Life after missed abortion
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Monthly after missed abortion
Monthly after missed abortion should begin on time. In principle, a delay of up to 45 days is considered the norm. The delay is due to the stress experienced by the woman. It takes time to restore the cycle. Before the onset of the first menstrual period, sexual activity is undesirable.
Causes of deviations from the usual terms:
- Change hormonal levels.
- Internal inflammation.
- This may be the case if private owners of the ovum remain in the uterus. Be sure to go through the control ultrasound 10 days after curettage.
Discharge after missed abortion
Discharge after missed abortion - this is normal. When scraping, the endometrium is partially removed from the uterus. Removal of the ovum without bleeding is not possible. Usually bleeding lasts 3-4 days. After 10 days, you will be assigned an ultrasound scan to see if everything is in order. Sharp pain should encourage a woman to consult a gynecologist before the scheduled time.
Brown discharge after missed abortion
Brown discharge after missed abortion, beginning later than 2 weeks after curettage, should alert you. They can be signs of inflammation. If abundant brown discharge after a frozen pregnancy is also accompanied by pain and fever, you should go to the doctor immediately!
Yellow discharge after missed abortion
Yellow discharge after a frozen pregnancy is a sign of inflammation requiring medical treatment.
Abdominal pain after missed abortion
Abdominal pain after missed abortion is observed as a reaction to trauma during curettage. Short-term cramping pains are also possible.
Abdominal pain in the absence of discharge can talk about the development of complications in which blood is retained in the uterus. If there is pain and bleeding, it can speak about the trauma of the uterine wall (perforation), and the delay of parts of the ovum. If the discharge after curettage of a missed pregnancy is not abundant, there is no pain, you are allowed to go home that evening. Life after missed abortion continues, 90% of subsequent pregnancies in such women proceed normally. After 6-9 months you can think again about the baby.
Chest pain after missed abortion
Chest pain after a frozen pregnancy is a frequent occurrence, which is explained by the hormonal breakdown that occurred. The doctor will correct this condition by prescribing oral contraceptives for medicinal purposes.
Delay of menstruation after missed abortion
The delay of menstruation after missed abortion can last up to 2 months. If the period began, but they are very strong, with clots, you need to do an ultrasound to make sure that the particles of the fetus did not remain in the uterus, which is fraught with intoxication and the development of sepsis. Pay particular attention to such a symptom of problems in the body, such as a long delay of menstruation after missed abortion or, conversely, too heavy menstruation.
Temperature after clearing a missed pregnancy
The temperature after cleaning a frozen pregnancy can rise to 38C. Later, the slightest temperature increase is an alarm signal.
Depression after missed abortion
Depression and depression after missed abortion - a reason to consult a doctor. The main thing that you need to understand is that you cannot significantly affect the development of the fetus. Pregnancy freezes may have saved you from having a sick child. Depression after missed abortion is accompanied by very strong depression, apathy and constant crying.
In addition to referring to a psychologist, it is still necessary to gather strength and distract. Best of all yoga classes help.
Motherhood is a joy that you will surely know! For a time limit your communication with the children of girlfriends. But be sure to communicate with your peers, look for friends and family support and support. You have experienced a loss. Do not hold back emotions, cry. Avoiding communication exacerbates pain. On the contrary, a kind word from a close person can soothe and ease it. You can also help those in the same situation.
Rarely there is a frozen pregnancy for a period of 20 weeks. In this case, the woman has to give birth to a dead child. To avoid infection, caesarean can not be done. A woman is left alone with her grief. Shame, doubts, anger - all these are normal human emotions, reaction to trauma. Without the help of a specialist, it is often really difficult to do. Depression usually lasts about six months. But in some cases, women experience the effects of missed abortion even after the birth of another child.
Endometritis after missed abortion
Endometritis after a missed abortion is a consequence of curettage. Endometritis is an inflammation of the lining of the uterus. If curettage is not done, blood infection may develop. In the early stages of fetal extraction produce a vacuum, then the risk of endometritis is reduced.
Chronic endometritis is a common cause of infertility after missed abortion.
If you feel weakness and pain in the lower abdomen after scraping a frozen pregnancy, this may be the beginning of endometritis. To confirm the diagnosis prescribed ultrasound of the pelvic organs. You will be prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics, sedatives and physiotherapy.
Ovarian cyst after missed abortion
Ovarian cyst after missed abortion is the reaction of a woman’s hormonal system to the cessation of fetal development. An ovarian cyst is a cavity in it that has accumulated fluid. 8 out of 10 cysts pass by themselves. From exercise, the cyst is compressed and twisted. There is suppuration. In the case of torsion appears weakness, the woman loses consciousness.
To reveal a cyst without torsion can only gynecologist. He prescribes a woman who has a cyst after missed abortion, hormonal medications, physiotherapy.
Complications after missed abortion
Complications after missed abortion are most often associated with inflammation of the uterine lining - endometritis. During curettage during missed pregnancy, infectious agents sometimes enter the uterus. In addition to missed abortion, abortion is often the cause of endometritis. 20% of abortions end with a diagnosis of endometritis. Due to mechanical injury, local immunity is reduced. Intense spotting and high temperature is a reason for an extraordinary visit to the gynecologist and even to call an ambulance. Sometimes a woman may need hospitalization. Complications of endometritis can be sepsis, adhesions and infertility. Endometritis is treated with antibiotics.
This is what concerns the physical condition of a woman. But let's also talk about the aspect of psychological crisis and depression after a missed abortion. Zamerchaya pregnancy does not pass without a trace for the psyche of the failed mother, it causes mental distress. And no consolation, even the fact that 15% of pregnancies freeze, cannot console a woman. She waited and already fell in love with this particular baby. Life after a frozen pregnancy breaks into two halves for her - before and after the tragic event. Those close must help her not to withdraw into herself. Do not hesitate to seek professional psychological help.
Examination after missed abortion
Examination after a missed abortion is necessary to eliminate errors that led to the tragedy.
It is necessary to pass the following tests:
- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
- Tests for mycoplasma, chlamydia, papilloma, herpes, gonorrhea.
- Analysis of the content of female and male sex hormones.
- Immunogram
- Genetic studies.
Analyzes after missed abortion
Post-pregnancy tests that your gynecologist, endocrinologist or geneticist may recommend:
- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
- Blood on PB, HIV, Hepatitis B and C.
- Antibodies to herpes and toxoplasmosis.
- Smear on the flora.
- PCR for chlamydia, ureaplasma, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea.
- Analysis of hormonal background: LH, FSH, prolactin, testosterone.
Histology after missed abortion
Histology after missed abortion helps determine fetal malformations. Most often these are genetic disorders and viral infections, for example, herpes. Thanks to histology can prevent violations in future pregnancies. Ultrasound after missed abortion
Ultrasonography after a frozen pregnancy is done for 14 days in order to check whether parts of the ovum remain in the uterus. Consultation of genetics after a frozen pregnancy. Consultation of genetics after a frozen pregnancy is especially necessary for women after 35 years of age, with an unfavorable family history, with a closely related marriage and bleeding disorders in relatives. Most often with missed abnormalities, genetic and environmental factors are combined.
Repeated curettage after missed abortion
Repeated curettage after a missed pregnancy is done, if on the ultrasound, 14 days after the cleaning, remains of the ovum are found or, if the woman has previously dealt with disturbing symptoms, such as fainting and fever, severe abdominal pain and heavy discharge with clots, not associated with menstruation. Consequences after a frozen pregnancy The consequences after a frozen pregnancy are difficult to underestimate: life after a frozen pregnancy is often colored for the failed mother in dark colors. The child she was waiting for, who may have already begun to move, will not be born. This news is shocking. Often, relatives cannot understand a woman, because only she felt in herself the birth of this new life. This is reflected in both physical and mental condition. Pregnancy during pregnancy can occur at any time, but most often occurs up to 12 weeks, when the fetus is very vulnerable and only formed.
The consequences of missed abortion do not imply miscarriage in the future. You just need to carefully prepare for a new pregnancy, to pass tests. Rest more, go to the appointment with the gynecologist with her husband, he will explain to him the cause of your unstable emotional state. It may also be necessary to examine the father of the deceased child. Sometimes the cause of stalled pregnancy becomes stress or hormonal problems. To minimize the effects of the next pregnancy you need to remove all risk factors.
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Treatment after missed abortion
Treatment after missed abortion consists primarily in extracting a dead fetus from the uterus (this may be a medical abortion or mechanical cleaning, in later periods - artificial birth). After that, a woman is prescribed a course of antibiotics. It can also be prescribed hormonal drugs to restore the disturbed hormonal balance and vitamin complexes.
The most common antibiotics for missed abortion are broad-spectrum antibiotics. One of these drugs is gentamicin. With missed abortion, it is administered intramuscularly. Daily dose - 3mg / kg. The multiplicity of the introduction - 2-3 times. The treatment lasts 7-10 days. Side effects such as muscle twitching, anemia, nausea, vomiting, skin rashes and itching are possible. In patients with renal insufficiency, renal necrosis is possible.
Hormonal tablets after missed abortion prescribed, if menstruation does not come within 60 days after curettage. Also, if you consider that it is not recommended to become pregnant for 9-12 months, they can serve as a contraceptive.
Doctors often recommend Janine after missed abortion. Janine - COC (gestagen + estrogen). Take 1 tablet 21 days from the first day of the cycle, then do 7 days off. Side effects: anemia, vaginal candidiasis, decrease in mood, migraine, abdominal pain. Contraindications: deep vein thrombosis, angina and heart attack in history, migraine headaches, diabetes mellitus with vascular complications, arterial hypertension.
Recovery after missed abortion
Recovery from missed abortion includes both the acquisition of lost psychological comfort, and the abandonment of bad habits, a healthy lifestyle and the intake of vitamin complexes, drugs to strengthen the immune system, tempering procedures. Life after a stalled pregnancy should be structured so that the next attempt to conceive doesn’t cause a tragedy. Hormone therapy may also be prescribed if the menstrual cycle is disturbed.
Sedatives and tranquilizers may be prescribed if the woman has a neuropsychiatric disorder.
Recovery cycle after missed abortion
Recovery cycle after missed abortion should occur naturally within 2 months. If this does not happen, combined oral contraceptives are prescribed to the woman. In many cases, Duphaston becomes the drug of choice. Duphaston after a frozen pregnancy drink 2 times a day from 11 to 25 day of the cycle. Close to natural progesterone. Does not affect blood clotting. It does not adversely affect liver function. Side effects: headache, migraine, skin rash, itching, urticaria.
Contraceptive after missed abortion
Contraceptive after missed abortion may be necessary if there are failures in the menstrual cycle and with contraceptive purposes (it is undesirable to become pregnant immediately). Often for its correction apply drug Regulon based on a combination of two hormones: estrogen and progestogen. If the menstrual cycle is normal, the reception of Regulon begins from the first day of the cycle and drink it 21 days at the same time of day. Then do a 7-day break. Contraindications: heart attack, angina pectoris, stroke, migraine, epilepsy, severe depression, venous embolism in relatives, diabetes, hepatitis, gallstone disease, Gilbert's syndrome, liver tumors, smoking after 35 years. Side effects Regulon after a frozen pregnancy: nausea, Crohn's disease, depression.
Yarin after a frozen pregnancy Yarina after a frozen pregnancy is used for contraceptive purposes and to restore the body. Yarin - estrogen-progestin COCK. The drug is drunk for 21 days, after which they take a break of 7 days and begin to drink tablets from a new package. Contraindications to the use of Yarin after a frozen pregnancy: deep vein thrombosis, heart attack, stroke, migraine, diabetes, arterial hypertension. Side effects: Crohn's disease, migraine, nausea. During antibiotic therapy and for 7 days after their cancellation, an additional condom should be used.
Jess plus after missed abortion
Jess Plus after missed abortion is used as a contraceptive and means to restore the menstrual cycle.
Jes Plus is a low-dose preoral estrogen-progestin contraceptive. The drug suppresses ovulation, makes menstruation more regular. Contraindications: hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components, thrombosis and thromboembolism, migraine with severe neurological symptoms, diabetes mellitus. Apply in the order indicated on the package, 28 days. Start taking the pills from the next pack without interruption. Side effects: migraine, mood swings, decrease in libido, arterial and venous thromboembolism. Utrozhestan after missed pregnancy Utrozhestan after a missed pregnancy is used to restore hormonal levels. The active ingredient is progesterone. The drug is taken orally in a daily dose of 200-300 mg (2-3 caps.) In phase II of the menstrual cycle for 10 days. Contraindicated in marked disorders of the liver and individual sensitivity.
Hormones after missed abortion
Hormones after a frozen pregnancy are prescribed to prevent a new frozen pregnancy or miscarriage against the background of an impaired hormonal background or, if the menstrual cycle cannot recover, bring it back to normal. Also, when a woman does not want to be protected by other means, hormonal contraceptives are prescribed during preparation for the next pregnancy. HCG after missed abortion
The level of hCG after missed abortion is falling rapidly, and pregnancy tests give a negative result. This is a reason to guard and immediately run to the gynecologist. According to the level of human chorionic gonadotropin, other developmental pathologies can be suspected.
Metipred after missed abortion
After missed pregnancy, metipred is prescribed with an increased level of male hormones, which provoke fading. Side effects: weight gain, mental disorders, changes in carbohydrate metabolism. Dosage is prescribed individually. Hyperandrogenism is a common problem that makes it difficult to carry a baby. The drug Metipred prescribed for the correction of the level of the hormone adrenal glands. Doctors recommend a woman to reduce the calorie content of food to avoid problems with weight.
Wobenzym after missed abortion
Wobenzym after a frozen pregnancy has a complex effect on the health of a woman: improves immunity, increases the bioavailability of antibiotics. Wobenzym is an enzyme preparation that does not inhibit the body's production of its enzymes. He is well tolerated. Wobenzym can be considered as part of a comprehensive treatment of STDs, mastopathy and miscarriage. Contraindications: individual intolerance, violation of the blood coagulation system. Side effects: changes in stool and diarrhea. Dosage: 3 tablets 3 times a day for 2-5 weeks.
Antibiotics after missed abortion
Antibiotics after missed abortion are discharged after cleaning in order to avoid infectious effects, as after any surgery. One of the antibiotics suitable in this case is ceftriaxone.
Average daily 1-2 g 1 time per day or 0.5 g 2 times per day. The drug is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. Duration of reception is 2-3 days.
Contraindications: renal failure, liver failure, ulcerative colitis. Hypersensitivity Reactions.
Side effects: change in blood picture, dyspepsia, bronchospasm, candidiasis, vaginitis.
Recommendations after missed abortion
Doctors may prescribe the following recommendations after missed abortion.
The diagnosis of missed abortion can only be made by a doctor, since according to subjective data, like the cessation of nausea, it cannot be said for sure whether it is a missed abortion or toxicosis.
- Pay attention to any disturbing symptoms during the next pregnancy. Plan a pregnancy. You can prevent fading of pregnancy by treating all infections with STDs in advance.
- Give up alcohol and smoking.
- Minimize the number of abortions.
- Avoid stress.
Sex life after missed abortion
Sex life after missed abortion is allowed after 2 weeks, if the gestation period was short, and you were given a fetal extraction with a vacuum or a medical abortion. If there was a mechanical curettage, then, in order not to carry the infection, you should refuse sex for a month. In addition, the first weeks you may experience pain.
Sport after missed abortion
Sport after a frozen pregnancy is allowed after 1 month after scraping, walking, yoga, and a swimming pool are very useful for keeping fit. Life after missed abortion after some time will be interesting again. Take a break from problems. And with the help of sports to do it best. They will help you not to focus on what happened. You can play sports with the whole family, let the husband take part too, because his health plays a big role for the life of your future baby.
Vitamins after missed abortion
Vitamins after a frozen pregnancy are needed in order to saturate the body with everything necessary during the planning of the next pregnancy. The future father also needs to take vitamins before conceiving. Vitamins E and B9 (folic acid) reduce the formation of poor-quality spermatozoa in the seed, vitamin C makes spermatozoa more viable. In the male sperm about 5% of defective sperm. To reduce their number need to take folic acid. Folic acid is found in bananas and the liver, but it can break down during heat treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to fill its deficiency with drugs.
Vitamin C is necessary for the future mother for strong immunity. Vitamin E restores the cycle. Remember that hypervitaminosis, like vitamin deficiency, is harmful to the body. Folic acid after a frozen pregnancy Folic acid after a frozen pregnancy is prescribed to prevent developmental defects in the fetus during a future pregnancy. It vices that are incompatible with life become an obstacle to the development of pregnancy. Eat more greens, vegetables, very good liver. Also, take folic acid in the dosage prescribed by your doctor. Let folic acid supplements also be taken by your spouse.
Prayer after missed abortion
Prayer to the wife, always erupting the baby (Read only by the priest and only when nonviolently miscarried)
Vladyko Lord our God, be born of the Holy Virgin and the Virgin Mary, and in the wilderness like a baby of appearances, Your servant Himself this very day I am in a great grace, killed in the murder, will or bondage, and conceived in her, disgraced, have mercy upon the great of Your mercy. Forgive her volnyya and nevolnyya sins, and keep from vsyakago diavolskago koznodeystviya and filth cleanse, disease, heal, health and blagomoschie body with the life thereof, the Lover of mankind, grant, and the angel of light, This may keep from vsyakago invasion of invisible demons, her Lord, on disease and weakening. And cleanse the body of filth, and the uterine finds that are different to it, and bring forth by Thy mercy many times in humbleness in its body. And resurrected from the bed, lies on her nezhe, like in her grave birth, and in lawlessness, and have foul all the Emas before You, Lord, and fear and cry and verb: Look down from heaven and see our sickness for the condemned, and forgive Your servant ), existing in the grace, killing the departed, willingly or unwittingly, and conceived in her by the fiendish, and all who were and touched her, according to Your great mercy, God bless you and God for the mercy of God of Mercy and forgive, for You are the One God who has the power to leave sins and lawlessness the prayers of the Most Exquisite Thy Matera and all the saints. It is for you that every glory, honor and worship befits You, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.
One missed abortion is not a sentence. 80% of women after it give birth to a child. Life after a stalled pregnancy continues, and you should not lose hope to hold your baby in your arms - you will succeed.