Laryngitis in children
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The respiratory system of the child is most susceptible to inflammatory diseases. Season change, infection trigger disease mechanisms in the nasopharynx. Malicious microorganisms descend freely into the larynx, trachea, and sometimes into the bronchi.
The inflammatory process in the larynx or laryngitis in children begins with a common cold, coughing, a feeling of discomfort in the throat. Edema of the larynx in adulthood brings only temporary discomfort, and in children is dangerous attack of suffocation. Unfortunately, stenosis (narrowing of the laryngeal lumen) of a viral or bacterial nature is a common occurrence at the age of three to seven years. In this regard, parents need to be able to recognize anxious symptoms and provide emergency medical care.
Causes of laryngitis in children
Laryngitis in children can be acute and chronic. The factors that determine the acute course of the disease include viruses or bacteria. The leading place in the acute process is diphtheria bacillus, streptococci, staphylococcus, parainfluenza virus. Chronic form of the disease is provoked - persistent cough, overstrain of vocal cords, prolonged stay in a dusty room, frequent colds, etc. Inflammation of the mucosa in childhood can be allergic.
The following causes of laryngitis in children will be allocated:
- viral / bacterial infection;
- complications after measles, scarlet fever;
- weakened body (physical overwork);
- supercooling;
- inhalation of cold, dusty, dry air with a throat;
- infection in the oral cavity;
- excessively hot / cold drink;
- overstrain of the voice apparatus (screaming, choral singing, etc.);
- contact with allergens (paint, varnish, house dust, animals, etc.);
- presence of lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis - weak congenital resistance of the upper respiratory tract;
- use of aerosols and sprays - they often irritate the nerve endings of the larynx, which can provoke a reflex reduction in ligaments;
- psycho-emotional factors, which led to a spasm of the larynx (strong experiences, upheavals).
Viral laryngitis in children
Common factors affecting the appearance of laryngitis in children are respiratory-viral infections. An acute process of inflammation of the larynx in childhood occurs as a result of infection with the influenza virus, parainfluenza, rhino-syncytial infection.
Viral laryngitis in children initially reveals itself in the form of general weakness, stuffy nose, discharge from the nasal passages, temperature, red throat. Symptoms are accompanied by changes in the voice, a painful cough of a dry, unproductive, "barking" nature. Viral course of the disease often occurs against the background of rubella, chicken pox, measles.
Inflammation from the mucous area extends to the vocal cords, subglottic space, preventing the entry of air into the lungs.
Symptoms of laryngitis in children
The classical course of laryngitis in babies begins with discharge from the nasal sinuses and dry cough, the voice often wheezes, rarely disappears completely. The disease is manifested by single attacks of suffocation or, as a recurrent disease, with a recurrent state of shortness of breath.
Laryngitis in children always occurs suddenly, more often at dawn. It aggravates the fright of the child, absolutely healthy before falling asleep. Childish nervous excitement is directly related to respiratory function, so parents should first of all reassure the baby.
Distinguish the following symptoms of laryngitis in children:
- increase in temperature (not more than 39 C);
- heavy, shallow breathing;
- at the moment of inhalation, a whistle is heard;
- hoarseness of the voice or its loss (more often with diphtheria);
- dry, "barking" type of cough;
- the kid is worried and scared;
- discomfort, burning in the larynx;
- soreness in swallowing;
- the first sign of suffocation - the skin around the mouth acquires a bluish tinge.
The following symptoms are inherent in the chronic form of laryngitis:
- catarrhal process - pronounced hoarseness, fast fatigue, separation of sputum during coughing;
- hypertrophic course of the disease - hoarseness can develop into a complete loss of voice, cough occurs against a background of exacerbation;
- atrophic laryngitis - along with hoarseness and dry cough in sputum, a small amount of blood is observed due to a strong cough.
In children, the disease is accompanied by puffiness of the larynx, called a false croup. The difficulty of breathing, the rapid development of a lack of oxygen due to the narrowing of the larynx lumen require immediate medical intervention.
How long does laryngitis last for children?
Therapeutic effect is assigned according to the results of diagnosis, depending on the nature and severity of the disease. If you do not start and correctly treat laryngitis in children, then the sputum is observed on the third day. Coping with the acute process with timely access to the doctor and the implementation of all his recommendations, including the voice mode, possibly in a week.
How long does laryngitis last for children of chronic form? Everything depends on the individual characteristics of the child's organism and the severity of the disease itself. So laryngitis second, third and fourth degrees are treated in a hospital. Some cases require intensive therapy with trachyostomy - in the intensive care unit, an incision is made below the thyroid gland, where the respiratory tube is inserted.
A medical prognosis for small patients who have had laryngitis, in most situations, is optimistic. After the final formation of the nervous system, the disappearance of the friable submucosa layer, the disease recedes. That is, the moment of "overgrowing" of the disease comes.
Cough with laryngitis in children
Cough with laryngitis in children of dry, "barking" type allows experienced mothers to determine what kind of disease they are dealing with. Changes in the voice are caused by inflammation of the ligamentous space. A strong, painful cough is inherent in the atrophic form of the disease, in which the passage of dry crusts with blood veins is observed.
Attacks of barking cough at night with fever, difficulty breathing, noisy inspiration, cyanosis, respiratory arrest and loss of consciousness indicate a state of acute lining of the laryngitis (false croup). The region of the nasolabial triangle acquires a bluish tinge.
The catarrhal type (the simplest form) of the disease is characterized by a slight cough.
Attack of a laryngitis in a child
A typical manifestation of laryngitis in children is a "barking" cough. Inflammation with the mucosa extends to the area of ligaments, the lining zone, which in turn causes a decrease in the laryngeal lumen. The flow of the mucous layer, the accumulation of viscous sputum and the emergence of drying crusts further interfere with the penetration of air into the body. The condition, called the syndrome of false croup, foreshadows the three components - an unproductive type of "barking" cough, growing hoarse, noise when inhaled. In the respiratory process, the muscles of the sternum are often involved: at the time of inspiration, the intercostal muscular structures are drawn in, as well as the zones of the jugular cavity.
A false croup or an attack of laryngitis in a child manifests itself suddenly at night or before dawn. Parents should remember that the development of symptoms is always rapid - a couple of hours is enough to maximize the process, fraught with choking. Therefore, if the first signs of "chained" breathing are found, emergency medical care should be called for. In anticipation of a specialist, you should reassure the frightened baby, provide fresh air, put a mustard plaster on the larynx.
Temperature with laryngitis in children
Laryngitis in children is accompanied, as a rule, by a rise in temperature to 39 ° C. However, subfebrile values on a thermometer often accompany the conditions of a false croup.
The temperature with laryngitis in children often occurs with a viral, bacterial form of the disease and is not a cause for concern. Temperature means that the baby's organism "fights" with the infection, activating protective forces. Increasing the temperature helps reduce the duration of the disease, and also increases the effect of antibiotics. To help the baby can have a plentiful warm drink and bed rest.
Acute laryngitis in children
Acute laryngitis in children (false croup) develops as a complication after measles, scarlet fever, with respiratory infection. Factors affecting the appearance of the disease:
- children's hypovitaminosis;
- poor nutrition;
- decrease in the protective forces of the body as a result of hypothermia, overwork, etc .;
- adverse environmental effects (cold, dust, etc.);
- hereditary predisposition.
The clinical manifestation of acute laryngitis is pronounced hoarseness, a cough of "barking" character. The course of the disease is not severe. Danger is swelling of the mucous, because of the narrowness of the larynx in children capable of provoking stenosis.
Due to low resistance of the body, laryngitis in children develops rapidly - within one or two days. There is malaise, fever, burning sensation in the throat, cough. Aggravation occurs at night or in the morning, which is especially frightening for children, increases nervousness. The cyanotic skin of the nasolabial triangle testifies to the growing suffocation.
The disease lasts several days, and the prognosis in most cases is favorable.
Chronic laryngitis in children
The chronic process is preceded by a series of recurring acute inflammation of the larynx. Korevoi or influenza laryngitis in children is able to transform into a chronic form. The disease is also called a disease of "screamers" because of excessive overstrain of ligaments with systematic and prolonged screaming.
Predispose to the chronic course of laryngitis:
- an enlarged lymphadenoid ring in the pharynx, which prevents nasal breathing;
- defeat of the respiratory tract with an incessant cough, as in chronic bronchitis, irritating the laryngeal mucosa;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or cardiovascular system.
Chronic laryngitis in children is observed at an older age. The process leads to pathological changes on the mucosa: round-cell infiltration, tissue hypertrophy, vasodilation, reorganization of the secretory glands.
Babbling in children can talk about the presence of a diffuse hypertrophic or limited form of laryngitis with nodules of the vocal chord zone. Limited type of chronic laryngitis in children is rare.
The main sign of the chronic process is the voice changes (dysphonia), which are of different shades - from a slight change to a clearly marked hoarseness, as well as aphonia. Pain syndrome, as a rule, is not observed. Complaints of children concern tingling, discomfort in the trachea or laryngeal zone. Problems with breathing and dysphagia are absent. When coughing, sputum is separated. Chronic laryngitis can be delayed indefinitely.
Allergic laryngitis in children
Allergic laryngitis in children is the formation of edema, as the body's reaction to an allergen. The puffiness zone can cover the entire larynx, a separate part of it. The process develops with a violation of phonation, difficulty swallowing and with stenosis.
The edema of allergic laryngitis gives voice hoarseness, often occurs in the dark with symptoms of croup - a restless state of the child, "barking" cough, difficulty in breathing, cyanosis of the lips and nasolabial triangle.
There are four degrees of the disease:
- First, there are short-term seizures, you can say painless;
- The second is characterized by longer seizures and impaired cardiac function;
- The third is described by pronounced dyspnea, the manifestation of local cyanosis;
- 4th - loss of consciousness, cardiac arrest.
In the treatment of allergic laryngitis, it is important not only to eliminate the symptoms, but also to identify, and also eliminate the cause - the allergen-carrier. The prognosis of the condition at the first degree of severity is favorable, the rest - depend on the correctness of the prescribed treatment.
Stenosing laryngitis in children
Stenosing laryngitis in children is an acute inflammation of the larynx, which can spread to the bronchi and trachea. It develops against the background of acute respiratory viral infection, with the attachment of a bacterial factor, as a complication after the flu. In children, the syndrome of false cereal is often observed in conjunction with allergic diathesis, it is hard and wavy in nature. Mucous in the inflamed, edematous state and narrow laryngeal lumen in children cause a violation of respiratory function, which is exacerbated by reflex spasm.
The attack of stenosing laryngitis is acute, at night. His forerunners are - "barking" cough, uncomfortable sensation in the throat, hoarseness. The severity of a painful condition is determined by the degree of stenosis and impairment of respiratory function. With stenosis of the 1st degree, there is a short-term respiratory hold-up or a mild prolonged respiration. The breathing is noisy, the voice is rough, the cough is of a dry type, the narrowing of the lumen is insignificant. Stenosis of the 2nd degree can last up to five days. The child's condition is restless, characterized by an intensifying cough and frequent attacks of suffocation, noise from breathing can be heard from a distance. There is also a pallor of the skin and a slight cyanosis of the area of the lips. The third degree of stenosing laryngitis is expressed by the constant difficulty of breathing and retraction of the jugular fossa, the zone above and below the clavicle, the epigastric region. A child rushes in bed, sweat appears, signs of cardiovascular insufficiency and hypoxemia appear. The fourth stage of the disease is asphyxia.
Laryngitis in a newborn
Laryngitis in children is a common phenomenon, which is more difficult to tolerate than in adulthood. The immune system of the child has not yet fully formed, and the pharynx is much narrower than in adult patients.
Mortally dangerous conditions are laryngitis in a newborn due to possible suffocation. The mucous membrane of babies is loose, and the laryngeal edema can reach a level that will block the access of oxygen to the lungs.
Signs of concern are:
- cough resembling a dog's barking;
- difficulty in breathing.
The skin of the baby can be pale, cyanotic. The general condition is determined as flaccid or otherwise restless. Sometimes there is a rise in temperature. Whatever the indirect signs, parents should not hesitate to call for medical help.
Laryngitis in a newborn develops lightning fast. The appearance of a stridor (coarse breath, audible at a distance) indicates a severe stage of the disease, followed by asphyxia.
Laryngitis in children under one year of age
The organism of children under the age of the year is characterized by low resistance against viruses, bacteria, fungi, as well as unfavorable environmental factors (dusty, cold, dry air, etc.). Acute or chronic laryngitis during infants occurs as a result of cooling, infectious diseases (measles, rubella, influenza, etc.), prolonged inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx or paranasal sinuses.
Dryness of the mucous throat, growing cough, hoarseness - all this indicates laryngitis in children up to a year, capable of leading to a dangerous consequence in the form of a false croup. Pallor, shortness of breath, anxiety of your baby are alarming symptoms, when you can not hesitate for a minute. Calling emergency medical help, put the child on his knees, water with warm milk or water with soda (will help to remove swelling). It would be sensible to make a soda inhalation, put a mustard plaster on the chest.
Laryngitis in infants
In the first months of life, laryngitis in children may develop, as a complication after a viral, cold or under the influence of an allergen. The structure of the respiratory apparatus of children is characterized by imperfection, and the immune system is not yet ready to cope with pathogens.
The most important thing is to recognize the laryngitis in the baby and seek medical help. Parents will be told sluggish, restless state of the baby, discharge from the nose and cough. Cries in combination with wheezing, noise and whistling during breathing, the bluish skin of the nasolabial triangle area are distinctive features of the progressing disease.
Narrowing of the larynx as a result of swelling can lead to suffocation, so the baby should be kept in an upright position and give a warm drink before the ambulance arrives.
Laryngitis in a child 1 year old
Anatomical features of the structure of the throat in small children are characterized by narrow laryngeal lumen, a tendency to swelling of the mucosa and reflex muscle spasms. Millimeter edema of the laryngeal mucosa narrows the lumen almost twice, so laryngitis in a child 1 year often leads to stenosis. The disease is caused by infectious factors, allergies, as well as trauma.
Recovery will be facilitated by fresh, moistened air in the room, plentiful drink of warm mineral still water, compotes, milk with honey, herbal decoctions (if there is no allergy). Laryngitis in children from year to year requires constant monitoring by the parents of respiratory function and compliance with pediatrician prescriptions.
Laryngitis in a child 2 years old
Laryngitis in children who have reached two years in the clinical picture has the same symptoms as in younger age - cough, discharge from the nasal passages, discomfort and swelling of the throat, changes in the voice or its loss. To viral, bactericidal, allergic, traumatic causes of the appearance of the disease, a possible overstrain of the vocal cords is added.
Laryngitis in a 2-year-old child requires breathing through the nose, keeping silence, why parents should constantly watch. At this age, relapses in the form of acute lumbar lining (false groats) and suffocation are possible.
Laryngitis in a child 3 years old
In childhood, laryngitis is more common in the cool season, when the body is most susceptible to microorganisms. The problem can cause a voice overstrain (a prolonged and severe cry), an allergic reaction. Symptoms are always the same - hoarseness, cough, complaints of pain when swallowing.
It is difficult, but it is necessary to convey to the baby the idea of the importance of preserving silence, as the basic condition for rapid recovery. Laryngitis in a child of 3 years can be defeated in a couple of days with timely detection of the disease and proper treatment. Get rid of an unpleasant disease will help warm drink, a favorable indoor microclimate, inhalation, bed rest and rational nutrition.
If a child often suffers from laryngitis?
Laryngitis in children due to weakened immunity, hereditary predisposition, frequent colds can occur very often (several times a month). With frequent laryngitis, it is important that the disease does not acquire a chronic form, which is difficult to treat. It happens that the symptoms of laryngitis go with age, when the protective forces of the child's body become able to resist infection.
If a child often suffers from laryngitis, it should be:
- during treatment, without triggering disease;
- to walk in any weather, considering the general state of health of the kid;
- to temper the child (do not wrap, do not use synthetic clothes);
- do not smoke when the baby.
The development of immunity sometimes takes a long time, including the period of adaptation in the kindergarten, lasting at least six months. To help your child get stronger, be patient and do not panic in the next case of illness.
Selection of an effective remedy for laryngitis can be based on the method of trial and error, because each organism is individual. Someone is helped by alternative prescriptions, others by homeopathy, and third by medications. Parents are important to show patience and care, to strictly implement measures to prevent the disease.
Where does it hurt?
Diagnosis of laryngitis in children
Laryngitis in children is recognized quite simply - by visual observation of the behavior and condition of the baby. Small children, unable to complain about health, lose interest in games, become listless, passive, capricious. Often kids, not understanding what is happening to them, show excessive nervousness, panic, can rush into the crib. All these changes will not be left without parents' attention, which should be timely reacted by calling a doctor.
Symptoms of laryngitis in children begin as a cold, hoarseness with a sharp change in voice. Crying babies also changes to hoarse, noisy, wheezing. In the clinical picture of the disease, characteristic difficulties in the implementation of inspiration are revealed. Differentiate the disease helps intensify bouts of coughing "barking" type, which after a couple of days is transformed into a wet sputum.
Laboratory diagnosis of laryngitis in children is not always indicated in view of the soreness or inability to use babies due to the physiological characteristics of the larynx. To establish the correct diagnosis and evaluate the quality of treatment prescribed by a doctor, new technologies allow: spirometry, capnography, pulse oximetry, etc. Modern devices for the study of respiratory function are non-invasive, informative and are used in dynamics, which allows to observe the dynamics of the child's recovery during therapy.
On the study of blood can quickly identify the infectious nature of the disease and choose effective therapy.
What do need to examine?
Who to contact?
Medical treatment of laryngitis in children
To lower the temperature in a child, you can give him paracetamol, preferably in the form of a candle.
With stenosing laryngitis, an antispasmodic injection with a noch, papaverine, dimedrol, analgin or Tavegil is done. The amount of medicinal product is necessary at the rate of 0.1 mg per year of life. Remember that injection is an emergency action against the laryngeal edema and medical advice is not a substitute.
Medical treatment of laryngitis in children is strictly applied to the pediatrician. Sometimes doctors recommend taking such drugs:
- antihistamines (suprastin, klaritin) - with the allergic nature of the disease;
- antibiotics - in the presence of bacteria and viruses;
- means, coughing up cough (more often broncholitin). When sputum appears, drugs are canceled;
- when wet character of cough appoint expectorant and mucolytic substances.
In most cases, the therapy is gentle, using herbal remedies and physical therapy methods. For example, tonsiprette is an effective remedy for laryngitis in children. Fully composed of plant extracts, a medicine in the form of drops and tablets is used in the treatment of infants from year to year, has an immuno-boosting, antiseptic, antiviral effect. Tonzipret cures chronic laryngitis and prevents the transformation of the acute process into a chronic form.
How to treat laryngitis in children?
Laryngitis in children is treated depending on the severity of the disease. At the first stage of the disease, it is necessary to provide the child with complete peace and obligatory watch in the adult's room. As diversionary procedures apply - foot baths, mustard. Contraindicated heating strongly smelling ointments, able to strengthen the symptoms of laryngitis. A good effect is provided by nebulizer inhalations. Milk with the addition of honey should be given with great care to avoid an allergic reaction. To children of younger age it is better to give a compote of dried fruit as a drink, since herbal infusions (especially multicomponent) can strengthen the symptoms of the disease.
In cases of infectious nature of laryngitis, it is appropriate to take antibiotics, and in case of allergic disease it is important to eliminate the underlying cause, that is, the allergen.
How to treat laryngitis in children in the second and third degree? Medical care in these cases is in a hospital. Inspection is best done when the child is calm and is on his parents' lap. Laryngitis is able in a few hours to grow into the third or fourth stage, so the therapy is prescribed a complex - inhalation, antipyretic effect, antibacterial and infusion therapy (a dropper with euphyllin and prednisolone).
Laryngitis of the fourth degree requires the placement of the child in intensive care. Cases of complete overlapping of the glottis include the staging of a trachyostomy, when a tube is inserted through the incision on the neck below the thyroid gland, allowing breathing.
Antibiotics for laryngitis in children
Antibacterial agents, including antibiotics for children with laryngitis, are not indicated because of the lack of sensitivity of the viruses to them. The effect of antiviral drugs is observed in the early days of the disease and in cases of prevention. Most of these substances have age limits for use and a long list of side effects. In the bacterial nature of laryngitis, antiseptics are prescribed.
In rare cases, antibiotics are prescribed, but only after the result of a blood test for the presence of bacterial infection, as well as all signs of a severe course of the disease: purulent discharge, heat, chills. With such symptoms it is appropriate to use antibiotics penicillin group. If natural penicillins are not effective, then the use of semisynthetic or antibiotics of other groups is possible.
Syringe from laryngitis for children
The main problem with laryngitis is a cough, the syrup helps cope with it. Balanced, effective and harmless is glycodin. This syrup gently affects the cough center, has a protective effect on the mucosa and activates the secretory function of the epithelium. A pleasant syrup from laryngitis for children is used in acute or chronic process with a dry cough. Dosage: for children from one to three years - a quarter teaspoon to three times a day, children from four to six years - a quarter teaspoon to four times a day, patients from seven to twelve years - half a teaspoon three to four times per day. The drug rarely causes side effects, but it can have a depressing effect on the central nervous system.
Laryngitis in children from two years is treated with syrup herbion, which is an extract of rhizome of spring primrose and herb thyme. Has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect, reduces the viscosity of phlegm and contributes to its withdrawal. Half a measuring spoonful of syrup is recommended three times a day for children of two to five years. From five to fourteen years, the dosage is increased to a measuring spoon (5ml). In rare cases, there is an individual intolerance to the drug.
Inhalation with laryngitis in children
Inhalation with laryngitis in children is considered a safe and effective method for suppressing the symptoms of the disease. Indispensable are special inhalers - nebulizers, breaking drug solutions into small droplets that penetrate the hard-to-reach places of the respiratory system. With such treatment there is no irritation of the nerve endings of the respiratory system and spasmodic vocal cords.
As solutions for inhalation apply:
- mineral waters without gas - Borjomi, Narzan (shown especially in the morning hours);
- 0.5ml eufillina and 2ml NaCl 0.9% - the solution helps to relieve spasm;
- Prednisolone is a steroidal anti-inflammatory substance that removes swelling very quickly and quickly. The ratio of funds is the same as in the case of euphyllin.
You can certainly do with steam inhalation over potatoes, chamomile, eucalyptus, sage or St. John's wort, but this is not always convenient for treating babies. For inhalation with steam, you need a wide pan, which pours a liter of water, and then add into it three tablespoons of dry grass and boiled for a couple of minutes. You can put a few teaspoons of soda into the water. It is not necessary to keep the child above the steam (the temperature should be comfortable, not burning), it's enough to close the doors tightly in the room and stay there with the baby.
More information of the treatment
Prevention of laryngitis in children
In order to avoid recurrent laryngitis, it is necessary to increase the resistance of the child organism to pathogens. Visit a pediatrician who will identify the cause of the illness and recommend a number of preventive measures.
Prevention of infectious and respiratory diseases by hardening is the best prevention of laryngitis in children. Walk more outdoors in any season, use a contrast shower, avoid talking in the frosty air.
With frequent attacks of laryngitis it is necessary:
- avoid overcooling / overheating (clothing should match the season, without excessive wrapping);
- adhere to a balanced diet;
- observe the regime of the day;
- maintain cleanliness and sufficient humidity in the room (avoid contact with dust and other allergens);
- alternating physical and mental loads;
- Avoid places of congestion during epidemics;
- use the methods of hardening.
If your child sings in the choir or often screams, you must follow the rules of voice mode and contact a specialist for obtaining a set of special exercises for ligaments.
Laryngitis in children can be prevented by strengthening the immune system with the use of adaptogens - Rhodiola tincture, Aralia, Eleutherococcus extract.