Banks on the back for the treatment of bronchitis adults and children
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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People of the older generation in their medicine kits had banks that, when coughing, pneumonia were placed on their backs. They are really similar in form to banks, but have a rounded bottom. Their capacity is 30-70 ml. The purpose of this procedure is resorption of inflammatory processes by absorbing the skin into the can of the can. After her, because of the rupture of small vessels, bruises remain on the body. The breakdown of blood leads to the formation of biologically active substances, stimulating organs and tissues. Few people in our time remember about this method, but there are also adherents of this treatment.
Is it possible to put cans in bronchitis?
Is it possible to put cans in bronchitis? Rely only on the banks with this disease is not worth it. This is an auxiliary method that can be used along with drug treatment. In addition, this procedure is resorted to at the stage of recovery, when there is no fever, intoxication and respiratory failure. It is necessary to take into account the fact that banks have a number of contraindications that you need to know about. To answer the question, the banks with bronchitis: harm or benefit need to understand in more detail the mechanism of their action.
Indications for the procedure
Indications for this procedure is a strong cough, a difficult cough, which arises from inflammation of the bronchi. Bronchi swell, they form mucus, which irritates the respiratory tract. This picture is typical for obstructive bronchitis. The task of the therapy is to remove the inflammation, make the sputum less viscous, help them to go outside. In the process of setting the cans, the skin is drawn back and sucked into the jar, which leads to the expansion of the vessels, the activation of the energy processes. The mechanism of action of this treatment is similar to the procedure of autohemotherapy - intramuscular or subcutaneous injection of the patient's own blood. Thus, banks with obstructive bronchitis are an effective method of accelerating the resorption of inflammatory foci. Banks with acute bronchitis are able to harm, tk. The tissues of the alvioles and lungs expand, which creates the conditions for the penetration of the causative agent of the disease and the development of a purulent process. After passing through the acute phase and on the recommendation of a doctor, you can start treatment.
Preparation of the procedure begins with the preparation of the place where it will pass. The patient should lie on his stomach, the head at this time is turned on its side on the pillow, hands clasp it. Since the cans are set with the help of fire, you need to take measures to prevent the hair from falling under its effect, it is best to cover them with a towel. Back should be rubbed with alcohol, then greased with petroleum jelly or other fat cream. Prepare a wick for ignition, matches or a lighter. It is very important to check whether the jars are intact to avoid cuts.
Technique of the vacuum cans with bronchitis
Banks on the back are not placed on the heart and spine. It is advisable to spend the procedure at night, then lie down and do not go out. How and where to put the banks for bronchitis should tell a medical professional or you can see the Internet on video. Do not put banks in the places where the bones protrude, select areas with a muscle and fat layer. The technique of the procedure is that the can is brought closer to the back, the wick is wetted in alcohol, ignited and penetrated into it with a quick movement, immediately lowered onto the back. Due to the formation of a vacuum in the jar, the body is drawn into and tightly attached to the back. For an adult, the number of cans can vary from 10 to 16, depending on the composition. The distance between them should be 5 cm. After all are installed, the back is covered with a sheet.
How often to put cans with bronchitis and how much to keep them at the same time? The first procedure lasts up to 5 minutes, the next - up to 10-15. Periodicity - in a day or two. Next time the banks are put in new places.
How much it is necessary to put banks at a bronchitis to receive result? As a rule, the therapeutic effect occurs 4-5 times. It is not necessary to carry out treatment any more.
How to remove banks? To do this, use the right hand for the jar, and the left click on the body near it, a gap is formed where the air penetrates, and it easily leaves the surface of the body.
Vacuum cans with bronchitis
In the modern pharmaceutical market, there are vacuum cans, which are used for massages with osteochondrosis, cellulitis, various colds, including bronchitis. They are rubber, silicone and glass. The first two types of vacuum is created by pressing the body, the glass has either a rubber nozzle or a vacuum supercharger. Their advantage over traditional ones is their safety, because eliminates contact with fire, in the ability to regulate the power of suction and conduct them various manipulations. In addition, there are banks of different sizes in the kit, which is convenient to use, and they do not leave any bruising on the body when properly applied.
Massage in banks with bronchitis
The back before massage with cans with bronchitis is abundantly lubricated with vaseline, fat cream or any vegetable oil. It is also desirable to take an expectorant. They put the cans back from the spine centimeters by 3, and begin to move from the bottom of the shoulder blades to the shoulders, down and back along the spine in a straight line, in circular motions, gradually covering the entire upper back. Massage lasts from 5 to 15 minutes. After that, you need to go to bed, warmly wrapped yourself and 1.5 hours not to get up. For more details about massage with cans for bronchitis, see this article.
Banks on the chest with bronchitis
With catarrhal diseases, bronchitis resorts to massage of the thorax by the banks. Massive its lateral parts, and also direct movements from the xiphoid process of the sternum, located in the middle of the thorax, to the shoulders. Such a massage can bring relief to the patient: sputum is better to go away, it becomes easier to breathe. Men can put and ordinary cans on the chest, but only on the right side, women are better off.
Banks for bronchitis for children
Banks with bronchitis for children are recommended to put not earlier than from 5 years in consultation with the doctor. Parents themselves must assess the child's ability to withstand this procedure. The duration of it can be no more than 5 minutes, the first session begins with one minute, each one is added one more. The maximum number of them is -10. Banks need to pick up the appropriate size, they should be placed only on the right side.
Contraindications to the procedure
Contraindications to the procedure are the following:
- body temperature, above 37 0;
- damage to the skin, rash on the body;
- neoplasms of various nature;
- pulmonary tuberculosis;
- hemoptysis;
- children under 5 years;
- viral pneumonia;
- hypertension;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- epilepsy;
- mental disorders.
Complications after the procedure
The cautions listed above are not empty phrases, they are worth paying attention to, otherwise complications after the procedure can not be avoided. Only a doctor can prescribe this medication. Acute bronchitis, tuberculosis can lead to the emergence of purulent abscess in the lungs, and the tumors of any organ - to the progression of the disease, the expansion of the area of the lesion.
Care after the procedure
The main care after the procedure is to ensure the patient's state of rest and respect for the appropriate thermal regime. To do this, carefully remove the jars, wipe dry with a dry towel, cover with a blanket and leave in silence for at least half an hour. Going out or taking water procedures is not worth it, so it's best to do it at night to smoothly go to sleep.