

Treatment of diseases

Treatment of inguinal hernia

Inguinal hernia is a fairly common disease, which gives its owner a lot of inconvenience.

Radio wave treatment of cervical dysplasia

The procedure performed well, thanks to almost absolute atraumaticity, as well as the absence of pain and scars after treatment.

Treatment of cervical dysplasia

In this article, we will try to describe the most common therapeutic methods that are used in pathology.

Transosseous osteosynthesis

Osteosynthesis is an operation in which the surgeon restores the integrity of the bone (connects the fragments). There are two types of this operation: submerged and external transosseous ostiesynthesis.

Conization of the cervix

Sometimes, surgical intervention is required to remove the cone-shaped area affected by the disease.

Treatment of ectopic pregnancy

The goal of the treatment is elimination of ectopic pregnancy. The main method of treating ectopic pregnancy is considered surgical.

Surgery for chronic sinusitis

Indications for surgical intervention on the maxillary sinus are also valid for other paranasal sinuses, taking into account the features of the clinical course in their diseases and the topographic position.

Output from the binge

Narcologists say that binges - the periods of daily, uncontrollable consumption of large amounts of alcohol - are typical for alcoholism of the middle and severe stage

Surgery to remove inguinal hernia

Sometimes, the only method to stop the problem is an operation to remove the inguinal hernia, with which we will get acquainted in more detail in this article.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis in children

Treatment of atopic dermatitis in children should be complex and pathogenetic, including elimination activities, diet, hypoallergenic regimen, local and systemic pharmacotherapy, correction of concomitant pathology, patient education, rehabilitation.


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