



One of the varieties of helminths affecting the human small intestine is the flat worm metagonimus, which is part of the class of parasites-flukes (trematodes).

Scabies mite

The tick passes from one person to another with direct contact, or through personal items.


Consider the main types of malicious parasites, the symptoms of infection, methods of diagnosis and treatment.


The worm got its name not by chance. The fact is that his body has a special structure. So, its first part resembles a thin thread or hair, but to the posterior end sharply thickens.

Pubic lice

Pubic lice are small insects that parasitize the human body. Lice choose mainly the pubic area (both in men and women), but can also live in other places where there are hair - underarms, abdomen, breasts.

Wide Ribbon: Symptoms and Prevention

The largest helminth that can parasitize in humans and animals is the wide ribbon (Diphyllobothrium latum or Dibothriocephalus latus): its adult individual can grow up to 12 meters in length.

Intestinal ugliness

Strongyloids are one of the causes of the appearance of diseases such as gastritis, duodenitis, duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis, pancreatitis

Dwarf tsepene - the causative agent of hymenolepidosis

Among numerous intestinal parasites of humans, dwarf tsepene or hymenolepis is known for its special infectiousness and vitality


Necator is very much like a crooked head. His activities cause a person similar to her work symptoms.


Coccidia are unicellular parasites belonging to the same group of sporophores. They are causative agents of coccidiosis. These parasites settle in invertebrates or in vertebrate organisms - in mammals, birds or fish.


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