Inhalation with dioxidine in a nebulizer with cough and runny nose
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Today, inhalation treatment has become especially popular due to the appearance of nebulizers, special inhalation devices, the action of which is due to the fine spraying of the therapeutic solution or medication into the respiratory tract. Dioxidine, a drug with significant antimicrobial activity, can be one of these medicines. Dioxidine for inhalation is suitable in all respects, since it has a detrimental effect on the microbial flora and inhibits the development of the inflammatory process in both children and adults.
Indications for the procedure
Dioxidine is an antimicrobial agent, a number of quinoxaline. The spectrum of activity of this drug is quite extensive, at a relatively low cost.
Dioxidine for inhalation is actively used to treat many painful conditions:
- Sinusitis
Dioxidine is used not only for inhalation, but also for oral administration to the inflamed sinus with the help of puncture. At home, inhalation with dioxidine will be appropriate, which allow you to deliver the drug directly to the nasal sinuses, even if not in the same concentration as with puncture administration. Lubrication and washing of a new cavity with this agent is no less often practiced.
- Angina (tonsillitis).
Dioxidine can be used both in the form of inhalations and for rinsing or lubricating the foci of inflammation.
- Pharyngitis, laryngitis.
Dioxidine may be used for inhalation and laryngeal rinsing, as well as for treatment of the back pharyngeal surface.
- Runny nose
Dioxidine is applicable to nasal inhalations, washing the nasal cavity, and even instillation into the nose: all of these procedures accelerate the course of recovery processes and contribute to the destruction of the infectious agent.
- Bronchitis, tracheitis and other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory organs.
In inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract dioxidine is used exclusively in the form of inhalation.
Dioxidine inhalation with angina is carried out only in the absence of an acute purulent process, against the background of general treatment with antibiotics and other drugs prescribed by the doctor. Procedures are done using a nebulizer: compressor, ultrasound, or mesh nebulizer. If there is no such device, then inhalations with dioxidine can be completely replaced by rinsing.
Dioxidine inhalation with laryngitis is preferably carried out using a compression nebulizer: many of these devices have a special nozzle in them for irrigating the medicinal fluid in the laryngeal area. Thanks to inhalations, with laryngitis, it is possible to quickly eliminate discomfort when swallowing, to get rid of tickling and a feeling of dryness in the larynx, to restore the voice.
Dioxidine inhalations with adenoids are prescribed at least as often: the second degree of pathological growths may become an indication. This practice has pros and cons. On the one hand, for many children, such procedures really help to restore nasal breathing, get rid of the constant cold and stop the painful process. But there is a downside - this is the toxic effect of the drug on the baby's body, because with adenoids, dioxidine is prescribed at an early age - from about 3 to five years. To reduce the negative impact of funds, it is necessary to strictly regulate the duration of the treatment course, limiting it to 5-6 days. Inhalation should be alternated with frequent washing of the nasal cavity with saline solutions.
Dioxidine inhalation is a relatively uncomplicated procedure, which nevertheless requires adherence to some stages of preparation.
Approximately 1.5-1 hours before the procedure, you should eat to prevent dizziness. Immediately before inhalation, it is undesirable to eat and drink, due to the high probability of nausea and vomiting.
The nasal cavity and mouth must be washed with saline to eliminate excess mucus and facilitate absorption and enhance the effectiveness of the drug.
Within one hour before dioxidine inhalation, it is not recommended to engage in active physical activity: breathing should calm down, and the heartbeat should be normalized.
Before the procedure, you need to wash your hands, collect the nebulizer and fill it with medication, with accurate dosage compliance.
Inhalation is carried out in a sitting position. After the procedure, the patient should wash with warm water and rinse the mouth. Optimally lie down in a calm atmosphere for 1-1.5 hours, after which you can drink and eat.
Technique of the dioxidine inhalation
To carry out the procedure of inhalation with dioxidine is much easier when the techniques of conducting, how to dilute, the proportions of the solution used are known. All these points need to figure out before the start of treatment.
Only Dioxidine is used in vials for inhalation: 0.5% or 1% solution is suitable. It is additionally diluted with isotonic solution of sodium chloride (saline) to the required concentration.
Dioxidine for inhalation nebulizer is used according to the following scheme:
- carefully open the ampoule with the drug, using the attached nail file and cotton pad;
- 1 ml of dioxidine is poured from the ampoule into the measuring container, saline is added (if there is 0.5% preparation, then add 2 ml of saline, and if there is 1% preparation, then add 4 ml of saline);
- the solution is mixed very carefully, and then filled into the nebulizer.
Saline and dioxidine for inhalation must be mixed necessarily: concentrated dioxidine, falling on the mucous tissue, can have a pronounced toxic effect.
Often, doctors prescribe the so-called "complex" mixture for a nebulizer - for example, inhalation with dioxidine and dexamethasone. Dexamethasone is a glucocorticosteroid agent, which is an adrenal cortex hormone and actively influences metabolic processes in tissues. This component has a powerful effect and is assigned only in special advanced cases when it is not possible to cure the disease in another way. The combination of dexamethasone and dioxidine allows you to quickly relieve an attack of dry cough or bronchospasm, eliminate allergic cough. With caution use this "complex" mixture for the treatment of patients with endocrine disorders, diabetes.
If dexamethasone or hydrocortisone is additionally used, dioxidine for inhalation should still be diluted with saline, and only then refilled in a nebulizer. As a rule, corticosteroid preparations are also diluted separately with saline. The specific dosage and frequency of the procedure should be indicated by the treating doctor.
Dioxidine for inhalation for adults
As practice shows, adults use inhalations with dioxidine much more often than children: the drug has an extensive antimicrobial effect, but if used improperly, it can be dangerous due to the risk of intoxication.
For the treatment of adult patients, dioxidine is diluted with a saline solution according to the instructions (more often 1: 2). The resulting liquid is shaken and poured into the compartment of the inhaler.
The frequency of repetition of procedures - 1 time per day, for 2-7 minutes. The duration of therapy is about a week.
In pregnancy, inhalation with dioxidine is contraindicated, as there is evidence of the damaging effects of the drug on the fetus. Breast feeding is also considered a contraindication to the use of the solution. Even minimal penetration of dioxidine into the infant’s blood can be dangerous due to the high toxicity of the drug.
Dioxidine inhalation for children
Pediatricians are not advised to put dioxidine in a number of drugs of the first choice, which means the following: inhalation with dioxidin is used only when other drugs have not had the desired effect.
The drug is allowed to use in children from 2 years of age. However, it is impossible to “prescribe” him to a child on his own: only a pediatric practitioner can do this.
Often carry out inhalations with dioxidine for children with a cold, sinusitis, sore throat. Standardly prepare 0.5% remedy for saline, with a dilution of 1: 4. The maximum one-time amount of dioxidine for inhalation is 2 ml of the prepared solution, and the duration of the procedure is no more than five minutes per day.
Inhalations with dioxidine for children when coughing is carried out with the same solution, twice a day for 2 minutes.
Many young children are almost unable to persuade to use a nebulizer for treatment. It is impossible to force a child and even more to use force, as a frightened child will not only not perceive the procedure adequately, but also will not be able to inhale the therapeutic solution normally and regularly. It is better to try to cheer up the baby, to show by example how to breathe with the help of an inhaler.
Contraindications to the procedure
Not all patients show inhalations with dioxidine. For example, it is not recommended to use the tool in such cases:
- if the patient is allergic or hypersensitive to quinoxaline-based drugs;
- during pregnancy, during breastfeeding;
- if the patient has decompensated conditions, severe diseases of the kidneys, liver;
- children up to two years.
In general, according to the instructions dioxidine does not apply to the treatment of patients under 18 years of age. However, in practice, inhalation drug is carried out already from the age of two. Of course, they do this with extreme caution and only when other medicines have proved to be powerless, and there is no other choice.
Consequences after the procedure
In patients who are prone to allergic reactions, inhalations with dioxidine can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms, with the appearance of which you should stop carrying out the procedures and consult your doctor.
So, in some patients after inhalation, nausea and vomiting appear, rashes appear, and the temperature rises. If the reaction is strong, then with severe vomiting, convulsions, hallucinations, changes in blood pressure, etc. Can be detected.
There are also cases of dermatitis, edema, itchy rashes and other signs of an allergic response.
In individual patients, cases of hyperpigmentation on the skin were recorded. Such spots do not require any treatment and pass on their own some time after stopping the course of inhalation.
In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, people who are obviously prone to allergic reactions must be tested for dioxidine before the first inhalation.
Complications after the procedure
With inadequate inhalations, as well as with the individual poor tolerance of such procedures, the patient may experience unpleasant reactions and complications. This happens infrequently, but all patients should be warned in advance about all possible phenomena. So, inhalations with dioxidine can provoke:
- nausea, vomiting;
- deterioration of the general condition;
- headache, dizziness;
- bronchospasm.
If any unpleasant symptoms occur, the session should be discontinued and consult with your doctor about the possibility of further continuation of the treatment course.
Care after the procedure
After each inhalation with dioxidine, rinse your mouth with warm water, wash, rinse and dry the nebulizer.
You should not immediately go for a walk, engage in physical activity, shout and even speak loudly. It is optimal to provide the patient with a rest for 1-1.5 hours. Eating and drinking liquids is also allowed only 1-1.5 hours after the end of inhalation.
There are no other limitations and features for care. If a patient has unpleasant or even painful sensations after a session, then it is necessary to consult with your doctor as soon as possible.
There are many supporters and opponents of dioxidine treatment among both patients and doctors. The fact is that the high efficiency of the drug is closely bordered by its toxic effects on the body. However, as users indicate, the main thing is to do the procedures correctly, strictly adhering to the dosages prescribed by the doctor.
First, inhalation should be carried out only with the help of a nebulizer - a special device that can be used in the hospital or at home. No other method for inhalation treatment with dioxidin is suitable!
Secondly, dioxidine must necessarily be diluted with an isotonic solution of sodium chloride (saline), since in its pure form this drug may have a toxic effect.
Thirdly, dioxidine treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, self-medication with this drug is unacceptable. The use of inhalation for the treatment of children should be particularly justified, since the risk of intoxication in childhood is considered extremely high.
In general, patients who have already tried dioxidine inhalations on themselves have noted the following positive results:
- bouts of dry cough disappear;
- the formation of mucus improves and accelerates;
- sputum excretion is optimized;
- signs of an inflammatory reaction stop;
- sore throat is relieved, wheezing disappears;
- watery nasal discharge ceases;
- normal nasal breathing is restored.
If the patient suffers from hypersensitivity to dioxidine, then it should not be used: you should consult with your doctor about replacing this drug with other possible analogues.
Analogs: how to replace dioxidine for inhalation?
Structural analogues of dioxidine in the active component are drugs such as hydroxymethylquinoxyl dioxide, urotravenol, dichinoxide, dioxispt. All of these drugs have a common origin and are based on the action of quinoxaline (benzopyranin). If an allergic mood or hypersensitivity to this substance is detected, then the listed medications should not be used.
As an alternative replacement, the doctor may suggest the following drug options:
- Miramistin (benzyldimethyl ammonium chloride monohydrate) is a rather powerful antiseptic with a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. Inhalation with miramistin is preferably carried out using an ultrasonic nebulizer. For an adult patient, the standard dosage of Miramistin is 4 ml, and for children under 12 years old, 1-2 ml mixed with 4 ml of saline.
- An isotonic solution of sodium chloride (saline) is an “innocuous” remedy that can be used for therapeutic inhalations for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Physical saline for inhalation does not affect pathogens, but it perfectly moisturizes the mucous membranes, suppresses irritation and dry cough, softens thick mucus in the bronchi and contributes to its excretion. In case of obstructive bronchitis, saline is not used: in such a situation, you should turn to more powerful drugs (for example, Berotek, Atrovent, etc.).
- Sinupret is a plant-based drug that was originally intended for internal use. However, it is successfully used for inhalation: for acute and chronic sinusitis, rhinitis, and even for dry cough. It is noted that synupret accelerates the healing process, facilitates nasal breathing, potentiates the action of antibacterial drugs. Preparation of inhalation solution should be carried out in compliance with the following proportions: children from sixteen years old and adults should be bred in half with saline, children over six years old should take 1 part of the medicine and two parts of saline, and children from two to six years should take 1 part of the medicine and three parts of saline . A single inhalation usually involves the use of 3-4 ml of diluted synopret. Procedures are repeated three times a day.
- Fluimucil - an antibiotic IT, is represented by such active ingredients as thiamphenicol and acetylcysteine mucolytic. The drug inhibits the formation of the cell wall of microbes, which leads to their death, and also dilutes the sputum and accelerates its excretion. Fluimucil for inhalation may be used for bronchitis, pneumonia, adenoids, whooping cough, bronchiectasis, otitis, and also for rhinopharyngitis or sinusitis. Such a tool prescribes only a doctor, he also selects the dosage individually.
It is possible to find a substitute for dioxidine, but this should be done competently, in consultation with the attending doctor. To date, any pharmacist can offer a variety of means for the inhalation treatment of bacterial infectious diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, but it is not necessary to engage in self-healing, so as not to harm your own body. If you have to use dioxidine for inhalation, then you need to remember that this remedy is prescribed only for serious diseases that the immune system cannot cope on its own.