LFK for scoliosis: basic exercises
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Systematic performance of special exercises by patients with frontal torsional deformity of various parts of the spine - LFK for scoliosis - can be an effective way to stabilize and reduce curvature.
Indications for LFK in scoliosis
Therapeutic physical therapy is prescribed by a doctor - vertebrologist or orthopedist, and exercises are performed by a doctor of LFK or certified instructors who specialize in spinal disorders. Without taking into account the type of scoliosis, its degree (the size of the curvature angle) and the peculiarities of torsional deformation, it is not safe to simply perform ordinary exercises at home: not all of them can be done with scoliosis because of the risk of damage to the intervertebral discs, the emergence or increase in pain and reduction in the volume of movement with reduced mobility of the spine.
For each patient, a specialist in therapeutic physical therapy should select an individualized complex of LFC for scoliosis and, while conducting classes, teach the correct performance of specific exercises. And only basic exercises for the development and strengthening of back muscles - in the case of an outlined minor lateral curvature of the spine - can be performed independently after a visit to the doctor. [1]
In fact, indications for LFK in scoliosis are curvatures of 1-2 degrees and, depending on the form of curvature and existing skeletal changes, the more severe 3rd degree. In cases of mild to moderate curvature, LFC (in conjunction with other conservative methods) can stop the progression of scoliosis and even achieve a corrective effect, i.e., partially correct vertebral misalignment in children and adolescents - during the period of bone maturation, and in adults - up to 23-35 years of age, i.e., until the completion of the process of skeletal ossification. [2]
LFK supports joint mobility, tones and strengthens the muscles suffering from scoliosis, increasing their strength. This contributes to better coordination of movements and a more physiological posture without unilateral overstraining of the paravertebral muscles.
As noted by experts, the purpose of LFK in scoliosis 1 degree and scoliosis 3 degree - by strengthening the muscles to increase the stability of the spine, and the task of LFK in scoliosis 2 degree - to correct its curvature.
LFK in scoliosis is contraindicated in general poor health and hyperthermia, with high blood pressure and / or intracranial pressure, with increasing pain from physical exertion - chronic neuropathic pain syndrome, especially with localization in the lumbar and sacral spine.
Also, physical therapy is not indicated if the arc of curvature of the spinal column (Cobb angle) exceeds 50 ° (4th degree of scoliosis) - with displacement and compression of the mediastinal organs, which leads to a decrease in lung volume and marked dyspnea. Although physiotherapy in complex treatment is used at any stage of scoliosis development.
LFK for thoracic scoliosis
In the complex of LFC for thoracic scoliosis there are exercises for lying on the back, on the stomach, on the side, as well as standing upright or on all fours.
So, kneeling with a focus on the hands of straightened arms (i.e. On all fours), perform the following exercises:
- back flat, arms bent at the elbows, arms slightly wider than shoulder width apart, chest smoothly lowered down until the shoulder girdle touches the surface of the floor with a delay of five seconds, return to the starting position (up to 10 repetitions);
- without taking the straightened arms off the floor, raise the shoulders and round the back; after returning to the original posture, the shoulders are lowered and the back is bent downward;
- without taking straightened arms off the floor, sit on your heels (keeping your shoulders and back straight), lift and let your head go up and down, then turn it to the right-left. Take the starting position;
- back straight, arms straight; the right arm is stretched forward and slightly upward, and the left leg is straightened all the way back and raised to the level of the pelvis. This position should be fixed for five seconds and return to the starting position, after which the left arm and right leg are raised. Total of 10 repetitions.
There are several exercises that are performed while standing:
- Straight arms are taken behind the back, bent at the elbows, and their hands embrace the opposite forearms; shoulders are straightened and withdrawn as far back as possible;
- from the same initial position, straight arms are raised up, one leg is set back, and the arms and shoulder girdle should be pulled upward, slightly deviating the entire body backward. Push back the right and left leg alternately five times;
- Stand straight, feet almost shoulder-width apart, both arms raised to the sides and try to embrace an imaginary big ball, pulling back the shoulder blades as much as possible. Hold the position for 5-6 seconds. After returning to the original position, repeat five more times.
Lying on your back (legs together, arms along your torso) you should do these exercises:
- alternately bending the legs at the knee and straightening the shin parallel to the floor at right angles to the thigh;
- the same, but with alternate crossing and spreading the shins apart;
- with support on the feet of the legs bent at the knees and back (arms along the torso) lifting the pelvis above the plane of the floor;
- alternately lifting straight arms upwards and putting them behind the head - with simultaneous tension of the abdominal abs and oblique abdominal muscles.
You need to lie on your stomach:
- lean on the arms bent at the elbows placed near the shoulders and, smoothly extending them, lift and pull up the head, shoulders and torso; arch the back. Do up to 10 repetitions;
- straighten all limbs (arms extended forward) and simultaneously lift them off the floor;
- straighten legs, but arms apart; on inhalation lift arms, shoulders and upper chest with simultaneous lifting up of one leg. Hold the pose for five seconds, alternate legs, doing several repetitions for each leg;
- everything is the same as in the previous exercise, except that the legs are slightly apart and the hands are interlocked at the back of the head.
If the arc of curvature of the spine is localized and twisted to the right, right-sided scoliosis is diagnosed, and if the arc "looks" to the left side, then, accordingly, left-sided scoliosis. And this is taken into account both in the complex of LFC for right-sided scoliosis, and when prescribing LFC for left-sided scoliosis, because the specificity of movements is important for reducing curvature (1-2 degrees). For example, exercises for muscles that stabilize and rotate the spine should be aimed at strengthening them on the side contralateral to the curvature arc, i.e. In the opposite direction from the torsional rotation of the vertebrae. [3]
This principle is used to strengthen the back muscles and the entire muscular corset by performing the side plank. An easier exercise - lifting the leg lying on the side - in case of right-sided curvature is done on the left side (lifting the right leg up), and vice versa in case of left-sided scoliosis.
And exercises for a more correct posture are performed with placing a pillow or soft roller under the side of the chest (on the side of the bulge of the curvature arch).
Physical therapy for lumbar scoliosis
Complex LFC for scoliosis of the lumbar spine includes exercises performed lying down - on the back or stomach.
Lying on your back:
- raising up (inhale) and lowering down (exhale) the straightened arms lying at the sides of the torso;
- with arms slightly apart, lifting straightened legs with cross strokes in the horizontal plane (like scissors);
- with the same position of the arms, alternately raising and lowering the legs bent at the knees to the sides;
- Extend the elbow of your left hand to your right knee, then switch places
- with arms and legs spread apart alternate bending of legs in the knee with lifting and carrying them over the straight leg with the inclination of the shin to the floor and touching it with the knee.
Lying on your stomach:
- alternately tensing and relaxing all muscles by stretching fingers and lifting feet with simultaneous stretching forward of straightened arms;
- pulling the raised leg to the side of the curvature and returning to the starting position (with arms bent at the elbows, hands under the chin);
- the same leg movement, but with hands behind the head and simultaneous elbow separation.
In a standing position, perform these exercises:
- the leg on the side of the curvature arc is set sideways and the arm on the lateral side is raised upwards; fix the position for five seconds and return to the initial position (up to 10 repetitions).
- Standing on the side of the curvature concavity at the wall and holding on to it with the hand, cross the leg on the side of the concavity behind the other leg; the opposite arm is slowly raised upwards, reaching to the wall (above the head). Hold the pose for a few seconds, return to the starting position (five to six repetitions).
This type of scoliosis can also be treated with parterre exercises.
LFK for cervical scoliosis
LFK for cervical scoliosis with recommended exercises is described in detail in the publication - Scoliosis of the cervical spine (in the section Physiotherapeutic treatment).
Exercise therapy for S-scoliosis
LFC in S-shaped scoliosis (when the frontal curvature has two arcs in contralateral directions) in the initial stages can be corrective, but, most often, these are exercises that stabilize the more physiological posture of patients.
Sitting upright with your hands behind your head, you should rotate your shoulder girdle and chest to the left and right, bend the body forward (and straighten it again).
Lying on your stomach on a sufficiently high bench or couch, you should slowly bend your upper body over the edge and sag down at a right angle, relaxing the muscles of the upper torso; in the same position, make rocking movements up and down (with an amplitude of 30-40°). Perform the same movements while lying with your back on the bench (so that its edge is at the level of the shoulder blades).
Lying on the back (starting position - legs straight, arms along the body or behind the head) perform the following exercises:
- chin down and close to the sternum, and the toes of the feet are pulled towards the shins (towards yourself);
- straight leg is lifted up, maximally bent at the knee and approaching the front surface of the body. After returning to the original position, the action is performed with the other leg;
- bend both legs at the knees; bending the back, the upper part of the body should be as close to the knees as possible;
Lying on your stomach:
- straight arms apart, head and shoulders lifted, slowly throw head back; return to the original position;
- alternate leg raises (without bending at the knees);
- leg extension to the side with simultaneous extension of the opposite arm to the side (delayed for a few seconds).
LFK for scoliosis in children
Almost all of the above exercises are recommended in complexes of LFK in scoliosis in children - taking into account the type and degree of curvature, as well as the age of the child.
Especially suitable for children are exercises with projectiles, in particular, LFC with a stick with scoliosis.
Standing, the stick is held in straightened arms and lifted several times:
- to shoulder girdle level;
- over your head;
- by bringing it past shoulder height and arching your back;
A gymnastic stick is placed on the area of the shoulder blades and bends forward. Squats are performed with the stick raised forward. With the stick raised above the head do alternating backward leg lunges. Holding the stick behind the back (in the elbow bends of the arms) perform forward-backward and left-right bends, as well as squats.
See also - Posture exercises for children (with video).
LFK for flat feet and scoliosis
Due to poor posture, patients with scoliosis often have flatfoot deformity, so in addition to appropriate exercises for the spine and muscles, it is necessary to do flatfoot exercises.
In conclusion, it should be noted that it is impossible to postpone the start of LFK exercises for scoliosis! This disease of the spine is a progressive disease that can irreversibly disrupt not only the musculoskeletal system, but also internal organs.