Odor of feces from the mouth
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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An unpleasant smell from the mouth is a symptom signaling the presence of any health problem. Has a great influence on the quality of life, especially in the social sphere. An unpleasant odor can be so pronounced that it will make it almost impossible to communicate with people at close range. The smell can range from simply "stale breath" to the fetid smell of stool from the mouth.
Causes of the odor of stool from the mouth
With a systematic overeating, eating food with a specific flavor (wild garlic, garlic, onions), often there is an unpleasant smell from the mouth. But if after a few days the smell is still there, then perhaps this is a symptom of the disease, the treatment of which should begin as soon as possible. The most common causes, due to which the presence of odor from the mouth can be felt:
- Gastrointestinal diseases;
- pathologies and chronic infections of the nasopharynx or upper respiratory tract;
- tuberculosis;
- dental problems (caries, gingivitis, periodontitis, etc.);
- disorders in the work of glands producing salivary fluid;
- when the microbiological balance in the oral cavity is changed and the fungus flora is attached (dysbiosis, aphthous stomatitis);
- bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking).
Symptoms of the odor of stool from the mouth
The smell of stool from the mouth of the child
The smell of stool from the mouth of the child basically indicates the nasopharyngeal diseases, less often about serious diseases of the digestive tract, excretory, respiratory systems or other organs. In the chronic course of the disease, the accumulation of toxic substances takes place in the bloodstream. They are not removed from the body in a natural way (through the bile excretory or urinary system), but enter the respiratory system. Through it leave the body, giving the exhaled air the appropriate odor.
Medications (antibiotics and hormones), spicy dishes can cause serious miasma from the mouth. After stopping medication or piquant food, the odor disappears in about a day.
The most common cause of stool odor in children is the rapid growth of putrefactive bacteria in the oral cavity.
Conditionally pathogenic flora in a small amount is always present on the mucous membrane of the mouth. In some circumstances (a decrease in saliva secretion, errors associated with hygienic cleaning of teeth, problems with teeth, gums, tonsils, etc.), pathogenic bacteria and yeast fungi begin to multiply intensively. Throughout their life, they produce volatile organic sulfur compounds that have a specific odor.
Plaque in the tongue, purulent and mucous formations on the adenoids and tonsils create a good environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria.
Saliva promotes the elution of pathogenic bacteria, the destruction of their membranes by myramidase and interferon. If the child lacks salivary fluid is pronounced and dryness in the mouth appears, then this is also a provoking factor for the propagation of pathogenic bacterial microflora.
At the child of the reason provoking a unpleasant smell from a mouth the following:
- caries,
- periodontitis;
- inflammatory processes in the mouth;
- tonsillitis, adenoiditis;
- decreased salivation;
- improper oral care.
When an unpleasant smell is detected in a child, it is advisable to pay attention to the condition of the teeth and gums, as well as the presence of diseases. Inspection of the oral cavity can be done independently. For more accurate diagnosis and therapy, you should contact your dentist. To exclude the disease of the nasopharynx, it is advisable to contact the otolaryngologist or pediatrician.
If pathologies are not revealed, then close attention should be paid to how well the child performs hygiene procedures of the oral cavity. You may need to adjust the diet and determine the diet.
It is necessary to remember:
Food containing a large amount of protein (meat, milk products) contributes to an increased concentration of sulfur compounds, which causes stale breath.
Drinks with a lot of sugar and caffeine, getting into the body, create a favorable background for the development of pathogenic bacteria.
Baking and sweet dishes a favor the formation of a plaque in the mouth.
Raw vegetables and fruits, containing large amounts of fiber and requiring thorough chewing, clean the mouth, increase the secretion of saliva and create an unfavorable level of acidity for pathogens.
In children of the first year of life who are on artificial feeding, improper dilution of milk formulas can lead to stale breathing.
According to the research, the majority of pathogenic cultures live in the dentogingival space. It is recommended to thoroughly (morning and evening) clean the root of the tongue, not just the teeth and gums. After you finish eating, you should rinse your mouth thoroughly.
The mouthwash with hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon 3% solution per half a cup of water) reduces the harmful effects of bacteria in the mouth. This procedure can be carried out for children aged from three years.
Increased growth and development of bacteria can contribute to the lack of salivation salivary glands.
Stimulate the amount of secreted saliva can be as follows:
- Use enough fluid volume according to age.
- Maintain a cool and humid air in the room where the child is.
- To increase salivation is recommended several times a day, keep a piece of lemon in your mouth, drink acidified water or cool tea.
- To increase the saliva saliva will benefit the chewing gum, of course, in reasonable quantities.
Odor of stool from the mouth with dysbiosis
The smell of stool from the mouth can appear due to such diseases: dysbacteriosis, gastrointestinal neurosis, intestinal obstruction.
Dysbacteriosis is a violation of the balance of the intestinal microflora. Instead of lactic-acid bacteria, it is populated with pathogenic bacteria in large quantities - intestinal and pseudomonas aeruginosa, as well as pathogenic staphylococci. They inhibit the development of useful microflora, cause hypo- and autonomic disease, impaired absorption of micro- and macroelements, weaken the defenses of the body. In the dysbiosis of the intestine, milk-acid products, cereals, boiled meat and fish are shown. Neuroses of the stomach, as a rule, are caused by stressful situations, nervousness, irrational nutrition and untimely food intake. Disturbances are manifested by burning and cramping pains in the abdomen. The most effective treatment of such neurological disorders is full sleep, refusal of tonic drinks, healthy and timely nutrition.
Diagnostics of the odor of stool from the mouth
Often people can not understand that they have bad breath, simply because they do not feel it because of addiction. There are a number of methods that will help determine the presence of bad breath:
- The most reliable method is the use of a special device that detects chemicals that cause odor from the mouth;
- Exhalation in the palm of your hand;
- The use of dental floss (after cleaning the dental spaces to smelt the floss);
- Opinion of family and friends about the exhaled odor;
- Plaque on the tongue.
Complaints from patients on not very pleasant smell from the mouth should be treated with a bit of irony, especially if they are based solely on their observations. The weighty arguments are the stories of the patients for direct reproaches about their unpleasant breath from the surrounding people.
It is necessary to clarify the systematic nature of the appearance of an unpleasant odor (occurring sporadically or permanently). Find out the reasons for the smell of stool from the mouth - it feels right after waking up and soon disappears; breathing refreshes after eating; smell, which appeared with the beginning of taking medications.
It is necessary to test the smell of the gas mixture, on exhalation. In the absence of an odor, we can say that the patient, most likely, pseudohalitosis (halitophobia). If you feel a tangible smell, you need to study the chemical composition and intensity estimates.
Halitox test (ALT, Inc). This test has the ability to analyze the plaque of the tongue for the presence of substances that cause odor of stool from the mouth - volatile sulfur compounds (LSS) and polyamines. To carry out the test, you will need: a vial with a special medium, indicators, a sterile applicator with a cotton tip. The study is recommended to be conducted 4 hours after the last meal. The material for the study is taken by the applicator from the middle third of the tongue. Place it in a hermetically sealed tube to prevent loss of the LSS. After 120 seconds, a color assessment of the change in the medium in the test tube begins. In the case of the presence of LSS, the previously colorless medium acquires a hazy, yellowish-brown hue. The more toxic compounds, the darker the color.
Instrumental diagnostics
Instrumental diagnostics of odor of feces from the mouth in the laboratory includes various methods and apparatus studies for assessing odor strength.
Before the testing, it is necessary to eliminate the temporary or controlled causes of bad breath (food, medicines, tobacco, etc.), but with the preservation of the natural biotopes of the oral cavity, which are associated with halitosis (plaque in the tongue, teeth, etc.). In the exhaled gas mixture, random changes in the concentration of volatile compounds are often encountered, then repeated tests are performed several times.
Organoleptic odor test for exhaled air. With the help of this method, experts can assess the air odor on the exhalation of the patient. In carrying out the test, the patient and the laboratory technician must meet certain requirements in order to obtain a reliable result.
The advantage of the organoleptic test is that it provides a comprehensive view of the smell of exhaled air. In the opinion of the majority of specialists, this method is considered the main method in diagnosing halitosis. This method does not require expensive equipment or special diagnostic equipment, so it is widely used in practice. The disadvantages of testing are: negative attitude of patients and subjectivity of the result (the accuracy of the assessment of odor strength in many respects depends on the smell of the specialist, the environmental conditions - humidity, air temperature in the room, etc.).
Sulfide monitoring. To perform it, you need a special electrochemical gas sensor equipment that catches the presence of hydrogen sulphide. The device is connected to the recording device, which produces a graphic result - a halogram.
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry gives a detailed idea of the amounts of LSS in the gas mixture on the exhalation, catching the smallest concentrations. The significant disadvantage of this method is its high price.
An artificial "nose" is an apparatus that consists of electrochemical sensors and includes an automated computer-controlled complex. The indicators have a sufficiently strong "sensitivity" to the concentration of LSS in the exhaled air.
To determine the causes of halitosis is informative is the analysis of saliva on the LSS. A natural fluid from the oral cavity is needed - fresh and incubated under anaerobic conditions with a temperature of 37 ° C for 3-6 hours. In studies with pre-incubation of saliva, more accurate indications are obtained than with the use of fresh salivary fluid.
Analysis of saliva and plaque makes it possible to evaluate the efficacy of therapy and prophylaxis to eliminate the odor of stool from the mouth.
What do need to examine?
Differential diagnosis
Of great importance in differential diagnosis is the distinction of halitosis (oral and extraoral). If an unpleasant odor is noted during oral exhalation, and the nasal air is clean, then the conclusion is that the odor is localized in the oral cavity.
If, during testing, the extraoral odor origin was confirmed, the patient is advised to consult the appropriate specialists.
When establishing an oral halitosis, it is required to ascertain its nature, whether associated with physiological or pathological processes. In the differential diagnosis of extraoral and oral halitosis, a hardware determination of the chemical composition of the exhaled air is used.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the odor of stool from the mouth
From what caused the smell of stool from the mouth and the therapy of this unpleasant symptom will depend. Any diagnosed diseases require consultation and treatment, from the appropriate specialists. Eliminating the main causes and curing the malodorous disease, it is necessary to restore healthy microflora of the oral cavity.
If the source of halitosis is only the oral cavity, then it is necessary to eliminate the causes of its occurrence in the shortest possible time and undergo a professional oral cleansing course.
Reduction of the activity of pathogenic microflora is possible with the use of antiseptic substances made from chemical or natural ingredients.
Elixirs for rinsing the oral cavity eliminate for some time the smell of stool from the mouth in the case of combination with a toothbrush and floss.
Rinsers are affected by active ingredients that help eliminate bacteria and neutralize the products of their vital functions. This property is provided to elixirs by the following substances:
- chlorine dioxide, having an oxidizing effect, reduces the number of bacteria in the oral cavity;
- zinc - inhibits the production of sulfur compounds by bacteria, reduces their concentration;
- Triclosan - helps suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the mouth.
Elixirs for oral rinsing, lozenges, tablets, sprays, chewing gums are not effective in combating bad breath, when used as the only independent means in the fight against halitosis. Compulsory to use a set of measures to eliminate the smell of stool from the mouth.
The above-mentioned drugs have a stimulating effect on the secretion of the salivary glands. Saliva cleans the oral cavity of the pathogenic flora and products of its vital activity, refreshing the breath. Mint candies and tablets contain surfactants that destroy the presence of sulfur compounds for a short time.
Antibacterial toothpaste. The spread of bacteria in the mouth, causing an unpleasant smell, prevents toothpastes containing substances with antibacterial effect. Particular attention should be paid to cleaning the tongue - it also contains a large number of bacteria that are the source of halitosis.
Alternative treatment
If a person is constantly haunted by the smell of stool from the mouth, using alternative means can make it less pronounced. In the presence of halitosis, you should still consult a doctor to exclude pathologies requiring treatment.
Rinse with vegetable oil. In the morning on an empty stomach, rinse your mouth with unrefined vegetable oil (1 teaspoon). The duration of the procedure is 8-10 minutes. Then rinse your mouth with water and brush your teeth in the usual way. Repeat for 2-4 weeks each day.
Rinse with oak bark. 2 tablespoons of the crushed oak bark pour 1 cup boiling water, cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour, insist 10 minutes and strain. Use a decoction for mouthwash should be at least 3-5 times during the day.
To remove the odor arising when eating food with a specific flavor, you can chew for several minutes, the core of the walnut, the root of parsley or coffee beans.
Tincture of St. John's wort for oral intake. 1 tablespoon herb St. John's wort is poured ½ liter of vodka, insists a week in a dark place, with a closed lid, then filtered. 40 drops of the tincture is diluted with 1 glass of water. The reception is divided into morning and evening, for seven days.
Studies have established that the magnolia bark also effectively eliminates pathogenic bacteria in the mouth, which cause an unpleasant odor.
Freshness of breath in any situation will give a raw apple.
Treatment of the odor of feces from herbs
It is recommended rinsing the mouth with the use of herbal infusions.
Hamomelis - three tablespoons of flowers pour a cup (250 ml) of boiling water, insist for an hour, then strain and rinse your mouth.
Peppermint - in 0,5 liters of boiling water to fill 1 tablespoon of dry leaves of mint or a handful of fresh mint leaves, insist for an hour to filter and rinse the mouth.
Wormwood - pour a glass of boiling water two teaspoons of Artemisia to insist 20 minutes, strain and use to rinse your mouth.
Elixir of chamomile and sage. Mix in equal amounts of dried chamomile flowers and sage leaves. Take 1 tablespoon mixture pour 1/2 cup of boiling water, insist half an hour, strain. With a warm infusion, rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth and eating.
When the smell of stool from the mouth appears, the following drugs will be useful:
Nux vomica - in the presence of an unpleasant morning smell with overeating, flatulence, constipation. Recommended 6-8 granules or drops 3-4 times a day, the last reception for half an hour before bedtime.
Sulfur - helps patients suffering from flatulence, nausea, heartburn. Take 6-8 granules or drops 2 times a day.
Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni - used in the presence of gum disease, language, a feeling of intense thirst; bad breath from the mouth. The drug is prescribed in the presence of symptoms by a homeopathic doctor.
The main preventive measure that prevents bad breath is compliance with the rules of personal oral hygiene. It is necessary to clean the teeth, tongue, inner surface of the cheeks. Interdental spaces must be cleaned with floss.
Nutrition is an important element in preventing unpleasant odor from the oral cavity. In the diet must necessarily be present fruits, vegetables, foods rich in fiber.
Regular visits to specialists of a narrow profile who will be able to notice the initial stage of the disease of internal organs are one of the significant prevention factors preventing odor of stool from the mouth.