Treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Most alcoholics do not recognize problems and deny their dependence on alcohol. Almost everyone is sure that he can refuse at any moment, simply at the moment there is no reason to refuse another bottle, despite tears, despair and threats from relatives.
Treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient is considered the last step, to which relatives and loving people go, before finally dropping their hands.
However, such an approach, even for the sake of saving a person, is illegal, since treatment for alcohol dependence should be carried out only with the consent of the person, otherwise he has every right to sue.
Often, people are treated with alternative medicine, but some herbs can damage health, in particular, cause chronic diseases to worsen, so it is better to choose a drug more carefully and consult a doctor before starting treatment.
Often, treatment with alternative methods has a short-term effect, the craving for alcohol returns and the person starts to drink, often even more than before.
It is also worth noting that, according to experts, almost any method is effective if the patient himself recognizes the problem and wants to get rid of addiction.
Alternative treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient
The problem of alcoholism has existed for a long time, that is why there are many methods in the people that help to save a person from painful predilection. Almost all the means of alternative medicine are aimed at causing a negative reflex to the taste and smell of alcohol, to reduce the painful attraction.
It is possible to use such treatment without consent, but in this case it is important that a person does not learn about it, otherwise he will become distrustful, angry and then, it will be much harder to save him.
Treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient should be carried out in strict accordance with the prescription. Many plants are contraindicated in diseases of the heart, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, any mental or nervous disorders, so it is recommended to consult a doctor before choosing a prescription.
It is also worth remembering that alternative methods have a temporary effect, since complex therapy is needed to get rid of alcoholism, including counseling of the therapist. Alcoholism is considered a mental illness, the craving for alcohol remains with the patient in the subconscious, so herbs and other alternatives can only temporarily prevent reluctance to drink, especially if the patient does not want to throw a bad habit.
In addition, a number of medical fees help to clean up the hangover syndrome and improve a person's condition after a long drinking-bout.
The people usually use infusions and decoctions of various herbs, mushroom dung, green bugs, conspiracies and prayers.
Mushroom dung is considered quite effective in the treatment of alcoholism.
The treatment is quite simple - mushrooms can be cooked in any way (boil, fry, stew) and feed the patient. The taste of them can hardly be distinguished from champignons, so there will be no suspicion on the part of the person.
Fungi prevent the splitting of alcohol, which causes symptoms of severe poisoning (it should be noted that the fungi are harmless to human health).
Symptoms of poisoning last for several days, during which a person can not consume alcohol.
Tincture with red pepper also causes intense vomiting and causes aversion to alcoholic beverages.
To prepare such a tincture, 1 tbsp. Red ground pepper and 0.5 liters of alcohol (60%). After two weeks the product is ready for use - infusion of 2-3 drops per bottle of vodka.
Another good way to get rid of a bad habit is kefir serum, which helps to remove toxins and decay products from the body, reduce painful attraction to alcohol, strengthen the protective functions of the body. By the way, serum is useful for the health of not only alcoholics.
To prepare, you need 1 liter of kefir (3.2%), flour from wheat, oats, barley, rye, semolina and buckwheat (crushed) - only 40 g, 8 liters of water.
In an enamel saucepan, press the mixture for 3 days (at 240 ° C), drain and give to the patient about 600-700 ml per day, regardless of the meal.
Green forest bugs are the original folk method, which helps to cause a long aversion to alcohol.
For the recipe, you need 15 to 30 bedbugs, which you need to put in a bottle of vodka and insist 2-3 days.
Only 50 g of vodka causes a strong vomiting and long unwillingness to drink (the effect can extend from several months to several years).
Also, to form a strong aversion to alcoholic beverages, powder from the shell of boiled crayfish can be used.
The powder is added to the food (2 tsp together with the food) every time during the "drunken" feast.
Powder causes strong vomiting after each drink, reducing the craving for alcohol and aversion is formed by 3 - 10 times.
In addition to infusions and broths, one can try conspiracies and prayers. Such funds are usually used by relatives, reading independently or referring to the help of "grandmothers."
The strongest is the prayer of St. Bonifatia "From drunkenness", you can also read prayers and conspiracies in the church before the icon of the Mother of God "The Inexhaustible Chalice".
Also conspiracies are used, read over the person during sleep, which are a kind of "coding", it is believed that this method effectively helps to cope with a painful habit. Experts say that such conspiracies during sleep can really help, because at this time there is a direct impact on the subconscious (something like hypnosis).
Also help to reduce the painful attraction to alcohol sour apples (about 1kg per day), broth of leaves of bearberry (80g for 200ml of water, drink 1 tablespoon 5 times a day), mint drops (10g mint for 200ml of vodka, insist a week) . To reduce the severe symptoms of a hangover, you can use cucumber brine (for more effect, you can add crushed garlic and a pinch of black pepper), pickled cabbage brine.
Means of treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient
Treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient is necessary in the case when a person denies his dependence on alcohol and does not want to take help from relatives or undergo treatment. It is worth noting that this approach to treatment is quite specific, but if desired and perseverance, you can bring a person out of the binge and bring him back to normal life. Another advantage of treating an alcohol dependent without his knowledge is low cost, since the cost of specialist services and expensive drugs is excluded.
The main means of such treatment are infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs, insects, etc., which in most cases cause strong vomiting after a dose of alcohol, thereby forming a negative attitude towards alcoholic beverages.
Also for the treatment, you can use special drugs that help overcome the addiction.
Drugs for the treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient
Among the medicines that help in the fight against alcoholism, several groups differ in their effect:
- facilitating the symptoms of hangovers and the condition during the exit from a long drinking bout
- reducing the desire for alcohol
- Forming a negative attitude toward alcohol at the level of reflexes
Relieve or completely remove the hangover symptoms Medochronal, Alcazelzer, etc.
To reduce the painful desire for alcohol in our market there is only one drug - Proproten 100, however, the tool only helps in 50% of cases.
Drugs that cause a negative attitude towards alcoholic beverages are most effective in combating the harmful habit of a loved one, but the treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient with such drugs without the supervision of a specialist can provoke a number of undesirable consequences.
The most common drug from this group is Teturam (France), relatively inexpensive and quite effective. Teturam contains substances that block the splitting of alcohol and convert ethyl alcohol into a toxic compound - acetaldehyde.
Against the background of taking the drug in alko-dependent after the next glass there is intense vomiting, headache, tachycardia. Such a reaction to alcohol over time forms a negative reflex to alcohol, but, unfortunately, the drug has a short-term effect.
The domestic equivalent of Tetaurum is Esperal, which is more purified and has fewer side effects.
According to its pharmacological properties Esperal practically does not differ from Tetaurum.
Another drug from this group is Lidevin, which also contains disulfiram, which converts ethyl alcohol into a toxic compound.
Lidevin also contains vitamins and substances that help to cleanse the body and improve the functioning of the nervous system.
In the Spanish preparation this group of Coleme instead of disulfiram (enough toxic substance) uses cyanamide, which causes severe discomfort during the reception of alcoholic beverages.
This drug is non-toxic, harmless and quite effective, the only drawback is a high price (the treatment will cost in the range of 1000 UAH).
Herbs for the treatment of alcoholism
Herbs are the most common and cheap way to get rid of alcohol dependence. Herbs can cause a strong deterioration of well-being after another glass, so a natural mechanism of self-defense works - a fear of death overcomes the desire to drink.
There are a lot of recipes with medicinal herbs, among which are:
- tincture Lobelia - contains alkaloids in large quantities, which cause symptoms of intoxication with simultaneous reception with alcohol. Use this tool carefully and observe the dosage. Usually only 5-6 drops are enough for 500 ml of vodka to provoke a decrease in pressure, strong weakness, nausea and vomiting.
- buckthorn laxative - is also widely used for the treatment of alcohol addicts. To prepare the broth requires 15-20 berries and 200ml of water, on a slow fire boil for about 20 minutes. A bottle of vodka is enough 2 tablespoons. - after which the person will begin the strongest diarrhea.
- Green tea is considered the easiest means of alcoholism and at the same time little known. Treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient is also simple - in black tea, when brewing, add 4-5 leaves of green tea, and add the steamed leaves to the food. After about 3 weeks, a person develops an aversion to alcohol.
Treatment of alcoholism with thyme without the knowledge of the patient
In alternative medicine, thyme or thyme creeping is used to treat many diseases, but few know that thyme effectively helps get rid of alcohol dependence.
In certain doses, thyme concurrently with alcohol causes intense vomiting and a sharp deterioration in well-being, which for a long time discourages the desire to drink.
To prepare a decoction it will take 15g of grass, 0.5l of hot water. Mix the mixture in a water bath for 15 minutes, then strain and add hot water to the original volume (0.5 liters).
Give an alcohol-dependent broth you need several times a day for 50-70ml.
Thymol contains thymol, which causes alcohol intolerance and provokes severe vomiting.
The course of treatment is 7 to 14 days. During this time, an aversion to alcohol is formed in the body.
To enhance the effect after each reception of the alcoholic liquor broth, it is necessary to give a little vodka (20-30g), which will cause deterioration of well-being and contribute to the formation of a negative reflex to alcohol.
It is recommended to give a freshly prepared broth daily.
In addition to the broth, you can give a man a tea made of thyme, wormwood and a thousand-ton.
To prepare the medicine you need to take 4 tbsp. Thyme, 1 tbsp. Thousand tons, 1 tbsp. Wormwood and mix everything, then 1 tbsp. The resulting mixture pour 200 ml of boiling water and let it last several minutes.
Such tea should be given in small portions several times a day for 3-4 months, then after a 30-day break the treatment can be repeated.
Usually after 2 weeks a person develops aversion to any alcoholic beverages.
Another effective tool is a decoction with thyme and oregano.
By 2 tbsp. Herbs pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes on low fire and insist for half an hour. In a state of intoxication, a person should give 1 glass of broth, then after 2 hours give a drink of the rest.
Treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient with thymus is contraindicated in diseases of the thyroid gland, diabetes, elevated pressure, ulcer, pulmonary tuberculosis.
Tablets for the treatment of alcoholism
Treatment of alcohol addicts with the help of tablets is also widely used to solve the problem on its own.
Unlike alternative methods, tablets act faster and cause aversion to alcohol, relieve the symptoms of a hangover, reduce the urge to drink.
Today there are drugs that differ in the principle of action:
- form an aversion to alcohol (Teturam, Esperal, Torpedo),
- reduce the desire for alcohol (Proproten 100, Metadoxil, Acamprostat),
- eliminate hangover symptoms
- normalize the work of the nervous system
- reduce the feeling of euphoria after drinking ethanol
Tablets Teturam cause aversion to alcohol and are used for chronic alcoholism, as well as for prevention.
It is prescribed for 1-3 tablets per day, after 7-10 days, an alcohol test is necessary, the results of which determine the need for further treatment.
Ciamide increases the level of acetaldehyde in the blood, the pharmacological action is similar to Teturam, but has fewer side effects. Against the background of taking pills, a person develops an aversion to the smell and taste of alcohol. It should be noted that it is better to take Cyamid under medical supervision and before the start of treatment it is necessary to withstand a "sober period" (not less than 12 hours).
Esperal also forms an aversion to alcohol, regular treatment with this drug leads to a persistent negative reaction of the body to alcohol - a person ceases to have pleasure, frequent vomiting, headache occurs.
Against the background of taking the tablets after a large dose of alcohol, the cardiovascular system is disrupted, swelling and convulsions appear. In this case, it is necessary to immediately seek medical help.
The course of treatment is 7-10 days (1 tablet a day). After treatment, an alcohol test is required, after which the need for further treatment is determined (increase or decrease in dosage).
Acamprosat (also Kampral) reduces the craving for alcohol, does not cause addiction, blocks the feeling of euphoria after another glass.
Used for chronic alcoholism, contraindicated in diseases of the liver, kidneys, hangover syndrome.
The course of treatment for at least 12 months, take 2-4 tablets 3 times a day.
Proproten 100 passed a number of tests and tests, used to improve the condition after drinking. It is prescribed by specialists usually in the chronic form of alcohol dependence to prevent disruption.
For prophylaxis, you need to take 1-2 tablets a day, the course of treatment 2-3 months, in other cases, 4 to 20 tablets per day, depending on the condition.
Metadoxil in the form of tablets reduces the severe symptoms of a hangover and acute alcohol intoxication, cleans the body of toxins. Substances that make up the drug can cause a strong allergic reaction.
Barrier - helps to eliminate both physical and mental dependence on alcohol, normalizes metabolic processes in tissues. They are usually prescribed to reduce the symptoms of a hangover, with a chronic form of alcohol dependence.
Tablets are contraindicated in violation of the liver and kidneys, thyroid gland, diabetes, epilepsy, nervous or mental illness, and they are also not used to treat pregnant or breast-feeding women.
Like other products, tablets have certain advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages can be a quick therapeutic effect, a temporary refusal to drink alcohol. Tablets are sold in a pharmacy, they can be secretly added from a person to food or drinks, but against the background of treatment, strong body reactions may occur, which can even lead to a fatal outcome.
If the dosage is exceeded, severe intoxication is possible, also during the taking of tablets, if a person drinks too high a dose of alcohol, myocardial infarction, severe mental disorders and other serious conditions may develop.
With long-term treatment, an active substance accumulates, which poisons the body, worsens the quality of life.
Tablets have a temporary effect and a person can fail at any time, which requires repeated treatment.
The treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient with the help of pills will help a person to abandon the addiction only for a certain period. Alcoholism is a mental dependence and without the awareness of the problem by the person, any means will be ineffective.
Drops for the treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient
Drops from alcoholism I happen three kinds:
- forming a sense of disgust for the taste of alcohol
- decreasing the addiction in alcoholic beverages
- forming alcohol intolerance
On sale there are drops of Proproten 100, Vital, Colm, Teturam, Esperal, Anti-ethyl, Coprinol and others.
Coprinol is a rather expensive drug, which some experts attribute to dietary supplements, some to the vitamin complex. In the pharmacy, it is almost impossible to buy Koprinol, the remedy is distributed mainly through a dealer network.
The facility is not registered in the state register and information about it is limited.
In the composition there is a mushroom dung, which is considered an effective alternative for the treatment of alcohol dependence.
In a day you need to take 2 ml, after which a person develops aversion to any kinds of alcoholic beverages.
It should be noted that Koprinol destroys the liver.
The drug is available in single-dose vials, which can be added to food or drinks. During treatment, drinking alcohol is not recommended, a person must fully eat (preferably increase the number of vegetables, fruits, fermented milk products).
Colme is an effective drug that has virtually no side effects, but has a number of contraindications (mainly heart disease, liver, kidney disease).
With simultaneous reception with alcohol causes severe redness of the skin, increased heart rate, decreased pressure, weakness, sweating, vomiting. The severity of the symptoms depends on the dose drunk, the more a person drank, the stronger the effect.
To begin treatment it is possible only after 12 hours from the moment of the last use of alcohol, it is desirable after full inspection, it is appointed on 12-25 drops 2 times a day.
At constant reception it is necessary to regularly check the thyroid gland.
Drops can be mixed into food or drinks in the morning and in the evening, it is impossible to exceed the recommended dose (it is optimal to give 15 drops).
The drug has no taste and smell, so it can be used freely for treatment without the knowledge of a person.
The Colme starts to work after about 1 hour and the effect lasts 12 hours, the course of treatment is 3 months.
Drops Proproten 100 are mainly used when you exit the binge to reduce hangover symptoms.
The drug allows you to normalize sleep, the digestive system, reduce irritability, mental stress, relieve headaches.
To get rid of alcohol dependence, it is recommended to take other medications.
After treatment, a lethal outcome is possible, so it is recommended to consult a specialist before starting treatment.
For reception, you need 10 drops to dilute in 15 ml of water, the drug should not be taken while eating.
Drops can be freely given to the alcohol addict, since after them the state of health improves and virtually any alcoholic will not abandon them.
The effect of anti-alcohol drops on the body:
- koprinol - the composition includes the fungus coprinus, which causes symptoms of intoxication (redness of the skin, fever, increased heart rate, vomiting, etc.). The drug forms in a person aversion not only to the smell and taste of alcohol, but also to the appearance of any alcoholic beverages. Against the background of treatment, temporary problems with vision and speech may occur. The therapeutic effect is based on the fear of the appearance of unpleasant symptoms after another glass, quite often people completely refuse to drink alcohol.
- kolma - at the reflex level forms an aversion to alcohol
- proproten 100 has a different principle of action - the main effect occurs on the brain area responsible for pleasure, resulting in a decreased desire to drink.
After reception, the mood improves, the pernicious attraction to alcohol decreases.
Virtually all antialcoholic drops produce a person intolerance of alcohol. Special substances convert alcohol to acetaldehyde, which acts as a strong toxin and causes a number of unpleasant symptoms after a dose of alcohol - increased heart rate, decreased pressure, weakness, vomiting, after which a person has a fear for his life.
Among the side effects on the background of treatment with drops can be identified pain in the sternum, redness of the skin, nausea, sweating, lowering of pressure.
The severity of adverse reactions depends on the amount of alcohol consumed, this can last for an average of about an hour, after which a gradual improvement occurs. If during treatment a person completely refuses alcohol, the reaction of the body will be less acute.
In addition, after taking a person may appear a feeling of fatigue, drowsiness.
Contraindicated in the administration of drops in diabetes, neuropsychic disorders, epilepsy, heart disease, blood vessels, impaired kidneys or liver.
Treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient, as already mentioned, is the last step of desperate relatives. Usually such measures are taken in case a person refuses qualified help and is sure that at any time he can independently refuse such a way of life.
Most often, relatives mix in the food or drink bought pills, drops or herbal medicinal herbs. In most cases, all these drugs contribute to a sharp deterioration of the state after a small dose of alcohol, which forms a negative reflex to the taste and smell of alcohol.
Experts believe that such treatment is dangerous for the health of an alcohol dependent. Drugs and medicinal herbs have a lot of contraindications, and a person suffering from alcohol dependence may have a number of chronic diseases that can worsen during treatment. In addition, the attraction to alcohol is formed in a person at the subconscious level, so after any means, a person can sooner or later return to the addiction.