Right-sided scoliosis
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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If the spinal column is deformed to the right side along the vertical axis, then doctors talk about such a pathology as right-sided scoliosis. We are talking about a complex structural problem that has several degrees of severity. Depending on the degree of the disease, the doctor prescribes this or that treatment. In severe cases, right-sided scoliosis can negatively affect the work of internal organs, so it is important to engage in a timely correction of the position of the spine. [1]
Doctors note that in every eight out of ten patients with scoliosis to determine the cause of the pathology can not be determined - in such a case they say about idiopathic scoliosis.
The disorder can manifest itself at almost any age, but most often it is diagnosed at the stage of puberty - that is, in patients 12-15 years old (in girls - after 10-11 years old).
Women are more likely to suffer from scoliosis - about 4 times more likely.
Right-sided scoliosis in early childhood is more common in the first two years of life, predominantly in boys, but undergoes regression in most cases.
Juvenile scoliosis is said if it develops between 3-15 years of age. At this age, the pathology is more often observed in girls and has a tendency to progress.
Adolescent scoliosis develops from puberty to the final stage of bone growth - that is, until about 17-20 years of age. In girls, the disorder is registered 4 times more often than in boys.
If the curvature is first fixed at the age of more than 20 years, it is said about adult scoliosis, which is formed after the completion of bone growth. [2], [3]
Causes of the right-sided scoliosis
Scoliosis is a pathology that forms in childhood. And the initial degree of the disorder is most often unnoticeable, so there is no need to talk about early medical attention.
In most cases, right-sided scoliosis begins to develop in young patients from the age of 6 years. At this age, there is both intensive skeletal growth and high load on the spinal column, against the background of underdeveloped back muscles. This entails deformation.
However, it happens that other reasons are "to blame" - such as these:
- prolonged exposure to incorrect posture;
- violation of metabolic processes (there are damaging processes in the spine, and when a number of vertebrae are affected, their shape and position changes);
- Congenital defects of skeletal development (rib fusions, "extra" vertebrae, etc.);
- excessive body weight (increases the load on the spinal column, which leads to its curvature);
- infectious-inflammatory processes, endocrine pathologies;
- back injuries, spinal injuries;
- Dystrophic, degenerative diseases of the spinal column (osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, herniated discs, etc.).
Medics assure that all the reasons for the development of right-sided scoliosis have not yet been clarified, so in many cases, the appearance of pathology does not lend itself to any clear explanation. Many theories have been voiced, but doctors continue to diagnose patients with "idiopathic" (gratuitous) scoliosis quite often. [4]
Risk factors
Right-sided scoliosis cannot occur "just like that": its development is preceded by certain factors, such as:
- Inadequate, meager, monotonous nutrition;
- chronic intoxication, addiction to drinking, smoking;
- Excessive physical overload of the spine, lifting heavy objects, being overweight;
- Injury-prone occupations and sports;
- weakening of muscles due to lack of physical activity;
- frequent hypothermia;
- frequent and prolonged performance of stereotyped, repetitive movements;
- Improper posture, lack of posture control.
Any of the above factors can be the root cause for a person to develop right-sided scoliosis.
Some experts believe that the upright position of the torso is already the initial cause of the formation of various curvatures - in particular, right-sided scoliosis. But, as scientific experiments have shown, the main factor should be considered not upright posture, but the lack of proper attention to the spine on the part of the patient himself. After all, dystrophic or degenerative pathologies of the spinal column can develop not only in humans, but also in other mammals.
The main pathological condition that provokes the development of right-sided scoliosis, experts consider insufficient physical activity. Modern people devote very little time to physical education and sports. As a result, the blood supply to organs and tissues is inhibited, musculature becomes weak, spinal trophic deteriorates, which entails the development of dystrophic processes. This mechanism can be stopped if you take care of compensating for the lack of motor activity in time.
The vertebral column can consist of 33-35 vertebrae, between which there are elastic and resistant "spacers" discs. The musculo-ligamentous system, intervertebral discs and joints help keep the torso upright while allowing it to move actively and freely. The elasticity of the intervertebral discs softens various physical vibrations - for example, when walking, jogging or jumping - which are transmitted to the spinal column and on to the spinal cord and brain. The physiological orientation of the existing normal curves of the spine (lordosis and kyphosis) provide additional elasticity and soften the load.
What happens in right-sided scoliosis? Due to various causes, a complex deformation of the spinal column occurs, which entails curvature of the ribs and chest, violation of the adequate mutual location of internal organs. With a pronounced degree of scoliosis, the work of the musculoskeletal, respiratory, nervous, cardiovascular systems is disturbed.
Given this, it is necessary to realize that timely treatment of the problem helps to prevent not only further deformation of the body's supporting framework, but also various changes on the part of vital systems. [5], [6]
Symptoms of the right-sided scoliosis
Right-sided scoliosis can affect any vertebral compartment. The violation affects the appearance of a person, causes unpleasant sensations during motor activity.
The first signs of a cervical spine lesion may be as follows:
- frequent headaches, neck pain;
- stiffness when you turn your neck;
- paresis, discomfort in the right arm;
- frequent unmotivated feeling of fatigue, heaviness in the back.
Cervical curvature occurs more often in childhood, which may be due to congenital defects of skeletal development, birth trauma and so on.
The thoracic region is often affected when the spinal column is overloaded. The following symptoms are observed:
- limitation of trunk mobility;
- spastic muscle pain;
- soreness with motor activity;
- disturbed thoracic organs;
- tingling sensation predominantly in the right upper extremity;
- asymmetrical positioning of the shoulder blades and shoulders;
- heart pain, arrhythmia.
When the lumbar region is affected, pronounced low back pain is especially noted. However, there are other painful signs in addition to these:
- diseases of the pelvic organs, genital organs;
- leg pain;
- impaired walking, frequent fatigue.
The most realistic picture of right-sided scoliosis can be seen if the patient is viewed from the back. Asymmetry of the upper arms (one shoulder is higher than the other), asymmetry of the shoulder blades, changes in the lines of the spinous processes, skewing of the body with changes in its balance are noted. If you ask a person to lean forward, you can not only identify the area of deformation, but also measure the size of the rib hump.
There are four stages or degrees of right-sided scoliosis. Each of them is characterized by different angles of deviation of the spine from the norm:
- at the first degree of deviation is less than 10 degrees, the patient practically does not feel the malfunction and does not notice changes in posture;
- at the second degree of deviation does not exceed 30 degrees, there is no pain, but you can already notice the asymmetry of the shoulder blades at the moment of inclination;
- at the third degree of deviation can reach 60 degrees, to the asymmetry of the shoulder blades is added "rib hump", the function of the thoracic organs is disturbed;
- in the fourth degree, the deviation exceeds 60 degrees, deformity is clearly visible, the patient may be recognized as disabled.
The treatment scheme is selected separately for each degree of curvature. For example, moderate right-sided scoliosis can be corrected with the help of physical therapy, but in more complex cases, conservative treatment and even surgical intervention are prescribed.
- Right-sided scoliosis of the 1st degree is corrected with the help of specially selected physical therapy exercises, massage and physiotherapy. Exercises are aimed at strengthening the back muscles, maintaining the correct position of the spine, stabilizing the bony framework and preventing further pathological changes.
- Grade 2 right-sided scoliosis can be corrected using all of the above techniques, but correction may take much longer. There may be recommendations to wear a corset. Surgical intervention is usually not required.
- Right-sided scoliosis of grade 3 and above often requires surgery. Other techniques, such as physical therapy, massage, and physiotherapy, become adjunctive therapeutic measures.
Right-sided scoliosis can be congenital and acquired (at any age, but more often before adolescence).
In addition, the deformity is neuromuscular and mesenchymal.
- Neuromuscular curvature is caused by functional muscle deficiency, which occurs in cerebral palsy, spinal muscular atrophy, spinal hernias, trauma and dystrophic processes.
- Mesenchymal curvature is associated with dysfunction of passive stabilizers of the vertebral column - in particular, vertebrae, facet joints, intervertebral discs, ligamentous apparatus, joint capsules and passive muscle support. Such defects occur in patients with Marfan syndrome, osteogenesis imperfecta, mucopolysaccharidosis, inflammatory pathologies and after thoracic surgery.
According to the type of curvature, pathology is subdivided into the following types:
- Upper thoracic, or right-sided cervical scoliosis, in which the configuration of the neck and upper thoracic spine is disturbed;
- Right-sided thoracic scoliosis, in which there is a deformity of the thorax, formed dorsal and intercostal hump;
- thoracolumbar scoliosis with simultaneous deformity in the thoracic and lumbar regions;
- Right-sided lumbar scoliosis, when right-sided curvature is noted only in the lumbar segment of the spinal column.
Depending on the form of the disorder is distinguished:
- C-shaped, or simple scoliosis, which has a single arc of curvature;
- Left-sided or right-sided S-shaped scoliosis with two deforming arches;
- Total scoliosis, with the involvement of almost all thoracic and lumbar vertebrae in the pathological process, with the formation of a single hollow arch.
There is another term that describes this pathology - it is idiopathic right-sided thoracic scoliosis. This is a right-sided violation, which the doctor does not associate with any of the possible causes of development. Simply put, idiopathic scoliosis is called such a deformity, the causes of which remain unknown.
In addition, the disease is categorized according to the period of its development:
- Infantile scoliosis (develops in infants under 2 years of age);
- Juvenile (develops between two and ten years of age);
- Adolescent (occurs in early adolescence).
Complications and consequences
Right-sided scoliosis is a problem that not only negatively affects posture, but can provoke the development of many unpleasant complications. This should be taken into account, as the lack of timely treatment can lead to the fact that in the future it will be necessary to treat not only the deformation itself, but also complications that can be quite dangerous.
Thoracic right-sided scoliosis negatively affects all internal organs located in the thorax. The most likely complications are considered to be:
- pinched nerves;
- of organ displacement;
- extravascular compression of the vertebral artery with further impairment of brain nutrition;
- respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
The curvature of the thoracic region affects the position of the ribs, which begin to squeeze the lungs, reducing the volume of air entering them. Heart function deteriorates: at first there is shortness of breath, then heart palpitations increase. Cardiography may show arrhythmias and changes in the myocardium. Over time, the patient risks acquiring coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension.
Deformity in the lumbar region can be complicated by the following conditions:
- leg swelling;
- decreased tone of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall;
- flatulence, constipation;
- increased urge to urinate;
- congestion in the digestive organs and pelvic organs.
In addition, there is a high risk of spinal cord compression, paresis and paralysis.
Right-sided scoliosis, which developed in early childhood, often makes the child self-conscious of his own appearance, which leads to the appearance of complexes. Constant squeezing of vessels causes impaired blood circulation in the brain. The consequence of these processes can be a violation of thinking activity, memory impairment.
Diagnostics of the right-sided scoliosis
Diagnosing right-sided scoliosis is not as simple as it first appears. It involves a whole set of procedures:
- Examination of the orthopedist, history taking, doctor-patient communication.
- Radiography of the spine is the main method of diagnosing and tracing the dynamics of treatment of right-sided scoliosis.
- Determination of the patient's neurological status - this is necessary to exclude pathologies of the nervous system that influence the development of the curvature (paralysis, paresis, conduction disorders, etc.).
- Evaluation of metabolic status is necessary to rule out abnormalities in individual vertebrae, which may be the result of bone dysfunction (in dysplasia, impaired calcium metabolism, etc.).
- Identification of congenital anomalies involving the vertebral bodies (extra ribs, wedge-shaped vertebrae, etc.) requires an individualized treatment plan.
Do not think about how to determine right-sided scoliosis without consulting a doctor. It is more advisable to go to the doctor and undergo the necessary stages of examination. It is practically impossible to do this on your own. Many patients confuse the concepts of scoliosis and incorrect posture. Disturbed posture is caused by the failure of the corset muscles. This violation can be eliminated by controlling the position of the back, performing exercises LFK. But with right-sided scoliosis, there is a persistent curvature of the spinal column with subsequent deformation of nearby structures. In this case, scoliosis can be both acquired and congenital. [7]
A variety of instrumental diagnostics are commonly used to identify spinal abnormalities:
- Radiography (helps assess the angle of curvature and the presence of other pathologies in the bone tissue);
- magnetic resonance and computed tomography (allows you to examine the problem in detail, identify herniated discs, intervertebral disc disorders, narrowing of joint gaps, symptoms of osteoarthritis);
- electrocardiography (reveals cardiac abnormalities caused by right-sided scoliosis).
Ultrasound and other additional methods may be prescribed to exclude diseases of internal organs.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis is carried out, first of all, with scoliotic posture, which is a non-fixed deformation of the spinal column. The main criterion for the difference is considered the disappearance of curvature when the patient is lying down. If there is a reliable right-sided scoliosis, then such a phenomenon is not observed, and the spine remains curved. Recall that scoliosis is called lateral deviation of the spinal column from the central skeletal axis, which is accompanied by violations in the vertebrae, muscles and ligaments of the back. Such violations are permanent in nature.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the right-sided scoliosis
Treatment for right-sided scoliosis should be complex, affecting different directions: strengthening the muscle corset, protection of the bone and brain, stabilization of the spinal column. [8]
Conservative treatment is prescribed depending on the complexity of the pathology. The early stage of scoliosis is the easiest to correct, but in neglected cases you should not count on a quick get rid of the problem. [9] As a rule, such practices are used for treatment:
- Orthotics is the use of corsets, belts, orthopedic insoles, etc. Such devices fix the body and intervertebral discs, correct the arc of deformation, and provide cushioning for microshocks. However, orthotics require a long period of wear, and are prohibited for use in osteoporosis, pregnancy, etc.
- Drug therapy includes taking multivitamin preparations, mineral complexes, analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Some patients require hormonal treatment.
- Lifestyle correction involves avoiding hypodynamia, controlling posture, proper selection of furniture, ensuring a balance of work and rest.
- Nutritional correction is an important link in the comprehensive treatment of right-sided scoliosis. Specialists advise removing salt and spicy spices, alcoholic beverages and smoked meats from the diet. Emphasis is placed on plant food, dairy products, cereals, eggs. If the patient is overweight, it is necessary to control the daily caloric intake.
- Therapeutic exercise is prescribed at any of the stages of right-sided scoliosis, and even for its prevention. Exercises contribute to strengthening the muscles, creating a strong natural corset that stabilizes the spinal column. With severe back pain, the possibility of practicing LFK is evaluated individually by the attending doctor.
- Swimming lessons allow you to relieve the spine, strengthen muscles, form the correct position of the body, improve respiratory function.
- Massages help to reduce the arches of deformity, relieve muscle tension, and tone the musculature. Sessions are indicated for both adults and children, in the absence of pain and inflammatory musculoskeletal pathologies.
- Acupuncture and reflexology involve exposure to bioactive points, which helps to eliminate inflammation, optimize muscle tone, disappear pain syndrome.
As additional measures can be used mud therapy, kinesiotherapy, hydrotherapy, hirudotherapy. Such methods improve the patient's general well-being and significantly slow down the development of right-sided scoliosis.
LFK for right-sided scoliosis
In order to get a positive result from therapeutic exercise (LFK), the following rules should be observed:
- You should stretch immediately before training to prepare your muscles for the load;
- exercises should be done slowly, without making sudden, sudden movements or jumps;
- Do not use weighted weights, such as dumbbells, kettlebells, etc;
- in right-sided scoliosis is undesirable to perform back rotation, hanging on the bar;
- you should alternate the load on different parts of the body.
The complex of LFC, recommended for right-sided scoliosis, consists of warm-up exercises, the basic part and the final stage. After completing the exercise, it is absolutely necessary to let the body rest for a quarter of an hour.
Basic exercises are performed in different body positions: standing, lying on the stomach and back, standing on all fours.
The training is supervised by a specialist who must balance the load, duration of each exercise and so on. [10]
Exercises for right-sided scoliosis
You can stop the progression of right-sided scoliosis by practicing yoga. In particular, many experts recommend paying attention to the following exercises:
- To stabilize the back and shoulder girdle:
- Stand facing the wall at arm's length, resting palms on the wall.
- Take a couple of steps back, stretching the back. Legs are at the width of the hips.
- Try to gradually move further away, keeping the body at a right angle to the legs.
- For stretching the back and shoulders:
- Grab a chair or other object that you can grasp firmly at about hip level.
- Step back while holding onto the object. The legs and back should remain straight so that you can feel the stretching of the back muscles.
- From this position, sit down deeply, bringing the chest to the knees. Return to the starting position.
- To stretch the back (cat and cow position):
- Get on all fours, body and legs at right angles, hands resting on the floor.
- Bend the back upwards, hold for a few seconds.
- Bend down and again fix the position. Deflections are performed slowly and very carefully.
- Try to bend the back on the vertebral sections, gradually, feeling each vertebra - start from the lumbar and end with the cervical department. Then start bending the back in the opposite direction.
- To stretch the back and shoulder girdle (stretching dog position):
- Get on all fours, body at right angles to the legs, palms resting on the floor.
- Take a couple of steps forward with the hands, lower the belly, touching the thighs, straighten the arms.
- Touch the forehead to the floor, relax the neck. The back is straight.
- Pull the arms forward, and the hips - to the back, until the sensation of stretching the back. For right-sided scoliosis, shift the arms to the right.
- To stretch the hip flexor muscles (horseman's position):
- Lunge forward with the right leg. The left leg is placed behind you on the knee.
- The hands are placed palms down to the floor on the sides of the right foot.
- Keep the back straight, shoulders lowered, chest straightened, chin lifted.
- Feel muscle tension in the groin and thigh area.
- Hold the position for half a minute and repeat, changing the leading leg.
- To stretch the pear-shaped muscles (pigeon position):
- Sit on the floor, right leg is brought forward, bending at the knee. The left leg is pulled back, trying to straighten.
- The back remains straight, the lumbar region is not flexed.
- Hold the torso, leaning on straight arms. You can bend your elbows and lower yourself onto your forearms.
- Stay in this position for half a minute. Then change the leading leg and repeat the exercise.
- To strengthen the muscles:
- Lay on the stomach, arms stretched forward.
- Raise the left arm and right leg simultaneously, hold the position for 15-20 seconds.
- Repeat the exercise, using the right arm and left leg.
- To relax the muscles:
- Lay on the back, placing a hamstring roll under the legs and a small pillow under the head to relax the neck.
- Close your eyes, calmly inhale and exhale, relaxing completely.
- After five minutes, gradually and gently get up.
- These exercises should be performed 4 times a week to achieve a lasting result.
Massage for right-sided scoliosis
Massage is prescribed to patients with right-sided scoliosis for preventive and curative action. A full course of massage therapy is recommended for any degree of curvature.
It is optimal to perform the treatments daily or every other day. In total, the treatment should consist of ten sessions. In individual cases, it is possible to extend the course.
Massage should be performed by a qualified specialist with a medical degree. Depending on the severity and degree of pathology, the necessary techniques are selected, in particular kneading, rubbing, stretching and stroking.
There are also contraindications to massage for right-sided scoliosis:
- high blood pressure;
- allergic reactions;
- blood clotting disorders, tendency to hemorrhage;
- acute inflammatory processes;
- fungal and other dermatologic diseases;
- inflammation of the lymph nodes.
Massage is performed in several positions: on the back, on the side, on the stomach. The session is completed by rubbing and stroking, for more complete relaxation of the spinal musculature. [11]
Surgical treatment
Surgical intervention is used only in exceptional cases, when right-sided scoliosis is persistently progressive and becomes severe. Intervention involves alignment of the spine using internal fixation - surgical stabilization with the practice of fixed connection of the vertebrae (arthrodesis, spondylodesis). During the surgery, several vertebrae are connected with bone implants, plates or metal screws to form an irreversible and immobile joint. This intervention eliminates the painful symptoms of right-sided scoliosis.
Several vertebral fusion techniques are known. They use strips of bone tissue, bone implants, and titanium cages. Bone tissue is most often taken from the patient's iliac bone, less often made from synthetic materials. Implants are fixed with the help of screws or retracting plates, providing a tight contact of tissues, their complete fusion. The rods are not removed to avoid repeated intervention.
The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts about 2-4 hours. The patient starts walking on the 2nd or 3rd day, and discharge is possible on the 4th or 7th day. Most patients are recommended to wear a rigid orthosis to support the back.
After surgery, the patient is observed for several years, with mandatory radiologic control. [12]
Preventive measures to prevent the formation of right-sided scoliosis should begin before the birth of the child. For this purpose, the expectant mother is recommended to eat a full and high-quality diet and maintain physical activity. Practically the same rules remain in force after the baby's birth.
Among other, more recent recommendations, the following advice is particularly important:
- A desk or table should be adjusted to the child's height;
- the light flux during table activities should fall on the left side;
- to avoid slouching, it is better to place books on the table on a special book stand;
- It is better to use a hard-backed backpack rather than a soft backpack to carry textbooks;
- A moderately firm orthopedic mattress and a low pillow should be chosen for night sleep.
Free time spent by the child should not be idle: hypodynamia leads to weakening of the muscle corset that supports the spine. Therefore, walking in the fresh air, sufficient physical activity is welcomed. Rest is also necessary: quality healthy sleep should last for a child at least 10 hours, and for an adult - at least eight hours.
The practice of heavy physical activity - e.g. Gymnastics, weightlifting, gymnastics - is not recommended until the child is 10-12 years old. This is due to the insufficient development of the muscular corset at a child's age. Therefore, there is a risk of overloading the spinal column and early development of osteochondrosis.
In addition, for adequate development of muscles, ligamentous and bone apparatus, intervertebral discs, a quality and nutritious diet plays a significant role. It is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of vitamins, protein food, fats and carbohydrates. We should not forget about dairy products - the main suppliers of calcium in the body.
As for adults, even here the main conditions for the normal condition of the spine are a balanced diet and sufficient physical activity. But there are also other medical recommendations:
- try to always assume a position that is comfortable for your body;
- When forced to stand for long periods of time, be sure to maintain posture, change posture and support limb frequently;
- Try not to lift heavy objects, but if you must, distribute the load evenly by not leaning forward and keeping the load closer to your torso;
- it is important to organize your workplace: your back should be straight while sitting;
- During a long ride in a car, you should put a bolster under your lower back and a headrest under your neck;
- If you play sports, the type of physical activity should be appropriate for your age and fitness level, as excessive strain can harm the spine.
Right-sided scoliosis will not develop in people who are attentive to their health. Therefore, it is important to maintain overall performance, monitor the condition of internal organs and the whole organism.
What is the proper behavior for right-sided scoliosis?
A diagnosis of right-sided scoliosis is a serious reason to take better care of yourself, get quality rest, and live a healthy lifestyle.
Right-sided curvature can occur in almost any segment of the spinal column, from the upper back to the lumbar region. Externally, the problem is not always noticeable. However, radiological images allow you to clearly see scoliosis and even track its dynamics.
With a moderate degree of pathology, prone to progression, the doctor may recommend the use of a special fixation belt or corset. Usually it has a rigid base and is worn daily (some models are not removed even at night). Such a device is practically invisible to others, it is easily hidden by clothing. Initially, the belt is supposed to be worn for a long time in order to achieve positive results.
In some patients, right-sided scoliosis causes balance problems, which can lead to uneven walking and unsteady gait. To avoid trouble, the patient should choose the most comfortable and stable footwear to ease the load on the spine.
Back pain and discomfort are common accompanying signs of scoliosis. In order to relieve themselves and improve the quality of life, any patient should understand the basic principles of the spinal column and the entire musculoskeletal system. This will help to understand how to better cope with the painful problem.
In general, for right-sided scoliosis, doctors advise to pay attention to the following points:
- Try to limit any activity that makes you slouch or causes any other discomfort;
- Cycling, horseback riding, running (especially long-distance running), jumping, weightlifting and bodybuilding are inadvisable;
- don't hesitate to ask for help if any activity causes back pain: never do anything "through pain";
- It is advisable to take a blood test to determine the lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body, so that in the future to make up for this deficiency;
- Try to move as safely as possible - especially during physical activity.
How do you sleep with right-sided scoliosis?
Patients with right-sided scoliosis often have problems resting at night. Therefore, every effort should be made to ensure that the back is sufficiently relaxed, sleep comes quickly and rest is of good quality.
- During sleep nothing should not distract, so you should minimize the effect of external stimuli in advance: hang thick curtains, provide silence, ventilate the bedroom in advance.
- Dinner should not be a heavy meal: a light snack about 2 hours before going to bed is sufficient. In addition, you can take a warm bath: such a procedure is not only pleasant, but also promotes muscle relaxation.
- Right-sided scoliosis requires a mattress that keeps the spine in a neutral position. A firm or moderately firm mattress is ideal for this purpose. If an orthopedic topper is additionally used, attention should be paid to its thickness, which should not exceed 7.6 cm.
- The ideal sleeping position for right-sided scoliosis is on your side. Sleeping on your back is also allowed. But you should not sleep on your stomach: it may cause pain.
As for additional accessories for sleep - special orthopedic pillows, bolsters, pads - their use should be coordinated with the doctor on an individual basis. Despite the fact that right-sided scoliosis is a common pathology, what helps one patient may be useless for another. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to your body, accept its conditions for comfort, consult with the doctor and together with him look for the most optimal solution to the problem.
Dumbbells for right-sided scoliosis
Most doctors prohibit any kind of stress on the spine in right-sided scoliosis - in particular, it is forbidden to squat and bend over with any weights. Any jumping is also prohibited - both during fitness classes and those related to athletics, basketball, volleyball and so on.
No sudden movements, twisting, bending or stooping are allowed. Most exercises using weights, dumbbells or exercise machines will only harm the patient. The fact is that the use of weights gives an uneven axial load on the spinal column, as a result of which it receives a lot of stress on its individual segments. If you neglect the prohibition of doctors, you can damage the intervertebral discs and even provoke the development of a hernia.
Due to the compensatory mechanisms that spare the affected area of the back, some muscles are not used in exercises and gradually atrophy. This further aggravates the situation. Giving an equal load on different parts of the torso will not work, because the axial displacement leads to tension of some muscles and relaxation of others. Especially undesirable is the use of heavy dumbbells and weights (more than 0.5 kg per limb). Standing pull, chin pull, squats are definitely contraindicated. Unwanted push-ups with weights. When performing exercises from a standing position should not load the arms. Lifting dumbbells and other heavy objects upwards is prohibited.
It is possible to perform "sitting" exercises that do not simultaneously load both halves of the body (both right and left sides). It is important to change the approach to sports activities: for example, alternate training with swimming (without sharp bending of the back), perform exercises LFK (usually prescribed by an orthopedist). Yoga is allowed, but only under the careful guidance of a specialist who is aware of the patient's problems.
The prognosis of right-sided scoliosis can be different, which depends on the degree of deformity. The difficulty lies in the fact that the disorder for a long time may not manifest itself in any way - in particular, the patient himself does not notice the malfunction, which is detected only during a medical examination.
Mild forms of curvature can give rise to back pain: such pain usually begins to bother over time, if the pathology has not been treated.
In a severe course of deformity, internal organs, lungs, heart may suffer, the chest may be distorted. The patient has problems with breathing, cardiac activity.
Right-sided scoliosis is a malfunction that does not forgive a careless attitude to it. In every second case, patients start the pathology, and as they grow older, they become disabled and significantly lose their quality of life. Nevertheless, at a young age, the condition of the spine can be corrected - in particular, with the help of a corset, physiotherapy and other therapeutic methods. The main thing is to contact specialists (orthopedist, vertebrologist) in time and follow their recommendations.