Radio wave treatment of cervical dysplasia
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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This method, like the radio wave treatment of cervical dysplasia, is considered one of the most modern and unique. The procedure performed well, thanks to almost absolute atraumaticity, as well as the absence of pain and scars after treatment.
Radio wave surgery over the past decade has been recognized as the most used procedure in the world for diseases of the cervix. Healing after it occurs quickly, without bleeding and unpleasant consequences.
Indications for radio wave treatment of cervical dysplasia
Radio wave therapy for dysplasia is performed in the following cases:
- if during colposcopy on the cervix of the uterus a significant area of the modified epithelial tissue was found with a prevalence in the region of the cervical canal;
- at a dysplasia of a neck of a uterus of 2-3 degrees that has been confirmed by a histology;
- if the Pap test confirmed the development of dysplasia of 2-3 degrees.
In addition to dysplasia of the cervix, the radio wave method is also prescribed for the treatment of such diseases:
- neck strain;
- endometriosis;
- polyposis;
- cervical ectopia;
- cervical leukoplakia;
- vaginal cysts;
- cervical hypertrophy.
In addition to indications, some contraindications to the radio wave procedure are also singled out:
- infectious diseases of the cervix or uterus, inflammation of the vagina or appendages;
- Cancer of the cervix, which is confirmed by histology.
Before proceeding to treatment, the doctor must be convinced of the absence of inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs, and, if available, to prescribe appropriate therapy.
Method of radio wave treatment
The essence of the therapeutic effect of radio wave treatment is the use of high-frequency radio waves (from 3.8 to 4 MHz) - the doctor can perform a non-contact incision with simultaneous coagulation of soft tissue. The dissecting action of the wave is carried out by heat, which is released during the resistance of the tissue layers of the neck to the directed radio waves. It is important that it is precisely the affected and dying cellular structures that have the greatest electrical resistance. The energy concentration is formed at the edge of the active electrode and provokes an increase in energy within the cell at the molecular level, which contributes to the heating of the tissue and the so-called "evaporation" of the cell. During the procedure, the electrode does not contact the tissue directly and does not heat up. Healthy cells are practically not affected.
During the session of radio wave surgery, there is no painful muscle contraction and stimulation of nerve fibers.
We list the main positive aspects of the radio wave method:
- it is possible to control and minimize the degree of damage to nearby normal tissues;
- the procedure is practically painless;
- after treatment there is no bleeding;
- healing passes quickly and with minimal discomfort;
- treatment can be prescribed to nulliparous patients.
Radio wave treatment is carried out in the first phase of the cycle, after the end of the monthly bleeding. How does the procedure work?
- The patient gives his consent to the treatment.
- A woman is offered to lie down on an armchair.
- In the vaginal cavity a plastic mirror is introduced, which does not possess current-carrying properties.
- The doctor removes the discharge, cleaning the vagina.
- The cervix is treated with Lugol's solution, which allows you to see where the zones of the altered epithelial tissue are located.
- A diffuser is applied to a woman's thigh in a certain place.
- The doctor makes an anesthetic injection into the cervix.
- The electrode loop is placed at a distance of about 4 mm from the border of the lesion.
- A high-frequency current is fed to the loop: the doctor at this time cuts out the required area by about 6-8 mm in depth.
- Using a forceps or special forceps, the removed tissue is removed from the cervix and sent for histological analysis.
- Vascular coagulation is performed to prevent bleeding in the wound.
Complications and consequences of radio wave treatment of cervical dysplasia
The procedure of radio wave treatment rarely ends with complications. Most often, recovery takes place without problems and consequences. Only occasionally can there be such symptoms as slight discharge of brownish and pink hue, as well as slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Such signs are not considered deviations from the norm and are eliminated for several days.
At the end of the treatment, the doctor gives the patient some advice on the way of life for the recovery period (we'll talk about them below). If a woman strictly observes all the proposed rules, then there will be no negative consequences after the treatment.
If such rules are ignored, then complications can occur at the very nearest time after the procedure. Among them:
- cervical bleeding;
- accession of infection;
- spasm of cervical canal or external throat;
- development of isthmico-cervical insufficiency;
- prolonged discharge with an admixture of blood.
According to statistics, such complications can occur in approximately 2% of cases of radio wave treatment.
Rehabilitation period
After the application of radio-wave treatment, rehabilitation proceeds relatively quickly, if the patient does not have accompanying diseases of the genital area - for example, vaginitis, thrush, dysbacteriosis of the vagina. If a woman has been identified with papillomavirus, then she will need an additional course of treatment with antiviral drugs.
During the tightening of the wound, clear, brownish or pink discharge may appear. After a few weeks, the crusts may be removed. At the beginning of the third week after the procedure, it is recommended to visit a doctor for preventive examination: the doctor should check the process of tightening the wound surface.
In rare cases, the patient may be disturbed by minor pain in the lower abdomen. If necessary, the use of drugs such as Ibuprofen (in no case, not aspirin) is permitted. The use of antibiotics and hormonal drugs in this period is inexpedient.
At least a month after the procedure, one should follow the doctor's recommendations regarding the rehabilitation period. If the patient has noticed a fever, or there is a severe bleeding, accompanied by pain - it is necessary to urgently contact the doctor.
Complete regeneration of epithelial cervical tissue occurs in different ways, depending on the scale of the intervention:
- after a pinpoint treatment, the healing period is 5 to 7 days;
- after radio-wave excision and conization, the period may extend to 30-40 days.
Recommendations after radio wave treatment of cervical dysplasia
- Within 2 years the patient should be examined regularly by the doctor, and if necessary, take the prescribed preventive treatment.
- Immediately after the procedure for 2 weeks you can not take a bath, swim in the pool and other water bodies, visit the steam room.
- For 2 weeks, you need to avoid lifting weights, physical activity and active sports exercises.
- One to two months (depending on the doctor's advice) you need to observe sexual rest.
- During the month you can not use tampons, nor should you do douching or use other vaginal means without prescribing a doctor.
- The first menstrual bleeding after radio wave treatment can be more abundant than always, which is not a deviation. However, too much bleeding with clots of blood, accompanied by pain, should be the reason for going to the doctor.
- Also, you should visit your doctor if your body temperature rises suddenly for no apparent reason.
In most cases, women tolerate radio wave treatment easily - many leave the hospital within a few hours after the procedure. Despite the relatively high cost of intervention, recently radio wave treatment of cervical dysplasia is the method of choice for many patients. And this is not surprising: the treatment is qualitatively, quickly and without negative consequences. Do not be afraid of the procedure - if you are worried about any questions, consult a doctor who will treat: he will competently and carefully explain all the nuances of this method.