Output from the binge
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Narcologists say that binges - the periods of daily, uncontrollable consumption of large amounts of alcohol - are typical for alcoholism of the middle and severe stage, when after another drink comes a condition called alcohol withdrawal syndrome. What happens to the body in this state and how do they infer from the drinking-bout?
Withdrawal from a drinking-bout in a hospital
Dependent on alcohol, as they say, go into drinking-bout to reach a state of continuous intoxication and euphoria, and when the next dose of alcohol does not enter the body, withdrawal syndrome or withdrawal symptoms develop. It is manifested not only by nausea, vomiting and tremor, but also loss of strength, sleep and appetite; pain in the muscles and joints; disorders of the heart rhythm; nightmares on the verge of hallucinations; loss of ability to adequately perceive the environment and depressive-psychotic states of varying intensity. Specialists recommend taking out of drinking-bout in the hospital, as long-term use of alcohol in large quantities leads to serious metabolic disorders in the body, tolerance (tolerance) to ethanol and physical dependence on it - a condition in which the brain compulsively perceives the action of ethanol as positive despite obvious adverse effects. Therefore, the increased excitability of the central nervous system in the form of irritability and depression, associated with the destruction of cells in the cerebral cortex and the violation of neurotransmission, requires medical attention.
A common method - the withdrawal from drinking-bout with the help of a dropper - consists in the infusion (dropwise intravenous) administration of a complex of drugs that help detoxification, that is, the purification of blood from the products of the decomposition of ethyl alcohol (acetaldehyde), and remove the psychosomatic manifestations of toxic effects on the body, in the first place , metabolic acidosis.
In addition to physiological solution (sterile 0.9% aqueous solution of sodium chloride), the composition of the mixtures administered by infusion includes drugs:
- magnesium sulfate;
- potassium chloride;
- Panangin (asparaginate potassium + aspartate magnesium - to support the work of the heart);
- glucose (40% solution);
- sodium thiosulfate;
- Cerucal (antiemetic);
- vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP;
- Insulin (with a decrease in blood sugar due to alcoholic damage to the pancreas);
- Metadoxil (to stimulate the removal of acetaldehyde from the body and protect the liver);
- Chlorazepam (Lorazepam), carbamazepine and other soothing and relaxing drugs - to suppress excitement and anxiety, as well as against seizures.
To normalize the acid-base balance of the body and reduce the level of acidity of the blood, which increases due to the metabolite of alcohol acetaldehyde, an infusion of 4% sodium bicarbonate solution is separately carried out.
It should be borne in mind that the selection of drugs that provide a conclusion from drinking-bout with the help of a dropper is carried out on an individual basis and can not be the same for everyone, since the narcologist comprehensively assesses both the patient's health condition and his "alcohol history".
Self-deducing from the binge at home
According to narcologists, if someone decided to make an independent withdrawal from drinking-bout at home, then he faces the same task: stop alcohol intoxication and overcome metabolic acidosis (when the blood pH is below 7.35), that is, withdraw from the body acetaldehyde and its decay products.
Is it possible to withdraw from drinking by alternative means? The most affordable sedative of the home medicine chest is the tincture of the root of valerian or herb of motherwort, and you can also brew a soothing phytospora from the root of valerian and licorice, mint, motherwort and hop cones. In addition, the use of a large amount of fluid and taking multivitamins is recommended.
From ancient antipruritic recipes there is a tincture of earthworms on vodka, the effectiveness of which, perhaps, should not be tested on their loved ones, who have a painful addiction to alcohol.
Alternative healers advise to make a mix of medicinal plants: two tablespoons of wormwood, peppermint, St. John's wort and yarrow and a tablespoon of angelica root and marsh aura. On a liter of water, you need to take two tablespoons of this mixture and prepare a decoction. A day should drink at least one and a half or two liters of this decoction, which will contribute to the normalization of the digestive tract, will cause increased allocation of sweat and urine.
Bug-out with coding
Drug coding from alcohol dependence involves the administration of subcutaneous or intravenous special drugs that provide complete aversion to alcohol by the body. The principle of their action is based on the fact that even a small dose of alcohol provokes the same symptoms that are observed with alcohol withdrawal syndrome. At the same time, the coded patient knows that there may even be fatal consequences of drinking alcohol.
A person who has a serious dependence on alcohol, first you need to get out of the binge (like - see above), and after that to code from alcoholism. No narcologist will offer a conclusion from drinking-bout with the help of coding, because the coding procedure is carried out only when a person is sober and did not drink alcohol at least a day before a visit to a narcologist, or better - several days.
This mandatory rule applies to such drugs for the drug blockade of alcoholism, such as Disulfiram (Antabus, Teturam, Esperal, Torpedo, Refusan, Aquilong and other trade names) and Algominal. With regard to the drug Actotlex (also based on the active substance dilsufiram), it is supposedly allowed to use it to remove from drinking-bout, that is, drunk, only ... Before this, it is necessary to remove all acetaldehyde from the patient's body in a hangover state.