How to determine a frozen pregnancy?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Do you know how to determine a frozen pregnancy yourself? In fact, there is nothing complicated in this, you just have to be observant. So, in the first place should guard the sap of vaginal discharge. And, as a rule, they are accompanied by sharp pains in the lower abdomen and lower back.
If a woman had an early toxicosis, and it abruptly stopped, then this may indicate a pregnancy becoming pregnant. In addition, you need to monitor basal temperature. It should not exceed 37.3-37.1 degrees. Otherwise, there is cause for concern. It's all about early pregnancy.
In a later period, there may be no movements of the fetus, which indicates that, most likely, he froze. Do not ignore the technique, which shows that from 9 am to 9 pm the kid must make at least 10 shifts. Determine a frozen pregnancy can be and for sharp fights in the waist. The general condition can sharply deteriorate. Nausea, weakness, and fever appear. All this suggests that changes are taking place in the body. Ignore them is not necessary, you need to immediately seek help from a doctor. Frozen pregnancy is far from joking!
Diagnosis of a stunted pregnancy
How is the diagnosis of a frozen pregnancy? Basically, ultrasonic scanning is performed. Thanks to him, the diagnosis is much easier, and even before the appearance of any clinical signs.
At the earliest possible dates, ultrasound is performed, which results in anembrionia. It can be of two types. So, with the first option, the embryo is completely absent. As for the fetal egg, it does not exceed 3 cm. Over time, its increase does not occur. Even more, the size of the uterus does not change at all. The second type of anembrionia indicates the absence of an embryo, but the fetal egg continues to grow.
Recently, ultrasonic placentography has also been widely used. Thanks to it, you can give an accurate diagnosis of the placenta, identify detachment, as well as the presence of pathology. The most commonly used is IVF and ICSI. These technologies allow you to insert several fertilized eggs into the uterus. The truth to date has been established that this can lead to miscarriages and a stiffened pregnancy.
In general, ultrasound is widely used. It allows you to quickly and clearly determine whether there is a pathology or not. Frozen pregnancy requires rapid diagnosis.
Histology with a stiffened pregnancy
What is the histology with a stiffened pregnancy? It should be noted that the histology is done after the interruption of this process. What is its essence, and how can it help?
The fact is that according to the results of histology, it is simply impossible to determine the exact cause of the pathology. This procedure simply excludes or confirms the presence of a bubble drift. By this expression is meant the malignant degeneration of the fetal egg.
Histology is done only after scraping. I mean, I take a little "material" and surrenders for examination. By itself, histology simply excludes the above described variant of the development of a frozen pregnancy and nothing more.
During this process, such examinations are not done. Simply put, if there have not yet been induced artificial births and the fetus is inside the mother, then histology is not done. This is simply an impossible process. And in fact, this examination is not something important. Frozen pregnancy is diagnosed in other ways.
Test with a stiff pregnancy
Can a test with a frozen pregnancy show something? In fact, this process is no different from the usual gestation of the fetus. Therefore, if the future mother does the test, then he will undoubtedly show her two stripes.
On the test it is generally difficult to determine anything, it is necessary to look at other indicators. So, if earlier the breast was very sensitive, then during the development of pathology, it loses this quality and becomes rude. In addition, colostrum is secreted, and more often than usual.
We need to determine the general condition. If suddenly there were reddish discharge, the lower abdomen fell ill and all this began to be given back, then there is nothing good in it. You should immediately seek help from a doctor.
In general, simply speaking, it is simply impossible to determine anything by the test. He will show the same two strips as with normal development of pregnancy. So you need to pay attention to the secondary signs and only, then go to the hospital. Frozen pregnancy is a pathology, it requires immediate intervention by specialists.
HCG with a stiffened pregnancy
What is the hCG when a pregnancy is stopped? It should be noted that this indicator is one of the most important. So, in his growth in a healthy body can be provided only through pregnancy.
In all other cases, its quantity should not exceed 10-15 mU / ml. From the moment of fertilization, the level of hCG gradually increases, until the end of the first trimester. In the future, its level is stabilized and no longer moves.
Is it possible to determine the frozen pregnancy by the level of hCG? The fact is that in the early stages it is almost impossible. Because this "hormone" increases exactly as well as during normal pregnancy. Talk about the pathology can only be at a later date. So, at the end of the first trimester, the hCG level stabilizes. If we are talking about pathology, then, most likely, it drops sharply.
Exclusively for this analysis, to determine something is difficult. A comprehensive examination is needed, together with the symptoms. Thus, a frozen pregnancy is determined.
Progesterone with a stiff pregnancy
What is the level of progesterone with a stiff pregnancy? It should be noted that it is because of the lack of this hormone and there are all kinds of problems in the body of a woman.
So, he is able to cause both a frozen pregnancy and provoke a miscarriage. Therefore, its level should be monitored. Naturally, at home it is impossible to do this. Only doctors are concerned with this issue.
It is thanks to progesterone you can see the cherished two stripes on the test. There are certain norms on which it is easy to understand how pregnancy is taking place. So, the level of the hormone grows weekly. In the early stages, it should not exceed 20.57 nmol / L at a later 301 nmol / l. Any deviation suggests that some changes in the body occur.
What to do in this case? It is necessary to determine the cause of this phenomenon. Therefore, it can, talk about the fading of the fetus, pathology, which causes serious damage to the woman's body. Frozen pregnancy requires immediate diagnosis.
Ultrasound with a stiffened pregnancy
What does the uzi show in a stiffened pregnancy? Thanks to this procedure, you can easily determine whether a woman has any problems. So, ultrasound is aimed at identifying anembrionia.
What it is? It should be noted that anembrionia is of two types. In the first case, the embryo is completely absent, but the fetal egg does not develop either. Its maximum size is 3 cm. This indicates that the pregnancy has died down. Through time, the fetus does not increase, which only confirms the presence of pathology. In this case, you must immediately begin to call artificial delivery. Because a dead fruit can harm a mother's health.
At the second stage, the embryo is also absent, but the fetal egg continues to grow. This is also not the norm, even more, requires immediate intervention by doctors.
Thanks to ultrasound, it is easy to determine whether the fetus has a pathology or not. This is the main procedure, if there is a suspicion that a woman has a frozen pregnancy.
Genetic analysis in the case of a stiffened pregnancy
Genetic analysis with a frozen pregnancy can only show the presence of any abnormalities. What is generally meant by this "research". Thus, it is possible to determine whether the child has any deviations at the genetic level. In this case, Down's disease is implied.
Determining the presence of a frozen pregnancy in this way is not so simple. Because the first thing is ultrasound. Only it is able to show whether the fetus is developing or not. Thus, the presence or absence of pathologies is easily determined. In addition, a number of other manipulations are performed, thanks to which the number of strokes of the baby's heart is calculated. Its growth is measured and the examination is fully carried out.
At the genetic level, only possible pathologies can be identified, but not frozen pregnancy. More precisely, to do this with only one analysis is almost impossible. Frozen pregnancy can cause severe harm to the mother's body, both at the physical and emotional levels.
The analysis of urine with the frozen pregnancy
The analysis of urine with the frozen pregnancy is capable to show deviations from norm. So, with the normal course of this process, the white blood cells in the urine should not be more than 2000 in milliliters. As for protein, its amount does not exceed 0.14 g / l.
As for ketone bodies, they are able to appear if there are any deviations. So, if during pregnancy the urinalysis showed their presence, then you need to undergo a survey. If mummy has diabetes mellitus, then this phenomenon indicates its aggravation.
If we talk about the sugar content in the blood, then it's difficult to talk about any norms. In each laboratory they are different. Also in the urine can be found and bacteria, which most likely talk about problems with the kidneys. And finally, planting on the flora shows sensitivity to antibiotics. There's nothing wrong with that.
If some deviations were found after the urine test, then most likely we are talking about serious problems. Frozen pregnancy can also cause some glitches in the indicators.