

Treatment of diseases


Let's consider the main indications, the method of carrying out, possible complications and the process of recovery.

Methods of treatment of open wounds

According to the canons of clinical surgery, there are three such stages: primary self-purification, inflammatory reaction and tissue repair by granulation.

Operative and medicinal treatment of colorectal cancer

There are many methods of treating the disease. The doctor's task is to choose the optimal therapeutic scheme that is most suitable for a particular patient.

Treatment of drug acclimatization

A good doctor can recommend a gentle method of therapy during acclimatization, which includes the correct mode of life in these conditions, the desired water regime and diet

Effective regimens for treatment of thrush

Consider the main methods of eliminating thrush, effective drugs and alternative recipes.

Review of effective treatments for asthenia

Many patients who are faced with causeless weakness and constant fatigue, are wondering what kind of doctor to apply for asthenia?

Review of treatment methods for thrush in women

Vaginal candidiasis is a disease in which a fungal infection affects the lower parts of the genital organs.

Effective treatment of thrush with the help of creams, gels and suppositories

Suppositories for fungal infection of the vagina - this is not only a popular, but also an effective medicine that helps cure the ailment in a short time.

Overview of drugs for treatment of thrush in women and men

To date, there are many drugs to eliminate thrush. A wide range of different forms of medication with different efficacy and price allows you to choose the best option for therapy.

Review of effective treatment of genital warts

Most sexually active women and men at some point are infected with HPV, but almost 90% of the warts themselves disappear for about two years. Although there are a lot of cases of recurrence of genital warts.


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