Smell from the mouth in the morning
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The smell from the mouth in the morning in medicine is called halitosis.
Since the human sense of smell is addictive to smells, many people who have a chronic unpleasant odor from the mouth do not even notice it.
Causes of the odor from the mouth in the morning
A bad smell from the mouth appears as a result of the multiplication of anaerobic bacteria in it. They produce compounds containing sulfur (these elements are the source of an unpleasant smell). In normal conditions, the microflora of the mouth (microorganisms in the saliva) does not allow these bacteria to develop. Infringement of balance of microflora can arise in case of occurrence of such pathological conditions:
- Diseases of gums, teeth, oral cavity (such as periodontal disease or caries), wearing orthodontic mechanisms or prostheses of poor quality;
- Infectious diseases of the respiratory system, SARS;
- Angina, tonsillitis in chronic form;
- Pathology of paranasal sinuses and nose in chronic form (rhinosinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis), nasal polyps, adenoids and adenoiditis. Inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx can be a causative factor of bad smell from the oral cavity in the mornings, as the infection as a result of the disease enters the throat and mouth - this is due to the fact that the patient often breathes through the mouth, thereby provoking the development of dry mucous membranes. Because of this, the protective functions of saliva are violated, allowing pathogenic bacteria to develop and multiply;
- Syndrome of postnasal swelling;
- Chronic disorders in the lungs and bronchi;
- Disturbance of digestion, pathology of the digestive tract (GERD, gastric ulcer, intestinal dysbiosis, gastritis);
- Diseases of the pancreas, liver and bile ducts;
- Diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2;
- Severe stage of renal failure (in chronic form);
- Oncological diseases (tumors in the nasopharynx or nose, larynx or throat;
- Clay invasion.
Risk factors
The risk factors for the appearance in the mouth of a fetid odor are such irritants:
- Poor oral hygiene;
- Sensation of dryness in the oral cavity;
- Dry air in the room;
- Smoking and alcohol abuse;
- Dense saliva;
- Frequent stress on the vocal cords;
- Diet, in which you have to consume a lot of protein (meat, dairy products, legumes);
- The use of medications that cause dryness in the oral cavity (such as, for example, antidepressants or antihistamines);
- Rinsers mouth, which contains alcohol (they strongly dry the mucous membrane).
Symptoms of the odor from the mouth in the morning
Symptoms, in some cases, accompanying an unpleasant odor in the mouth:
- Toothache and looseness of teeth;
- Soreness, puffiness and friability of the gums;
- Appearance of discomfort in the throat area (sensation of perspiration, lump in the throat, pain);
- Mucus dripping down the throat;
- Difficulty breathing through the nose;
- An eructation, a feeling of nausea, heartburn;
- Feeling of thirst;
- The mouth feels unpleasant taste and dryness;
- Cackling with blood.
Unpleasant odor from the mouth in the morning is a physiological halitosis. Its appearance is due to the fact that the process of saliva production decreases while a person sleeps, and as a consequence, gram-negative anaerobes begin to multiply on the lingual root. This disorder is not a pathology - it is eliminated by brushing your teeth, and then throughout the day no longer manifests itself.
The main cause of the appearance of bitter aftertaste and the smell of bitterness from the mouth in the morning are gastrointestinal diseases, in particular gastritis, peptic ulcer, chronic cholecystitis, dyskinesia of the bile ducts in the hypomotor type. In addition to the above signs, there is also heartburn and a feeling of heaviness in the right side. Also, bitter taste in the mouth with a corresponding odor can be a sign of problems with the gums.
The odor of acetone from the mouth in the mornings is often a sign that there is an overabundance of ketone bodies in the blood, which are the products that result from the fat breakdown process.
The main reason for the appearance of such a smell is the development of Type I diabetes mellitus. There are also other causative factors that cause this pathology. Among them are various diseases in which there is an intensified metabolic process, starvation, and some abnormalities in the functioning of the liver.
Smell of mouth in the morning in the child
Unpleasant odor from the mouth in the morning in a child can occur for many reasons: the use of certain foods, dental or oral diseases, abnormalities in the work of the stomach, as well as stressful conditions. A bad smell in the mouth of a child is rarely a sign of any serious illness.
Diagnostics of the odor from the mouth in the morning
In the process of diagnosis, a history of the disease is studied, and the patient's complaints are analyzed. In this way, the doctor finds out whether the problem has occurred for a long time, at what time of day the smell arises, whether it is due to food intake, whether the patient often breathes his mouth, whether he has chronic diseases of the paranasal sinuses and nose, GI tract, gums, mouth and liver.
Then the doctor uses the organoleptic method to estimate the degree of intensity of the smell, using a scale of 0-5 points. The patient must refrain from spicy food for 48 hours before the start of the procedure; For 24 hours before the procedure, one should not use smelling cosmetic preparations; for 12 hours before the procedure you can not eat and drink, use mouth rinses, breath fresheners, perform hygiene procedures, and smoke.
A dentist examines the tongue (for the presence of a yellowish or white plaque), teeth and oral cavity.
Consultation with a pulmonologist is carried out to exclude the possibility of lung or bronchial disease, as well as, in some cases, a gastroenterologist and an otolaryngologist.
A biochemical blood test is performed to determine the level of hepatic transaminases and glucose.
Instrumental diagnostics
Instrumental diagnostics is carried out to reveal the cause of fetid smell. Among the procedures:
- Sulfide monitoring by means of a halimeter - thus the level of sulfur compounds in a sample of air exhaled by the patient is measured.
- Pharyngoscopy for the examination of the throat.
- Laryngoscopy for examination of the larynx. To conduct a more detailed examination, use optical devices - a flexible fibrolaringoscope and a rigid laryngoscope.
- Endoscopy for examination of the nasopharynx and nose.
- CT or X-ray may be prescribed if it is necessary to exclude diseases of the paranasal sinuses.
Differential diagnosis
In the process of differential diagnosis it is very important to find out the origin of the disease - oral or extraoral (nasal or pulmonary / hematogenous). Exhaled through the air brings smells that are in the airways, in the paranasal sinuses, as well as tonsils of the nasal cavity, but it does not affect the smells that appear in the mouth. That is why, in order to reveal the reason for the unpleasant odor, it is necessary to separately examine the pulmonary, nasal, and oral air. Thus, if the exhalation of the mouth is accompanied by a bad smell, but the nasal breathing is clean at the same time, it can be stated that the source of the smell is in the mouth and has no relationship with the nose and other ENT organs.
Pulmonary / endogenous exhalation air occurs when the mouth (thus performed a preliminary blocking of possible sources of oral odor - a mouth rinse solution of chlorhexidine 0.12% or 0.75% hydrogen peroxide). If after such procedures the smell persists, it can be stated that its cause is in the disease of the lower part of the respiratory tract. But if the pulmonary odor remains pure, and the unpleasant smell occurs with a nasal exhalation, then the cause is the presence of any pathology in the nasal cavity or adjacent sinuses.
If an extraoral nature of an unpleasant odor is revealed, the patient is sent for examination to the appropriate doctors.
If it is determined that the nature of the odor is oral, determine whether it originated for physiological reasons or because of some pathology. To do this, the procedure for analyzing the composition of the patient's exhaled air is performed: if the odor is physiological in nature, hydrogen sulphide will prevail in the LSS-kit, and if pathological - all LSS will have almost equal parts (a little less will be dimethyl sulphide alone). To get rid of the problem, you need to undergo a dental check to find the source of the drug.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the odor from the mouth in the morning
Among simple but very effective ways to eliminate sources of bad breath, are the following:
- A balanced diet, which includes a lot of plant foods;
- Permanent, properly performed hygiene procedures;
- Regular examinations at the dentist for the professional removal of tartar and, if necessary, timely elimination of gum disease and teeth.
Doctors dealing with the problem of bad smell from the mouth, have long noted that the intensity of its release increases after eating protein foods. That's why those who eat a lot of vegetables, much less complain about the bad smell from the mouth. Thus, by including in your nutritional diet more fruits with vegetables, you can reduce the risk of an unpleasant smell.
Smooth odors also contribute to regular high-quality oral hygiene. For the procedures should be used all the existing modern devices - gels and toothpaste, dental floss and rinse. Now, in addition to simple toothbrushes, electrical variants are frequently used, which allow for better cleaning of teeth. Due to this, dental plaque, which is the main distributor of microbes, is formed much more slowly.
To treat a bad smell was more effective, one should not only clean the teeth and gums, but also the tongue, which many often forget, while on this organ the bacteria accumulate and multiply. Now there are such models of brushes that can clean and language.
To get rid of the unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, it is necessary to eliminate bacteria - pathogens of inflammation or infection. For this, the following medicinal products are used:
- Remodent is a mildly dehydrating remedy used for mouth rinses. It contains substances such as iron, manganese, sodium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, copper, magnesium. The drug is used for remineralization, prevention of caries, as well as accelerating the process of maturation of tooth enamel;
- Triclosan is a potent antiseptic that is able to have an effective antimicrobial effect for a long time. This drug prevents bacteria from multiplying in the mouth, is an integral part of many tooth pastes;
- chlorhexidine, which is used as a rinse solution (0.005%). The drug has an antifungal and antimicrobial effect (affecting gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial agents). The medicine can provoke dryness of mucous membranes;
- cetylpyridine - an antiseptic, which prevents the reproduction of gram-positive and partially gram-negative bacteria. This does not affect bacterial spores. Destroys some types of fungi and viruses. Usually this substance is a part of some toothpastes, as well as rinsers;
- camphomen - a combined preparation, including substances such as alcohol, menthol, hladon, furatsilin, castor, eucalyptus, as well as camphor and olive oils. It has a bactericidal effect, eliminates inflammatory processes. It is used for inhalations in the treatment of nasopharyngeal diseases, and besides it as a spray and irrigation agent;
- etonium - a bactericidal and bacteriostatic drug used for gingivitis, stomatitis and ulcers that appear on the oral mucosa. It has the form of applications, which must be applied to the mucosa.
To solve the problem with bad breath, you should consume as much fruit as possible with vegetables, greens, natural products, as well as food containing fiber - all this helps to prevent the occurrence of periodontitis and caries. It is also very important that in the diet, vitamins A, and B-3 and B-5, as well as groups C, E and P
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Often the cause of bad smell in the mouth becomes chronic tonsillitis. This disease is treated also with the help of physiotherapeutic procedures of IUD (impact on the tonsils) and LUCH (impact on the area under the jaw).
Alternative treatment
From the fetid smell in your mouth, you can get rid of by alternative methods of treatment.
From unpleasant smell from the mouth, vegetable oil effectively (any - olive or rapeseed, sunflower or sea-buckthorn) is effective. They need a few minutes to rinse their mouths to wash off the particles of exfoliated epithelium, which is the source of a bad smell.
In the berry of different plants there are acids that help to eliminate dryness in the oral cavity. For rinses tinctures from hips, strawberry berries, cranberry berries, and also sea-buckthorn juice are well suited. Do this procedure three times a day.
Freshness of breath adds maple or birch juice - they should be drunk regularly, every day.
If you often dry out in your mouth, you should at such times eat a piece of lemon - this will enhance the saliva secretion, which will clean and wash the mucous membrane of the mouth.
Very good helps to eliminate the bad smell of 3% hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to dilute 3-4 tsp. Peroxide in a glass of water and rinse with this solution mouth twice a day - in the morning and in the evenings.
Also with a smell, fresh needles effectively fight, thanks to phytoncides it has a disinfecting effect on the oral cavity. Enough of it for a few minutes to chew.
Herbal Treatment
Herbal treatment is also a good way to get rid of a bad smell.
This problem is effectively managed by thyme - tincture from this herb qualitatively eliminates odor. To achieve the desired result, you need to rinse your mouth every day after eating, and do this for 2 weeks.
Another means is the leaves of the calamus. It is necessary to cut the leaves or the root of calamus and 1 tablespoon. Chopped leaves pour 1 stack. Water. Further boil the water for 1 minute, insist for 1 hour, and then strain the tincture. Rinse your mouth need 5-6 r. / Day. Warm broth.
An effective remedy is harvesting, including nettle, St. John's wort, oak bark, chamomile and birch leaves. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients in equal parts and then brew like tea - 1 tsp. Mixture on 1 bowl.
Insist the leaves of strawberries for several hours and rinse with this infusion mouth 5-6 r. / Day. You can use tincture made from strawberries in the same way.
Tincture of the acidic herb effectively eliminates the processes of putrefaction in the mouth, accompanied by a bad smell. The recipe for making is simple: 3 tsp. Crushed grass pour 500 ml of boiling water, then leave for 2-3 hours, and then strain the tincture. The resulting broth should be rinsed with the mouth cavity. Also, to eliminate the fetid breath, you can use the juice of this herb diluted with water.
Unpleasant odors from the mouth in the morning are prevented by the following methods:
- Regular execution of hygiene procedures - brush your teeth and tongue at least twice a day;
- Regularly go for examination to the dentist;
- In time to treat the arising diseases of gums or teeth, throat, ears, nose;
- Treat diseases that are accompanied by difficulty breathing through the nose;
- Timely treat pathological processes in the lungs and the gastrointestinal tract;
- Continuously humidify the air in the room;
- If you have chronic tonsillitis, you need to regularly wash the palatine tonsils.
To monitor health, observe HLS:
- quit smoking and not abuse alcohol;
- regularly perform moderate exercise - every day to walk in the fresh air, play sports;
- observe the regime, try to sleep for at least 8 hours;
- the diet should be balanced (you need to eat foods that contain a lot of fiber - greens, fruits and vegetables, refuse to eat fried, hot, spicy foods);
- eat often, but in small portions - 5-6 rubles per day.
Smell from the mouth in the morning can be quickly and effectively treated, but only if this problem is not ignored. You need to find out the cause of the smell as soon as possible and eliminate it. The prognosis is always favorable, if the correct treatment is performed.