Spine brace for scoliosis
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Scoliosis correction involves the use of various methods and techniques. One of the most effective anti-scoliosis devices is considered to be a corset - it is used both for treatment and prevention of spinal deformities. Corset for scoliosis is prescribed in childhood - until the patient reaches the age of 12 years. Only in this period, the device can significantly affect the correct formation of the spine and slow down its curvature. [1]
Does a corset help with scoliosis?
Scoliosis braces are needed to fix the affected spine. Depending on the design variant and type of rigidity, the device should perform the following tasks:
- fix the necessary segments of the spinal column;
- to "unload" the muscles;
- to eliminate pain;
- accelerate the restoration of normal spinal function.
As a rule, with proper use corsets stop the development of scoliosis, promote the development of a stable skill of posture, relieve muscle hypertonus, improve the work of the organs of the chest and abdomen.
The corset will provide unconditional benefit if the following conditions are met:
- the type of device will be selected by a qualified doctor;
- the patient will adhere to all the rules of wearing the orthosis;
- Comprehensive therapy with all necessary procedures and interventions will be provided.
The earlier the treatment is carried out, the sooner the scoliosis deformity will be corrected. The best time to correct scoliosis is during childhood (before the age of 18).
How to choose a corset for scoliosis?
Usually a corset for scoliosis is not chosen by the patient himself, but by the doctor who prescribes anti-scoliosis treatment. And this is right, because it is quite difficult to choose the right corset on your own. And if you choose the wrong device, at best it will not be effective, and at worst it will lead to the development of complications.
However, we will share with you the basic rules to keep in mind before purchasing a corrective corset:
- Corsets come in different sizes, can be designed for different ages, and this is something you should definitely consider;
- much depends on the type of scoliosis and its location (thoracic, lumbar, etc.);
- the degree of deformity of the spinal column should not be ignored - this is also very important;
- It is not recommended to buy a corset for scoliosis without first trying it on.
Today it is possible to purchase corsets of various variations and configurations. However, in some cases, it is not possible to choose a corrective device. In such a situation, the problem is solved by individual manufacturing of the device. Important: in more advanced stages of scoliosis, a more rigid orthosis is chosen.
If the curvature has a 3-4 degree of development and affects the thoracic spine, then in this case, the Chenault corset is used - a rigid-guise orthopedic device. It has an active and passive effect on the torso, providing three-dimensional correction and stabilization of the spine.
Grade 2 thoracic scoliosis is an indication for Lyons, Brace or Milwaukee corsets. In general, these are universal orthoses that can be used to correct any of their spinal compartments.
Scoliosis of the lower vertebral segment - the lumbar and sacral zone - may require the use of a Boston brace. As a rule, it is prescribed to patients with advanced curvature.
Indications for use of a spinal corset for scoliosis
Corset for scoliosis is prescribed by a doctor after all the necessary stages of diagnosis. As a rule, the need for the use of a corset arises:
- in case of severe curvature of the spine in children during the period of active growth;
- for spinal injuries;
- for diseases affecting the spinal column.
However, even if the child has a pronounced degree of scoliosis, she will not immediately be offered to wear a corset. At first, the problem will try to eliminate with the help of prolonged and systematic exercises, regular physical therapy procedures. If such treatment does not lead to the necessary result, then in combination with the previous methods, a corset will be offered. The device alone will not correct the deformity, but only in conjunction with other therapeutic techniques.
How to wear a corset for scoliosis?
The pattern of wearing a scoliosis brace may vary, depending on the type of device. For example, retention orthoses are used for 2 hours a day for the first 14 days. Then this time is increased weekly by 1 hour, bringing it to 6 hours per day. The total duration of wear can be up to four months. The therapy is also completed gradually, reducing the period of application by 1 h every 1-2 weeks. If at the end of the treatment the patient starts the process of curvature again, a new course of treatment is prescribed for 8 weeks, with wearing the corset for 4 hours a day.
Wearing of the corrective device begins with an adaptation period of 3 weeks. This corset is applied daily according to the scheme: 2 hours of wear, 2 hours break. Gradually increase the time of wear, bringing it to 24 hours / day. A short rest from the orthosis for the period of hygiene procedures is allowed.
Any corset for scoliosis should be used with the following basic rules:
- Supportive and corrective devices are worn over light underwear or a T-shirt rather than directly on the body;
- Do not lift or carry heavy objects during the treatment period;
- Do not abruptly start using the brace for a long period of time, the adaptation period should be smooth;
- during treatment, you should systematically consult with your doctor and monitor the dynamics of scoliosis;
- treatment should not be stopped abruptly, but should be completed gradually.
Scoliosis corset wearing schemes can be adjusted by the attending physician, depending on the specific situation.
Corset for 1st degree scoliosis
In the first degree of scoliosis, there is a slight deformation of the spinal column in the frontal plane, which disappears with the adoption of a horizontal position. There is a lack of symmetry of the shoulder blades and upper arms in patients with cervicothoracic and thoracic scoliosis, muscle asymmetry at the level of the deformity arc.
The first degree is considered the earliest stage of pathology development, so the most gentle treatment techniques are used to correct it:
- LFC;
- massage;
- posture retention.
Radical treatment techniques are practically not used, but full control and monitoring of the back and spine is ensured. The main points of therapy are strengthening of the back muscles and establishing correct posture. The best helpers in this situation, according to experts, are not corsets, and morning exercises, swimming, physiotherapeutic procedures. It is allowed to use light soft support bandages for preventive purposes.
Corset for 2nd degree scoliosis
Second-degree scoliosis implies a more pronounced displacement of the vertebral axis at an angle of up to 25 degrees. This deformation can already cause painful sensations, leading to dysfunction of internal organs.
What are the characteristic signs of second degree curvature?
- Lack of shoulder symmetry.
- Pelvic asymmetry.
- Visually uneven spine.
- Back pain.
- Other internal organ problems.
Correcting such a deformity usually involves:
- massage, chiropractic care;
- physiotherapy treatments;
- the use of a corset;
- Physical therapy, etc.
Standard bandages and reclinators, which include semi-rigid ribs and fixators (on the abdomen and shoulders), are often used to correct the disorder. It is important to choose the most appropriate size. Milwaukee or Lyon corsets are considered the most suitable.
Corset for 3rd degree scoliosis
Scoliosis of the third degree refers to severe deformities, when the scapular asymmetry is complemented by a rib hump, clearly manifested when viewed from the side. The violation begins to have a negative impact on the work of the thoracic organs, the cardiovascular system. The patient is recommended daily use of a rigid corset (for example, Chenault or Boston) for at least 16 hours a day. At the same time, a long-term complex treatment is carried out, including therapeutic exercise, massage, swimming, manual therapy. It may be necessary to anesthetize with special medications. In more severe cases, surgery is resorted to, as other treatments often do not bring the expected effect.
Corset for S-scoliosis
Orthopedic corset is prescribed for various forms of scoliosis, including S-shaped deformity. This pathology is often found in school-age children, which is caused by improper seating at the desk or incorrect height of furniture.
The S-shaped deformity develops gradually. At first, a normal curvature appears, followed by the formation of a second compensatory arch on the opposite side. The primary arc is more often localized in the area of the 8-10 vertebrae, and the second - in the area of the 1-3 vertebrae. It turns out that such scoliosis can be called thoracolumbar scoliosis, since it covers two vertebral compartments at once.
The corset in this case is selected individually and made for each patient separately, according to a specific order. It is necessary to treat it, otherwise the disease will worsen, and with age it will be very difficult to correct the disorder.
What are the most commonly used corsets for scoliosis?
Corsets for scoliosis are especially effective if they are applied at the early stages of curvature development. Timely correction of the spinal column in combination with other techniques (physical therapy, special exercises, massage, physiotherapy) help to fully restore the normal position of the back, and often only a few months are enough for this.
Scoliosis can vary greatly from patient to patient, so corsets are mainly of two types, depending on their mechanism of action: supportive and corrective.
Supportive corsets are mainly used to correct the first degree of scoliosis, or for preventive purposes. It can also be prescribed:
- as a preventive therapeutic measure if the child has a tendency to develop deformities or shows reluctance to maintain a normal posture, in case of musculoskeletal diseases;
- to eliminate back pain and relieve muscle spasm;
- for other diseases affecting the spinal column and to maintain a normal back position.
Supportive devices are virtually invisible during wear, affordable and versatile. However, they are only suitable for relatively mild deformities: in more severe cases, corrective orthoses are required.
The most common supportive corsets are considered to be:
- Reclinators are simple orthopedic devices that consist of several strong and soft straps. They help prevent lateral curvature of the spine and prevent stooping, as if straightening the back to the back. The device is convenient not only for wearing, but also for creating combinations with other corrective corsets.
- Chest Corrector - is a full-fledged support device for the upper back, equipped with auxiliary straps around the torso, has a frame of medium rigidity. It eliminates quite pronounced slouching, corrects scoliosis and disproportion of the shoulder blades.
- Medium rigidity thoracolumbar corset - prevents the development of the initial stages of scoliosis, both normal and combined. Scoliosis corset captures the entire back with its stiffening ribs, so it can be used for normal support or correction. There are several sizes of such a device, which should be taken into account when selecting. Individual manufacturing of a thoracolumbar corset is not excluded.
Corrective corsets for scoliosis are most often represented by these variants:
- The Chenault Corset is the most suitable orthosis for the treatment of children with rapidly developing scoliosis in the thoracic or lumbar spine. The corset has a rigid frame made on a thermoplastic base. The outer lining is equipped with foam inserts. In general, the device not only supports the back in the right position, but also equalizes the irregular relief. Chenault corset adjusts depending on the dynamics of the pathology, it is effective even if it is a deformity of the fourth degree.
- Milwaukee corset can be used for correction and prevention of curvature in various pathologies related to the spinal column. The device has a semi-rigid base, occipital and chin rests, and can be adjusted in height (which is very important for rapidly growing children).
- Lyon corset, or Brace, is suitable for use in patients with scoliosis, regardless of the affected spine. The orthosis has a strong frame with special inserts reinforced with metal holders.
- The Boston corset is designed to correct lumbosacral curvature, and at advanced stages of deformity.
The main purpose of corrective braces is to inhibit the development of scoliosis and correct the condition of the spinal column. Such corsets during their use cause some discomfort, so they are not always prescribed, but only if there are strict indications.
Corrective devices are worn every day for 24 hours. They may only be removed for short periods of time, e.g. For washing. The duration of wear is determined on an individual basis: the patient consults the attending physician regularly and has radiographs taken.
When is a rigid corset used and when is a soft corset used?
The degree of rigidity of orthopedic corsets from scoliosis is different:
Soft-elastic orthoses, not equipped with reinforcements, support the body and relieve pain. Some models include a sacral massage pad to normalize muscle tone and correct pelvic tilt.
- Medium rigid orthoses (semi-rigid) - have stiffening ribs on a metal or plastic base. Their purpose is to keep the spine in its natural position, prevent excessive strain and correct existing defects.
- Rigid frames are reinforced with dense plastic or metal ribs that immobilize the damaged area and prevent additional injuries. Rigid ribs relieve the load from the problem segment, reduce pressure on the intervertebral discs, prevent compression of vessels and nerve roots.
Soft-elastic products are prescribed in the following cases:
- when muscle, postural balance is disturbed);
- for spinal ligament damage;
- after a discectomy;
- in inflammatory processes in the sacroiliac region;
- for a simple curvature of the spinal column;
- for the complex treatment of osteoarthritis, spondylosis.
Corsets of medium stiffness are recommended for pain relief. They are used against the background of prolonged back strain for patients with such diseases:
- Intervertebral hernias that do not exceed 10 mm in size;
- disc protrusions;
- sacro-lumbar instability;
- radiculitis, neurological diseases;
- vertebral trauma;
- osteochondrosis, spondyloarthritis.
Semi-rigid devices are often used at the end of the rehabilitation period.
Rigid corsets for scoliosis are designed to firmly fix and reduce the motor activity of the spine, which contributes to the elimination of deformity. In addition, rigid fixation is necessary for patients:
- with multiple hernias exceeding 10 mm in size;
- with spinal compression injuries;
- with osteochondrosis accompanied by radicular or vertebral syndrome;
- with marked instability in the lower vertebral segment.
When prescribing a particular type of corset for scoliosis, the doctor takes into account many factors, including the degree of rigidity, the presence of additional inserts, the number of rigid ribs and even the height of the device. When choosing a particular model should pay attention to the size, material: optimally, if the corset is made of "breathable", hypoallergenic material that does not have rough seams (otherwise the product can chafe when worn). A properly fitted therapeutic corset will be comfortable, snug and effective.
What is the difference between an adult corset and a pediatric corset?
Children's corsets are designed for the prevention and correction of scoliosis and other spinal pathologies. Correction of deformities in young children is much easier than in adults. Therefore, various corrective devices are often prescribed to patients 5-18 years old. Corsets relieve muscle strain, unload bones and joints. Children's orthoses are usually made on the basis of soft, elastic, hypoallergenic materials. The child easily gets used to such devices and does not complain of any discomfort.
Special adult corsets are used after the age of 18, against the background of complex treatment, including physical therapy, massage, reflexology, physiotherapy, and so on. Such therapy is carried out for a long period of time, as by about 22-24 years of age, the human bone system is already fully formed, and it becomes more difficult to influence the musculoskeletal mechanism.
The model of the restraint device is selected by the doctor and the age of the patient is one of the decisive factors.
Contraindications to the use of orthopedic corset for scoliosis
Corsets for scoliosis in most cases are quite effective. But for some patients, the use of such devices may be contraindicated. For example, it is forbidden to put on and wear them in case of dermatologic problems - dermatitis, psoriasis, etc. First, wearing orthoses is always long, and the skin of patients requires systematic treatment and care. Secondly, hard materials can rub the skin and aggravate the existing pathology. For this reason, the patient should always inform the physician of any background diseases, particularly dermatologic diseases.
In addition, a corset for scoliosis is not prescribed to patients with atrophic processes, problems with the blood supply of the relevant area of the back, osteoporosis, as well as pregnant women.
Before embarking on a corset treatment, you need to have an idea of some of its disadvantages:
- Absolutely any restraint and fixation devices will stiffen movement and all patients should be aware of this.
- An insufficient period of wearing the orthosis will simply not produce the necessary positive results. But its use for too long is equally harmful. That is, if the doctor canceled the corset, and the patient continues to wear it, it will lead to the weakening of individual muscles, which will later atrophy and completely lose their function. Therefore: it is important to follow all the doctor's prescriptions.
- Improper orthosis selection will lead to worsening of scoliosis.
- It is better to wear the corset on thin underwear or a T-shirt, not on the naked body, to avoid irritation and rubbing of the skin.
The use of a corset for scoliosis is an important stage in treatment, and the earlier the pathology is diagnosed, the easier and more effective the therapy will be. However, before you buy and choose for yourself such a device, you need to get professional orthopedic consultation, as well as get the most detailed information possible about the nuances of the use of corrective products. Of course, such information can be provided by consultants in stores selling medical equipment. However, there is no such thing as the same scoliosis: often patients choose an unsuitable corset, which not only does not help, but also worsens the situation. Moreover, many models are made only individually to order, or are sold only with a doctor's prescription. Judging by the numerous patient reviews, it is not worth the risk. And it's not just about the finances thrown "into the wind": the wrong corset for scoliosis can do harm. The right solution is to consult a specialist and follow his recommendations.