Types of thyroid cancer
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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There are certain types of thyroid cancer. It is papillary, follicular, medullary and anaplastic. Each of them has its own peculiarities.
- Papillary cancer. A similar tumor on its surface has a number of protrusions. In some cases, it looks like a leaf of a fern. This is the most common form of cancer and they occur in 80%. Women suffer from this disease more often than men. People who have completed a course of therapy in 99% live longer than 25 years.
- Follicular cancer. The tumor in this case takes the form of vesicles. Often there is a neoplasm in older people, especially in women. The cancer extends not only to the vessels, but also to the lymph nodes. The outlook is favorable in most cases.
- Medullary cancer. This form of malignant neoplasm is rare. They occur in 5-8% of cases. It is more dangerous than other species and can occur along with certain symptoms. It occurs mainly in people older than 40-50 years. To get rid of the problem will help only complete removal of the thyroid gland.
- Anaplastic cancer. The rarest form of the disease. This state is characterized by the development of atypical cells. This disease occurs in 3% of all cases. Thyroid cancer, which has this species is characterized by the most unfavorable prognosis.
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Papillary thyroid cancer
Papillary thyroid cancer is the most common of all kinds. The tumor resembles a leaf of a fern. This species belongs to highly differentiated tumors. This means that the cells are similar to normal cells, and it is not so easy to determine the presence of the disease immediately.
This species occurs in 80% of cases. Basically everything happens smoothly and slowly. Particular danger of the disease does not carry, if you start it in time to eliminate. This type of cancer is not able to start up metastases and is perfectly treatable.
If you examine the thyroid gland of a healthy person, then 10% can detect the presence of tiny tumors. They do not grow and do not show themselves. But in some cases, they all reach the same size, and then it is necessary to prescribe quality treatment.
This problem is more common in men than in women, aged 30-50 years. People who have applied at the hospital on time and undergoing therapy have lived more than 25 years. Therefore, thyroid cancer in this case has a favorable prognosis.
Medullary thyroid cancer
Medullary thyroid cancer is a fairly rare form of the disease. It occurs in 5-8% of all cases. This is mainly due to parafillicular cells, which are produced by hormone calcitonin. It is he who regulates the level of phosphorus, calcium, and also the growth of bones.
This tumor is much more dangerous than others. It is able to germinate into the capsule into the trachea and muscles. At the same time the disease is accompanied by a feeling of heat, red face and bowel disorder. There is a disease in people aged 40-50 years. They are equally affected by both men and women.
Medullary cancer is often accompanied by other disorders of endocrine glands, and multiple endocrine neoplasms are also not excluded. Cells of this tumor do not absorb iodine, so therapy with it does not bring a positive result.
To eliminate the cancer of the thyroid gland of this species can only surgery. It is necessary to completely remove the gland and cervical lymph nodes. Patients older than 50 years have an extremely unfavorable prognosis.
Follicular thyroid cancer
Follicular thyroid cancer is represented by the presence of a tumor with vesicles. Often there is a disease in elderly people, especially in women. Occurs in 10-15% of cases and does not carry a particular danger. Qualitative therapy has a positive effect and a person is rapidly recovering.
In extremely rare cases, the tumor does not germinate into the blood vessels and surrounding tissues. In addition, it does not give metastasis, so it is called minimally invasive. The remaining 70% of cases of follicular cancer are more aggressive and require a serious approach in eliminating the problem. Cancer can spread not only to the vessels, but also to the lymph nodes. In addition, distant organs, including bones and lungs, are affected.
Metastases in this case are well amenable to treatment with radioactive iodine. The prognosis of the course of the disease is favorable, especially in patients aged less than 50 years. In elderly people, thyroid cancer of this type can be complicated by metastases.
Anaplastic thyroid cancer
Anaplastic thyroid cancer is the rarest form of the disease. It is characterized by the development of atypical cells in the thyroid gland. They do not have any functions and are only able to share. There is a type of tumor in 3% of cases.
Basically, she manifests herself in people over the age of 65. And women often suffer from such a tumor, rather than men. The disease is characterized by rapid growth and spread of metastases. Unfortunately, this type of cancer is difficult to treat. It is almost impossible to eliminate a tumor. Therefore, of all the existing types of cancer, anaplastic has the most unfavorable prognosis.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to save a person. But, and the disease manifests itself not so often. The whole problem is that the metastases spread with a special speed, which does not allow for a qualitative treatment. Eliminate all the consequences of this tumor is impossible because of the speed of the process. Thyroid cancer at this stage is almost not eliminated.
Squamous cell carcinoma of the thyroid gland
Squamous cell carcinoma of the thyroid gland is extremely difficult. Metastases begin to appear early and in large numbers. The outlook is unfavorable. At the primary treatment of the patient, one can notice a widespread process. The tumor is able to occupy the entire thyroid gland and even spread to surrounding tissues and organs.
Microscopic tumors have a typical structure of squamous cell carcinoma. Often they are accompanied by the formation of horny pearls. The sites of such metaplasia can occur in papillary and follicular adenocarcinomas. This can aggravate the course of another type of malignant tumor.
If possible, immediate surgical treatment is necessary. After all, squamous cell carcinoma is refractory to other types of medical treatment. There are chances for improvement, but they are extremely small. This is the most complex kind of tumor, which is not so easy to eliminate. Cancer of the thyroid gland at this stage is dangerous for its complexity and almost impossible to eliminate.
Hidden thyroid cancer
Hidden thyroid cancer can manifest itself in the form of clinically regional metastases in the vaginal area. The primary tumor of the thyroid gland is determined exclusively by means of ultrasound. In some cases, microscopic examination is carried out.
It is worth noting and the fact that the hidden focus can have a different histological structure. Practically in 80% of cases it is represented by papillary cancer.
Clinical signs of the disease can be safely divided into 3 groups. So, the first one notes the symptoms associated with the development of a tumor in the thyroid gland. The second group is represented by the symptoms that arose in connection with the germination of the tumor in the surrounding tissues of the gland. The third group of symptoms is due to regional and distant metastasis.
The first group is characterized by rapid growth of the node, moreover, a dense consistency and tuberosity appear, as well as uneven compaction. If the tumor extends beyond the thyroid gland into surrounding tissues, hoarseness of voice, shortness of breath, swallowing of food and widening of the vein on the front surface of the chest are possible.
The third group of symptoms is directly related to regional and distant metastases. In the neck, you can see the defeat of the deep jugular chain, less often the lymph nodes. At this stage, you can diagnose thyroid cancer using ultrasound.
Molecular thyroid cancer
Molecular thyroid cancer is the second name of the papillary species. It is the most common of all existing. If you look closely at the tumor itself, then, according to its external data, it is very similar to a leaf of a fern.
This type of cancer education is among the highly differentiated tumors. This suggests that the cells are very similar to normal, and it is extremely difficult to understand that these are cancerous foci.
Malignant neoplasm of this type occurs in 80% of cases. Particular danger of the disease does not carry, if you start the process of elimination in a timely manner. This type of cancer does not allow metastasis, which allows a qualitative removal of the tumor and does not allow it to develop strongly.
Even a healthy person can see small tumors on the thyroid gland. They do not expand and do not pose a particular danger. If suddenly their size begins to increase rapidly, everything is cleaned up by means of quality therapy. Thyroid cancer of this type is more common in men than in women.
Differential thyroid cancer
Differential thyroid cancer is characterized by relatively slow growth and late metastasis. That is why it is much easier to remove without special complications. To a differentiated cancer include papillary and follicular appearance.
These types of malignant tumors are among the most common both among men and women. In view of some features, it's easy to eliminate them. The main thing is that a person in time turned for help.
In the initial stages, the cancer does not manifest itself particularly, and only after a certain period of time begins to "interfere" with the patient. He will feel some discomfort, there will be difficulties in eating, breathing and physical exertion. But the thing is that these types of cancer practically do not give metastases. Therefore, it can be eliminated even with a pronounced symptomatology. Radioactive iodine excellently helps to get rid of all the consequences of this disease. Cancer of the thyroid gland in this case is not particularly dangerous.
Highly differentiated thyroid cancer
Highly differentiated thyroid cancer is represented by two varieties. It is papillary and follicular. The first variation occurs quite often in 85% of cases. Metastases usually spread along the lymphatic tract to regional lymph nodes. Remote metastases can affect the lungs and bones. The prognosis is favorable, even despite a large number of metastases.
Follicular cancer. It occurs in 10% of all cases. With histological examination, one of the signs that distinguish it from benign adenoma is invasion of the capsule of the thyroid gland and into the vessels. Often, distant metastases affect the bones, liver and lungs. As for the forecast, it is favorable.
Much depends on how quickly a person turned for help. Timely diagnosis of the problem can lead to a positive result. Cancer of the thyroid gland is eliminated simply, but only because of qualitative treatment and not late stage of the disease.
Undifferentiated thyroid cancer
Undifferentiated thyroid cancer is a tumor that grows from cells of carcinosarcoma and epidermoid cancer. Often, this form is a malignant degeneration of perennial nodular goiter.
It is observed in people aged 60-65 years. It is characterized by a rapid, aggressive and severe clinical course. With this type of cancer, the thyroid gland significantly increases in size, and quite quickly. This can cause a malfunction of the organs of the mediastinum. The tumor gradually grows into closely located tissues, organs and lymph nodes of the neck. In some cases, a false-inflammatory form of the disease with increased fever, leukocytosis and reddening of the skin is observed.
Diagnosis of this type of cancer is made on the basis of examination of the thyroid gland. In addition, ultrasound, computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and biochemical studies are performed. Thyroid cancer in this case requires immediate medical intervention.
Thyroid cancer
Thyroid cancer is a malignant neoplasm. It occurs mainly in the gland itself and, depending on the stage of the development of the disease, can pass to nearby tissues. Then the lymph nodes, lungs and even bones are affected.
The tumor looks like a bundle, which eventually can increase and bring a lot of inconvenience to a person. There is hoarse voice, difficulty breathing and ingestion of food. With time, the deformation of the thyroid gland will be noticeable.
In the first stages, a small nodule is not noticeable, not visually, or sensations. The person does not worry about anything, discomfort appears in the course of time and at this stage the victim is poisoned in the hospital. With the timely diagnosis of the problem and the appointment of quality treatment, the problem is eliminated quickly. It is important to find it on time and begin to fight with malignant neoplasm. Thyroid cancer is not a sentence, but you can eliminate the tumor only in the early stages.
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