Rotten smell from the mouth
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A rotten smell from the mouth can be very different. It can resemble rotten eggs or rotten meat. But in any case, it brings a lot of inconvenience. That is why it is important to quickly understand what led to the appearance of bad breath and eliminate this problem.
Causes of the rotten smell from the mouth
If a person has a rotten smell when he talks or just breathes his mouth, it can mean that the air goes out of the digestive tract, in which there is hydrogen sulphide. It is formed during the decay of products with a large number of proteins.
Most scientists believe that rotten mouth odor in 90% of cases is a dental problem.
Also, such a smell appears in the case when the patient is allocated too little gastric juice. Then the food for a long time is delayed in the esophagus and the process of festering begins. Often the commonplace cause of such an unpleasant odor is a constant overeating. Eaten food does not have time to digest and decompose right in the stomach.
It is not recommended to ignore this problem, especially if you encounter it daily. The fact is that it can be the cause of many diseases:
- Atrophic gastritis.
- Stenosis of the pylorus of the stomach (when the outlet in the stomach narrows).
- Atony of the stomach due to decreased motor activity (lazy stomach syndrome).
These problems may indicate a number of other diseases, some of which may be severe enough (stomach ulcer, benign or malignant neoplasms). Frequent causes of rotten smell from the mouth are also:
- Diseases of the liver (chronic hepatitis of various etiologies, cirrhosis of the liver).
- Diverticula of the esophagus wall.
- Problems with the gallbladder (chronic cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, cholangitis).
That is why it is so important to visit the gastroenterologist on time at the first appearance of a rotten smell. If there is a smell of rotten meat, this usually indicates problems with the liver.
Risk factors
Typically, a rotten smell from the mouth appears in people who are forced to breathe for a long time the mouth, and not through the nose (for example, with sinusitis). As a consequence, the oral cavity dries up, which causes an unpleasant odor.
If you do not follow the hygiene of the mouth and often overeat, it can also lead to an unpleasant smell. In consequence, microorganisms accumulating in the mouth emit gases that smell bad, and the food that remains in the stomach and begins to rot, only enhances the effect.
People who constantly sit on diets, as well as those who suffer from anorexia, often have rotten mouth odor, as they do not eat properly.
Symptoms of the rotten smell from the mouth
If you or your loved one have a smell of rotten meat from the mouth, this usually indicates problems with the liver. Very often there are other symptoms:
- The patient's urine begins to darken.
- Sclera are painted in a yellowish tinge.
- Cal on the contrary become colorless.
With a rotten egg odor in patients often hurts in the abdomen, there is diarrhea or, conversely, constipation.
Smell of rotten eggs from the mouth
Such an unpleasant problem appears when the air starts to rise from the stomach, filled with hydrogen sulfide. In this case, there may also be a belch with an obvious unpleasant "aroma". Typically, a similar smell occurs if a person constantly takes in food fried or boiled eggs.
Of course, if such a smell is not felt from time to time, but constantly, then this can indicate a rather serious health problem. Usually, the smell of rotten eggs can appear if the patient has stagnant food in the stomach (for all sorts of reasons). That is, the stomach simply can not digest food, which after a while begins to wander.
For example, the smell of rotten eggs from the mouth appears in chronic atrophic gastritis with a low acidity, when the food is digested too long, which leads to the appearance of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, which leaves the stomach. Usually the smell intensifies at times of exacerbation of the disease. Thus there are still such signs as:
- Bloating.
- Vomiting or nausea.
- Stomach ache.
The reason for the smell of rotten eggs may be insufficient quantity of enzymes (which take part in digestion) and hydrochloric acid.
To combat the problem, it is necessary, first of all, to treat the disease that caused it. If you notice the first signs of gastritis or another such disease, you should immediately contact a specialist.
Rotten smell from the mouth of the child
A rotten smell can appear not only in adults, but also in children. This is usually the cause of improper oral hygiene, but there are also a number of fairly serious diseases in which this symptom appears.
The causes of rotten smell from the mouth in a child can be divided into several types:
- Extraoral.
- Oral.
- Psychogenic.
Extraoral causes of the appearance of an unpleasant odor:
- Diseases associated with the duodenum, esophagus or stomach.
- Mucus with a lot of bacteria, which is in the sinuses.
- Decomposition of food residues, which gets stuck in the depressions of the tonsils.
- Liver failure.
Mouth causes of rotten smell:
- Poor hygiene of the oral cavity, which leads to the accumulation of leftovers between the teeth.
- Frequent colds that cause dry mouth.
- Fungal diseases of the mouth.
- Problems with the gums: paradontitis, paradontosis, gingivitis.
Sometimes parents after reading some medical articles start to think that their child has a rotten smell from the mouth. This is the main psychogenic cause.
That the child does not have an unpleasant smell, it is necessary to teach him to clean his tongue and teeth every day. If the mouth is too often overdried, you can drink more water. Try to drive your baby more often to the dentist.
The smell of rotten meat from the mouth
Most often, the smell of rotten meat from the mouth appears if a person has liver problems. It is also worth paying attention to other symptoms and the first signs of diseases. Acute liver damage, which often produces an unpleasant odor, usually occurs after a viral infection, due to frequent use of alcoholic beverages or certain medications.
If you notice that you have a rotten smell of meat in your mouth, you should immediately consult a gastroenterologist.
Diagnostics of the rotten smell from the mouth
The specialist during the diagnosis should conduct an analysis of the patient's complaints, assign several important examinations to the patient, which will help to find out the cause of the appearance of the rotten smell. Among the most popular surveys are:
- Blood tests.
- Ultrasound of the liver and pancreas.
- Fibrogastroduodenoscopy.
After all the necessary studies have been carried out, the doctor prescribes the optimal treatment.
Typically, doctors recommend a general and biochemical blood test, which will help determine the presence of certain diseases. The general analysis of feces (coprogram) is also performed. He will help to see if there are undigested fragments of food in the stool. Among the analyzes can also be identified:
- Biochemical analysis of blood with hepatic assays.
- Stool analysis.
- Analysis of gastric contents.
Instrumental diagnostics
The most popular methods of instrumental diagnosis of rotten smell from the mouth are:
- Irrigoscopy.
- EGDS (gastroscopy) - the walls of the esophagus, duodenum and stomach are visible. During the procedure, a special apparatus (gastroscope) is inserted into the stomach.
- Ultrasound - helps to see if there are tumors in the abdominal region.
- Radioisotope diagnostics.
- Radiography.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the rotten smell from the mouth
If a patient has a low acidity, he will be prescribed medicines that increase the acidity of the stomach. In addition, in such cases, you will have to revise your daily diet by adding products that help the juice: lemon, chicken broth, nuts, apples, pickled cucumbers.
If the cause of the appearance of rotten smell from the mouth is banal overeating, you just need to normalize your diet. If you follow a special diet for at least two months, the problem should disappear.
With infrequent appearance of an unpleasant odor, you can try to take various medications (Smecta, Mezim, Pancreatin, Festal, activated charcoal).
There are also special measures that must always be observed:
- Chew for a day such greenery as parsley, mint.
- Drink as much water as possible.
- Try to rinse the oral cavity with water as often as possible.
- You should always clean not only your teeth, but also your tongue.
- Breakfast is better to start with oatmeal.
- Observe the correct diet.
- Add vegetables and fruits to your diet.
Phosphalugel. An antacid agent whose active ingredient is aluminum phosphate. Helps to neutralize hydrochloric acid, also differs adsorbing and enveloping effect. It is taken for the treatment of gastritis, chronic gastritis, and also helps to eliminate rotten odor from the mouth, if it appears due to this disease.
The standard dosage is as follows: one or two sachets three times a day. If you need to treat infants (up to six months), the recommended dose is 4 g (1 teaspoon) after each feeding, but at least 6 times a day.
Before use, the contents of the package must be well kneaded (through a closed bag), so that the powder takes the form of a gel. Make an incision in a special place and gently pour the gel through the hole. The drug can be diluted in a glass of water.
Among the side effects, only possible constipation is released. The drug is contraindicated with intolerance of components, violations in the liver.
Mezim Forte. Enzyme means, which includes pancreatin with a minimum activity of enzymes (amylase, lipase and protease). The drug is taken to facilitate digestion of food. The dose is determined individually. It depends on how much digestion is disturbed. Usually, one or two tablets are recommended before eating.
The main side effects of taking the remedy: constipation, nausea, allergies. The drug is contraindicated in pancreatitis, especially chronic.
Parodontocid. The drug with painkiller, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. It is available in the form of a mouthwash solution for inflammation of the gums (which can cause rotten smell from the mouth). Rinse the mouth twice a day (morning and evening). To do this, add 15 drops of solution to a third of the glass of water. Do not swallow.
The main side effects of the remedy are: contact eczema, allergies. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
Asepta. A modern remedy that is used to treat inflammation of the gums. Produced in the form of napkins, which have the form of a fingertip. To use, you need to open one sachet, put a napkin on your finger, remove a special film for protection from it, carefully wipe the tongue, gum, teeth, cheeks (inside). Fingertips are disposable. Active active ingredients are plant extracts.
Brushing your teeth with fingertips is recommended at least twice a day. Contraindicated with intolerance of components.
Alternative treatment and herbal treatment
Note that alternative medicine helps only to reduce or mask the rotten smell from the mouth, but not cure the underlying problem.
- You can chew aromatic spices (parsley, cloves, fennel seeds, laurel leaves, juniper berries).
- Clear your teeth and reduce the smell by eating an apple. It will also help improve intestinal motility.
- With the help of weak decoctions of medicinal plants: sage, chamomile, lemon balm, strawberry leaves, thyme.
In our country, homeopathic remedies have become popular quite recently, so they cause mixed feelings in patients. But with a bad smell from the mouth, such drugs can help.
If the rotten smell appeared due to a pharynx disease, you can use Aconite, Belladonna, Argentum nitrikum, Brionium, Mercurius solubilis, Capsicum.
With tonsillitis, you can get rid of a rotten smell with the help of: Barite carbonica, Kali Mureatikum, Gepar Sulfur, Phytolacca.
That you never faced a problem of the appearance of rotten smell from the mouth, you must carefully monitor the oral hygiene. Daily morning and evening brushing your teeth and tongue. It is also necessary to revise your daily diet and add fresh vegetables and fruits to the menu. Try not to drink water while eating, carefully and slowly chew food, do not overeat. Do not sit at the table if you have no appetite.
With timely diagnosis and correct treatment of rotten smell from the mouth, the prognosis is favorable.