Warts on the legs
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Warts on the legs prevent walking, interfere with wearing your favorite shoes and clothes, interfere with sports. Why do warts develop on the legs and how to treat them?
Cause of warts on the legs
At first, scientists could not determine these reasons. Several decades ago, as a result of research, it was found that warts are the result of a virus that affects the skin of a person and penetrates through its layers. This virus is very simple to put into the body. It is enough to go to the sauna, sauna, visit the pool, where the sick man was swimming. And now - please - you already have a wart on your leg. Or not even one.
Infection with warts on the legs most often occurs in places of common use, in which people walk barefoot - this can be, for example, a sauna, a sauna, a swimming pool. Moisture contributes to the destruction of epithelial cells and the spread of the papilloma virus. On the beaches, the papilloma virus is destroyed by direct sunlight, so the probability of getting infected with warts in such places is quite low.
The incubation period of the disease is quite long - it can last from several months to several years. Warts appear in such cases, mainly when the protective functions of the body are significantly reduced.
Warts on the legs at the beginning of their appearance look like a shiny plaque formed on the sole. Over time, the top of the plaque appears horny layers, it becomes rough and coarse, the color of the skin in this case usually does not change. The size of the plaque can reach several centimeters, neoplasms can be either single or multiple. Warts on the toes often are characterized by pain, especially if they are placed on the support segments of the feet or between the fingers. When warts appear on the feet, the pattern is erased on the skin, which is then restored when unwanted formations are eliminated.
The main difference between warts on the feet and calluses is that after the horny plaque has been eliminated, black spots become visible from the upper layer of warts - the capillaries are blocked. Warts on the legs can be placed on the heels or fingers, often appear between the 20 th and 30 th years, although they can be formed at any other age.
Is it possible to get rid of warts?
Yes, it is possible, but it is better to consult a doctor beforehand. And surgical methods of getting rid of warts are undesirable. When a person cuts a wart, it can easily and easily infect the affected area of the body. In addition, because of such independent surgical experiments, it is possible to achieve not smooth and smooth skin, but blood infection.
If you take medicine from warts yourself, you can overdo it with a dose, and then instead of doing good, a person will only do himself harm. Many of the external drugs that are designed to treat warts, have in their composition an acid with a high level of concentration. This acid destroys not only warts, but also healthy skin around them. Therefore, it is undesirable to use medicines and drip them on the diseased skin without the recommendation of a dermatologist.
Laser treatment of warts on the legs
These small monsters - warts - do not give people the opportunity to live normally. Therefore, a person is ready to spend money to remove them. Quickly and effectively, you can remove warts with a laser. Of course, this is more expensive than removing warts with the help of external means, but not so painful and much more effective.
Since this procedure is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, the patient does not take much risk. The doctor continues to observe the patient again and again, within a few days after the operation, especially if the patient has expressed such a desire.
In addition to the laser, warts can also be removed with the help of liquid nitrogen, electrical pulses and other equally effective procedures. The main thing is not to leave this process uncontrolled and contact a doctor as soon as complications arise. They can be inflammation, fever, poor tissue healing at the site of wart removal, as well as rough fusion, which leads to scars. Especially if the wart has occupied the limb somewhere in the fold. It is important to remain not only beautiful as a result of the removal of warts, but also healthy.
This method is that the feet are immersed for half an hour in very hot water. This procedure is carried out two to three times a week. There is an opinion that skin hyperemia that occurs during the procedure, promotes the expansion of small blood vessels and increased immunity.
A liquid nitrogen
Eliminating warts with liquid nitrogen is a fairly common way to get rid of warts. Liquid nitrogen at a temperature of minus one hundred and ninety-six degrees is capable of exerting a destructive effect on the cells of the epithelium, causing in turn an increase in local immunity. This method can be performed using a spray or an applicator. Depending on the duration of the freeze, the procedure can be considered soft or aggressive. In the first case, with the help of freezing, they cause only flushing of warts to increase local immunity, in the second - they achieve the formation of a subcutaneous bladder, which is removed together with the wart. Scars after such procedures, as a rule, are not formed. The interval between the procedures is usually from 1 to 2 weeks.
Wart removal by alternative methods
Warts on the legs advocates of alternative medicine recommend withdrawal using the method of moxibustion with various infusions. For this purpose, use the juice of onions, garlic, sour apples, acetic acid, honey, wormwood, celandine. The vinegar essence, for example, is mixed with flour until a thick, uniform mass is formed, applied overnight to the affected area, avoiding entering healthy areas of the skin. After applying the finished mixture to the area of the wart, the feet are put on socks, the procedure is carried out on average three times.
To the wart come off itself, you need to smear it 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening with the juice of celandine. The best juice - near the root, it can be determined by a beautiful bright orange color.
If rubbed warts with garlic, people say, they eventually disappear.
If before breakfast and dinner at the tip of the knife to take magnesia and drink it with water, then after two months of such reception warts will disappear.
Warts can be removed with the help of dandelion juice if smearing them with this juice 3 times a day.
There is another interesting way to fight warts. You need to take an apple and cut it in half. Then rub warts first one, then the other half. Both halves of the apple should be wrapped in the same thread, then bury this fruit in a garden where no one walks. As soon as the apple rotates, the warts fall off.
Take the silk thread and tie it over the nodule over each wart. But do not tie it up, knit the knots in the air. Thread this in a potato, which is cut in half. This potato should be buried in the ground, in a place where no one walks. As soon as the potatoes decay, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers thought, the wart will come down.
If every night to drip on a wart a single drop of acetic acid, the warts will soon disappear. One condition: more than the first drop can not be dripped and it's also impossible to drip onto a healthy skin.
If you break the bread spike, sharp wings of the stem to pierce the warts, and then bury this straw in a place where no one goes, warts will soon come down. This will take from 7 to 9 days.
To reduce warts, you need to take raw berries of mountain ash, crush and apply this mass to warts. They will soon disappear. A week is two such treatments - and your skin is smooth, like an infant, our ancestors thought.
If you lubricate warts with juices of milk and milk in the morning and evening, very soon they will be gone.
To prevent the appearance of warts on your legs, you should avoid direct contact with an infected person, do not wear someone else's shoes and socks, do not walk barefoot in public places (swimming pools, saunas, bathhouses).
More information of the treatment