Inhalation Budesonide Native for children and adults: dosages, recipes
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Many drugs with anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antihistamine properties are suitable for inhalation use. From the category of corticosteroid drugs, budesonide is most often used for inhalation: it is actively prescribed for the treatment of Crohn's disease, as well as for bronchial asthma or pulmonary obstruction. Budesonide is a strong inhalant, so it should be used very carefully, strictly following the enclosed instructions.
Indications for the procedure
If budesonide is prescribed for inhalation, it means that there are certain indications for this. Such indications may be:
Inhalation Budesonide helps eliminate swelling of the mucous tissues lining the inner surface of the bronchi. Thanks to the drug, the formation of sputum discharge is reduced: the bronchial lumen is cleared, so after the procedure, the patient becomes easier to breathe. In the acute period of bronchial asthma or in severe cases of the disease, budesonide is not used for inhalation, since its antispasmodic activity during these periods is insufficient. The drug is more suitable for the elimination of mild and moderate asthmatic conditions.
In chronic inflammation of the bronchi, there is an excessive accumulation of sputum mucus and tissue swelling. Budesonide for inhalation in a similar situation quickly stops the development of the inflammatory process, improves air circulation in the bronchial lumen. The treatment regimen for chronic pathology should include, in addition to budesonide, antibiotics and expectorants.
Bronchiectasis is an extension of limited bronchial areas, and bronchiectasis is an inflammatory lesion of the bronchi, which is accompanied by the appearance of bronchiectasis and the formation of mucous and purulent secretions secreted with cough. Inhalation with budesonide will help to quickly improve health and stop the development of the inflammatory response.
With infectious lesions of the lungs, with severe bilateral pneumonia, experts advise the use of more powerful medicines for inhalation in combination with antibiotic therapy.
Budesonide, which is used for inhalation, belongs to the category of synthetic glucocorticoids. This tool is used locally, as it has antiallergic, immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory properties in therapeutic dosages.
The drug successfully eliminates bronchial spasms, serves as an excellent prevention of exacerbations.
At the moment, a number of drug forms of budesonide are known:
- Budesonide-native in the form of a transparent yellowish inhalation solution, in addition to the active ingredient budesonide contains other substances, such as succinic acid, macrogol, nipagin. This solution is not used for inhalation in children under sixteen years.
- Budesonide Izikhayler in the form of an inhalation powder consisting of budesonide and lactose monohydrate. The powder is used only in adult practice.
- Pulmicort budesonide, in the form of a metered-dose suspension, contains 250-500 μg of the active ingredient. Pulmicort is used to make a solution or as an aerosol (available directly in aerosol inhalers).
- Steni-Nebud Budenide is also a white suspension, produced in specific polyethylene ampoules of small size, as well as in the form of a spray. The composition of the suspension is represented by citric acid, sodium chloride and sodium citrate. One milliliter of the drug may contain 0.25-0.5 mg of budesonide.
Capsules, tablets based on budesonide (for example, Budenofalk) are not used for inhalation. Such drugs are intended solely for oral administration: they are prescribed for intestinal diseases.
No special preparation for the inhalation procedure. Budesonide is not required. It is enough to prepare a dry and clean nebulizer and the preparation itself. Inhalation is best done between meals, in a sitting position, adopting a comfortable posture.
Technique of the inhalation of budesonide
Budesonide is used only for inhalation by means of a compressor inhalation device - a nebulizer. The standard therapeutic amount of the drug for an adult patient is 1-2 mg / day. The dosage may be changed at the discretion of the treating doctor. We must not forget that one milliliter of the solution may contain different amounts of the active ingredient, therefore, before using the product, it is necessary to clarify this point in the description of the preparation.
Before you dilute budesonide for inhalation, you need to consult a doctor. The fact is that in case of bronchial asthma or bronchiectasis, it is preferable to use undiluted, concentrated preparation, but in doses strictly determined by the doctor. If it is necessary to dilute the agent, then do it as follows: the required amount of the agent is poured with a syringe into a separate container in an inhaler, and only after that 1-2 ml of sodium chloride is added to it. The resulting solution budesonide for inhalation should be applied for twenty minutes after dilution.
One inhalation should be continued for about five or ten minutes, and at the end it is necessary to rinse the mouth with plain water (to prevent the development of fungal stomatitis under the influence of budesonide). It is also necessary to regularly clean and rinse the nebulizer.
Budesonide for inhalation for children is not always suitable: it is usually used since the age of sixteen. However, one of the drugs, which includes budesonide, can be used from the age of six months: we are talking about Pulmicort. The tool must be diluted with saline (depending on the prescription - 1-4 ml of the drug and 1-2 ml of saline). Children from six months of age are recommended to use about 1-2 ml of Pulmicort per day (0.25-0.5 mg, but not more than 2 mg of budesonide per day). The amount of the drug, not exceeding 1 mg, can be applied by inhalation at a time.
Contraindications to the procedure
Do not use budesonide for inhalation, if there is a drug hypersensitivity of the body, as well as a tendency to allergy to this drug.
Other important contraindications are:
- open form of tuberculosis, chronic course with complications;
- mycotic lesion of the respiratory system (for mycoses, budesonide may be used for inhalation only in conjunction with injecting antifungal drugs);
- the period of gestation and breastfeeding of the child (possibly a negative impact on the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system of the baby);
- any of the stages of cirrhosis of the liver (significantly increases the risk of intoxication of the body).
If the doctor detects any of the contraindications to the appointment of budesonide for inhalation, the drug is replaced by another, more suitable in a particular situation.
Consequences after the procedure
Any unpleasant consequences after inhalation of budesonide rarely occur, but you need to know about them before proceeding to the procedures. Doctors do not exclude the occurrence of such transient symptoms:
- dry mucous membranes of the mouth;
- the appearance of wheezing, a slight change in voice;
- headache, sensation of noise;
- food aversion, nausea (sometimes with gagging);
- activation of fungal infection, fungal stomatitis;
- dysfunction of the adrenal cortex (with prolonged or too frequent inhalation of Budesonide);
- a drop in blood sugar levels;
- change in blood pressure.
If unpleasant symptoms appear on the background of inhalation, it is better to inform your doctor. Perhaps such a reaction is associated with individual sensitivity to the drug Budesonide: in such a situation, the drug is better to cancel or replace it with a drug with a similar effect, but with the other active ingredient.
Complications after the procedure
Budesonide for inhalation is not intended for the rapid relief of an acute attack of bronchial asthma, in which inhalations of short-acting bronchodilators are usually used. If during treatment with such drugs there is no positive therapeutic effect, or, if necessary, more frequent and prolonged inhalations than is acceptable, then urgent medical intervention is necessary: the use of Budesonide in such a situation is inappropriate.
If budesonide is used for a prolonged course of inhalation in children, it is necessary to regularly and regularly monitor growth. With slower growth, growth retardation, the treatment scheme is reviewed and the child is transferred, if possible, to a smaller amount of the drug. The benefits of inhalation with budesonide should be related to the possible risks of lagging in growth of the baby. To avoid complications, it is necessary to systematically consult a pediatric pulmonologist.
Pregnant and lactating patients should avoid inhalation with budesonide. However, in cases where this drug is indispensable, it is inhalation administration that is preferred over oral administration (due to the less systemic effect of the drug).
Care after the procedure
After inhalation with budesonide, the patient should rinse the mouth well with clean water (to prevent the development of a fungal infection) and wash hands.
Next, you should disassemble the nebulizer, wash it with running water, then detergent and again with water. In order to avoid multiplication of infection in the device, it must be thoroughly dried.
About once a week, the device for inhalation should be disinfected: boil (if the manufacturer allows it) or place in a special sterilizer.
After inhalation, a clean and dried nebulizer is stored in paper packaging or a dry towel, in a clean, dry place, in a disassembled state. Assemble the device just before use.
Received numerous positive reviews regarding the short-term use of budesonide for inhalation in adult patients. Before starting treatment, you should familiarize yourself with some precautions:
- Budesonide is not combined with alcohol, so for the duration of the course of inhalation of alcoholic drinks should be forgotten.
- It is necessary to be afraid of hit of solution and powder on a mucous membrane of eyes.
- Inhalation of budesonide to the child should be combined with regular monitoring of the activity of its growth.
- We should not forget about rinsing the mouth with water at the end of the inhalation procedure.
- If for various reasons the patient missed the Budesonide inhalation procedure, it should be carried out as soon as possible, and the remainder of the daily dose should be used before the end of the day at regular intervals.
- Budesonide is important to keep properly, otherwise it will lose its healing properties. Do not allow the drug to be under the influence of sunlight or high temperatures, as well as you can not expose it to freezing.
- Cancel Budesonide can not be carried out sharply. After the end of the treatment, the patient must visit the attending doctor for some time, in order to observe the drug withdrawal period.
Doctors note that with long-term treatment with large doses of budesonide, the development of systemic problems is possible, which is connected with the hormonal activity of the drug. We are talking about hypercorticism, the oppression of the system "hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal glands." In no case should not practice inhalation with corticosteroids (in particular, budesonide) without a medical appointment. Despite the existence of a standard dosage, in most cases it is determined individually for each patient, taking into account the severity of the pathology, age and other patient characteristics.
Sometimes situations arise when there is no possibility to purchase Budesonide for inhalation in a pharmacy. Therefore, many patients have a question: is it possible to replace this drug with another, equivalent means?
Indeed, there are such inhalation drugs, and there are quite a lot of them. They are complete analogues of Budesonide, however, despite this, the treating doctor must approve their replacement.
We present you a list of such similar drugs:
- Budokort
- Novopulmon
- Pulmax
- Taft
- Pulmicort for inhalation
In some cases - for example, with individual hypersensitivity, or if there are contraindications, the hormonal drug Budesonide for inhalation may be replaced by another non-hormonal agent with anticholinergic effect. In such a situation, Berodual does an excellent job. It is a combination drug that combines two active ingredients with adrenergic and anticholinergic activity. Suitable Berodual for inhalation with chronic obstructions, with allergic and endogenous bronchial asthma, with stress asthma, with chronic obstructive bronchitis.
The drug Spiriva, which is represented by tiotropium bromide, also has anticholinergic properties similar to Berodual. This remedy can be used for inhalation to relieve the condition of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. However, it is necessary to take into account that Spiriva is used only as a supporting drug, and it is not suitable for the removal of acute asthma and bronchospasm attacks. The frequency of use of funds is also limited - no more than once a day.
Taking into account the fact that the use of Budesonide for inhalation is limited in pediatric practice and during pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe a patient with one of the drugs with anticholinergic activity.