The state of apathy, weakness, fatigue, drowsiness: how to cope
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Apathy is a state of indifference and indifference to everything around what is happening. Let's look at the causes of this psychological illness, the ways of treatment, as well as the advice of a psychologist and methods of preventing apathy.
Apathy is a state in which everything around becomes indifferent, there is no desire to talk to anyone and do anything.
There are many reasons for apathitis, from psychological and physical fatigue and exhaustion of the organism to disturbances in the work of the endocrine system and chronic diseases. Apathetic condition is familiar to everyone, but in some it passes quickly, while in others it grows into a serious depression.
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In psychiatry, the term apathy means detachment from all that is happening and stoic calm. That is, this state of indifference to others, which can turn into an aversion to life. Apathy arises absolutely for all people. That is, there is no regularity between the material situation of man and the apathetic state. The main reason for detachment and indifference to everything is boredom, which gradually turns into indifference. From apathy suffer people with children, happy families and dream work. Psychological disorder persecutes those who fail because of failure or are in a bad environment.
- Independently to understand the causes of apathy is very difficult, so patients resort to the help of psychiatrists, psychotherapists, neurologists, psychologists. Without appropriate treatment, apathy takes a chronic form or goes into a depressed state.
- A man whose apathy detachedly looks at his life, ceases to make plans for the future, making acquaintances and just dreaming. Life seems monotonous and dull.
- Apathy is provoked by both external and internal causes. Even at first glance, an insignificant event, can cause apathy and leave a negative imprint on the psyche.
Causes of apathy
The causes of apathy are diverse, but by and large - these are regular and recurrent clashes with problems that can not be resolved at this level of development. Apathy is caused by physical, psychological and emotional fatigue, frequent stresses, experiences, neuroses. Let's look at the main causes of apathy:
- Stay in prolonged stress.
- Lack of rest and unloading.
- Sharp changes in life (death of loved ones, divorce, pregnancy, pension, dismissal, child birth, treason and others).
- Premenstrual syndrome in women.
- Perfectionism and constant reminders from others about anything.
- A sense of shame, arising when manifesting their needs and desires.
- Long waiting for an important or dangerous event.
- Misunderstanding of others and dependence (games, alcohol, drugs and others).
- Presence of chronic diseases.
- Pressure from superior people or people you depend on.
- Admission of hormonal drugs.
The above reasons for apathy, this is only part of what really can provoke a psychological disorder.
Symptoms of apathy
Symptoms of apathy are closely related to the causes of the disorder. The main symptomatology is manifested as indifference to everything that is happening, lack of initiative, desire for solitude, sadness, isolation, laziness. Symptoms of apathy need to be recognized at the outset of the disorder, since without treatment in the early stages of apathy can develop into depression.
Apathy is accompanied by a bad mood, causes drowsiness, inhibition, lack of emotions, appetite, indifference to everything that is happening around. If a person ceases to be interested in something that was previously very important and significant, then this is the first signal about problems with a mental disorder. Most often this condition is attributed to chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, troubles and other problems of daily life. But weakness and drowsiness are the main symptoms of apathy. Another sign of apathy is the restriction of communication. So, a sociable, cheerful person can become sharply closed and a recluse, spend a lot of time at home alone.
We offer you a small test, which allows you to determine apathy by showing symptoms. If you have 4-5 of the symptoms described below, then it can talk about apathy:
- You recently had a stressful situation or strong experiences.
- You have not rested for a long time in the circle of friends and relatives.
- You are both powerless and very tense.
- Constantly there are gloomy thoughts, and you have ceased to look after yourself.
- There was a desire to do something and go somewhere.
- Nothing brings joy and pleasure.
- You no longer believe in what used to give strength and help to relax.
- The demands of others cause passive reactions, but formally you express activity.
- Sleep and wakefulness is disturbed, in the daytime you sleep, at night - insomnia.
- Very often, there is a strong depression and a feeling of emptiness, in the region of the head and the solar plexus.
- Everything that is happening is felt at a slow pace.
- Thoughts about communicating with others or strangers cause anxiety and a desire to hide.
- You constantly have a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness, it is hard to wake up and fall asleep.
Apathy and fatigue
Apathy and fatigue are one of the most common conditions. A person feels a complete lack of motivation, loses hope for the future, ceases to believe in himself, to dream and enjoy life. Do not leave a constant feeling of fatigue and indifference to everything around what is happening. If such a state is observed for several days, then this is normal, it is enough to gather your thoughts and apathy with fatigue will go away. But if such a state drags on for weeks, months, and even years, then it speaks of a disorder that requires treatment and professional help.
Apathy and fatigue can appear due to life crises such as: death or separation from relatives or friends, illness, long stay in difficult situations, failure in work, personal relationships or business, lack of mutual love and care and much more. Apathy, which is accompanied by fatigue, may appear in adolescence. This is due to an active revaluation of values, a change in the worldview and outlook. Because of this, everything around seems senseless and monotonous. Inside, there is a breakdown, a kind of broken faith, a deep disappointment.
To treat apathy and fatigue is necessary at the first symptoms of this disorder. To do this, you can change the situation, do something new and exciting and try to get away from the surrounding problems. If apathy and fatigue take a chronic stage, then it is better to entrust the treatment to a professional neurologist or psychotherapist.
Laziness and apathy
Laziness and apathy is a disease of modern people. It is very difficult to combat these symptoms, but it is quite realistic. Laziness and apathy appear due to monotonous work, which does not bring pleasure. The disorder can arise because of the repetition of the same actions due to stresses and disappointments. Help to cope with laziness and apathy can a psychologist or neurologist, but you can try yourself.
- As a rule, laziness is due to the fact that a person does not realize the full importance of the matter that he is dealing with. In the subconsciousness there is a kind of signal that makes you stop. The desire not to be the best is the main reason for laziness.
- Apathy appears from the loss of interests, desires and a sense of reality. A person loses interest in everything around what is happening, laziness appears and unwillingness to perform even elementary actions. All actions become inhibited and forced.
In order to cope with laziness and apathy, it is necessary to draw up a strategy plan. You need to clearly set a goal, find an incentive and motivation. Ask yourself the question, why do you struggle with laziness and apathy. Excellent answers to this question are: "I do not want to be a hostage to the situation and I do not indulge in laziness", "I'm not an indoor plant, I can do more." But one goal for fighting the disorder is small, so an incentive is needed. Ask yourself a question, what do you get if you stop treating everything with indifference and be lazy? That is, what benefit awaits you. So, for example, if laziness and apathy affect your ability to work, then after dealing with these symptoms, you will improve your performance, which will favorably affect your financial situation.
The last and no less important factor in the fight against laziness and apathy is motivation. You must understand that without motivation, the incentive and purpose do not work. Therefore, you need to create a driving force that will support you. Start small, go out with friends, communicate more with people, stop putting off until tomorrow what you can do today. All this will help to overcome lethargy and laziness, and return to the usual way of life, with a bright head.
Apathy and depression
Apathy and depression are two indivisible concepts, the first leads to the emergence of the second. That is, prolonged apathy develops into a depressed state. The danger of depression is that it does not pass without leaving a trace for the body and leaves an imprint on the state of physical and mental health. The main symptoms of apathy and depression are:
- Decreased mood and emotional disorders.
- Decreased motor activity and performance.
- Slower thinking, indifference to everything around what is happening.
That is, in order to develop depression and apathy, there is little bad mood, all the above symptoms should be observed. Very often apathy and depression are confused with chronic fatigue or asthenic syndrome. But with this disorder, the first things come out: sleep disorders, physical fatigue, reduced mood. Apathic depression has several clinical manifestations, which cause painful symptoms on the part of all organs and systems of the body. The patient begins to suffer from headaches, disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and more.
People with the above described symptoms seek help from therapists, gastroenterologists, neurologists and are symptomatically treated with apathy and depression. And this is not surprising, since apathic depression proceeds under the guise of external ailments and somatic diseases.
As a rule, various stressful situations and mental traumas lead to apathy and subsequently depression. But there are endogenous disorders, which are provoked by metabolic disorders in the brain. The main signs of such apathy and depression are:
- Seasonality - the disorder most often appears in the spring and autumn seasons.
- There are no psychological traumas and stressful situations that could cause apathy, and later depression.
- Observed mood swings - in the morning the mood is lowered, and by the evening it improves.
The above symptoms require complex medical treatment. Since without appropriate care, the symptoms will increase and can lead to chronic apathetic depression. Antidepressants are used for treatment. Do not forget about a number of nonspecific procedures that significantly improve mood, relieve apathy and depression. This is communication with friends and relatives, a mode of rest and work, various hobbies and hobbies. Of course, at the beginning of apathy, the above-described activities require considerable effort, but they will contribute to recovery.
Drowsiness and apathy
Drowsiness and apathy is a condition that is quite common. A similar state can appear due to a defective sleep. Chronic lack of sleep leads not only to sleep disorders, but also to the appearance of the so-called "sleepy fly" effect. The appearance of apathy and drowsiness can provoke not only stress and anxiety, but also improper nutrition, lack of vitamins and nutrients in the body. Drowsiness may appear due to a violation of the drinking regime, when consuming less than 1.5 liters of water per day. Against the background of drowsiness, apathy appears, which causes the syndrome of detachment and indifference to everything that is happening.
Overweight, lack of sunlight, off-season - also cause drowsiness and apathy. In some cases, the appearance of a braked sleep state can indicate the presence of diseases that require diagnosis and treatment. Lethargy, drowsiness and apathy can occur with anemia, endocrine diseases, infections of an infectious nature, because of the appearance of tumors, disorders of the nervous system.
Drowsiness can be caused by chronic fatigue syndrome. Symptomatic of this disorder progresses without somatic pathology. But if you do not start treating chronic fatigue in time, which causes drowsiness and apathy, then the disease will lead to serious pathologies.
Complete apathy
Complete apathy is a pathological nervous disorder characterized by a sense of detachment. The peculiarity of complete apathy is that the disease can develop into depression, schizophrenia and even cause suicidal thoughts. Complete apathy occurs for many reasons. The disease appears due to nervous breakdowns, stresses, intense feelings, disappointments and even modesty and fear of being misunderstood or ridiculed. A person with complete apathy does not feel an interest in life, he does not care about everything that is going on around him.
Complete apathy may be a symptom of impending depression. Sometimes, the apathetic state is mistaken for melancholy, which is accompanied by a similar to apathy symptomatology. But unlike complete apathy, melancholia is caused and accompanied by great suffering, which are hidden deep inside, but apathy is a harbinger of suffering. Only a professional doctor can diagnose complete apathy and differentiate it from other psychological disorders.
They treat complete apathy by changing the environment, rest, new acquaintances and hobbies. If the disease takes a severe form, then antidepressants and drugs are used to treat it, which relax the nervous system and restore mental health.
Lethargy and apathy
Lethargy and apathy arise against a background of stress, nervous experiences and other disorders that disrupt mental activity. Apathetic condition is characterized by indifference, lack of will, drowsiness or vice versa insomnia, lethargy, memory impairment, indifference. The above symptoms can be caused by a shortage of iodine in the body, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and the production of its hormones.
Lethargy and apathy can appear with such diseases and pathologies as: endocrine dysfunction, premenstrual syndrome, drug addiction, alcoholism, various chronic diseases, stress. When there is a prolonged lethargy and apathetic condition, it is necessary to undergo examination from the following specialists: neurologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, gynecologist, oncologist. This is because apathy can be caused by a certain disease.
You can treat lethargy and apathy both independently and with medical help. If the symptoms of this disorder are only beginning to manifest, then you need to change the situation, start to lead a more active lifestyle or just do something new and interesting. If apathy lasts more than a year, then for treatment it is necessary to seek qualified medical help. The doctor will prescribe a number of medications that will help restore the nervous system back to normal and rid yourself of lethargy and apathy.
Constant apathy
Constant apathy is a neglected and even chronic form of a nervous breakdown. Constant apathy is characterized by the fact that the symptoms of pathology, namely indifference, detachment, lethargy and so on, provoke any nervous experiences, stresses and failures. Constant apathy can degenerate into a depressive state and cause health problems. In addition, a permanent apathic state can be caused not only by psychological problems, but also by problems with the body. Let's look at the most common causes of persistent apathy, lethargy and fatigue:
- Vitamin deficiency
The lack of such vitamins as B12 and D are able to cause nerve disorders. Vitamins help to function in the red blood and nerve cells of the body. Deficiency of vitamins provokes lethargy, drowsiness, fatigue, which are the main symptoms of constant apathy.
- Acceptance of medications and medications
Before taking any medication, you need to read his instructions. So, a number of medicines have such components as antihistamines (used to treat allergies), which take all energy, cause drowsiness, lethargy, detachment, indifference, that is apathy.
- Stresses, experiences, nervous disorders
Any problems of a psychological nature can provoke apathy. If you tend to fall into an apathetic state after any experience of failure or disappointment, then constant apathy, this is your diagnosis.
- Diabetes
A high level of sugar in the blood leads to the fact that glucose, that is, potential energy, is washed out of the body. This leads to chronic fatigue, unwillingness to engage in anything, causes a sense of detachment, and as a result - constant apathy.
Spring apathy
Spring apathy is a seasonal frustration, from which all suffer without exception. Apathy is caused by the energy decline and avitaminosis, which appeared after the winter. Spring apathy can be caused by prolonged emotional and physical upsurge, for example, long celebrations and parties. Apathy is the expectation of the long-awaited events (wedding, leave, birth) and the period after the onset of this event. This is due to the fact that there is emotional fatigue and emptiness. But in the spring, apathy appears due to lack of solar energy, lack of vitamins and minerals.
Spring apathy is temporary, so it should not be feared. Sometimes, spring apathy is confused with a depressed state. Exaggeration of the importance of your condition can provoke a long illness. Scientists have proved that self-hypnosis and regular repetition of "I'm sick" cause not only apathy, but also more serious diseases. For the treatment of spring apathy, it is recommended to relax, take a short respite from work and everyday bustle, eat plenty of vitamins and avoid stressful situations.
Weakness and apathy
Weakness and apathy are inseparable symptoms, which sooner or later, but appear in every person. Such a state leads to a sedentary lifestyle, stress, lack of sleep, inadequate nutrition, nervous experiences, constant noise. Strange as it may seem, all the above-mentioned factors that cause apathy are the companions of a city dweller. Apathy can cause chronic diseases, for example, diabetes, liver disease or the cardiovascular system.
Symptoms of weakness and apathy are accompanied by drowsiness, lethargy, mild irritability and indifferent behavior. To treat this condition, it is recommended to make a slight emotional shake for the body. It's enough to relax, start eating properly, play sports and communicate with interesting people, how weakness and apathy will go away.
Apathy and irritability
Apathy and irritability very often appear due to regular emotional stresses and experiences. To the appearance of such a symptomatology may result in a feeling of worthlessness and inferiority to others. Typically, this occurs when a person regularly compares himself and his life with more successful people. At first there is anger, which turns into a feeling of despair, apathy and irritability.
Constant stress and emotional exhaustion also provoke apathy and irritability. The lack of vitamins, inadequate nutrition, lack of sleep and the presence of chronic diseases - this is another factor that causes apathy, accompanied by irritability. You can get rid of this condition both independently and with medical help.
If apathy caused problems of a personal nature, self-doubt, then for treatment it is recommended to write all your positive sides, knowledge and skills, make a list of what you would like to achieve and gradually go to it. This will distract from apathy, and return the former joy of life. If apathy has appeared because of chronic diseases and other pathologies of the body, it is necessary to seek professional medical help and eliminate the ailment provoking the appearance of apathy and irritability.
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Social apathy
Social apathy is a condition that is inherent in an individual person or in a particular social group. Social apathy is characterized by a loss of interest in social reality, complete indifference and psychological passivity. This kind of apathy can be both short-term and long-term. In some cases, the disorder becomes stable and turns into a chronic apathy. As a rule, social apathy is widespread, spreading in a society where human rights and freedoms are suppressed, there are social crises that are long-lasting.
Social apathy is a pessimistic reaction of a passive society, which is due to frustration in the system and socio-political processes. Passive perception of socio-political processes and the regime of constant waiting lead to the appearance of fatigue syndrome. But social apathy is dangerous, since within the passive society the driving force of future change is born. In this case, the task of politicians to begin to manage risks and lead changes, but not to fight the negative consequences of social apathy.
Apathy and discouragement
Apathy and despondency appear for various reasons, but almost always accompanied by lethargy, fatigue, indifference and detachment. The disorder can appear due to moral or physical exhaustion, increased physical and mental stress, stress, anxiety, fear. That is, apathy does not appear suddenly, there are always a number of factors that provoke it.
Apathy can be passive, active and traumatic. Each form is accompanied by despondency, lethargy, drowsiness, irritability. Detailed symptomatology of apathy is individual for each patient. This is because the manifestation of this ailment depends on the temperament and character of the person. Thus, in assertive and strong personalities, apathy is almost always accompanied not only by despondency, but also by irritability. But for weak and melancholic people, apathy causes drowsiness, tearfulness, depression and even a feeling of despair.
Despondency in apathy may indicate that the disorder is caused by boredom or disappointment. To treat apathy and despondency, it is necessary to determine precisely the cause that caused this condition, and try to eliminate it. Heavy forms of apathy can go into depression, the treatment of which is more prolonged and presumes taking medications - antidepressants.
Apathy for sex
Apathy for sex is a violation of sexual life, which occurs in both women and men. Very often, apathy is compared, and sometimes confused with frigidity. And apathy to sex and frigidity are accompanied by a decreased interest in sex and sexual coldness. This disorder leads to the fact that a person is not able to get an orgasm, as all the erogenous zones become insensitive.
The reasons for apathy towards sex can be both psychological and organic. Sexual abuse, fear of becoming pregnant, conflicts with a partner, resentment and other are all causes of a psychological nature. Organic causes of apathy include problems of a medical nature, that is, the disease of the genitals and the reproductive system.
Apathy to sex is manifested in different ways. In some people, sex causes disgust and unpleasant sensations, others have fear and even a sense of shame. If apathy arose from one of the partners, then soon psychological problems will begin in the second. Since, they begin to visit the thought of the inability to satisfy a loved one. If apathy occurs in a woman, then she can cause impotence in her man. If apathy appeared in men, it can cause frigidity and isolation from the woman.
Political apathy
Political apathy is a passive attitude and a loss of interest in political activity and in this sphere of society as a whole. It is the willingness of any society to react to the actions of power, determine political apathy. This condition is manifested due to the unstable political situation, frequent changes of power, frustration in the actions of political leaders.
Political apathy may appear because of unwillingness to interfere in matters of a political nature. So, many people explain their apathy by the fact that politics is the lot of professionals. Political apathy can appear because of social apathy. In this case, the society is not only zazombirovana, but also frightened, so any attempts to understand or somehow affect the political life, cause apathy, despondency, a sense of hopelessness and even a depressive state.
Emotional apathy
Emotional apathy or emotional burnout, fatigue is a condition that is familiar to every person. Like physical fatigue, emotional apathy arises because of increased loads. That is, a person spends a lot of mental strength and does not have time to restore them. As a rule, emotional fatigue comes after a hard working day. But a strong sleep and rest help to cope with this disorder. If this does not happen, then fatigue goes into the stage of emotional apathy, which requires serious observation and treatment, as it can go into a chronic depressive form.
- Emotional apathy causes irritability. So, at first glance, minor mistakes cause irritation and annoyance, and it seems that the whole world is against you.
- Because of apathy, there is a constant thirst for loneliness. It seems that all the negative emotions are caused by the surrounding people, so the opportunity to be alone is the way to seclusion.
- Emotional apathy causes difficulties with concentration. It is very difficult to concentrate and tune in to perform even the simplest daily tasks and tasks. It seems that attention is dispersed.
- Apathy causes boredom and frustration, a person begins to feel that he is not engaged in his own business. Such a sensation can be projected into private life, causing loss of interest in life, a partner, family and children.
Emotional apathy is accompanied by increased nervous excitement, insomnia, headaches, a general decline in strength and loss of appetite. The only way to treat this kind of apathy is to have a full rest, both emotional and physical.
Apathy to work
Apathy to work is a symptom of every workaholic who does not know how to distinguish time for rest and work, giving all the strength and emotions to the working process. Apathy occurs during a period of mental discomfort, due to excessive consumption of coffee, lack of sleep and oxygen. Apathy causes indifference to those things that used to bring joy. It becomes impossible to engage in daily activities, do your work and do anything.
With apathy to work it is necessary to fight. To begin with, you can retire and try to relax or cry. This will help relieve emotional stress. Make a list of compulsory cases that you need to perform at work. Follow this list, do not try to snatch a piece of extra work. Be sure to encourage yourself after a hard day's work, buy something delicious or at least go to the movies with friends. Move more, lead an active lifestyle, enroll in the gym, spend more time outdoors. Another sure way to get rid of apathy to work is to go on vacation.
Chronic apathy
Chronic apathy is the neglected stage of any other form of apathy. The peculiarity of this stage of the apathic state is that it is very difficult to cope with the symptoms of the disorder independently. Chronic apathy causes headaches, pain in the muscles and joints, feelings of anxiety and fear, insomnia, or vice versa, increased drowsiness. Exacerbation of chronic diseases also causes apathy. The causes of apathy are diverse, they can be internal, that is, psychological and external - physical.
It is necessary to treat chronic apathy without fail. To do this, you need to undergo an examination for the presence of diseases and seek qualified help from a psychotherapist, psychiatrist or neurologist. In especially severe cases, the treatment is carried out with the help of medications - antidepressants.
Attacks of apathy
Attacks of apathy often arise because of the transferred stresses, experiences and other situations that knock the normal life out of the rut. Attacks of apathy cause a depressed mood, irritation, fatigue, drowsiness. Many specialists in the treatment of psychological problems, called attacks of apathy - an anesthetic for strong feelings. That is, a long and strong load on the muscular system leads to painful sensations and overstrain, this also applies to the nervous system.
At the first symptoms of attacks of apathy, it is necessary to take rest, change the situation. This will help prevent further development of the apathic state. Regular discharges and rest from physical and emotional stress are the best way to avoid attacks of apathy.
Apathy in the child
Apathy in a child is also common, as in adults. The child seems too tired, fussy, does not want to do anything, goes to bed earlier than usual, hardly wakes up and is drowsy during the day. In some cases, lethargy and fatigue are accompanied by fever, impaired sense of smell and taste, nausea, headache, vomiting. In rare cases, due to apathy in the child, paleness of the skin and inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck are observed.
Apathy in a child can cause an incorrect lifestyle and regime, congenital diseases, lack of sleep, malnutrition, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, medication, psychological problems. It is necessary to treat apathy without fail. To do this, you need to turn to a pediatrician and hand over a set of tests to identify the causes of apathy, not of a psychological nature. Very often apathy can be cured by observing the regime of day and sleep, proper nutrition and communication with peers.
Apathy in adolescents
Apathy in adolescents is becoming more common every year. Typically, apathetic condition is associated with a lack of parental attention or hyper-care, a fast life in the city. Symptoms of apathy are manifested in a restless sleep of a teenager, loss of interest in familiar activities, unwillingness to communicate with peers and idleness. To dismiss such behavior is not necessary, as very often teenage apathy develops into a serious depressive state.
The causes of apathy are diverse, it can be a sharp emotional overstrain, an unstable personal position, lack of confidence in oneself and their capabilities, passivity and melancholy, inattention of parents and lack of support from adults. In especially severe cases, apathy is caused by a psychotraumatic situation. In this case, you will not be able to cope with the problem yourself. Therefore, a teenager needs specialist help and long-term antidepressant therapy.
In order to help a teenager get out of the state of apathy, parents should establish a dialogue with the child and get closer. Do not forget about the transitional adolescence. It is during this period that the child requires tolerance and attention from adults. Teenagers need to pay attention and listen. This will not only eliminate apathy, but also learn about changes in the child's behavior. And this is very important, because in the modern world there are many temptations and dangers.
Apathy with her husband
Apathy in the husband causes bewilderment and fear in many women. And this is not surprising, since a beloved person has a forced smile, an extinct look and indifference. Apathy can cause problems at work or in the family, psychological trauma, chronic diseases and more. Many specialists associate apathy in men with age crises.
- So, in young men, apathy can appear in 15-30 years. The apathetic state is explained by the fact that the man is still young and full of strength, but everything is at odds with his desires and plans. A man loses faith in himself and his abilities, begins to feel like a failure.
- Apathy in the husband can appear and in more mature age, as a rule, after 40 years. During this period the man completely took place and realized himself in many spheres and now the question arises what to do next. It is the lack of prospects that causes apathy and a loss of interest in life. At this age, apathy may appear due to disappointment in family values and a lived life.
The task of the wife in time to diagnose the first symptoms of apathy in her husband, and prevent the development of the disease. It is necessary to show attention, care, custody, to be interested in his affairs and well-being. But do not impose yourself to a man, if the husband is sorry to be alone and do it, it will allow him to understand himself and quickly get out of the state of apathy.
Apathy after sex
Apathy after sex can appear at any age, like a woman, and a man. Often, the status of detachment is associated with the disappointment of expectations from sex. So, apathy can appear because of the expectation of greater activity and initiative from the partner, the inability to overcome their complexes and indecisiveness.
Apathy after sex appears and because of emotional overstrain, that is, burnout. A person is so entranced by the very expectation of the process, that sex is not becoming joyful and causes disappointment. In some cases, apathy attacks are attended because of a prejudiced or indifferent behavior of a partner who is only interested in meeting their needs. Apathy can appear due to lack of orgasm. In order to prevent the appearance of apathy after sex, you need to relax as much as possible, throw out of your mind all distracting thoughts and trust your partner.
Apathy after a stroke
Apathy after stroke occurs in many patients. This psychological disorder is explained by the fact that after a stroke a person is waiting for a long period of recovery. I have to learn how to speak, walk, perform the simplest work. The task of relatives is to support the patient as much as possible. Since it is the positive attitude of the environment, the process of recovery and recovery depends. Many patients, faced with apathy after a stroke, spend hours in bed, refuse to move and all perform only under compulsion.
Apathetic condition after a stroke can not be associated with laziness. Since with extensive lesions of the right hemisphere of the brain, mental activity is disrupted. With such patients it is necessary to talk and constantly persuade and force to do something within the framework of the rehabilitation period.
Moral support of loved ones helps to prevent the growth of apathy into a depressed state. But the patient should realize that after discharge from the hospital, previously habitual things need to learn to do anew. Positive attitude and good-natured environment help to restore strength and health faster.
Diagnosis of apathy
Diagnosis of apathy is a rather complex and time-consuming process, since the disease has many symptoms. Often, with apathy in the patient, the behavior in society changes. There is a retardation and automatism of motor activity, impoverishment of facial expressions, monotonous speech, lack of interest in everything around what is happening, reluctant communication with others. At the same time, the activity of the patient does not stop completely. It is this fact that complicates the process of diagnosing apathy. The patient continues to perform his ordinary business, go to work. But all this happens without a desire and an internal stimulus.
As a rule, it is difficult for patients to overcome apathy independently, as one of the symptoms of the disorder appears - laziness. It seems to man that there is no need to exert efforts in order to get out of the state of stagnation. The psychological picture of apathy is extensive. During the diagnosis, special attention is paid to the following signs and symptoms:
- General weakness and impotence.
- Lethargy and drowsiness.
- Fast fatiguability.
- Lack of interests and hobbies.
- Oppressed state.
- Feeling of discomfort and despair.
If the patient has complete apathy, then there is a rejection of meals and other completely natural physiological needs. Sometimes the symptomatic of apathy manifests itself in the appearance of suicidal thoughts, but, despite the oppressed state, a person understands the value of his life and realizes the consequences of the embodiment of his thoughts.
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Apathy test
The apathy test allows you to independently assess your psychological state and diagnose apathy. Using the test, you can recognize emotional disorders and correct them in time. Let's look at some apathy tests.
- Answer the questions yes or no. If you have more than half of the positive answers, then this indicates the presence of depression.
- Is it hard for you to fall asleep?
- Do you often have nightmares?
- Do you feel tired and emotional exhaustion?
- Were there any fluctuations in weight over the last month (provided that you do not follow the diet)?
- Does one of your relatives suffer from depressive disorders?
- Has your sexual desire decreased, sex is disgusting?
- Do you have auditory or visual hallucinations?
- Do you often feel the desperation of everything that is happening and the decay of life?
- Is your daily stress level above average?
- Do you hide your feelings from close people?
- Do you notice a change in your mood with the approach of autumn or winter?
- This test for apathy offers professional medical publications. The test allows you to evaluate the emotional state in detail. Assess your need for the past month.
- Is it interesting for you to learn anything new?
- Are you interested in anything?
- Are you interested in your condition?
- Do you invest much effort in business?
- Are you always looking for something to do?
- Do you set goals and plan for the future?
- Do you have a desire for something to strive for?
- Do you have energy for everyday activities?
- Does anyone have to tell you what you should do?
- Have you become indifferent to business?
- Have you lost much interest?
- Do you need motivation to start something?
- You are not happy and not sad, but you feel something mean?
- Do you consider yourself to be apathetic (uninformative)?
For questions 1-8, the counting system is as follows:
- not at all - 3 points.
- little - 2 points.
- to a certain extent yes - 1 point.
- to a very large extent yes - 0 points.
For questions 9-14:
- not at all - 0 points.
- little - 1 point.
- yes to a certain extent - 2 points.
- to a very large extent yes - 3 points.
Apathy is considered clinically significant, if scored 14 points or more.
Who to contact?
How to get rid of apathy?
How to get rid of apathy and eliminate the unpleasant and even painful symptoms of the disease? First of all, it is necessary to recognize the symptoms of the disorder. Apathetic state is manifested in the absence of interest in the world around, in the oppressed state and in the absence of emotions. In some patients apathy causes drowsiness, fatigue and lethargy.
At the first attacks of apathy, it is recommended to take a short break. So, if apathy is caused by stress and nervous situations at work, then a few days of rest away from the bustle, will help get rid of the frustration. If apathy is caused by a feeling of insecurity in yourself and your powers, it is recommended to do self-improvement. Engage in learning a foreign language, go to a workout, schedule a meeting with friends. Do something that will eliminate apathy and bring you back to the old track of life. If you can not get rid of apathy yourself, you need to seek qualified medical help.
More information of the treatment
Prevention of apathy
Prophylaxis of apathy is a set of methods that can prevent diseases and fight the first symptoms of an impending attack of a nervous disorder. Prevention is used to treat mild degrees of the disease. Adjust your daily routine, eat right, exercise and avoid congestion and stress - this is the perfect way to prevent apathy. We offer you several methods that are an excellent prevention of any nervous disorders, including apathy.
- If apathy causes you to have pity for yourself and tears - do not hesitate to pogandrat. Set aside time for yourself and get yourself out of trouble. Soon crying and lamentations, such as "no one appreciates me" will be replaced by a desire to act and do something.
- Relax, take a small vacation or spend the weekend not like you usually do. Very often the feeling of apathy comes because of the routine and regular repetition of the same actions. Go on an excursion, visit friends or relatives or just spend a vacation actively.
- Movement is life, the need to move is a guarantee of good mood and well-being. Nothing so removes apathy and stress, like a good workout or active rest.
Prognosis of apathy
The prognosis of apathy largely depends on the stage and form of the disease. There is an active and passive type of apathy, each of which is accompanied by a certain symptomatology and is caused by some or other reasons. In time, the recognized symptoms of a nervous disorder can cure apathy and give a positive prognosis. But if apathy is neglected and grows into depression, it can cause serious nervous disorders - schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease. And in this case, the prognosis of apathy is unfavorable. Timely recourse to a qualified specialist and treatment of apathy is a guarantee of a positive prognosis of the disease.
Apathy is a disease of modernity, which every year strikes more and more people. Regular stress, lack of sleep and malnutrition are the main causes of apathy. A healthy lifestyle and avoiding nervous distress is the ideal method to combat apathy.