

Kinds of moles

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To the birthmarks on the body, the person has always had a twofold relationship. On the one hand, neat cute pigment spots are a kind of unique decoration peculiar to a single individual.

Birthmark on the lip

It is believed that people with a mole on the upper lip are demanding and strict. The mole on the lower lip indicates refinement. Mole on the lip of the lips speaks of the suspicion of its owner, undeveloped will and responsibility.

Hanging moles

There are birthmarks for each person - some have more, some less. They appear in the first months of a child's life and remain for life. In some nations, the presence of many birthmarks on the body is considered a sign of a long, happy and comfortable life /

Types of moles on the body

Birthmark can be congenital or acquired, that is, appeared after birth. For what reason there is a degeneration of ordinary cellular structures into melanocytes, it is not known for certain.

White birthmark

A pigmentless nevus, or, in common people, a white mole, is a small round or oval spot with clearly defined boundaries.

Pink birthmark

The pink birthmark still has the name of a hemangioma and is registered under the code on МКБ-10 D18.0.

Birthmark on the leg

Usually the fact that in the mole on the leg develops cancer, indicate the same signs as in other nevi - it changes shape, color, shape, begins to bleed and increase in size. Noticing such manifestations, you should immediately contact a doctor.

Birthmark on the heel

The mole on the heel is a collection of special "melanocyte" cells in the layers of the skin.


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