What to do with pneumonia?
Last reviewed: 20.11.2023

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Treatment of pneumonia can be carried out both in a hospital and at home, depending on the severity of the course of the disease. What to do with pneumonia, so that the recovery will come as soon as possible?
It is necessary, first of all, to comply with bed rest, balanced salt-free diet, to consume enough vitamins. The room where the patient is, should be ventilated regularly. Recommended massage, breathing exercises, physiotherapy. Treatment with antibiotics the doctor picks up individually: it depends on the type of pathogen.
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How to do inhalation with pneumonia?
The term "inhalation" means "inhalation". To conduct procedures for inhalation is recommended for inflammation of the lungs, trachea, bronchi.
Inhalation procedures can be of the following types:
- steam inhalation (aromahingilation) - is used for the treatment of ENT pathologies, in viral infections and chronic bronchitis;
- wet inhalation - inhalation of steam to prevent drying out of mucous membranes;
- oil inhalation - used for the prevention of acute inflammatory process of the respiratory system;
- Air inhalation - is more often used for inflammation in the bronchi or trachea;
- Ultrasonic inhalation - used to dilute sputum during pneumonia or pulmonary abscess;
- powder inhalation (insufflation) - is prescribed for the treatment of chronic form of rhinitis, viral infection, pulmonary tuberculosis.
Inhalation procedures for inflammatory processes in the lungs are necessary to improve the drainage capacity of the airways and ventilation lung function. Treatment with inhalations is recommended to be performed after the acute period of the illness.
Doctors recommend such a remedy for pneumonia, like Bioparox (fusafungin), a ready aerosol in a can, an antimicrobial agent of local action. Particles of the drug during spraying fall even in the most difficult places of the respiratory system, which greatly accelerates recovery. Bioparox is used for every four hours, the duration of the course of therapy is 7-10 days, no more.
In the inflammatory process in the lungs, the improvement of the condition is observed from the inhalation of the flavors of coniferous trees. However, not all patients have the opportunity to go to the forest and enjoy the healing air. Fortunately, there is an alternative - coniferous inhalation. It is enough to boil a pot of water, put a few twigs of pine, spruce, juniper into it, and breathe over the steam that forms. To increase the effect in the water, you can add a little baking soda. You can also arrange pine branches around the room, or light an aromatic lamp with essential oil of coniferous trees or coriander. Thanks to such simple actions, the air in the room will become fresh and cleaner.
Infusion for inhalation procedures can be prepared by adding the color of chamomile, sage, eucalyptus. The inhalation of vapors should be carried out in full breast, trying not to burn yourself, but so that steam can penetrate into the farthest regions of the bronchi.
The most common alternative means for inhalation is by inhaling a couple of newly cooked potatoes. This is also an effective method, after which it is recommended to drink a glass of hot infusion of medicinal herbs: mint, melissa, St. John's wort, calendula, to fix the effect.
How to do massage with pneumonia?
Even in Soviet times, medical experts noticed a significant improvement in external respiration in patients with chronic pneumonia as a result of the massage. The massage procedure is carried out, starting from the nasal area and nasolabial zone to stimulate nasal-reflex reflexes, which help to expand the lumen of the bronchi and make breathing deeper.
Produce a massage of the thoracic region - first the front part, then the back. When massage is used the main methods of the classical procedure: the use of strokes, rubbing, kneading, vibration.
Massaging of the chest starts from the bottom up. The procedure lasts an average of 10 to 15 minutes. The course of massage should be from 10 to 12 procedures, in a day or daily.
As a rule, massage is prescribed for 4-5 days from the beginning of treatment, from the moment of quieting of the acute period of inflammation.
Classical massage with the inflammatory process in the lungs involves the impact on the paravertebral zones, the widest and trapezius muscles, the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Do not forget about the interscapular gap and suprapattic zones, over- and subclavian area, acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular joints, large thoracic and anterior cog muscles. Particular attention is paid to the massaging of intercostal spaces, the diaphragmatic area (along the X-XII rib from the sternum to the axis of the spine).
As a result of such effects, especially in combination with drug therapy, the ventilation capacity of the lungs significantly improves, the separation of sputum increases. Increases the reserves of the respiratory system, facilitates the extensibility of the chest.
Contraindication to the use of massage procedures is the acute period of pneumonia, as well as the period of exacerbation of a chronic disease.
What are the injections done with pneumonia?
Antibacterial treatment plays an important role in the inflammatory process in the lungs. Such therapy should be appropriate:
- the earlier treatment is started, the better the disease prognosis;
- the course of treatment should be controlled bacteriologically;
- antibiotics should be used at a sufficient dosage and at such intervals of drug administration to provide an acceptable drug concentration in the bloodstream and lungs.
Injectable administration of drugs is more preferable than oral administration. The effect of antibiotics is manifested by the rapid disappearance of the phenomena of intoxication, the stabilization of temperature indicators, the improvement of the general condition of the patient. With positive dynamics during the week, antibiotics can be canceled. If the expected effect, on the contrary, is absent, after 2-3 days of treatment the drug can be replaced with another, as a rule, stronger.
Antibiotic for the treatment of pneumonia, the doctor chooses strictly individually: this depends on the severity of the disease and the general condition of the patient. Preparations are used according to the etiological signs of the disease:
- with pneumococcal infection - benzylpenicillin, sulfonamide drugs, erythromycin, tetracycline series, cephalosporin antibiotics, lincomycin;
- for Klebsiella pneumonia - biseptol, streptomycin in combination with levomitsetinom, gentamycin, cortine, ampicillin;
- with staphylococcal infection - tetracycline, erythromycin, streptomycin;
- with penicillin-resistant infection - nitrofuran series, gentamicin, oxacillin, lincomycin;
- with hemolytic streptococcus - cephalosporin and penicillin series, erythromycin, nitrofuran and tetracycline antibiotics;
- with pneumonia caused by Pfeiffer's wand - ampicillin, ceftriaxone, tetracycline, levomycetin;
- with Pseudomonas aeruginosa - sulfanilamide preparations, gentamicin, tetracycline;
- with escherichia - ampicillin, nitrofuran series, streptomycin in combination with sulfanilamide agents;
- with mycoplasma pneumonia - tetracycline series, erythromycin;
- with actinomycetes - tetracycline antibiotics;
- with Candida pneumonia - antifungal drugs.
To activate the immunobiological processes in the body, biogenic stimulants, for example, aloe extract (1 ml every day for two weeks, or every other day for a month) can be prescribed.
To maintain vascular tone, you can use preparations of caffeine, cordiamine. With weak cardiac activity (especially in elderly patients) cardiac glycosides are prescribed: strophanthin (1 ml 0.025% solution), korglikon (1 ml 0.06% solution).
What can not be done with pneumonia?
What medical measures are used for pneumonia, we have already figured out. Now, let's define what is not recommended for inflammation of the lungs:
- smoking;
- use alcohol (antibiotic therapy);
- to bear illness on legs, to run and jump during illness;
- in the presence of temperature - take a bath, shower, walk;
- go to the sauna and sauna;
- eat sweets, sugar;
- drink cold drinks;
- use animal fats, smoked products, fried and spicy dishes, pickled foods, carcinogens.
Compliance with bed rest is mandatory during the period of temperature rise and signs of intoxication.
Considerable attention should be paid to the patient's nutrition, especially during the fever period. Food is chosen diverse and easily assimilated, with sufficient vitamins. The following necessary daily intake of vitamins in the acute form of pneumonia is determined:
- vitamin B ¹ - 12 mg;
- vitamin B² - 12 mg;
- pyridoxine - 18 mg;
- vitamin C - 400 mg;
- vitamin PP - 120 mg.
Complex multivitamin preparations lead to the norm most of the indicators of the functionality of the body. In addition, it is necessary to maintain the water-electrolyte balance, using a sufficient amount of liquid (ideally - fruit and vegetable freshly squeezed juices, milk with honey).
What to do after pneumonia?
With adequate qualified treatment, pneumonia always ends in a patient's recovery. In 70% of patients, pulmonary tissues are completely restored, 20% have a small pneumosclerotic region, 7% have a local carnification zone. To improve the rates of convalescence, patients who have suffered pneumonia are recommended the following:
- Do not smoke;
- avoid all kinds of hypothermia and overheating, dress according to the weather;
- acceptable sanatorium treatment, preferably in mountainous or forest regions;
- reduce the amount of fat and heavy food used;
- visiting beaches, swimming pools and saunas temporarily restricted;
- avoid crowded places, do not contact sick people;
- when forced contact with a sick person should wear a gauze bandage;
- ventilate the room, avoid excessive accumulation of dust, regularly conduct wet cleaning.
The first 6-12 months after the transferred pneumonia, the immune forces of the body will be weakened. This is due to severe intoxication and antibiotic treatment. Therefore, during this period, you should take care of your health especially carefully.
In a later period, it is recommended to carry out procedures for tempering the organism, to lead an active and mobile way of life. Particular attention should be paid to the right balanced diet - this will be the best prevention of a decrease in body immunity.
About the main recommendations we told you, the rest check with your doctor. Be healthy!
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