What can I do with bronchitis and what can not be done: question-answer
Last reviewed: 20.10.2021

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Bronchitis people get sick very often, and an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane that covers the bronchi leads to a strong cough.
Inflammation of the bronchi has various causes and can become chronic, so you should know what you can do with bronchitis and what can not.
But first we want to remind you that in clinical pulmonology we distinguish between bronchitis: acute and chronic; infectious (bacterial, viral, mixed) and inhalation (that is, arising from the effects on bronchial chemicals);
Catarrhal and purulent; with obstruction of the lungs (violation of ventilation) and non-obstructive.
In addition, in the chronic form of the disease, a significant proportion of patients are diagnosed with asthmatic or allergic bronchitis, as well as bronchitis in bronchial asthma. Therefore, giving medical advice and imposing certain restrictions, doctors take into account the etiology of bronchial inflammation and the clinical features of its manifestation. And in this regard, patients have many questions ...
- Question: Is it possible to walk outside in bronchitis?
If a patient of any age has an acute infectious bronchitis with an increase in body temperature, then before normalizing the temperature indexes from walks should be discarded. When chronic form of the disease you need to walk - when you feel well and weather conditions. An exception may be allergic bronchitis and the presence of allergies to pollen of plants: during the season of their flowering walks are recommended to limit.
By the way, as to whether you need to reduce the temperature with bronchitis. The temperature below + 38 ° C is not knocked down, so as not to reduce the production of endogenous interferons that stimulate immunity, suppress the viral infection in the body and release it from infected cells.
Is it possible to walk in winter with bronchitis? It is possible (under the conditions already listed), but only not in case of severe frost: when on the street -8 ° С and below, with bronchitis it's better to stay at home - warm. Read more - Walking with bronchitis: benefit or harm
- Question: Is it possible to steam in a bath with bronchitis? Is it also possible for bronchitis in a sauna?
Even a slight increase in body temperature or a cough with a pus in the sputum (with possible bronchiectasis) are contraindications to visiting a bath or sauna. Also, one must take into account the presence of pathologies in which people can not conduct bath procedures at all: severe heart failure, hypertension, nephritis, concrements in the kidney or bladder, hepatitis, oncology, mental illness, etc.
Nevertheless, with the expansion of the blood vessels promoted by the sauna and sauna, there is a more complete opening of the thinnest branches of the bronchi (bronchioles) and purification of their lumens from mucosal exudate; breathing becomes deeper, the intensity of the cough decreases, and wheezing occurs. So in the absence of contraindications to breathe hot steam in the bath is useful.
On related issues - whether it is possible to wash with bronchitis and whether it is possible to take a bath with bronchitis - doctors give a positive response under the condition of normal body temperature. But in any case, the water should not be very hot (+ 40-42 ° C), and the duration of the bath is limited (no more than 10-15 minutes).
- Question: Is it possible to go to the pool with bronchitis?
It is unlikely that anyone will come to mind to go to the pool with a temperature and a cough ... Remember that when hypothermia (considering that the water in the pools is not higher than + 18 ° C), the blood vessels narrow, tissues get less oxygen, and many organs cardiovascular and the respiratory system function under stress.
In general, swimming in the basin will have to be postponed until recovery or remission in the chronic form of bronchitis.
- Question: Is it possible to exercise in bronchitis? And also - can I run around with bronchitis?
To go in for sports or go to the gym with acute bronchitis or exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease, of course, it is impossible: the body during an illness is overloading the body. In addition, swing the press or run with a cough and shortness of breath is almost impossible. Therefore, avoid running, swimming, riding a bicycle and other sports activities associated with a load on the respiratory system.
- Question: Is it possible to drink alcohol with bronchitis?
This question has three "sub-points": can I drink vodka with bronchitis, can I drink wine with bronchitis, and can I drink beer with bronchitis?
At the domestic medicine the answer is unequivocal - it is impossible. However, the categorical nature of this claim is trying to refute the research that has been conducted in the West for many years. Volatility facilitates the movement of alcohol from the bronchial circulation - through the epithelium of the respiratory tract - into the lungs, and its effect on the functions of the respiratory tract depends on the concentration and duration.
It has been established that small amounts of alcohol during short-term exposure can enhance purification of ciliary ciliary epithelium of the respiratory tract (mucociliary clearance), and stimulation of smooth respiratory muscles leads to enlarged bronchial lumens (bronchodilation).
It is believed that these factors somewhat weaken the damage of the airways in bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). But prolonged exposure to large doses of alcohol inhibits mucociliary clearance, since alcoholic metabolites reduce the sensitivity of ciliary epithelium. So that any alcohol in large quantities acts as a trigger for exacerbation of respiratory diseases.
- Question: Can I smoke with bronchitis? Is it possible to smoke a hookah for bronchitis?
Do not smoke at all! And try to stay away from smokers: nicotine and several hundred other chemical compounds contained in cigarette smoke not only damage the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract, but also negatively affects the secretory cells of the bronchial tree producing protective mucus.
In addition, pyridine tobacco alkaloid nicotine has a depressing effect on the respiratory center of the medulla oblongata.
- Question: Is it possible to drink Tabex with bronchitis?
Tabex - a remedy for the treatment of nicotine addiction - contains in its composition an alkaloid cytisine, which is an N-cholinomimetic, that is, it reflexively stimulates receptors sensitive to nicotine and thus has an exciting effect on the respiratory center. Simultaneously, the adrenal glands secrete more adrenaline into the bloodstream with an increase in blood pressure.
Take Tabex with bronchitis and bronchial asthma is not recommended, because this drug first briefly increases the activity of n-cholinergic receptors, and then acts on respiration is depressing.
- Question: Do you need antibiotics for bronchitis? And can you do without antibiotics for bronchitis?
In fact, inflammation of the bronchi in most cases is due to a viral infection, so antibiotics do not work with bronchitis. Doctors prescribe them for preventive purposes: bronchitis may be secondary and develop due to bacterial infections of the paranasal sinuses (parasal sinuses).
And when you can not do without antibacterial drugs, read in a special material - Antibiotics for bronchitis
- Question: Do inhalations help with bronchitis? Can I breathe a potato with bronchitis?
Help - if cough with bronchitis is dry, and the bronchitis itself is not asthmatic. For inhalations use a salt or soda solution, decoctions of pine needles, eucalyptus and sage leaves, thyme grass, etc. In more detail - how to do inhalations with bronchitis at home
Breathing pairs of potatoes cooked in the skin is beneficial for a runny nose: the salt in the potato peel is alkaline and helps liquefy the mucus that accumulates in the nasal cavity. If you breathe deeply over the potatoes with your mouth, the bronchial mucus also becomes more fluid and easier to clear your throat. But it should be borne in mind that at an elevated temperature and in case of an allergic etiology of cough, such inhalations can not be done.
- Question: Is it possible to breathe a nebulizer with bronchitis?
The use of a nebulizer that gives a finely dispersed cloud of a drug solution, which is easier to get into the bronchi, is considered a physiotherapeutic method of choice in the treatment of bronchitis. Full information in the article - Nebulizer with bronchitis
- Question: Can Pulmicort be used for bronchitis?
Pulmicort - synthetic corticosteroid busedonide - used in the treatment of asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma and COPD; the drug helps to reduce the swelling of the bronchi.
Pulmicort in the form of a suspension is designed for inhalation with a nebulizer, and in the form of a powder - for use through inhalation devices with dispensers.
In chronic allergic bronchitis with the help of inhalations also apply Ventolin and Atrovent.
- Question: Can I soar my feet with bronchitis?
If the body temperature is normal, you can soar your legs with bronchitis. More information on ancillary methods for fighting cough - Treatment of bronchitis at home
- Question: Is it possible to warm the chest and back with bronchitis?
Since the heating can be carried out in different ways, the relevant sub-items are also singled out in this question: 1) Is it possible to do trituration with bronchitis? 2) Is it possible to do a compress with bronchitis? 3) Is it possible to put mustard plasters in bronchitis?
With bronchitis, the chest and back can be warmed when the temperature is normal and the cough is dry. It can be rubbing the chest or back (in the area of the scapula) with vodka, camphor, turpentine or menthol ointments: the flow of blood into the lungs expands the capillaries, improves the supply of oxygen and trophic tissue, and activates the immune cells.
Similarly, the effect of compresses using heated vegetable and animal fats. And if you are interested in whether badger fat helps with bronchitis, then for compresses and grindings with the same success, you can use a vegetable oil heated on a water bath and melted for a couple goats or goose fat.
And the full information on mustard plasters (when and how to put them) you will find in the publication - Gorchichniki with bronchitis
It should also be noted that the absolute contraindication to the use of all heating procedures is the obstructive form of bronchitis and the expectoration of thick muco-purulent sputum (yellow or greenish).
- Question: Is it possible to smear Dr. Mom with bronchitis?
Locally irritating ointment Dr Mom, according to the instructions, is intended for symptomatic treatment of acute respiratory disease with a runny nose and nasal congestion; muscle aches and headaches. In the composition of the ointment: camphor, menthol, nutmeg and eucalyptus oil, turpentine and thymol. With a cold, the product should be applied to the wings of the nose, with a headache - to the skin of the temples. The manufacturer recommends using this ointment, we quote, "for the removal of cold symptoms and ARD - to relieve the common cold and cough." But this product should not be used for children under two years of age.
Note: a child older than this age can inhale menthol and camphor (when Dr. Mom is applied to the chest), which can lead to increased cough and reflex respiratory depression.
- Question: Is it possible to put cans in bronchitis?
An exhaustive answer is given in the publication - Banks on the back for the treatment of bronchitis
- Question: Is it possible to do a massage with bronchitis?
With bronchitis, you can do a therapeutic massage (drainage, vibration, vacuum), which helps to alleviate the condition, helping to relieve spasms of the respiratory muscles easier to cough up phlegm.
However, such a massage can not be done at elevated temperature, acute form of bronchitis, high blood pressure, dermatological diseases. Read more - Massage with bronchitis in adults and children
- Question: Is it possible for Muciltin in bronchitis?
Muciltin tablets refer to expectorant drugs, in their composition - dry extract of the althaea root, sodium hydrogen carbonate and tartaric acid. The drug is recommended for use in the presence of viscous sputum, which is difficult to cough. Single dose - two 50 mg tablets (before meals), daily - six tablets (300 mg). Mukaltin is contraindicated in cases of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
Also read - Expectorants for bronchitis
- Question: Is it possible to sinecode with bronchitis?
Syrup and drops from cough Sinekod (Butamirat) should be prescribed by a doctor if the patient has a severe dry cough with bronchitis.
This drug acts directly on the cough center of the brain, relieving spasms of the bronchi. Among its contraindications is the first trimester of pregnancy, the period of breastfeeding and children's age (for drops - up to two months, for syrup - up to three years).
- Question: Is it possible to drink ATSTS with bronchitis?
ATSTS (Acestin, Mukoneks and other trade names) - granules for the preparation of solution and effervescent water-soluble tablets - refers to mucolytics (bronchodilators), that is, helps to dilute thick sputum.
It can be taken from the age of two, and contraindications include gastric ulcer, bleeding in the lungs, hepatitis and kidney failure.
Useful information in the article - Pills from bronchitis
- Question: Can honey be treated with bronchitis?
With bronchitis it is useful to add honey to regular tea and herbal teas from cough, but only in the absence of allergies to this beekeeping product. Therefore, doctors do not recommend using honey for patients with allergic bronchitis.
- Question: Is milk possible with bronchitis?
By tradition, when coughing, it is customary to drink hot milk with the addition of butter and honey, but this remedy is from inflammation of the throat and throat. Milk does not help coughing up phlegm, on the contrary, it, like other dairy products, promotes the formation of mucus.
Therefore, it is better to drink herbal teas and throughout the day to consume a lot of water: it helps to reduce the formation of mucus in the inflamed bronchi.
- Question: Is the onion effective in treating bronchitis?
The list of the most effective home remedies for cough includes onions, the phytoncides of which have a bactericidal effect on respiratory tract infections. Onion juice can be successfully treated cough with bronchitis - viral and bacterial.
To prepare the juice, it is necessary to finely chop the onion, put in a jar, fill it with sugar (100 grams of onion 80-90 g of sugar), close the lid and leave it at room temperature for 10-12 hours. During this time, the onion will release juice, ready for use when coughing. Children under five are given a teaspoon or a dessert spoonful of juice three times a day, adults can take 1-2 tablespoons.
By the way, the onion can be replaced with a grated black radish.
- Question: Is it possible to drink sage in bronchitis?
Gargling with throat broths of sage medicinal leaves (Salvia officinalis) helps relieve pain and inflammation in pharyngitis and tonsillitis. But this plant, containing a derivative of kumaric acid esculetin, is not part of the chemist's nursing fees, since it can strengthen the cough by stimulating the reduction of the vascular walls and respiratory muscles.
- Question: Is it possible to have lemon in bronchitis?
Lemon contains vitamin C, which is necessary for infectious diseases, so tea with lemon, a decoction of berries with lemon, will undoubtedly be useful for coughing. Since bronchitis usually begins as a cold, use vitamin C - 4 g per day - to solve the problem before it becomes bronchitis.
- Question: Is ice cream available for bronchitis?
In acute bronchitis, doctors do not recommend eating heavily chilled drinks and eating ice cream.
- Question: Can sunflower seeds be used for bronchitis?
There is no single answer to this question. On the one hand, the seeds are difficult to digest and "distract" the body for digestion - instead of fighting infection.
On the other hand, sunflower seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, and pumpkin seeds - with amino acids arginine and leucine, which accelerate the process of regeneration of mucous tissues damaged by inflammation.
- Question: Is it possible to do Manta in bronchitis?
Conducting routine vaccination, as well as tuberculin test Mantoux is carried out only in the absence of ARI and respiratory diseases.
- Question: Can I have sex with bronchitis?
Bronchitis is not a contraindication for coitus, if the condition of sexual partners is not complicated by fever, weakness or difficulty breathing in obstructive form of bronchial inflammation.
- Question: Can I breast-feed with bronchitis?
Breastfeeding may be temporarily suspended if a breastfeeding woman is prescribed bronchitis for antibiotics that enter breast milk.
- Question: Do people with disabilities have bronchitis?
In the Instruction on the establishment of disability groups (approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 561 of 05.09.2011), bronchitis is not listed in the list of diseases in the presence of which a disability can be established. However, in accordance with paragraph 3.2.7., The right to receive a group of disabilities is caused by diseases of the respiratory system with progressive progress, accompanied by persistent pulmonary insufficiency of the III degree, in combination with circulatory failure of IIB-III degree.