Intestinal ugliness
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Human health depends on many factors, including the presence of various kinds of parasites in the body. The intestinal corner, called the scientific strongyloid, is, just one of them. Such worms can cause strong frustration of the person's well-being, which will be discussed below in the corresponding section.
In addition, strongyloids are one of the causes of such diseases as gastritis, duodenitis, duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, enteritis, allergies, bronchial asthma, dermatitis, migraine, chronic fatigue syndrome, anemia, anemia, menstrual disturbances cycle in women, as well as miscarriages and infertility. And this is not a complete list of diseases caused by intestinal ugliness - it can be continued further.
Usually, in the presence of any of the above diseases, patients begin to address a whole range of narrow specialists, so to say, along the profile. It can be therapists and pediatricians, endoscopists, neurologists, allergists, dermatologists, gynecologists and other doctors, who are able to cope with a certain problem. It happens that patients visit not one professional, but several, and begin to fulfill a large number of prescriptions. But the situation does not equalize, but, on the contrary, only gets worse. In some cases, one of the specialists guesses to appoint a patient to the examination for the detection of parasites, but sometimes it happens that the patient is waiting for complete deterioration of the condition, and only when one of the possible options is tested for the presence of worms.
Infection of the body with an intestinal ugritz is called strongyloidosis. The presence of these parasites in the human body leads to a common pathogenic effect:
- it is clearly observed toxic-allergic conditions,
- mechanically damaged tissues of various organs during the migration period of larvae,
- the mucosa of the small intestine is affected.
All of the above self-negatively affects the human body, but can also lead to the addition of secondary infection against the background of damage to the integrity of internal organs.
Patients, who have reduced immunity, risk acquiring a generalized form of the disease. Generalized strongyloidiasis is a disease that belongs to HIV-associated diseases.
Geographically, the intestinal ugritis is widespread almost everywhere, but is most often found in countries where the hot and humid climate prevails - in the tropics and subtropics. This parasite is found only in humans and is located in its small intestine.
Structure of intestinal ugliness
Intestinal acne refers to parasitic worms, to be more precise, to round helminths. Sexually mature specimens of this type of worm differ in the absence of color and translucency. Females reach a length of about two to three millimeters, and males - 0.7 millimeters. The structure of the intestinal ugliness is as follows: at the anterior end of the body the parasite gradually narrows, and at the back - it is sharpened. The oral capsule has a short, with implicitly expressed lips in an amount of four pieces.
The egg parasite lays a transparent and oval shape, and their size is about fifty to thirty microns. It is interesting that in eggs there is already an individual of a mature larva, which appears immediately after the laying of eggs. The faces are of two types: rhabdite-like and filariform. The rhabdit-like individuals range in length from 0.2 to 0.25 millimeters, and the esophagus of the larva extends two times. The filarial-like individuals number in length approximately 0.55 millimeters, and their esophagus has a cylindrical shape and at the end is split.
Life cycle of intestinal ugliness
Intestinal acne refers to this kind of parasite, which one of the stages of its existence is carried out in the soil, therefore they are called geohelminths. As it was already said earlier, among the "victims" of this kind of worms only a man is seen. At the same time, the life cycle of the intestinal blackhead alternates between free-living and parasitic generations.
Female Strongyloids most often parasitize, penetrating into the thickness of the mucous membrane of the duodenum. In some cases, all small intestines are infected with helminths, as well as the blind and transverse colon. In addition, intestinal uglits can spread to the bile and pancreatic ducts.
The laying of eggs by females inside the human body leads to the appearance of rhabdit-like larvae from these eggs. After that, along with the calves, the larvae go out and enter the ground. If the conditions for the development of parasites are favorable, then in soil they become adults, which belong to free-living generations. It is known that free generation exists for a sufficiently long time.
Under unfavorable environmental conditions, rhabdit-like larvae moult and turn into filariform-like larvae. This kind of larvae is an invasive stage of the parasite, that is, individuals that are capable of continuing life within the human body.
Now it becomes possible to infect people of this kind with parasites that get inside along with unwashed fruits and vegetables contaminated with soil, also with dirty water. However, the most probable path of penetration of larvae into the human body is through the skin. In this case, the blood flow carries helminths into the heart, and then into the lungs. There they undergo molting for two times, and then along the airways they find themselves in the throat of a person and swallow up in the digestive system. Larvae of parasites can also be transmitted by the flow of lymph by getting directly into the lungs of a person. And from there, in the same way - with the help of saliva and sputum - get into the stomach and intestines of the patient.
Migratory processes of the parasite from the lungs to the gastrointestinal tract are from seventeen to twenty-one days. During the migration period, the larvae reach sexual maturity. It is known that females of the intestinal black are fertilized in the lungs, after which the male parasites die.
It is important to know that not all rhabdit-like larvae go out with feces from the human body. Some of them, lingering in the intestines, are transformed into filarial-like ones. Further changed individuals are able to penetrate into the wall of the intestine and enter the blood vessels, where movement begins on the human body and a new cycle of parasite development. This type of infection with helminths is called autosuperinvasia.
Symptoms of intestinal ugliness
Any parasitic infection has strong enough manifestations. Symptoms of intestinal blackheads are no exception: they sufficiently bring much anxiety to the patient and cause fears about their own health.
So, having become infected with strongyloid, you can experience the following ailments:
- nausea,
- a strong secretion of saliva,
- pain in the upper abdomen,
- formation of gases,
- the appearance of poor appetite,
- the appearance of diarrhea immediately after eating,
- the appearance of constipation (in some cases),
- occurrence of allergic reactions,
- the appearance of skin rashes,
- formation on the skin of various types of spots,
- sensation of itching of the skin,
- the appearance of a cough,
- the occurrence of bouts of bronchial asthma,
- occurrence of periodic headaches,
- occurrence of anemia,
- the appearance of increased fatigue,
- an increase in the level of anxiety or the appearance of neurotic reactions,
- sleep disorders - poor sleep at night, sensitive sleep, insomnia,
- the appearance of infertility,
- the possibility of miscarriages in pregnant women,
- menstrual cycle disorders in women.
In addition, it is necessary to know that each person has his own, only his inherent reaction to disease-causing stimuli, including parasites. Some people have only one or two symptoms of the disease, and someone suffers from more ailments. Also, the signs of strontyloids infection can be very pronounced, and can be manifested in an average or low degree. In this case, it happens that in some patients normal life activity becomes impossible, while others simply do not attach importance to the emerging small disorders with health.
Each stage of the life cycle of the intestinal ugritis is characterized by its symptoms:
- In the acute stage, when the larvae migrate through the body, there is an increased temperature, allergic rash, coughing, choking, and pain in the chest.
- At the intestinal stage of the disease, there is the appearance of weakness, severe weight loss, pain in the abdomen, sometimes mucus and blood develop in the feces.
- At the stage of autosuperervation, when the larvae re-migrate, there is an exacerbation of all the symptoms of the acute phase of the disease.
Treatment of intestinal ugliness
Before you start anthelmintic therapy, you need to conduct a qualitative diagnosis for the presence of intestinal ugliness in the patient. Larvae are detected by the process of larvoscopy in the stool of a person. It is also possible to use the Berman method, which analyzes duodenal contents, namely the contents of the lumen of the duodenum, in order to identify the larvae of parasites. Sometimes a method is used to identify the larvae in the sputum secreted into the larynx from the respiratory tract. Research procedures should be repeated three to five times and at intervals from five days to a week. And only in this case one can be sure that the patient has a given type of parasites.
Treatment of intestinal blackheads with the help of chemical preparations, such as Gentianviolet or Tiabendazole. In this case, you need to know that not all patients are shown therapy with these medications: there are limitations and contraindications, which the expert will describe in detail to the patient. In addition, there may be side effects such as headache, rashes on the skin, other allergic reactions and so on. It is also important to know that the drugs only act on sexually mature individuals, leaving the helminth larvae and their eggs unattended.
Gentianviolet is used in capsules, which are used after eating. For adults, a dosage of 0.08 to 0.1 grams three times a day is required. Children take a single dose of 0.005 grams, and then a daily dose of 0.01 grams per year of the child's life. The course of treatment with the drug is fifteen days. After one or six months, a second course of treatment, lasting from a week to ten days, is necessary.
Thiabendazole is also used orally. Within two days, the drug is taken in the amount of a daily dose, which is twenty-five milligrams per kilogram of the patient's weight. Approximately, for an adult, the dose is one and a half grams per day.
After the course of treatment, it is necessary to conduct control studies of feces or duodenal contents for the presence of helminths in them. Laboratory tests are performed once every thirty days for three months after the end of therapy.
It is also important not to forget about measures to prevent parasitic infection. First of all, it concerns the habits of individual hygiene:
- washing hands after toilet,
- washing vegetables and fruits before taking in raw form,
- Also, you can use these products to boil with boiling water before eating,
- use as a drink only purified or mineral water,
- avoid drinking water from open natural reservoirs.
To avoid mass infection with helminths, it is important to equip populated areas in accordance with sanitary standards. This concerns the sufficient presence of clean toilets with the presence of washbasins and disposable towels. The premises must be constantly cleaned with antiseptic and disinfectants. If there are springs with natural water in the village, they must also pass all the requirements of sanitary control before they have access to a large number of people.
Treatment of intestinal ugliness by alternative means
When referring to non-traditional medicine for the removal of parasites from the body, it is important to choose the right composition that will simultaneously act on the eggs of the helminths, and on their larvae, and also on the sexually mature individuals.
Treatment of the intestinal ugritz with alternative means involves using the same recipes that are used to remove other types of parasitic worms.
- Pumpkin seeds.
Take raw or dried pumpkin seeds and cleanse the husk. It is important to understand that the green envelope of seeds should be preserved. Three hundred grams of seeds are rubbed in a wooden mortar with a wooden pestle and filled with sixty grams of water. The liquid must be poured in at a slow tempo, while constantly stirring up the contents of the mortar. Fifteen grams of honey can be added to the mass to make the taste of the drug more palatable. The entire dose should be taken within an hour in the morning on an empty stomach at a time: on a teaspoon with short breaks during the specified period of time.
After three hours it is important to drink a solution of magnesium sulphate. For adults in the amount of thirty grams of dry matter, which are bred in one hundred and fifty grams of warm water. The child's dosage is calculated as follows: one gram of dry matter for each year of the child's life.
After taking magnesium, you need to wait half an hour and put a cleansing enema.
- Tansy.
Take three tablespoons of tansy and pour one glass of boiling water. After that, the infusion should be left for one hour, and then drain. Such a healing liquid should be taken one tablespoon three times a day between meals.
- Buckthorn.
It is necessary to prepare one tablespoon of buckthorn and pour it with one glass of boiling water. After that, the drink is left to be infused in a thermos or in a wrapped glass or ceramic container for three hours. After that, the infusion should be filtered and taken one tablespoon from three to four times a day.
- A thousand square meters and wormwood.
Raw materials are mixed in equal amounts, after which a tablespoon of mixture is taken and poured into one glass of water. Then the capacity is put on a weak fire, and the liquid is subjected to boiling for twenty minutes. The broth is drunk on a glass in the morning and in the evening: in either case, on an empty stomach. So it is necessary to be treated within eight days.
- Green walnuts.
Young and green walnuts are crushed. After that, take four tablespoons of raw materials and brewed one glass of boiling water, which you need to pour a little. The drug is left to persist for half an hour, after which it is filtered and used as a treatment. During the day you need to drink the entire volume of the prepared drink in equal doses, alternating its reception with the use of laxatives.
- Milk with garlic.
Take one glass of milk and cook the garlic in it until it becomes soft. After that, milk is filtered and cooled, with the help of the obtained liquid, an enema is made, which must be left throughout the night for the time of sleep. For the adult person takes the entire cooked volume of liquid, and for the child you can take from seventy to one hundred milliliters, depending on the age of the baby. So it is necessary to do for seven days, putting an enema in the evening.
- Sorrel.
A kilogram of green and fresh sorrel is filled with one liter of boiling water. After that, the capacity is put on a water bath, and the drug is boiled for two hours. Then the decoction is filtered, fifty grams of sugar is added to it, and the resulting product is cooked on the fire with low heat until all of the liquid is left with only one glass of broth. During the day, this amount of money should be drunk several sips after each meal.
Intestinal ugliness can cause serious health problems and lead to a variety of diseases, so it must be disposed of as soon as possible using all the above methods of treatment. It is also important to remember about the means of preventing parasitic infection, which will help to avoid this unpleasant problem.