

Back, sides

Treatment of back pain

Treatment of low back pain primarily depends on the nature of the underlying disease. It is divided into undifferentiated and differentiated therapy.

Diagnosis of back pain

In the diagnosis of pain in the lower back helps: a medical history; the identification of serious causes of pain in the lower back; detection of radiculopathy; the definition of the risk of prolonged pain and disability.

Causes of back pain

Back pain may be the result of a retroperitoneal disease (duodenal ulcer, aortic aneurysm, pancreatic cancer, often with pain localized in the lumbar region of the back, but the movements in the back are complete and do not cause soreness!). Other causes may include a tumor of the spine; infection; pain associated with spondylosis or caused by mechanical factors; lesions of intervertebral discs, spondyloarthritis, osteoporosis, osteomalacia.

Back pain

Back pain is a fairly common complaint among people of all ages. The reasons for the appearance of such pains are in fact a great many.

Back pain treatment: drug therapy strategies

Back pain is an extremely widespread symptom that occurs in 80% of the population of Western Europe at any period of life. Out of 1,000 industrial workers, 50 are incapacitated annually because of back pain at one time or another. In the UK, due to this pathology, 11.5 million working days are lost every year. In this regard, the general practitioner annually consults 20 people out of 1000, 10-15% of whom have to be hospitalized. And less than 10% of those hospitalized are undergoing surgical intervention.

Diagnosis of back pain

In the diagnosis of back pain help: a medical history; the identification of serious causes that cause back pain; detection of radiculopathy; the definition of the risk of prolonged pain and disability.

Causes of back pain

Back pain can be the result of a retroperitoneal disease (duodenal ulcer, aortic aneurysm, pancreatic cancer, often with pain localized in the lumbar region of the back, but movements in the back are complete and do not cause pain!).

Back pain: causes, treatment

Back pain is a pressing medical problem. Along with the fact that back pain is one of the most common reasons for seeking medical attention, many aspects of this problem remain poorly understood, and there are very few treatments with a solid evidence base.

Kidney pain

Kidney pain is a symptom of many diseases, which has a wide range of clinical significance: from functional disorders to conditions that threaten the patient's life. Being a frequent symptom in outpatient practice, kidney pain requires a rational diagnostic strategy, primarily from the perspective of a general practitioner who is often the first to encounter such patients.

Pain in the left side

Pain in the left side, i.e. in the left abdominal segment, might appear due to disease of organs which are in this region of an abdomen.


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