Temperature after pneumonia
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pneumonia, or as it is called pneumonia, does not appear from scratch, the cause of its development are pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria and microbes). Sometimes, it would seem, a trivial catarrhal disease can rapidly develop into pneumonia. One of the symptoms of this pathology is high temperature indices. Often, there is a temperature after pneumonia and this can not but disturb the patient.
Causes of temperature after pneumonia
After undergoing a complete course of treatment for pneumonia, the patient may have a subfebrile temperature, which should not be particularly worried - such clinic fits perfectly into the picture of the norm, but only if the clinical blood test is normal and the radiograph does not show infiltrative darkening on the background of the chest radiograph . The main causes of temperature after pneumonia are four.
- This is not the complete elimination of all the foci of inflammation.
- Temperature manifestations can be associated with the damage of internal organs and body systems with toxins and products of the decay of the lungs. Such complications can cause:
- Infectious-toxic shock.
- Pulmonary edema.
- Acute respiratory and heart failure.
- Myocarditis is an inflammatory disease of the heart muscle (myocardium).
- Endocarditis is an inflammation of the inner shell of the heart (endocardium).
- Pericarditis is an inflammatory disease of the pericardium, an external connective - tissue membrane of the heart that covers it from all sides.
- Violations of the blood coagulation system.
- Empyema of the pleura.
- Various kinds of psychosis.
- Sepsis.
- Various purulent manifestations.
- Meningitis.
- The addition of a new infection to an even weakened and not fully recovered from a previous illness organism.
- Presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the body that are able to actively multiply during the period of the decline of human immune forces and transform into "L-form" during the period of increased production of antibodies associated with high levels of immunity. This picture is characteristic of the chronic course of the disease.
In any case, it is better to consult with an otolaryngologist or pulmonologist in its symptoms.
Symptoms of temperature after pneumonia
Inflammation of the lungs can catch airborne droplets, as well as it can develop as a complication of commonplace, at first glance, colds. Quite often, pneumonia is asymptomatic, which complicates its diagnosis and effective therapy. Symptoms of temperature after pneumonia are those on a thermometer exceeding the norm, increased sweating, loss of strength, fever, drowsiness may appear. But the subfebrile temperature is the same symptom that indicates the inflammatory process taking place in the body. Against the background of the pathology accompanying his symptoms can be:
- Dry or wet cough.
- Chills.
- Decreased appetite.
- General weakness.
- Labored breathing.
- Tachycardia.
- Decreased motor activity.
- Lethargy.
Keeps the temperature at a pneumonia
Pneumonia is one of the most common complications that can result in acute respiratory disease (ARI). And patients are always interested in the question, how much does the temperature with pneumonia keep? And how can you speed up the recovery process? Mostly, this pathology is most common in regions with a stable cold and moist climate. Our country is located precisely in such a climatic zone. In our region, this pathology is not only widespread enough, but cases where the initial form of the disease passes into its acute or chronic stage proceeding with a constant elevated temperature are frequent. The disease usually passes quite hard, and therapy takes a long time. Especially it concerns those cases when the disease was treated independently, and the patient passed him on his feet.
Therefore, it is very important to recognize, diagnose and begin adequate therapy at an early stage of the pathology. This can only be done by a qualified physician, because the initial symptomatology is often similar to the manifestations of a common infectious disease (RVI). The patient is coughing (at an early stage of development, he is predominantly dry), the general weakness of the body, the thermometer shows high figures, apathy, there is a periodic sensation in the pharynx. This symptomatology is inherent in many catarrhal pathologies, it can also be observed in the case of a decrease in the defenses of the body, but if they manifest themselves in a complex way it is a signal to seek the help of a specialist, since together they talk about the development of a serious disease in the body, such as inflammation of lung tissue.
It is unambiguous to say how much the temperature will be kept in case of pneumonia. Everything depends on the immune forces, the state of the patient's body, and also the severity of the disease. During the course of the disease, the temperature ranges from 37 to 38 degrees. Such figures usually show a thermometer in the evening, whereas in the morning the mercury column descends to normal values of 36.6 o C. If the patient has a high level of immunity, then such a picture can be observed for two weeks. Therefore, if the elevated temperature persists for five to seven days, there is no need to pull further, consultation and examination with a specialist is necessary. Primarily you can make an appointment with an otolaryngologist. If necessary, he will send to a more specialized specialist (for example, a pulmonologist), you may also need hospitalization.
For a long time, pneumonia progresses with mild symptomatology, only the general tone of the human body is reduced. At some point, the temperature index can increase to 39 - 40 o C. At the same time, coughing becomes worse, which goes from dry to coughing with sputum discharge. When expectoration is expected, blood streaks can sometimes be observed. The patient may encounter difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, it may be followed by pain in the head and chest. Therefore, it is not necessary to delay, only adequately carried out treatment, with properly selected medicines is able in the shortest time to stop the pathology and completely get rid of it.
Temperature 37 o C after pneumonia
Due to intensive conservative treatment, conducted on a hospital or outpatient basis, the treating physician manages to relieve the patient of unpleasant symptoms. In this case, one can not be guaranteed to be calm about the complete destruction of the pathogenic flora, which was the causative agent of the disease. The stated temperature after pneumonia 37 degrees indicates that the process of inflammation was not fully cured, or pathological microorganisms are weakened, but not completely eliminated.
It should also be noted that in the case of improperly prescribed and conducted therapeutic therapy, the pathogenic microflora is able to acquire increased resistance to certain pharmacological drugs and chemical compounds, of which many drugs are. This result allows obtaining high adaptive abilities of parasites, viruses and bacteria. Subfebrilitetnye manifestations indicate that the inflammation has passed to the chronic plane: there is an invisible opposition between human immunity and the adaptive characteristics of microorganisms.
For example, nature has given bacteria and fungi the opportunity to transform into a special "L-form", which allows the microorganism to wait out "uncomfortable times." As soon as the human immune system fails, the level of protective forces of the human body is reduced, pathogenic organisms are activated and multiply with increased speed. If the body begins to receive antibiotics, the bacteria again take refuge in the "L-form". This course of the disease is inherent in the chronic form of pneumonia. It is observed in young patients, long-term sick with various colds. In adults, chronic disease can cause prolonged illness, addiction to nicotine, work in conditions of increased air pollution.
During the course of the pathology of the medicine for themselves distinguish three types of temperature indicators observed with pneumonia.
- The subfebrile condition of the classical form is when the temperature indices do not exceed 38 o C.
- Boundary temperature indicators - the figure on the thermometer falls within the limits of 38 to 39 o C. Such a pattern is observed for one or two days.
- Uncontrolled fever, in which the body's thermal indices exceed the threshold of 39 degrees. And the figures continue to grow.
Croupous pneumonia develops during more than one month. Therefore, against its background after a period of "imaginary lull" periodically appears subfebrile temperature with readings on a thermometer at 37 ° C. In the case of diagnosing bilateral lung inflammation, inpatient conditions the patient undergoes a course of treatment for two to three weeks. During this time, the clinical picture of the disease changes, pathological symptoms disappear, the radiograph no longer shows infiltrative shadows. But, nevertheless, for some time (it is determined by the attending physician) the patient continues to adhere to the protocol of treatment in outpatient or home conditions.
It is not unfortunate, but in pulmonological practice, cases are often quite frequent when, after the end of the course of treatment, a person feels normal for some time, and after, for example, three weeks the body temperature rises again, reaching 37-38 ° C. This disease is due to the fact that the protective forces of the human body, against the background of taking antibacterial drugs, begin to produce specific antibodies. In the case of the chronic course of the disease (when the infection is present in the "L-form"), the antibodies work for a couple of weeks, while completely suppressing the inflammatory focus in the lung tissues, and as a result - the appearance of subfebrile temperature. Physicians dubbed the residual manifestation of this disease - the temperature tail. This phenomenon indicates a very high probability of recurrence of the inflammatory pulmonary process.
In the light of the peculiarities of pneumonia, even after the disappearance of infiltrative shadows from the X-ray, the radiologist (or pulmonologist) recommends that his patient undergo a second chest X-ray examination after one month. It is necessary, in case of relapse, not to miss the occurrence of new foci of the disease. Some physician-therapists refer the temperature tail to the completely normal consequences of pathology.
After pneumonia, the child has a fever
The so-called temperature-induced temperature in small patients is quite rare. This is due to the fact that chronic inflammation of the lung tissue for babies is less characteristic. As shown by the statistics of deaths associated with croupous pneumonia, out of five percent of deaths, less than one falls on croupous pneumonia in children. But, nevertheless, the temperature tail in children can be observed. If, after pneumonia, the child does not exceed the temperature of 37 degrees, it may be sufficient to adjust the diet and drink large amounts of liquid. Since with high immunity the body is able to cope with small inflammation foci that can periodically arise in the lung tissues against the backdrop of a chronic course of pathology.
If there is a fever after a child's pneumonia, such a symptom may indicate that the baby has a weakened immune system or a small person has undergone structural changes affecting the structural components of the respiratory system. Pathological structural transformation of the respiratory tract will further contribute to the frequent occurrence of colds and recurrent pneumonia. That is, if the baby is often sick with colds or he has a temperature of slightly above 37 degrees for several days, it should be a signal for parents to conduct a comprehensive examination of the baby.
The reason for this painfulness in a child may be a lack in his body of the surfactant - the enzymatic component of the alveolar wall, which provides normal volumes and shape of the lung (acinus). The surfactant supports the physiologically necessary gas exchange between the red blood cells of the blood plasma and the external environment. In case of failures in gas exchange or anomalies in the structural structure of the acini, the baby develops a risk of developing atelectasis, characterized by a partial or complete collapse of the entire lung or individual lobes, which develops as a result of bloating of small air sacs (alveoli).
Fight with temperature indicators (if they are in the range of 37 - 38 o C) should not be. With such a clinical picture in the human body, all heat and mass transfer processes occur at an increased rate. The temperature slightly above the norm indicates that the body continues to fight the pathogens of the disease and, in the case of high immunity, this fight is quite effective. But do not let this confrontation go by itself. The body needs help and support. To effectively cool the temperature tail is worth sticking to some recommendations.
- In the recovery period, you should drink a large amount of a variety of fluids. It can be simple water, fruit drinks, juices, compotes, mousses.
- In the diet of the patient must necessarily be present natural fruits and vegetables.
- Carry out all the recommendations voiced by the pediatrician.
- Daily walks on fresh air will be useful.
- Regular wet cleaning of the dwelling and daily airing are mandatory.
- It is necessary to monitor the weight of the baby. On the body of a small patient, both shortage and excess body weight have a negative effect.
- A timely and complete therapy of secondary pathology is necessary.
What's bothering you?
Diagnosis of temperature after pneumonia
In case of appearance of pathological symptoms, it is not necessary to postpone the trip to the doctor. In this case, professional help is needed from the otolaryngologist. Diagnosis of temperature after pneumonia includes:
- Familiarization with the patient's complaints.
- Inspection and assessment of the condition of the nasopharynx.
- Conducting a fluorography.
- Clinical analysis of urine and blood.
- Radiographic study.
- Analysis of sputum on the microflora, allowing to determine the nature of the damaging microflora.
- Checking the temperature of the patient's body.
Based on the research data, the attending physician is able to obtain a complete clinical picture of the disease, and only after that to prescribe effective therapy.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
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Treatment of temperature after pneumonia
In order to adequately treat the temperature after pneumonia, it is necessary to know exactly the cause of the subfebrile temperature. If, after the treated pneumonia, the radiograph and analyzes do not show significant changes, then the "playing" temperature may be the body's response to the residual phenomena of the disease. Therefore, it is not worthwhile to interfere with this immune system in this immune system. It is desirable to support it with a full-fledged diet, rich in vitamins and trace elements, as well as a plentiful drink.
If the cause is a disease that has passed to the chronic stage, then, most likely, the treating doctor will prescribe a comprehensive therapy that includes antibiotics (anti-inflammatory and antibacterial or antiviral drugs - the choice depends on the source of the pathology), as well as the medications of maintenance therapy.
In this case, you can do with light wide-spectrum antibiotics. These can be amoxicillin, cefepime, ticarcillin, cefoperazone, penicillin, ceftriaxone, piperacillin, ciprofloxacin, ceftazidime, cefotaxime.
Suprax - the dosage of the drug is selected in such a way that the therapeutic amount of the drug is constantly maintained in the plasma. Start adult patients and children over 12 years old, whose body weight exceeded 50 kg, appoint capsules orally 0.4 g once a day.
For small patients, the preparation in the form of a suspension is more suitable. Breast ailments from half a year to a year the dose of a medicine makes 2,5 - 4 mg throughout day. Karapuzam from two to six years, the dosage is 5 ml of suspension per day. Older children (from five to 11 years old) are prescribed a dosage in the amount of 6 to 10 ml.
Duration of admission directly depends on the pathology itself, and its severity. It can be from a week to ten days. In case of violations in the work of the kidneys, the dosage of the drug can be reduced by half.
Contraindications for the administration of this drug may be increased sensitivity to penicillins and cephalosporins. With extreme caution, it is necessary to use the drug in case of therapy for elderly people, as well as if there is pseudomembranous colitis or renal dysfunction of a chronic nature in the patient's anamnesis.
Ceftriaxone is given to adolescents over 12 years of age with a body weight of more than 40 kilograms and adult patients 1 g per day. If necessary, this amount of the drug can be divided into two injections of half a gram administered every 12 hours. Duration of treatment from four days to two weeks.
This drug is well tolerated by the patient's body, rarely enough to provoke side symptoms. But there are situations where the administration of ceftriaxone is capable of provoking complications that can cause great harm. Such contraindications include:
- Individual intolerance of the constituents of the medicinal product, including penicillins, cephalosporins and carbapenems.
- Severe form of kidney and liver dysfunction.
- The period of pregnancy (especially the first trimester).
- Time of feeding the baby with breast milk.
Use with caution in intestinal dysbacteriosis and in newborns with hyperbilirubinemia (jaundice).
In the event that the inflammatory process is triggered by an atypical infection, for example, legionellosis, mycoplasmosis or chlamydia, more specific antibacterial drugs are used. But it is also not necessary to neglect medicines of a wide spectrum of action.
Sumamed is prescribed to small patients in the form of tablets (before consumption, they must be crushed) or in the form of a suspension in the amount of 0.125 g. The drug is most effective when it is administered one hour before meals or two hours after its completion. Older children are prescribed a drug at the rate of 10 mg per kilogram of the patient's weight taken once during the day. Adult patient takes 0.5 grams of sumamed orally once a day. The duration of the course of treatment is three days.
Contraindications to the use of the drug include hypersensitivity to antibiotics of macrolides, as well as a severe form of pathological changes in the liver and kidneys.
Clarithromycin is included in the treatment protocol for adolescents over 12 years and adults in doses ranging from 0.25 to 0.5 g divided into two doses per day. Duration of treatment is from one to two weeks. Dosage and duration of therapy is prescribed by the attending physician.
If the patient is orally, for some reason, difficult to administer the drug, it is used in the form of a solution - like intravenous injections. The same kind of medicinal product is also used in case of severe infection. Clarithromycin is prescribed in the amount of 0.5 g daily for two to five days. In the future, the patient is transferred to the tablet form of the drug. The total duration of therapy is ten days.
This drug is not recommended for patients with hypersensitivity to its components, as well as during the first trimester of pregnancy, lactation and with porphyria in the anamnesis.
Not bad help in recovery are oxygen inhalations. In the case of residual inflammatory processes, preparations of general inflammatory action, for example, paracetamol, are suitable.
It is attributed to adults and adolescents, the mass of which exceeded 60 kg, to 0.5 g, taken four times throughout the day. The interval between the inputs is four to six hours. The daily dosage should not exceed 4 g. For small patients, whose age falls within the interval from three months to a year, the amount of medication is prescribed in the range from 0.06 to 0.12 g, and for infants up to three months of age - 10 mg, calculated per one kilogram of the weight of the newborn. Children from one year to five - 0.12 to 0.25 grams, and children from six to 12 years - 0.25 - 0.5 g. The drug is administered four times a day with an interval of at least six hours.
Paracetamol should not be used in case of increased sensitivity of the patient's body, with severe blood flow disorders, blood diseases, dysfunction in the kidneys and liver.
In case of strong intoxication of the body, the attending physician enters into the protocol of therapy medicines that allow maintaining the patient's condition and reduce intoxication: rheopolyglucin, glucose solution.
With a general intoxication, rheopolyglucose is dripped intravenously. The dose of the solution to be administered is determined by the attending physician, usually the starting figure falls within the limit of 400 to 1000 mg. In especially severe cases, it is possible to additionally administer up to 500 ml. After acute intoxication, the dosage is reduced to 400 ml, which is administered the next five days.
As a supportive therapy should not be denied and treatment by alternative means. It is only necessary to inform your doctor about this. Which, correcting the reception schedule, will make the therapy more effective.
- If the patient has temperature indicators accompanied by a dry cough, a good therapeutic result is the reception of decoctions from licorice root, such herbs as mother-and-stepmother, marshmallow, and oregano. Two tablespoons of the ground plant pour a glass of boiling water and hold for 15 minutes in a water bath, and then allow to cool. Drink two tablespoons every three hours.
- In case of poor withdrawal of sputum (if they are sufficiently thick), a decoction or tea made from the collection of herbs: violets, pine buds, plantain leaves and Siberian runoff will suit.
- High expectorant properties are freshly squeezed onions or radishes, which can be taken with a small amount of sugar or honey.
- To raise the body's defenses, a variety of natural juices are perfect.
- Elderberry fruits are also effective. Take four pieces of large or five small bunches of flowering elderberry. Combine them with half a liter of vodka and leave to infuse at room temperature for two weeks. Received infusion use one tablespoon an hour before meals. During the day it is necessary to maintain three receptions, not missing a single one. For the therapeutic course you will have to drink all half a liter of nastia.
- To improve immunity, our ancestors took butter and propolis introduced into it.
- Effective inhalation, carried out using birch buds or eucalyptus leaves.
- Compresses made from honey cakes can significantly reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process.
It is worth recalling once again that it is also necessary to use the prescriptions of alternative medicine with caution. In any case, it is first worth consulting with your doctor, only with his permission you can enter auxiliary therapies, otherwise your health can only be harmed.
If the temperature after pneumonia continues to be observed after the treatment is over, then brush off the problem and think that it will not resolve itself independently. Subfebrile condition may be a consequence of the manifestation of residual inflammation and if the body is strong, then it will cope on its own. A similar picture can provoke a secondary infection, or the transition of an already existing pathology to a chronic condition. But a qualified specialist can answer this question unequivocally. Therefore, in case of subfebrile fever, consultation of an otolaryngologist or pulmonologist is necessary. If the problem is ignored, a complication can develop that could lead to a fatal outcome.
More information of the treatment