Swelling of throat
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Swelling of the throat is a pathological condition that occurs with many diseases. Consider the main causes of this symptom, the types, methods of diagnosis and treatment. Puffiness occurs with inflammatory and allergic diseases, anaphylactic shock, diphtheria and other ailments. In order to begin treatment, it is necessary to know the reason for its appearance.
If the disorder appears with lesions of the oropharynx, ARVI and inflammatory diseases, then the prognosis is favorable. The pronounced edema that appears in the angina and manifests itself on the neck, subcutaneous fatty tissue and face with signs of intoxication, is treated for a long time and requires urgent medical attention. A disregarded swelling can lead to asphyxia and death.
Causes of the swelling of the throat
There are many factors that provoke swelling. Consider the main causes of swelling of the throat:
- Mechanical damage to the larynx due to injuries, swallowing foreign objects, surgical operations.
- Burn and inflammation due to the use of hot fluid.
- X-ray studies and radiotherapy of cervical organs.
- Purulent and inflammatory processes on the peripheral space.
- Exacerbation of a chronic infection, such as tuberculosis or syphilis.
- Measles, influenza, typhoid, scarlet fever.
- Various neoplasms of the larynx.
- Phlegmonous laryngitis.
- Violation of blood circulation due to compression of veins, lymphatic vessels.
- Allergic reactions to medications, food or external stimuli.
- Inflammation of the perichondrium or cartilage of the larynx.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver.
Puffiness does not develop by itself, if it has appeared, then in the body there are some changes. But most often this symptom appears because of the inflammatory process in the tissues of the throat. If malaise occurs with colds or infectious diseases, it is associated with inflammation of the tonsils, larynx. With allergy, puffiness is pronounced, accompanied by increased tearing and hyperemia of the facial skin.
The mechanism of edema development depends on the cause that caused it. Pathogenesis can be associated with inflammatory or infectious infection, mechanical trauma.
- Swelling occurs on the mucous membrane of the pharynx, before going into the esophagus. This site is innervated by painful receptors, has a rich blood supply, therefore, when inflammatory and any other stimuli act, a swelling appears. Most often this occurs with angina, local changes in the tonsils. In this case, swelling is asymmetric, that is, it manifests itself on one side and affects part of the face due to formed abscesses.
- In the second case, puffiness appears in the upper part of the respiratory tract, that is, in the larynx. In the process of swallowing the epiglottis closes the entrance to the larynx, but with inflammation it swells (laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis). Very often this occurs with allergic reactions. For example, with a bite of a wasp or a bee, severe swelling of the neck may develop, which changes into Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock.
Symptoms of the swelling of the throat
Various irritant factors affecting the body can cause swelling of the respiratory system. Symptoms of a throat swelling depend on the cause that caused it. At the initial stage, there is a slight discomfort, it becomes difficult to breathe. Painful sensations increase with swallowing, as the laryngeal lumen swells and contracts. At this point, you may begin to suffocate, which is life-threatening.
- Pain when swallowing in the mucosa, which is similar to the early signs of sore throat.
- Painful sensations in the neck (appear when the head turns).
- Symptoms of an organism intoxication: headaches, deterioration of the general state of health, a fever.
- Osiplost and change of voice.
- Swelling of the neck and part of the face.
- Hyperemia, granularity and swelling of the mucous membrane of the posterior pharyngeal wall.
- Sensation of foreign body.
- Attack dry cough.
- Swelling of the knees (rarely occurs).
The above symptoms may indicate inflammatory, allergic and other pathological processes that caused malaise. To determine the cause of uncomfortable symptoms, the physician performs a visual examination and palpation of the larynx. If swallowing is difficult, then laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy and chest X-ray with larynx are performed.
As soon as the puffiness has passed to the mucous membrane of the vocal cords, the symptomatology becomes worse. Tumescence may build up within a few hours or days, depending on the pathogen. Such symptoms need medical attention. If pathological signs persist for several days, then this can lead to serious complications.
First signs
The symptomatology of the pathological condition, which is accompanied by squeezing the respiratory tract, depends on the factors that provoked it. The first signs are based on the nature of the stimulus, consider them:
- Sensation of foreign body.
- Pain on swallowing.
- Intoxication: fever, chills, fever.
- A dry cough, a sore throat.
- Osiplost voice, aphonia.
- Shortness of breath, pale skin.
- Cardiopalmus.
- Cold sweat.
Because of the swelling of the throat, the general condition worsens, acrocyanosis is possible (cyanosis of the skin). It is difficult and painful to breathe, there is a deficit of oxygen. If at this stage, swelling progresses, then it leads to the closure of the airways and asphyxia. As a result of suffocation, hypoxia of the brain develops, the consequences of which are irreversible. When the first signs of malaise appear, you need to seek medical help. The doctor will determine the cause of the painful condition and prescribe his treatment.
Severe swelling of the throat
Swelling of the throat is a symptom requiring urgent treatment. Severe swelling of the throat is characterized by pronounced swelling of the mucous membrane and narrowing of the laryngeal lumen, which makes breathing difficult. This is most often observed with allergic reactions and laryngitis.
Consider the main degree of swelling:
- Shortness of breath and noise when breathing at rest, light physical exertion or emotional stress.
- Puffiness and reddening of the mucous membrane of the larynx, palate.
- Signs of hypoxia.
- Slowing the sternum during inspiration.
- Arrhythmic, shallow breathing, convulsions.
If a strong puffiness has appeared because of an allergic pathogen, then there may be swelling of the neck and face, itching in the ears, increased lachrymation and runny nose. When inflammation worsens the general well-being, the temperature and other signs of intoxication rise.
Cough with swelling of the throat
Persecution and cough are symptoms that arise from the action of various irritating factors. Cough with swelling of the throat may indicate the development of an allergic reaction. Inhalation or use of an allergen provokes swelling of the larynx, causes hoarseness, a runny nose, an itchy nose, sneezing, reddening of the face and neck area, palpitations.
- Allergic cough, unlike a cold, has a paroxysmal character and is not accompanied by fever. The use of medications in this case can provoke a spasm of the respiratory tract and edema of the bronchial mucosa.
- The swelling of the throat and coughing attacks are typical for acute respiratory and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. Puffiness develops in the larynx and nasal sinuses, complicating breathing. There is a fever, coughing is long and rough. Against this background, it becomes difficult to breathe, since the mucous membrane of the larynx is swollen and narrows the lumen for normal air inlet / outlet.
Oxygen deficiency causes pale or cyanotic skin. The muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and neck are tense, the palpitation is rapid. In this case, complex therapy is used for treatment. The patient is prescribed decongestant, restorative and antibiotic drugs.
Swelling of the throat with angina
One of the most dangerous complications of an infectious disease is swelling of the throat. As a rule, it arises because of follicular lacunar angina or its necrotic form. Puffiness does not go beyond the entrance to the larynx, but can extend to the vocal cords and the area below them. The pathological process affects the connective tissue of the arytenoid cartilage, scaly-epiglottis folds and epiglottis, causing such symptoms:
- Labored breathing
- Cardiopalmus
- Inability to swallow
- Pain in the throat and in the ears
- Cough and hoarseness of voice
- Blue skin of the face
In order to diagnose the laryngeal edema in angina, the doctor carefully examines the symptoms, localization of swelling and the speed of its spread.
Appearance of swelling can lead to asphyxia. Therefore, at the first signs of sore throat, you need to seek medical help. Strong puffiness causes a parathonsillar abscess. For treatment, prescribe antihistamines, anti-inflammatory and diuretic drugs, a complex of physiotherapy procedures. To eliminate the swelling, you need to act quickly, as it can lead to irreversible effects. In especially severe cases, a tracheotomy is performed.
Throat swelling with laryngitis
Laryngitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the laryngeal mucosa. The disease occurs in patients of different ages, but in children in a more severe form. Swelling of the throat with laryngitis is one of the pathological symptoms. At patients the voice disappears, there is a tussis, pains, the raised temperature.
Symptomatic conditionally divided into several stages. On the first appears hoarseness of a voice and a dry cough, swelling of the larynx. At the last stage - the sinking of the intercostal space with inspiration and blueing of the nasolabial triangle. Puffiness intensifies at night, causing difficulties with falling asleep and frequent nocturnal awakenings due to breathing problems.
Treatment can not be delayed, therefore, when the first symptoms of laryngitis need to seek medical help. To mitigate dry cough, it is recommended to perform inhalations and increase the humidity in the room. To facilitate breathing, take a vertical position and drink more warm liquid.
If the swelling is the reason for stopping breathing, the patient is called a vomiting reflex. To do this, use a spoon or a finger to press on the root of the tongue. Of drugs used antihistamines, but, as a rule, they are prescribed for swelling, caused by various allergens. But even after a full course of treatment, acute laryngitis can recur.
Throat swelling with pharyngitis
Pharyngitis refers to inflammatory diseases of the pharynx. The disease is characterized by damage to the mucous membrane and lymph nodes. As a rule, it occurs against the background of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Most commonly, pharyngitis is diagnosed in patients older than 30 years. According to medical statistics, men suffer more often than women. Symptomatics is similar to other pathological conditions, so the disease is identified in later stages.
Swelling of the throat with pharyngitis is one of many different symptoms:
- At the initial stage, there are unpleasant sensations when swallowing, dryness, perspiration, burning and sensation of a foreign body in the goal.
- The mucous membrane is inflamed, covered with a film or secretions of a purulent nature.
- The patient complains of general weakness and headaches, low-grade fever.
- The occipital and maxillary lymph nodes are enlarged and painful.
In its symptoms, pharyngitis is similar to laryngitis, as both diseases cause swelling of the larynx and shortness of breath. The course of the disease and the severity of the symptoms depend on the pathogen. Edema can occur with all forms of pharyngitis. If the pathology is allergic in nature, then antihistamines are used to eliminate puffiness.
If drug therapy did not bring the expected result, then surgical intervention is used for treatment. In hypertrophic form, affected areas of the mucosa are cauterized by laserocoagulation and cryodestruction. Without proper treatment, the disease causes a number of complications. Most often it is purulent angina, a pharyngeal abscess, tracheitis, bronchitis, phlegmon, laryngitis, otitis, cervical lymphadenitis.
Allergic swelling of the throat
Inhalation or use of various irritants causes allergic reactions. They are manifested by many organs and systems. But most often it is: swelling, redness or swelling of the skin, shortness of breath. There is increased salivation and lacrimation, nasal congestion.
Allergic edema is characterized by stenosis of the epiglottis and the tissues of the throat, and the arytenoid cartilages can also be placed under the sight. The disorder is dangerous because it is lightning fast and is accompanied by a loss of voice. Edema can lead to asphyxia, oxygen starvation of the brain and death.
To eliminate pathological symptoms, it is necessary to remove the allergen and restore normal breathing. For this purpose, intravenous injections of antihistamines are used, for example, atropine or magnesium sulfate. Further examination and treatment are performed in a hospital.
Swelling of the throat and nose
Various inflammatory diseases are the main cause of edema of the nose. The mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses becomes inflamed, causing an increased separation of mucus and obstructed nasal breathing. Swelling of the throat and nose appears with laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, acute respiratory infections, allergic reactions. All these diseases are characterized by the fact that the pathological process proceeds in the upper respiratory tract, affecting the larynx.
The cause of the disorder can be banal hypothermia, viral and bacterial infections, the effect on the mucous membranes of mechanical or chemical irritants. Treatment depends on the type of pathogen. Based on the etiology of the disease, the doctor prescribes local, symptomatic or systemic therapy. To facilitate well-being and restore normal breathing, it is recommended to wash the nasal cavity with antiseptic solutions, instill vasoconstrictive and antibacterial drops.
Swelling of the back wall of the throat
Throat diseases appear throughout life. Most often this occurs in the cold season, when viruses and bacteria are particularly active. Swelling of the back wall of the throat occurs with acute pharyngitis, various colds, allergies. But most often the lateral pharyngitis causes this symptom.
- Features of malaise in inflammation and thickening of the lateral grooves of the pharynx. Affected lymphoid tissues have protective properties, they do not allow viruses and bacteria to penetrate into systems and organs. Frequent inflammatory and infectious processes change their structure, which provokes puffiness and other pathological symptoms.
- The edema of the posterior wall of the larynx accompanies itching, making breathing and swallowing difficult. Its cause can be the abuse of vasoconstrictive drugs (drops, sprays). In this case, a medicine drips onto the inflamed and swollen vessels, which drains through the larynx, traumatises the mucous membrane and causes swelling.
- The pathological symptom often occurs in smokers. There is a dry, abrupt cough that accompanies the swelling of the throat and can lead to asphyxia. At the first signs of the disorder, you must give up the bad habit.
For treatment use antibiotics and antihistamines, sprays. If the puffiness is the cause of shortness of breath, then for emergency help you can use a means for irrigation of the throat: ampoule novocaine, glucose and hydrocortisone mix in one syringe without a needle and slowly distribute the inflamed tissues. If the malaise is purulent, then to eliminate it resort to a complete sanation of the pharynx.
Swelling and redness of the throat
Many diseases of the respiratory system have a similar symptomatology. First of all, it is swelling and redness of the throat, nasal congestion, fever, deterioration of overall well-being. With a cold, bronchospasm and chest pain appear. Hyperemia of the mucosa is caused by the inflammatory process due to the action of viruses and bacteria. Such symptoms can be allergic in nature. This is due to inhalation or eating irritants. The swelling is accompanied by a dry cough, tearing, hyperemia of the skin of the face and neck.
The disorder can occur with a feeling of heat in the throat, dry mouth, hoarseness of the voice and pain when swallowing. This symptomatology is characteristic of allergic pharyngitis. Hyperemic and edematous mucosa, causes subfebrile temperature, difficulty in swallowing saliva. Against this background there is a respiratory insufficiency which threatens with a lethal outcome.
Swelling and redness can be accompanied by a foreign body sensation during breathing and swallowing. In this case, swallowing, breathing, hoarseness or total loss of voice occurs. In especially severe cases - swelling Quincke. The veins on the neck swell, the face acquires a cyanotic shade, the area of puffiness is painful, there is fear, anxiety. At the stage of decompensation, edema is so extensive that suffocation causes convulsions and loss of consciousness.
Swollen throat and temperature
Sore throat and fever, as a rule, occur with colds. Angina, pharyngitis, laryngitis and other infectious-inflammatory diseases are accompanied by these symptoms. This is possible with severe allergic reactions.
Consider the common causes of the pathological condition:
- Acute pharyngitis is an infectious disease. The main symptoms: dryness and swelling, low-grade fever, muscle pain and other signs of intoxication. Lymph nodes are enlarged and painful on palpation. Mucous throat is hyperemic, puffiness of tonsils, hard and soft palate is possible.
- Angina is a bacterial disease that most often develops against the background of neglected catarrhal conditions. With this pathology, there is a high fever, there are purulent overlays on the pharynx and tonsils.
- Pharyngomycosis is a fungal infection of the pharynx by the fungi Candida albikans. Unlike inflammation, the disease provokes burning, dryness, swelling and swelling of the throat. Pain is worse when trying to swallow food or saliva. The temperature is high, there are signs of intoxication of the body.
- Hyphalic abscess - appears with deep damage to the mucous throat. Due to penetration into the zygopharyngeal space of infection, swelling of the tissues begins. Most often, this occurs with stab wounds and foreign bodies in the throat. It builds up for several days, causing attacks of suffocation. There are pains during swallowing, respiratory disorders, regional lymphadenitis, fever.
To treat the above-described pathological conditions, symptomatic therapy is used, which is aimed at facilitating breathing. Use vasoconstrictive sprays, irrigation, rinsing. After this, the patient is prescribed antibiotics, antifungal, antihistamines and other drugs.
Swelling of the throat without fever
Often the pain in the throat proceeds without additional pathological symptoms. Swelling of the throat without temperature can be caused by pharyngitis of an allergic or toxic form. The disease causes pain when swallowed without fever and heat. In order to provoke frustration, it is enough to smoke a cigarette. Allergen will cause swelling, reddening of the mucous membrane, coughing and dry mouth. Similar symptomatology is chronic pharyngitis.
Swelling without fever occurs with injuries. Various lesions of the mucous throat cause painful sensations when swallowing. Swelling occurs with chemical (alcohols, vinegar and other acids), mechanical (cuts, foreign bodies, wounds) and thermal (burns) defects:
- Chemical burn is the most dangerous and severe trauma to the pharynx. The longer the stimulus acts on the mucous membrane, the greater the erosion, the risk of infection and bleeding. There are severe pain in the throat and swelling. If the burn occurred with alkalis or vinegar, then the scab of white color, when damaged by sulfuric or hydrochloric acid, the crust is gray. After such injuries, rough scars remain, which lead to narrowing of the esophagus and pharynx.
- Thermal burn - as a rule, occurs by negligence during the reception of hot food or tea, while working with steam and gas. First of all, the oral cavity and the larynx are burned, causing damage of varying degrees.
- On the first degree, the damaged epithelium is sloughed, the pharynx is hyperemic and edematous. Burning in the esophagus and larynx is worse when swallowed.
- The second degree is characterized by local changes in the mucosa (scab, bleeding surfaces) and deterioration in overall well-being. After healing, small scars remain on the mucosa.
- The third degree has deep injuries under the scabs, erosion and ulcers. Pathological changes slowly heal, lead to narrowing of the pharyngeal lumen and problems with breathing.
- Mechanical injuries are caused by foreign bodies falling into the pharynx. Between the tonsils, arches and rollers in the back of the oropharynx, small objects and pieces of food can get stuck. If the foreign bodies are in the upper parts of the pharynx, then they can be removed, since they are clearly visible. With lesions of the lower and middle divisions, a visual inspection is difficult. In this case, the foreign object becomes inflamed, causing puffiness and severe pain. When the laryngopharynx is affected, attacks of suffocation are possible. For the elimination of pathology, radiography or retropharyngoscopy is performed.
Swelling of the throat and tongue
Unpleasant swelling, that is puffiness, causes painful sensations and needs urgent treatment. The swelling of the throat and tongue is especially hard. Most pathological condition occurs with allergic and inflammatory diseases. It can be caused by colds, measles, flu, injuries. Disturbances in metabolic processes, oral cancer, genetic abnormalities, the presence of piercings, can also lead to unpleasant symptoms.
Consider the most dangerous causes of puffiness:
- Unpleasant symptoms can appear as a result of allergic reactions. This happens when taking some medicines, food or inhaling allergens.
- Angioedema - has allergic roots and rapid development. Without timely medical assistance, asphyxia and suffocation are caused. For treatment, take antihistamines, clear the larynx to restore breathing.
- The swelling of the tongue and the tongue of the soft palate occurs with allergic reactions. Symptoms appear with angina, allergies, infectious inflammation, various injuries.
Regardless of the cause of the pathological condition, the patient needs urgent treatment.
Swelling of the throat with colds
Respiratory diseases cause a lot of painful symptoms, which is manifested by all organs and systems. Swelling of the throat in colds, usually accompanied by coughing, runny nose, lacrimation, fever and other signs of intoxication.
- If swelling occurs simultaneously with more severe symptoms: expectoration of thick mucus, fever, then it indicates a complication of the common cold - pneumonia.
- Often, the swelling appears due to the swelling of the upper palate, on which the inflamed nasopharynx presses. As a rule, such complications are common colds with sinusitis, sinusitis or rhinitis.
- An ailment can be caused by adenoids. The palatine tongue shifts downward and has an irritating effect on the larynx when swallowed. Similar appears at a laryngitis, a pharyngitis and at smokers with the experience.
Treatment of swelling of the throat with cold is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. The patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory and vitamin preparations. Medicinal properties have vasoconstrictors, sprays for washing the nose with a saline solution, alkaline inhalation, rinsing and warming compresses.
Swelling of the throat in ARVI
Acute respiratory viral infections are a group of diseases that have similar symptoms - a defeat of the respiratory system. Swelling of the throat in ARVI is caused by infectious and viral irritants, which negatively affect the unprotected mucosa. Infection with the virus can be airborne, due to non-compliance with personal hygiene and with a weakened immune system.
The disease is characterized by a common infectious syndrome: muscle pain and chills, weakness, fever, redness and burning of the throat, itching in the ears, enlarged lymph nodes. Catarrhal symptoms, that is, puffiness of the mucous membrane, nasal congestion, runny nose, stitching in the eyes, coughing with sputum discharge, are of a paroxysmal nature.
Influenza, in contrast to other SARS has a pronounced symptomatology, so swelling and redness appears from the first days of the disease. Parainfluenza, that is, laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx) and pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx) are accompanied by conjunctivitis, pain behind the breastbone and breathing disorders. As a rule, the symptomatology of Orvi passes within 7-10 days. But if the disease progresses and proceeds with complications, emergency medical care is required.
Swelling of ligament ligament
The vocal cords, like other organs of the respiratory system, are susceptible to various diseases. They are on both sides of the larynx and represent elastic formations of muscle tissue. Swelling of the ligaments of the throat occurs due to the penetration of the infection or allergen into the vocal chord, which is located between them. This body protects the bronchi and lungs from harmful microorganisms and foreign bodies.
- Any acute inflammatory diseases of the larynx involve the vocal cords in the pathological process. This leads to their swelling and a decrease in the glottis. This is possible with allergies, because of excessive stress of the voice or viral diseases. Symptoms appear with purulent processes in the oral cavity and on the root of the tongue. And also with scarlet fever, typhoid, syphilis, tuberculosis, measles.
- If an infection joins the inflammation, then infiltration and serous effusion are formed. The pathological process develops in the submucosal layer, causes pain when swallowing, voice disturbances and the sensation of a foreign body in the pharynx. Serous effusion can also affect intermuscular connective tissue layers. In this case, the lumen of the glottis narrows and causes suffocation. For treatment, an operation is performed to open the abscess and purify the larynx region.
- Puffiness of non-inflammatory nature appears in diseases of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, with circulatory disorders of lymphatic vessels and veins in the cervical region. Affected tissues become thickened and painful on palpation.
Treatment depends on the cause of swelling. If the malaise is caused by diseases of the cardiovascular system, then use heart drugs, with kidney or liver diseases - diuretic and anti-inflammatory, with allergies - antihistamines.
If the swelling persists for a long time, it leads to hoarseness and timbral changes in the color of the voice. Lungs cease to receive air, and this threatens with breathing problems and causes suffocation. Chronic puffiness can provoke an oncological disease. Treatment should take place in a hospital. The doctor determines the cause of the pathology and prescribes medications to restore the normal size of the organ.
Swelling of the throat after alcohol
The use of alcohol leads to increased stress on all organs and systems. Even slight signs of intoxication do not pass without a trace. Swelling of the throat after alcohol is a symptom that many people face. It can appear simultaneously with the swelling of the face, hands and feet. Naturally, this reaction does not occur in everyone, but prolonged use of alcohol increases the risk of its development.
Swelling of the larynx after the hot drinks indicates the accumulation of fluid in the tissues, disruption in the blood circulation system and excretory system. Stagnation occurs because of an imbalance of acid-salt balance and ionic equilibrium. Dehydration is caused by the action of ethyl alcohol, causes alcohol intoxication, which manifests itself at the nervous and humoral levels of regulation.
To eliminate the pathological condition, it is necessary to carry out detoxification of the body:
- The use of purified water will remove dehydration and speed up the process of removing the decomposition products of ethyl alcohol. This will help to remove puffiness from the respiratory system and minimize hangover syndrome.
- Healing properties are green tea and medicinal broths of chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort. Pour a spoonful of herbs with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. It is recommended to use it in small sips throughout the day.
- Be sure to visit a doctor. If alcohol constantly causes swelling, causing suffocation, then you need to undergo a test and begin treatment. From drugs you can take diuretics, but only for medical purposes.
How quickly swelling comes down depends on a number of factors. First of all, this is the presence of an allergy to ethyl alcohol, the age and weight of the patient, the state of blood vessels, liver and kidneys, hereditary predisposition. Another factor is the alcoholic experience, the higher it is, the more pronounced the puffiness and the longer it will persist.
Swelling of throat with myositis
Cervical myositis is an inflammatory disease with which every person encounters at least once in a lifetime. The disorder is curable, but accompanied by painful symptoms, which causes a lot of inconvenience. The swelling of the throat in myositis refers to both the pathological signs of the disease.
Myositis is dangerous for the muscles of the pharynx, larynx and esophagus, as it disrupts normal breathing, provokes a cough and shortness of breath. Malady appears when:
- Infectious diseases (influenza, angina, rheumatism).
- Toxic lesions.
- Endocrine disorders.
- Parasitic infections and injuries.
Excessive hypothermia or prolonged muscle tension can also cause a defect. The first symptoms are manifested as a swelling of the mucous throat. Because of inflammation, the muscle fibers swell, causing reflex spasms. As a result, there is irritation of nerve endings and severe pain. Painful sensations are asymmetric, manifest in the frontal region, temples, ears and even in the shoulders.
Diagnosis of the disorder is not difficult, because swelling, muscle weakness and soreness can suspected myositis. With proper treatment 70% of all cases disappear within 2-3 weeks. Without proper therapy, pathology leads to serious complications, one of which is a complete atrophy of the neck muscles.
Swelling of the throat from honey
Honey is a healthy, tasty and vitamin dainty, which can cause a severe allergic reaction. Adverse symptoms occur with individual intolerance to beekeeping products. Swelling of the throat from honey is the most common reaction to a sweet liquid.
The main causes of swelling of the larynx due to honey:
- The product of beekeeping is poorly processed and it contains a lot of allergenic pollen.
- Before the collection of honey, bees were treated with medicines, which became the cause of an allergic reaction.
- Abuse of honey. A day can consume a maximum of 100 g of sweetness.
- The composition of the product includes enzymes, fructose and glucose, causing adverse symptoms.
Adverse reactions very often appear in people with bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, a decreased immune system, with abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract and slagging of the body.
Puffiness of the throat and other signs of an allergy to honey appear 10-30 minutes after eating the product. Possible skin reactions: rash, blisters, swelling, dermatitis. Problems with the respiratory system have an increasing nature. First begins to perspire in the throat, spasms in the bronchi and lungs, sneezing, cough, copious discharge of mucus from the nose, shortness of breath and fever.
In addition to the throat, the tongue, lips, eyelids can swell. Begin problems with the intestines: vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, pain in the abdomen. Honey can lead to anaphylactic shock and suffocation. Gradually falls blood pressure, the skin is hyperemic, begins increased sweating, severe thirst and respiratory failure. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms use antihistamines, medicinal infusions, sprays, compresses and drops. Before using medicines, you should consult your doctor.
Swelling of the throat during pregnancy
Many future mothers face various diseases and painful symptoms, which in most cases are caused by hormonal changes in the body. If a woman has a swollen throat during pregnancy, the area of the larynx narrows, causing pain when swallowing and trouble breathing. The pathological condition can be caused by the presence of infection in the body, inflammatory, bacterial processes.
The main causes of swelling of the throat in pregnant women:
- Complication of radiological irradiation or radiotherapy aimed at the neck.
- Long intubation of the larynx and its trauma.
- Acute and chronic infectious diseases.
- Allergic reactions.
- Purulent-inflammatory processes in the cervical region, pharynx, root of the tongue, palatine tonsils, okolgottoknom space.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys.
Swelling of the throat can be accompanied by swelling of the neck and face. There are pains, the sensation of a foreign body in the throat, hoarseness of the voice, noisy and shortness of breath. Treatment depends on the cause of the pathology, and therefore requires medical attention. If drug therapy is ineffective, then surgery is indicated.
Where does it hurt?
Complications and consequences
Throat diseases have varying severity and speed of treatment. Without proper therapy, they lead to serious consequences, which negatively affect the functioning of the whole organism.
Possible consequences of a throat swelling:
- High blood pressure.
- Hypotension.
- Rapid pulse and acceleration of blood flow.
- Shortness of breath, heavy breathing with the muscles of the neck, back and shoulders.
- Increased vascular permeability and an increase in the number of red blood cells.
- Hypertrophy of the heart muscle.
- Anaerobic processes at the cellular level.
- Oxygen starvation, which is why the functioning of all organs and systems is disturbed.
To prevent the above disorders, at the first signs of pathology, you need to seek medical help.
Any allergic, inflammatory or infectious reaction to respiratory organs left unattended causes a number of serious disorders.
Complications of the swelling of the throat:
- Oxygen starvation - hypoxia leads to violations in the work of vital organs and systems (cardiovascular, nervous).
- If the swelling of the larynx develops against the background of the acute respiratory infection, it can cause decompensation, that is, the inability of the body to respond in a timely and correct manner to the pathology.
- Risk of death - severe swelling causes breathing problems, shortness of breath and suffocation.
The severity of complications depends on the neglect of the pathological process and the cause of swelling of the respiratory system. If this is a severe allergic reaction, then without timely medical help, it can cause death.
Diagnostics of the swelling of the throat
Treatment of any disease or painful symptoms begins with the establishment of the cause of their development. Diagnosis of the edema of the throat is based on a detailed survey and examination of the patient with the help of special tools. The doctor examines the respiratory functions, the diagnosis can be performed by an ENT surgeon, phoniatrist or otolaryngologist.
During diagnostics use such methods:
- Direct / indirect laryngoscopy with or without biopsy.
- X-ray examination (contrast, direct), tomography.
- Endoscopy (to determine the extent of the pathological process on the respiratory system).
- Bronchoscopy.
During the study, it is necessary to exclude diseases of the cardiovascular system, internal organs or stenosis of the trachea, which can also cause swelling of the throat.
Laboratory diagnostics consists of a variety of diagnostic methods. Analyzes are needed to determine the cause of the swelling of the throat. Patients are assigned a general and biochemical blood test, urine analysis, trachea and laryngeal sowing, blood gas composition and other procedures.
- General analysis of blood and urine - reveals inflammatory, infectious and bacterial changes.
- Allergy test - the blood is checked for immunoglobulin. Its high indices combined with pathological symptoms, supplementing the swelling, are an occasion to appeal to an allergist.
- Sowing the contents of the larynx and trachea - a swab from the throat and nose is necessary to identify harmful microoragisms that cause swelling. This analysis shows the type and number of bacteria living on the mucous membranes.
- Investigation of the gas composition of arterial blood - the analysis is prescribed to assess the effectiveness of gas exchange of the lungs, the safety of the respiratory system and the determination of acid-base balance. Most often, the study is carried out with frequent attacks of suffocation.
Instrumental diagnostics
To determine the cause of swelling of the throat, different methods are used, but instrumental diagnostics deserves special attention. Its purpose is to determine the causes of the disorder and its severity.
Let's consider the basic instrumental methods of research:
- Mikrolaringoskopiya - with the help of this procedure, identify foreign bodies in the larynx, tumors, congenital malformations and scar changes, complicating breathing. In the course of the study, an endoscopic biopsy can be performed, followed by a histological analysis. This allows us to determine the morphological changes in the muscles and walls of the larynx.
- Bronchoscopy - the study is based on an endoscopic visual examination of the mucous membranes of the tracheobronchial tree. When used for medicinal purposes, it allows you to remove foreign objects, foci of purulent lesion and stop bleeding. Eliminates the collapse of an easy degree.
- The study of the voice function - is performed with swelling of the vocal cords. The patient is given phonetography, stroboscopy and electroglottography. With their help, it is possible to determine the degree of mobility of ligaments and their condition.
- Direct laryngoscopy - using this method to examine the state of the larynx. It is used to remove foreign bodies, benign tumors.
In addition to the above methods for instrumental diagnostics CT scans, thyroid ultrasound, x-ray of the esophagus, lung radiography, MRI and CT of the brain are performed.
How to examine?
Differential diagnosis
Many inflammatory, infectious and allergic reactions have similar symptoms - swelling of the throat. Differential diagnosis can identify the root cause of swelling, separating it from other pathologies.
- Differentiation is carried out with larynx and trachea stenosis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, acute respiratory viral infection, bronchial asthma, oncological lesions, allergies and other pathological processes.
- Disturbances of breath happen to a different degree, in a combination to other symptomatology: swelling of vocal chords, language and unilateral puffiness.
- Hyperemic and edematous mucous membrane can indicate inflammatory processes, malignant tumors or foreign bodies that block respiration.
Careful collection of anamnesis, conducting laboratory diagnostics and an objective evaluation of the results of studies, allows to determine the cause of malaise.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the swelling of the throat
Elimination of the swelling of the respiratory organs depends on the cause of its appearance and severity. Treatment of the swelling of the throat is aimed at minimizing the painful symptoms and restoring normal breathing.
- If swelling is caused by an allergic reaction, then you should take glucocorticoid drugs and antihistamines.
- If the pathological condition is caused by a foreign object in the larynx, then it must be removed.
- With edemas of inflammatory or infectious nature, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are taken.
- In especially severe cases, that is, during decompensation, the endotracheal tube is placed in the lumen of the trachea until the edema is completely removed. If intubation is not possible, a tracheal incision is made to facilitate breathing and air access to the lungs.
- If the disorder occurs as a result of a trauma, an urgent medical examination is necessary, since swelling in combination with wounds can cause suppuration and even sepsis.
- If the squeezing appears very often, that is, it has a chronic character, then surgical techniques are used for treatment. Therapy is aimed at excising scars or removing the neoplasm overlapping the laryngeal lumen.
In addition to the above treatment methods, many doctors recommend moistening the air in the room, using essential oils and rinsing the throat with salt solutions.
More information of the treatment
Any disease is easier to prevent than treat. Prevention of swelling of the larynx is based on timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases that can cause a disorder:
- Treatment of upper respiratory tract infections and infectious diseases.
- When performing surgery on the larynx or vocal cords, it is necessary to choose the most gentle method.
- Avoid inhaling allergens, alkalis, acids and hot air.
- Minimize any damage to the neck and throat.
- Intubation should not last more than 3-7 days.
- With larynx diseases in the anamnesis, it is necessary to be observed at the otolaryngologist.
Particular attention should be paid to improving the protective properties of the immune system. This is relevant for patients who face swelling in inflammatory or infectious diseases. For the prevention of vitamin-mineral complexes are recommended.
Swelling of the throat is a pathological condition that can lead to asphyxia. The prognosis depends on the causes of the indisposition. If it is a cold, a defeat of internal organs or an allergic reaction, then a comprehensive approach is used for treatment, aimed at eliminating the painful symptoms and the root cause of the disorder.
The prognosis of a throat edema with the timely application for medical care is favorable. If time was lost and breathing disorders led to oxygen starvation of the internal organs, then it is fatal.