Odor of iodine from the mouth
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Why does iodine smell from the mouth? As a result of the emerging pathology, there is an accumulation of iodine in the body.
A person can experience unpleasant sensations, such as pain and burning in the throat, increased thirst, diarrhea, nausea, attacks of dizziness. Mucous membranes acquire a brownish hue, sometimes cramps occur.
Causes of the odor of iodine from the mouth
In medicine, this condition is iodine or iodine poisoning. Yodism is chronic and acute. Acute occurs in the case of a large amount of iodine in a short time. Chronic develops over the years and has an erased clinic.
This disease affects workers associated with the production, where a large number of iodine-containing substances are used. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 500x10 6 grams. Excess of this dose is not desirable, poisoning can occur.
Causes that affect the appearance of odor of iodine from the mouth in an adult are:
- inhalation of iodine vapors both in production conditions and in domestic (conducting experiments);
- a natural overdose (if you live close to the sea);
- prolonged use of preparations containing iodine;
- the presence of idiosyncrasy (hypersensitivity to iodine);
- intentional use of iodine preparations inside (abortion, simulated cold, in particular, an increase in temperature)
- any combination of the listed reasons.
- sometimes the smell of iodine from the mouth is taken for an allergic symptom.
Another reason for the smell of iodine from the mouth is thyroid disease, for example, hyperthyroidism.
The same pathology can cause liver disease, which occur with the use of alcohol and fatty foods.
The reasons for the appearance of odor of iodine from the mouth in the child:
- long rest by the sea;
- problems with the gastrointestinal tract (presence of the Klebsiella bacteria);
- taking iodine-containing drugs.
Symptoms of the odor of iodine from the mouth
Most patients tolerate iodine vapor poisoning easily. His symptoms are already a short time after the appearance. Less than one two days. Poisoning with iodine vapor is manifested by the following symptoms:
Irritation of the skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, which in turn provokes a runny nose and cough. Possible swelling and rupture of salivary glands, skin damage.
It is much worse if the patient intentionally or accidentally swallowed a large amount of this substance. With oral poisoning there are signs of irritated throat, throat, respiratory tract, as well as problems from the gastrointestinal tract:
- Persistent odor of iodine from the mouth.
- Vomiting.
- Mucous membranes have a bluish color.
- Burns of the mouth, esophagus, stomach.
- Renal lesions.
Complications and consequences
When poisoning with iodine drugs, a lethal outcome from the laryngeal edema and lungs is possible. There may be complications in the respiratory system in the form of pneumonia, bronchitis and kidneys - in the form of jade.
This pathological condition, where there is a smell of iodine from the mouth during poisoning leads to:
- To a deterioration of vision.
- Hindered consciousness.
- Pain in the right hypochondrium, which indicates problems with the liver.
- Weakened immunity.
Treatment of the odor of iodine from the mouth
For such treatment it is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused the pathological condition. If there is a poisoning with iodine vapor or the substance itself, it is necessary to provide first aid. It is necessary to wash the stomach first. If this procedure is carried out in a hospital, then specialists use such drugs:
Antidote Sodium thiosulfate is available as a special powder. It is recommended for use in poisoning with such toxicants as arsenic, bromine, iodine salts. Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. Inside, two to three grams, once in a 10% solution. Can be administered intravenously with a dosage of five fifty ml of a 30% solution. When using the drug, allergies may occur.
The appointment of cardiovascular drugs - cordiamine, camphor. Cordiamine is indicated for stimulation of respiration. Apply in the form of subcutaneous injections and intramuscularly. For anesthesia, injection of novocaine is administered at the injection site (dosage for adults is one milliliter of 0.5-1 percent solution). The highest single dose of cordyamine for adults is two milliliters). As a side effect, convulsions are noted. When coughing - drugs with caffeine, codeine or dionine. In / in, enter ten milliliters of a ten percent solution of calcium chloride. Apply it intravenously drip. Five ten milliliters of a 10% solution are diluted in isotonic solution in a volume of 100-200 ml. The following side effects may occur: bradycardia attack, fever, redness of face.
If a person has been poisoned due to ingress of vapors of iodine in the respiratory tract, then prescribe inhalation containing water with ammonia or soda. It is recommended to rinse the mouth, nose, throat with a 2% solution of soda. After stabilizing the patient's condition, vitamins are recommended for general strengthening of the body.
Alternative treatment
If the patient can not be transported to the hospital, then the lavage of the stomach is carried out at home. Then use flour, starch, milk, vegetable oil to remove iodine from the body. The patient is allowed to drink milk and a water-oil emulsion. Starch and flour are pre-brewed to an oat-like consistency. The faster these products enter the stomach, then severe consequences can be prevented. The water that has been used for washing can become a blue hue. It has absorbent, astringent properties of beet juice, so it can be recommended for use in poisoning.
Herbal Treatment
Pour one cup of boiling water twenty grams of elecampane and insist twenty minutes. Use four meals a day for one meal.
Dry grass spores (two tablespoons) pour steep boiling water in a half liter thermos. Infuse one two hours. Strain and take inside for half a glass two three times a day.
Dried chamomile flowers pour boiling water, insist and allow to cool. After filter. Take half a glass throughout the day.
Ubiquinone compositum is a homeopathic remedy with detoxification, antioxidant metabolic, anti-inflammatory properties. Wide range of action. It contains vitamins of group B, therefore, when injected, burning is possible. Contraindicated in pregnant women. It is intended for all kinds of injections. Can be used orally. Once a day, one ampoule with a volume of 2.2 ml once or twice a week
Nux vomica-Homaccord - a combined homeopathic drug. It is indicated if there is discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation, functional disorder of the liver. Dosage necessary for admission to adults is thirty drops per day. It is used in three doses under the tongue. Diluted boiled water with one teaspoon. Allergic reactions are possible with individual immunity of the constituents of the preparation. Contraindicated in pregnancy.
The drug Chitosan is one of the powerful sorbents of natural origin. In it, as a nutritious complex, the germinated grains of such cereals as wheat, oats and corn are used. Additionally contains plant enzymes, vitamins, proteins, phytohormones. It is recommended to take two times a day in the morning an hour before meals and in the evening two hours after a meal. The course of admission is from thirty to forty-five days. There were no side effects.
With a timely request for medical help, the forecast is favorable.