


Chickenpox virus - zoster (VZ)

Chickenpox virus - zoster (VZ) can cause a highly contagious lung disease in children - chicken pox, manifested in the development of vesicle rash on the skin and mucous membranes.

Herpes simplex virus

Infection caused by the herpes simplex virus can have several clinical forms, but is most often asymptomatic. Common clinical manifestations are vesicular eruptions on the skin and mucous membranes.

The TT virus (TTV)

The virus was discovered by the Japanese scientist T. Nishizava (T. Nishizava) (and others) in 1997 in the patient's serum (TT - the initials of the patient), but not in the form of a virion, but as a fragment of his genomic single-stranded annular minus-DNA 2, 6 kD.

Hepatitis G virus (GB-C)

The genome of the G virus is a single-stranded unfragmented positive RNA of 9500 bases in length. The structural organization of the genome of the G virus is similar to that of HVC.

Hepatitis C virus

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) belongs to the family Flaviviridae, the genus Hepacivirus; has a supercapsid, spherical shape, diameter 55-65 nm.

Hepatitis E virus

The hepatitis E virus (HEV) has a spherical shape, diameter 27-34 nm, the type of symmetry of the nucleocapsid is icosahedral, there is no outer shell.

Hepatitis B virus

Hepatitis B is an infectious disease of a person characterized by selective damage of the liver by a virus. This form of hepatitis is the most dangerous in its consequences among all known forms of viral hepatitis.

Hepatitis A virus

Viral hepatitis A is a human infectious disease characterized by a predominant liver damage and manifested clinically intoxication and jaundice. The resistance of the hepatitis A virus


Astroviruses can cause diarrhea in animals. Astroviruses have a size of about 28 nm. The genome is represented by single-stranded RNA. Astroviruses belong to the family Caliciviridae.


First isolated from animals in 1932, and in 1976 were found in feces of children suffering from acute gastroenteritis. Now they are separated into an independent family - Caliciviridae.


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