

Treatment of diseases

Treatment of alcoholism at home

Treatment of alcoholism at home is a very relevant topic for today. Harmful habits have become habitual phenomena of the modern world.

What to give the child from a headache?

So what should we do to give a child a headache? Should I consult a doctor right away?


Pancreatectomy - removal of the pancreas (completely or part of the organ) with a cancerous tumor or acute pancreatitis (with tissue necrosis).

Help with poisoning with mushrooms

Any mushroom picker, and every person, not indifferent to eating mushroom dishes, you need to know how to help with poisoning with mushrooms, because under certain conditions it can save someone's life.

Treatment of intestinal infection

At the heart of the treatment of intestinal infections is a complex approach, in addition to the destruction of the pathogenic flora, it is important to restore the water-electrolyte balance and neutralize toxins (harmful to the body of the products of vital activity of the pathogenic microflora).

Removal of fibroadenoma of the mammary gland

This new formation is rarely transformed into a malignant tumor. But, nevertheless, removal of fibroadenoma of the mammary gland is inevitable

Radiation therapy for breast cancer

Radiation therapy for breast cancer is used and as a monotherapy, it is not bad combined with surgical intervention, it is the fixing result after the chemotherapy.

Treatment of bleeding gums

In this article we will talk about how to treat bleeding gums, what means and preparations for this exist.

Treatment of hygroma

Treatment of hygroma is a complex of measures aimed at eliminating benign education of different localization. Let's consider the features of hygroma treatment, methods of treatment of a tumor and recommendations for its treatment.

Obesity Treatment: An Overview of Modern Methods

The treatment of obesity is a complex of procedures aimed at improving metabolism and correcting body weight, since excessive weight undoubtedly has a negative effect on the duration and quality of life of the patient.


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