Treatment of alcoholism at home
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Treatment of alcoholism at home is a very relevant topic for today. Harmful habits have become habitual phenomena of the modern world. Alcoholism interferes with normal living and creates additional difficulties for the alcoholic's relatives. We have to fight this problem and do it actively.
Treatment of alcoholism with conspiracy
In this way, it is not so difficult to overcome the addiction. When there is an alcoholic in the family, it is a grief for everyone. Fighting this problem is not always easy. Because people who love alcohol, categorically can not refuse him. In this situation, relatives begin to resort to the help of many methods, including non-traditional ones.
Wanting to save a person from alcohol dependence, relatives go to any measures. And, even resort to not traditional medicine, using conspiracies. Grandmothers-whisks, in turn, are ready to help with the solution of the problem. True, this effect does not always end positive. Therefore it is recommended to read the plot on your own.
A person is not always more capable of coping with the problem. Even if he has a strong desire, this may be not enough. In this case, the drinker should ask for help from relatives. It is necessary to read the plot with a special expression, the main thing is to believe in the effectiveness of this technique. The energy field of the universe will necessarily hear requests and help a person. Find variants of conspiracies can be found in the network. It is worthwhile to understand that they are included in the complex treatment of alcoholism at home.
Bracelets and stones
The bracelet from alcoholism really helps, but only if it contains a tourmaline. Having put on an ornament, the active substance starts to heat up about the human skin, emitting strong magnetic radiation. They easily penetrate deep into the body, thereby destroying harmful radicals by resonant absorption.
This leads to relaxation of muscles and blood vessels. The oxygen content increases, the cells are filled with the necessary energy. If you constantly wear a bracelet, energy will be recharged, it always happens. Thus, protecting the person from excessive desire to drink.
Bracelet with tourmaline from alcoholism is created, based on actions that positively affect the mental state of a person and his emotions. Because in alcoholics the body is completely unbalanced. To fight the "disease" you need a lot of strength and energy. People who used the bracelet noted a lower craving for alcohol. This "tool" really helps to speed up the metabolism, stop muscle pain, improve blood circulation, normalize blood pressure and strengthen the immune system.
Tourmaline from alcoholism provides incredible help. It helps to get rid of addiction. The composition of this stone includes many useful components. This is manganese, chrome and iron. The stone itself can improve the health of a person. Therefore, it was actively used in the production of bracelets.
This stone can be worn both independently and in the form of a decoration on the wrist. You can buy it only in a specialized store. It is worth noting that it will not help to get rid of alcoholism on your own. It is rather used as an auxiliary substance. It gives the person additional energy and strength. This is very important in the fight against addiction. After all, basically a person is weakened and can not self-control himself. He lacks the strength, energy and the corresponding mood. Tourmaline helps to overcome the spleen. Such treatment of alcoholism at home is widely applicable.
Stones help to cope with the problem, but not particularly effectively. Defender of drunkenness has always been considered an amethyst. Since ancient times it is believed that it is able to actively dissipate wine pairs. This leads to the fact that people no longer want to drink alcohol. He is developing self-control in this matter.
Kamushek actively stimulates personal passions and kills cravings for bad habits. To the effect of amethyst was really positive, it is worth wearing it exclusively in the solar plexus. If you lower the stone in the water for a couple of days, then it becomes curative. A person who suffers from an active phase of alcoholism, it is recommended to constantly wear a stone with him. He will give will and determination.
Amethyst helps a person in a short time to destroy dependence and improve metabolism. Moreover, it strengthens the immune system, relieves headaches. In addition, it has a positive effect on the organs of the digestive tract. It must be understood that alcoholism has been a serious problem since ancient times. Therefore, various methods were used to eliminate it. Including therapy with stones. Treatment of alcoholism at home involves the use of amethyst, amber, grindstone.
The use of fungi in the treatment of alcoholism
Mushroom from alcoholism is the most amazing way to get rid of addiction. Nature knew in advance that a person will have a lot of problems with his health. Therefore, she created unique plants that can eliminate many ailments.
What are these wonderful mushrooms that make a person feel? If you use a dung into the food, then for a long time any intake of alcohol will be accompanied by symptoms of severe poisoning. Gradually, they will begin to pass, but the desire to give up alcohol will persist for a long time.
The active substance of the fungus - tetraethyl-tiuramid disulfide oxidizes the alcohol introduced into the body. Depending on the type of this "plant", the amount of the active ingredient can vary in a larger or smaller direction. The greatest concentration is contained in the gray dung.
There are two schemes for taking the "drug". The first option implies the usual use for 3 months, the second method is strengthened. It is quite possible to pour a tool on a person, without his knowledge. It is advisable to do this for 3 days. Yes, the result in this case is far from rapid. By the second month a person will begin to be more neutral about alcohol.
Mushroom manure
Mushroom dung from alcoholism is among the alternative methods, increased efficiency. With the help of it you can discourage a person from drinking once and for all. Treatment is carried out both anonymously and by the patient's consent.
To prepare the product, dry the dung. You can give these mushrooms and in their raw form. But after he comes into contact with alcohol, side effects will begin. After about 30 minutes (sometimes 2 hours), a person strongly reddens his face. After that it just becomes crimson and sometimes purple. But the nose and ears remain white. The picture is really impressive. Simultaneously, heat and palpitation appear. After that, a strong thirst, vomiting, diarrhea is added to the general picture. This is why it is advisable to discuss the condition of a person with a doctor before taking the medicine. So that the situation does not get out of hand.
Take a capsule powder should be every two days, two grams each. Duration of treatment is 10 days. Naturally, an alcoholic does not have to about this, do not know anything. Then give him 100-150 grams of vodka. To have an incredible effect. If the treatment is successful, the alcoholic will never drink again.
Tinctures, infusions, decoctions and collections from alcoholism
Tincture of alcoholism eliminates the problem forever. It can be prepared from many plants and herbs. So, the sheep, thyme and oleander became very popular.
- Baranets. This plant has long been unique. After all, it helped to get rid of alcoholism once and for all. To prepare an effective remedy, take 10 grams of sprigs and pour 200 ml of boiling water over them. After that, all boil on low heat, 15 minutes. It is advisable to use all 2 tablespoons, until the person does not overtake an acute attack of vomiting. The course of treatment is individual.
- Thyme. It should take about 15 grams of this grass and place it in 200 ml of boiling water. Then everything goes to a weak fire and languish. After that, he is left alone for an hour. When the product is filtered, it is given to the victim. One spoon is enough not more than 3 times a day. To increase the effect, you need to add a little wormwood. The duration of treatment is usually 2-3 months.
- Oleander. Apply it in a certain way. It is necessary to take about 10 leaves of the remedy and pour 500 ml of vodka. The process of infusion is long and takes 10 days. Then strain and give the victim 50 grams a day. For the appearance of a complete aversion to alcohol, you need to go through a whole course. Its duration is 2.5 liters to use. Perhaps, such treatment of alcoholism at home is really effective and useful.
Infusions had time to prove themselves long ago. For a long time, such herbs as baranas, thyme and lyubovka have helped. Baranets has always been considered a radical method in the fight against alcohol dependence. According to an alternative recipe, you need to take 10 grams of sprigs of this plant and pour them 200 ml of boiling water. Then, on the fire for about 15 minutes. Use the drug is 2 tablespoons an hour before the vomiting.
- Thyme. Since ancient times, it is actively used to eliminate drunkenness. To prepare an effective remedy, it is worth adding to it not only thyme, but wormwood. In combination with alcohol it is a really explosive mixture. Naturally, you need to give the drug without the knowledge of the patient. To prepare a remedy it is enough to take 3 tablespoons and pour them a glass of boiling water. The infusion time is one hour. Take "drug" you need one tablespoon, up to 4 times a day. When using the device, it is desirable to have an idea of the patient's stomach functioning. After all, some malfunctions can lead to severe nausea and vomiting. Therefore, it is desirable to add medicinal angelica to the prepared tincture. The way of preparation is similar. The duration of treatment does not exceed 3 months.
- Love. To achieve maximum effect, it is enough to take tincture on this plant. The duration of the course is a week. You need to give the medicine immediately in time for a hangover, so that the person becomes even worse. This will cause him a persistent reflex to drinking. The tincture is prepared simply. It is enough to take a leaf lyubistka and a couple of sheets of the laurel of the noble. After reception at the person the strong vomiting will begin. Such treatment of alcoholism at home is effective, but in moderation.
The broth helps to get rid of the chronic stage of the disease. To make an effective remedy effectively, you just need to take a licorice and mix it with a wormwood and a gold thigh. The remedy turns out to be incredibly effective. To maximize the positive result, you can add horsetail and thyme.
Cooking method. It is necessary to take dry shredded herbs and place them in a liter of boiling water. Then weighed a little on low heat. Then drain and cool. The remedy is ready. A person can be given to drink it instead of alcohol before eating. It is enough to use it 3 times a day. Duration of treatment - a month.
The pharmacy sells a herb of gold-thousand, but only in tea bags. In this case, you need to brew it a little differently. For the entire course, you should purchase 2 packs of the remedy. This is quite enough for the course of treatment. Before using this broth, it is worth consulting with a specialist.
Fees remove the craving for alcohol. In its structure there are grasses which not only deduce any "muck" from an organism, but also render the expressed calming action. In addition, the collection has a lenient effect. It is able to increase the secretion of the gastric glands.
Receiving the collection helps to get rid of the problem very quickly. A man does not react to alcohol that way, he does not want to drink. Attraction to alcohol is completely reduced. There is an active normalization of metabolism.
You can buy the drug at the pharmacy. It contains all useful substances. They will not only deprive themselves of the desire to consume alcohol, but will also bring the organism in order. Treating alcoholism at home with the collection of herbs is really effective.
The seabird water has been rooting out drunkenness for hundreds of years. It causes complete aversion to alcohol, and is actively used to this day. Lobelya has a second, more common name - puppeteer. It is represented by a herbaceous plant, which reaches a height of one meter.
This plant has analgesic properties, as well as antiparasitic and antimycotic action. It's poisonous grass.
The seawater always belonged to the number of medical devices. You can use it without the approval of a doctor, it does not require a special recipe. It should be noted immediately that doctors are against such a solution to the problem. But there are extreme situations, when people all turn to the crooked water. She imperceptibly poured into alcohol. After the remedy has been used, the person feels unwell. He is sick of nausea accompanied by vomiting. Often there is heart failure, sneezing and loose stools. A person who constantly feels unwell with time refuses a bad habit. He begins to understand that all the symptoms appear directly due to alcohol.
It should be understood that the decoction from the pharmacy can not be used in any case, it must be prepared independently. Take the root of the Chronicle in dry form. One spoonful of it is poured into 50 ml of boiling water. Infuse the broth for an hour. Then strain and add a little bit of it to food or drinks 3 times a day. Duration of use does not exceed 5 days.
Tea helps a person to stop drinking. The desire to do this must, be natural, and not forced. Testing has shown that the remedy does have a positive effect. Out of 100 people who participated in the experiment, 97 were thrown to drink.
The composition of the tea is overflowing with medicinal herbs. This is what helps to remove toxic substances from the body. Thus, the craving for alcohol is significantly reduced. All harmful substances begin to actively exit with sweat, urine and feces. The human condition gradually normalizes, the nervous system is actively restored.
Complete destruction of alcohol dependence by monastic tea can occur no earlier than 3 weeks. It is desirable to take it to people already in a state of intoxication. Thus, unpleasant symptoms will start to manifest themselves. The development of aversion to alcohol is gradual. Tea must be brewed in a special way. Enough one teaspoon and a glass of boiling water. If alcoholism is in acute form, a person is increased dosage up to 3 times a day. If a person does not like this remedy, it is quite possible to tell him that this is ordinary tea.
Elysal salt
Elysal salt is a unique product in the fight against alcoholism. The use of this tool will quickly lead a person out of the state of alcohol dependence. The patient simply does not want to drink more.
Treatment means, as a rule, should be carried out without the knowledge of a drunkard. Because not many alcoholics want to eliminate dependence, even more, do not recognize it in themselves. If you rely on the feedback of people, then this treatment really gives a positive result. Many people say that relief comes quickly and a person returns to normal life.
You can prepare the preparation in the following way. To do this, take 100 grams of pharmacy alcohol and 30 grams of salt. Ingredients should be mixed together until they are completely dissolved. Then the mixture should be sent to a dark place for a couple of weeks. The resulting remedy should be given to a person in the amount of 7 drops per day. Usually, the secret ingredient is mixed into food or drinks. The alcoholic will begin to feel unpleasant symptoms and eventually completely give up his dependence. Treatment of alcoholism at home is really effective.
Treatment of alcoholism with honey
Honey from alcoholism has been used since ancient times. The treatment of the problem, therefore, does not require much effort. This method is able to help even in very serious cases. However, before you begin to fix the problem, it is still necessary to consult with a specialist.
It is supposed to use only fresh honey, otherwise there will be no effect from the treatment. It is important to know exactly whether a person is allergic to the main component or not. Otherwise, the consequences can be burdensome.
Every evening for an hour a person needs to eat 3 teaspoons of honey. The interval between doses should be 20 minutes. After that, the hour break is done and everything repeats. If a person does not manage to force him to eat honey, a two-hour pause should be tolerated. Then repeat the procedure. The maximum amount of honey per day should not exceed 18 spoonfuls.
It is important, during such treatment, to provide a person with a sufficient amount of fluid. Honey causes intense sweating. When the maximum dose is consumed, it is worth sending the person to sleep. Usually a dream after that means sturdy. As for the duration of the course, everything depends on the complexity of the situation.
The use of earthworms
Earthworms from alcoholism have a positive effect, but it is necessary to prepare this "product" correctly. Since ancient times, this ingredient has been actively used to prevent drinking-bouts and excessive consumption of alcohol.
The fact that the worms produce a special mucus, it is in its composition are special enzymes - antiseptics. They are used to eliminate many ailments. They also have amino acids, they significantly strengthen the immune system and improve the overall condition of the patient.
There is one most effective way to get rid of alcoholism. You just need to insist on worms on vodka. Blanks of the main ingredient begin in the spring. After June, they can not be applied, because worms have an active phase of reproduction and they become poisonous.
It is necessary to take only one glass of worms, which need to be thoroughly rinsed, and pour a glass of alcohol. The main ingredient is washed and filled with clean medical alcohol. In principle, vodka is also suitable. All this is placed for 20 days in a dark place. When the specified period will be passed they can be used. It is enough to give a remedy to a patient up to 3 times a day before eating. If treatment does not occur on a voluntary basis, then worms are given instead of an alcoholic beverage.
Cancers can eliminate a person's desire to drink alcohol. To make an effective recipe you need to take the shells of crawfish and rub them into powder.
It is enough just to catch crawfish, weld them and remove shells. After that they pushed themselves into the crumb. Using a grinder, they are brought to the state of powder. This ingredient must be mixed imperceptibly into human food.
When an alcoholic consumes this food, you need to bring him a couple of stacks of vodka before, during or after a meal, after which he will begin to vomit violently. One such time is certainly not enough. Doing fertilizing with powder and inducing vomiting is not just once. The procedure is repeated until the person does not become disgusted with alcohol. This method is really effective. It has no contraindications and can be used as a powerful tool in the fight against addiction. It is important that a person does not know that a secret ingredient is poured into his food.
Carapace of cancer
The carapace of cancer is used as a bait and serves as a powerful tool in the fight against addiction. In order to prepare an effective "drug", it is worth buying or catching crayfish. After that they are boiled and separated from the shell. To prepare the product you need directly the shell. They should be cut into small crumbs and brought to a powder with the help of a coffee grinder. In fact, the tool is ready.
Now it only remains to show little cunning. It is necessary to pour a little powder into the food and then give the person alcohol. From one smell of alcohol, the victim will be very vomited and all this will result in a strong attack of vomiting. One such test will be few. You need to spend it at least 4-5 times. The action repeats until alcohol starts to cause a person full disgust. Only in this way can one really disaccustom the patient to constantly reach for a glass. Treatment of alcoholism at home should be done under the supervision of a specialist.
Soda will help to get rid of not only the problem itself, but also to prevent its return. Treatment of alcohol dependence with this "additive" must begin at the time of severe poisoning or hangover syndrome.
You should prepare and give a person a solution of soda. It is prepared simply: one tablespoon of the main ingredient + a glass of water. The best way is cleaning the body by drinking 3-4 glasses of liquid together with soda. After that, vomiting is caused.
Soda operates as follows. Upon disintegration, ethyl alcohol provokes the production of intermediates. These components are understood to be acetaldehyde and acetic acid. They are able to shift with a neutral pH of the body, in the acidic side. Thus, an alkaline medium is formed. All this positively affects all organs and systems. By starting a normal alkalization process, the additive simply accelerates the breakdown and removes alcohol from the body. It should be understood that frequent use of soda is unacceptable, it can lead to the development of gastritis.
The book allows a person to cope with the addiction, but only if he is ready for it. There is a mass of literature, which describes the main ways to eliminate dependence. There are a lot of recipes, practical advice and beliefs in the books. All of them together help the person to realize the complexity of their condition and help to get out of it. If the patient himself does not want to be cured, then no book will help him in this.
When choosing literature, attention should be paid to "Alcoholism and neurosis: 100 healing devices". Here are described all possible effective methods of eliminating the problem once and for all. The relatives of the alcoholic can also listen to advice. Not a bad book is "Treatment of alcoholism." Literature is also filled with various advice, recipes. When a person needs help, you need to act faster. But to change consciousness thanks to a couple of smart books, too, will not hurt.
Products for the treatment of alcoholism
Some products allow a person to forget about the desire to consume alcohol. But basically, it helps only infusions, decoctions, juices and teas. Specific products that allow you to once and for all forget your own dependence, does not exist.
It is recommended to include a large number of juices in the daily diet. If a person likes tea, then preference should be given to green varieties. Such a drink is able to remove harmful substances from the body. You can drink coffee and mineral water. Completely refuse should be from sweet soda water. The human diet should be filled with milk, dairy products. Pay attention to the fruits and vegetables. Completely discard it is necessary from fried and spices.
Do without vitamins just will not succeed. To maintain the body should use ascorbic acid, enough 500 mg per day. Attention should be paid to vitamin B15, nicotinic acid. It is advisable to use them for a month. Other vitamins and macronutrients are also needed. As for tinctures, broths and teas, then you can take all the funds that were mentioned above. Only a complex treatment of alcoholism at home will give a positive result.
Tips for alcoholism
Tips for alcoholism usually contain the basic recipes and actions that should be used to fix the problem. Rather, the general rules will help relatives and friends of a drunkard, rather than himself. It is important to begin the treatment process as soon as possible. Do not clutch at the first recipe. You should study all existing methods and consult your doctor. Because many alternative recipes have a number of contraindications. Unauthorized use of one or the other method can on the contrary worsen the situation.
Begin and continue treatment is strictly according to the prescription that was chosen. No indulgence should not be. In no case should you give a person alcohol, if the prescription is not indicated. The duration of treatment should be exactly as described. Full compliance with all the rules will lead to a complete cure of the person. The main thing is not to give up and go to the end. To overcome the problem is not so simple, but it is possible. I'll have to show a cunning, endurance, but it's worth it.