
Information about doctor

Svetlana Zalmanova He is an advanced Israeli oncologist-radiologist, a specialist in brachytherapy and radiology. Supervises the radiology department at Assuta Medical Center.

Continuous experience of a practitioner exceeds 35 years. Basic specialization - radiation therapy of tumor processes of benign and malignant nature.

Svetlana Zalmanova holds a diploma with honors from the end of the medical faculty of the Moscow Medical Institute. Went through the internship in prestigious Italian, Belgian, Portuguese, Dutch, Austrian, Slovenian and American medical clinics.

He is a highly qualified practitioner, conducts research, studies applied radiobiology, mastering new methods of clinical use of radiation therapy for the treatment of malignant processes.

Using modern radiotherapy techniques (for example, brachytherapy with vector effects on the neoplasm), the doctor seeks for the most targeted penetration of irradiating streams, which leads to an increase in the effectiveness of treatment. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to influence the tumor lesion, located in the deep layers, while preserving the nearest healthy organs and tissues.

Currently he Svetlana Zalmanova is an experienced and authoritative specialist in his field. He often consults and participates in professional discussions with colleagues representing different countries of the world. Writes research papers on radiation treatment and brachytherapy, participates in international congresses and medical congresses.

Education and work experience

  • Medical Faculty of the First Moscow Medical Institute, Russia
  • Specialization in radiology at the British Center for Radiotherapy at Cookridge Cancer Hospital, England
  • Internship in radiotherapy for brain tumors at Brain Lab Academy Radiotherapy Training, Germany
  • Internship in IMRT / RA, using Varian at Copenhagen Clinic, Denmark
  • Advanced training in leading clinics in Europe and the USA

Membership in international organizations

  • Israeli Medical Association (IMA)
  • Israeli Association of Clinical Oncologists and Radiotherapists (ISCORT)
  • European Society of Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO)
  • American Society of Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO)
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