on the size of the tooth root and its branching, as well as on the abnormal changes in the surrounding tissues. In any case, only a highly qualified specialist should perform such an operation.
Of course, before starting the procedure to remove the root of the wisdom tooth, the patient is injected with an anesthetic. The high accuracy of the dose determination of the preparation allows to maintain the anesthetic effect throughout the operation. An important factor in the successful conduct of the removal procedure is the choice of surgical instruments. With the help of modern elevators and forceps, which work on the principle of "lever", greatly increasing the load, you can quickly remove not only the teeth, but also deeply located roots. To prevent the development of complications in the postoperative period, the patient must perform all the doctor's prescriptions to prevent infection or inflammation.
Removing the rudiments of wisdom teeth
Wisdom tooth extraction sometimes occurs when the tooth has not yet erupted, but there are already problems with its growth, which can have a significant negative impact on the normal development of the occlusion.
Removal of the rudiments of wisdom teeth is shown to a person when, due to violations of tooth development, various orthodontic problems arise. The most optimal for this procedure is the age from 13 to 16 years. However, the operation of this operation is allowed in older people, if their wisdom teeth have not yet erupted. Most often, the rudiments of the "eights", located on the lower jaw, are removed. The resulting crowding of teeth is expressed more strongly than on the upper jaw.
Indications for the operation to remove the rudiments of the "eights" are the following:
- pathology in the eruption and normal development of wisdom teeth;
- various complications due to delayed eruption of the eights: the formation of bone pockets, the development of cysts, as well as the destruction of hard tissues, etc .;
- preventive measures aimed at preventing inflammation and various complications, accompanied by a difficult eruption of the "eights";
- preparation of the patient for the operation on the face;
- prevention of recurrent jaw pathologies.
Removing the rudiments of wisdom teeth is a rather complicated dental operation that requires special conditions, therefore it is performed strictly in the hospital in order to avoid postoperative complications.
Removing the Wrecked Wisdom Teeth
Removal of a wisdom tooth is recommended in those cases when its eruption causes a number of complications. Sometimes "third molars" (the so-called wisdom teeth in medical terminology) appear "born" already destroyed. In this situation, removal of the tooth is inevitable, since the infection can quickly penetrate the inside of the tooth canal and cause a serious complication called "periodontitis". Symptoms of the development of this disease are severe pain in the tooth, giving into the ear and spreading throughout the jaw. Removal of the destroyed wisdom tooth in this case must be carried out as soon as possible so that the infection does not cause conditions that are dangerous for human life.
Sometimes the inflammatory process that occurs in the tooth can have a chronic form, i.e. The wisdom tooth may look destroyed, but it does not hurt. However, at any time, exacerbations are possible: on the background of a decrease in immunity or the development of the common cold, the destroyed wisdom tooth will bring a lot of problems to a person. In addition, it is a constant source of the spread of chronic infection throughout the body. Therefore, a tooth decayed by tooth decay is recommended to be removed in any case, and it should be done as soon as possible.
Removal of an unsharpened wisdom tooth
Removing the wisdom tooth makes sense if the tooth began to disturb the person, causing severe pain, causing discomfort during chewing, and also delivering many other unpleasant sensations. Very often there is a problem with the eruption of the "eight" because there is not enough space in the dental arch for the normal growth of the wisdom tooth. In this case, an unbroken wisdom tooth is recommended to be removed as early as possible in order to avoid the development of various complications, in particular, serious infectious and inflammatory processes in the maxillofacial area.
Removing an unbroken wisdom tooth is a very important procedure. The complexity of the operation is due to the immersion of the tooth in hard bone tissues. The deeper the disjointed tooth is, the more difficult it is to remove. Basically the process of removing such a tooth occurs as follows.
- Before the operation, the patient receives adequate anesthesia.
- The dentist makes a cut in the mucosa in the area of the tooth.
- The upper part of the bone tissue of the "eight" is removed.
- Using special medical instruments (elevators), the doctor separates the wisdom tooth from the surrounding tissues and dislocates it from the hole.
- After the extraction of the unsharpened wisdom tooth, the suture is superimposed on the postoperative wound.
Sometimes after carrying out a similar operation of wisdom, the following symptoms can be observed in patients:
- pain syndrome;
- difficulty chewing and opening the mouth;
- edematous tissue around the socket of the removed tooth;
- alveolitis (inflammation of the socket of the removed tooth);
- Bleeding, infection of the well, etc.
Possible postoperative complications occur in approximately 2% of the cases. Patients who have decreased immunity, it is necessary to start taking antibacterial drugs in advance, which would reduce the risk of postoperative complications.
Removing a dystopic wisdom tooth
Removal of a wisdom tooth is shown in the event that there are problems with its development and eruption. In dental practice, there are often cases where the wisdom tooth grows abnormally, can not completely erupt, or its location in the oral cavity is incorrect. In this case we are talking about so-called. "Dystopic" (anomalously growing) wisdom tooth. Such complications are usually associated with the fact that wisdom teeth erupt in the last place, and often they simply do not have enough space in the arc.
Removal of a dystopic wisdom tooth is associated with the difficulty of its eruption due to the already formed bone tissue. At the first symptoms of inflammation as a result of the eruption of the "eight" it is necessary to consult a dentist, since the removal in this case must be carried out immediately.
The procedure for removal begins with anesthesia. Then the dental surgeon dissects the mucosa to gain access to the tooth. Sometimes it is necessary to saw a tooth on separate parts to qualitatively extract all fragments. After tooth extraction, antiseptic treatment of the postoperative wound is performed, and seams are applied.
After removing the dystopic wisdom tooth, the patient is not advised to eat and drink for several hours. It is necessary to carefully monitor the healing process of the wound, especially when a blood clot forms in the hole, which performs protective functions and is very important for tightening the wound.
Recommendations after removal of a tooth of wisdom
Removal of the wisdom tooth requires the implementation of medical recommendations aimed at the early healing of the wound and recovery of the body after the transferred stress.
Below are the main recommendations after the removal of the wisdom tooth:
- A cotton wool swab applied to the socket of the removed tooth after surgery to stop bleeding should be kept for at least 20 minutes.
- After operation it is not recommended to eat food for 3 hours; Also it is forbidden to smoke and take alcohol.
- In case of severe pain, it is recommended to take an anesthetic drug, after consulting with a doctor.
- To reduce bleeding and prevent edema, it is possible to apply cold on the cheek from the side of the removed tooth.
- To avoid infection of the wound and the development of the inflammatory process, on the second day after the operation to remove the tooth, rinse the mouth with a solution of antiseptics (as directed by the doctor).
- The patient should reduce physical exertion, which can provoke the bleeding of the socket.
- In the diet should be present soft food to avoid re-injury of the wound.
- It is necessary to avoid touching the language of the postoperative wound, as any movements can damage the blood clot formed in the hole for the fastest healing of the wound.
- It is not recommended to brush your teeth in the first days after tooth extraction to prevent additional damage to injured soft tissues.
- Sleep and rest should be on a high pillow to reduce the flow of blood to the head and thereby reduce the risk of edema.
Wisdom tooth removal price
Removing the wisdom tooth in our time - the procedure is not cheap, but you can only talk about the exact cost of the operation in each specific case. Undoubtedly, the price for this kind of operation directly depends on the price policy of the dental clinic.
The price of removing the wisdom tooth depends, first of all, on the complexity of the procedure. If we are talking about a simple removal, then its average cost is 200 UAH. Usually the range of the cost of the operation does not include the amount of payments related to the choice of anesthesia, X-rays, additional medications. The cost of surgery to remove depends also on the location of the wisdom tooth, its condition (whole, damaged), proximity to the nerves and surrounding teeth. Usually the cost of removing the retinas is much higher than the cut.
For a complex extraction of the wisdom tooth, more time and effort is required. In addition, such an operation is often accompanied by complex medical manipulations: drilling out bone tissue and stitching on the postoperative wound. To find out the price of an operation to remove the G-8, it is best to consult a dentist who will conduct a professional examination of the oral cavity.
Reviews about the removal of wisdom tooth
The question of removing the wisdom tooth sooner or later will affect almost everyone, especially if it has problems with incorrect growth and the location of the G-8.
Removing a wisdom tooth is a procedure that requires a person to prepare for the operation, a positive internal attitude, and knowledge of some issues related to this surgical intervention. For the patient, a preliminary consultation of a qualified dentist will be very helpful, which will answer all questions of interest to the client and explain the course of the operation. If, after talking with the dentist, a person still has doubts about the decision to go for such a complicated and unpleasant operation, it is not superfluous to get acquainted with the feedback of clients of a dental clinic.
Reviews about the removal of the wisdom tooth can really help a person who has such an important operation. At different Internet forums, as well as websites of dental institutions, people share their problems, impressions, experiences, issues related to the removal of the wisdom tooth. Positive feedback, of course, depends on the professionalism and qualifications of the dental surgeon, as well as the authority of the dental clinic. Feedback from former patients on the course of the operation, the types of anesthesia, the complications of the postoperative period, the peculiarities of wound care - all this information will be very useful to those who are going to a dentist to decide on the treatment or removal of so-called. "The third molar."
Removing the wisdom tooth is not an easy operation, therefore, before deciding on this important and serious step, you should find an experienced and competent specialist who will do everything right, at the highest professional level. Feedback forum users will help to find a suitable clinic and even a doctor who enjoys credibility in this or that city.