

X-rays (X-ray studies)

X-ray of the maxillofacial region (x-ray of the teeth)

In dental practice, traditional methods of X-ray examination are still used mainly. The method of choice is radiography. Radiography of the maxillofacial region is rarely performed: in some cases, with trauma, to determine the location of foreign bodies, with angio- and sialography. However, radiography is usually combined with radiography.


Hysterosalpingography was proposed in 1909. Nemenov, who recommended the insertion of Lugol's solution into the uterine cavity for contrasting the internal sexual organs of women. Rindfleisch in 1910 injected a solution of bismuth into the uterine cavity.

X-ray of mammary glands (mammography)

Mammography - radiography of the breast without the use of contrast agents. Radiography is performed on X-ray machines specially designed for this purpose, mammographs. The power of their x-ray tubes is 19-32 kV, they have two focal spots with a diameter of 0.3 and 0.1 mm. The tube anode is made of molybdenum, and the exit window is made of beryllium.

Metrosalpingography (hysterosalpingography)

To study the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes use a special technique - metrosalpingography. Metrosalpingography (hysterosalpingography) is an X-ray performed after filling the uterine cavity and tubes with a contrast medium through the cervical canal.

X-ray of the uterus and ovaries

In those years when only the X-ray method was used to study the reproductive organs, the radiation diagnosis occupied a relatively modest place in obstetrics and gynecology. Its development restrained the risk of radiation damage to the fetus or gonads. However, when there were methods not related to radiation exposure, especially such as ultrasound and radioimmunoassay, the situation changed. Without radiation research, it is already impossible to imagine modern obstetrics, gynecology and mammology.

X-ray of the eye socket

The organ of vision consists of the eyeball, its protective parts (eye socket and eyelids) and appendages of the eye (tear and movement apparatus). Glaznitsa (orbit) in shape resembles a truncated tetrahedral pyramid.

X-ray of the ear and the temporal bone

The survey radiographs of the skull do not give a complete picture of the state of the temporal bone. In this regard, specialists in the field of radiation diagnosis use mainly sighting images and X-ray computer or magnetic resonance tomograms.

X-ray of the larynx and pharynx

Pharyngoscopy and laryngoscopy provide the study of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx and the function of the vocal cords. Important additional data on the condition of the walls of these organs, in particular on the surrounding tissue and cartilage of the larynx, allows obtaining a computed tomography.

X-ray of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses

X-ray examination of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, larynx, hearing organ, as well as the eye and orbit has gained full recognition in the clinic already in the first years after the discovery of X-rays.

X-ray of the adrenal glands

Radiation methods are of considerable help to the clinician in the recognition of adrenal lesions. On the survey radiographs, these glands are not visible. Only in cases where Addison's disease is associated with tuberculosis of the adrenal glands, in the latter, small deposits of lime are sometimes noticeable.


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