Treatment of apathy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Treatment of apathy depends on the stage of the disease and its neglect.
So, in the early stages of apathy, that is, at the first symptomatology of the disorder, it is necessary to relax or temporarily change the situation. Apathy develops for various reasons. The disease can indicate the presence of psychiatric diseases, such as schizophrenia or Alzheimer's disease. Very often, apathy develops due to negative professional factors: monotonous work, stress, emotions, emotional burnout. It is from the cause of apathy that its treatment also depends.
Most often, apathy is a symptom of depression. Predisposing factors to the appearance of apathy are: age, endocrine and chronic diseases, heredity, medication, alcoholism and drug addiction. A separate group of causes of apathy include damage to the structure of the brain due to injuries. Let us consider what symptoms of apathy require compulsory treatment.
- A person has a decline in strength, drowsiness, lethargy. There is an indifferent and indifferent attitude to life around. The patient limits contact with others and closes in himself. This condition is dangerous if it has a long and progressive nature.
- There is a hidden apathy. A person leads an active lifestyle, but at a certain moment begins to engage in self-destruction. There is inadequate behavior, irritability, desire for solitude, symptoms of schizophrenia may manifest.
- Disturbing are such symptoms of apathy as: a feeling of growing anxiety, dizziness, absent mind, a sense of loneliness, a violation of concentration.
If apathy has a short-term appearance, it is necessary for the patient for treatment to regain strength and make the necessary decisions. If apathy is more than two weeks, then this condition is very dangerous. In this case, the treatment process must be approached thoroughly and involve qualified medical care.
The cure for apathy
Medication from apathy is used in severe stages of the disease. If apathy has an easy degree, then instead of medical treatment use psychological help. In this case, the best medicine will be walking in the fresh air, rest and physical activity. But the more difficult stages of apathy require medical intervention. The doctor diagnoses the patient's condition and prescribes a medicine that helps reduce stress and anxiety.
For the treatment of a severe condition of apathy, which takes a depressive form, use:
- Neuroleptics and tranquilizers (help in the treatment of apathy, which is accompanied by destructive tendencies and increased excitement).
- Antidepressants.
- Stimulating drugs (nootropics and preparations based on magnolia extract).
- Vitamin preparations for strengthening the body and nervous system.
- Diuretics (dehydration therapy) to eliminate the puffiness of the brain in traumas that cause apathy.
Any medicines from apathy prescribed by a doctor. Most often, patients are prescribed herbal preparations and products based on them. So, for treatment can appoint: Breinal, Grandaxin, Cerepro, Gelarium Hypericum and other drugs. It is forbidden to take medicines on one's own, especially since most medicines from apathy are released from pharmacies only on the prescription of a doctor.
Psychotherapist's advice in apathy
The psychotherapist's advice in apathy helps to cope with the painful condition and eliminate the symptoms of the disorder. Let's look at a few tips that can help prevent apathy and teach you how to deal with this insidious disease.
- Do not give up rest and learn to relax. Remember once and for all, work must be done at work. Take the habit of completing all the business that has been started. This will not sit on the weekend, completing another project or task. Do not forget that rest is not only watching TV on the couch, but also active outings on nature, communication with friends and family. Regular discharge, both emotional and physical, will prevent the appearance of apathy.
- Learn to fight your own fears and insecurities. Sometimes the feeling of own inferiority can cause apathy and even depression. Make a list of the qualities that you most value in people. Reread the list, if at least one of the items does not apply to you, work on it. Never compare yourself with others, remember, every person is different.
- Get enough sleep and eat properly. Regular lack of sleep and malnutrition often cause nervous breakdown and apathy. Create a daily routine and stick to it. This will teach self-discipline and bring back to normal sleep and wakefulness.
- Apathy can cause chronic diseases and damage to the body. Do not delay hospital visits. Timely diagnosed and cured disease is a guarantee of a healthy organism and nervous system.
This is the main advice of a psychotherapist in apathy. Experts recommend to avoid nervous experiences, stresses, insults. Communication with close people, an active and healthy lifestyle is the best cure for diseases of the nervous system.
Conspiracy from apathy
Conspiracy from apathy is one of the means of alternative medicine in the fight against nervous disorders. The plot is based on faith in it. We offer you several conspiracies that will help cure apathy.
- They talk about the morning water and wash it with the apathetic. You need to do this in the Baptized Resurrection.
Crown of Christ the Savior, all the suffering deliverers, hide with your own rhizo, holy holy water of the mind. Reveal to the servant of God (name) your salvation. Amen.
- Read the conspiracy to get rid of apathy is necessary on the waning moon. But for this you need: 1 orange candle, 1 piece of black tourmaline. Light the candle and watch the wax melts. Take the stone in the leading hand and say something like:
Apathy, leave me,
You have no place
Neither in my life, nor in my soul.
Your presence is a gaping hole
That consumes all the good
And does not let me worry about matters,
Although I have to
Do what's really important.
You break my hopes and dreams,
And today I'm driving you out.
Go away! Get out! Away!
As soon as this moon becomes invisible,
You will lose all your strength.
Close your eyes and order indifference and lack of enthusiasm to enter the stone. Place the stone opposite the suppository and blow out the wick. Repeat this ritual on the first day of the Dark Moon, and let the suppository burn to its end. Then throw the stone into the running water.
- The plot is read over the morning water, which it is necessary to wash the patient. Do this the first Sunday after the Epiphany.
Crown of Christ the Savior,
All the suffering Redeemer,
Cover, Christ, with His own garment,
Holy baptismal water by the mind.
Reveal to the servant of God (name) His salvation.
Treatment of apathy with alternative means
Treatment of apathy with alternative means is an ancient method of eliminating the disease. The peculiarity of treatment by alternative means is that only herbal remedies are used, which have beneficial effects on the nervous system due to their medicinal properties. Let's look at several recipes for treating apathy with alternative methods.
- An energy drink made from honey and apple cider vinegar will help relieve nervous tension and irritation. In a glass of boiled water, add a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and iodine. Drink the drink for seven days after eating. Each day, one glass.
- The root of ginger - this is the most popular tool in the fight against apathy, melancholy, lethargy and chronic fatigue. Take 100-150 g of fresh ginger root, chop it and pour a liter of vodka. The future medicine should be insisted for a week. Take infusion of one teaspoon 1-2 times a day. From ginger, you can prepare a relaxing drink. Mix a spoonful of honey with a pinch of grated ginger, pour boiling water, add a couple of slices of lemon and enjoy.
- Cinnamon also helps in fighting apathy. To make infusion, you need 50 grams of dried cinnamon, 500 ml of vodka. Pour cinnamon with vodka and insist in a warm dark place for a month. Tincture helps to fight melancholia and depression, accelerates metabolism and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
- A drink of kefir and honey before going to bed will help to relax and get enough sleep. Mix a spoonful of honey and a glass of yogurt and drink overnight. It will calm the nervous system and help cope with the symptoms of chronic fatigue and apathy.
- From dandelion and nettle, you get a wonderful remedy for apathy. For the preparation of infusion, you need 150-200 g of young nettles and the same number of dandelions. Tear the plants into small pieces, fold them into a jar, add a spoonful of dry wormwood to the root of the ayr. Pour the ingredients 500 ml of vodka and insist 10-15 days in a dark place, shaking the jar regularly. Once the tincture is ready, it must be filtered. A teaspoon of infusion is diluted in 1/4 cup of warm water and taken in the morning on an empty stomach and at night before going to bed.
As a rule, a good sleep, rest, adequate nutrition, communication with friends and relatives - treat apathy. But in especially severe cases, apathy is treated by visiting a therapist who helps find the causes of the disease and eliminate them. In severe forms of the disorder, patients can be prescribed medications: tranquilizers, stimulants, antidepressants and vitamin preparations.