Infant Flux
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Flux is an obsolete name for purulent periostitis, a consequence of the inflammatory process in the region of the root apex of the tooth, the subperiosteal and subgingival zones of the jaw. Flux in a child is characterized by the fact that the mucosa in the area of inflammation swells and the baby swells not only the gum but also the cheek.
Touching this area is painful for the child and it is necessary, without delay, to show the dentist, self-medication can only speed up the spread of the infection.
At first glance, such a small "pimple" is very dangerous and its purulent manifestations can lead to quite serious consequences.
Causes of Flux in a Child
Causes of flux in a child can be quite diverse.
- Oral hygiene: either it is not performed, or carried out, but not to the proper extent.
- A caries tooth can become a hotbed of infection and cause the development of a baby's flux.
- Traumatizing the tooth during the game, the child is also able to infect the infection.
- Inflammation on the gums.
- Unprofessionalism of the dentist.
- Factor of heredity. Pathology of dental tissue formation during the intrauterine period. For example, a future mother with food received an insufficient amount of calcium.
- Damage to the oral mucosa by mechanical means.
- Postponed infectious disease.
Symptoms of a child's flux
Symptoms in a baby, however, like an adult, are quite obvious:
- The appearance of aching pain in the tooth, which is enhanced by chewing food or simple pressure.
- Swelling in the cheek and chin - if the flux formed on the tooth of the lower jaw. Similarly, the inflammatory process is accompanied by a painful enlargement of the lymph nodes.
- Edema of the lower eyelid and cheeks - if the affected tooth is on the upper jaw.
- Hyperemia and swelling of the mucosa and gums in the surrounding of the affected tooth.
- Formation on the gums of a purulent cone
- The child becomes sluggish and capricious.
- Appears not very pleasant smell from the mouth.
- Danger "child's flux" is that even when the infection gets into the bloodstream, the child's temperature can not react, as in the case of an adult. This often prevents the recognition of the disease at the primary stage, and parents react only when the face of a critical condition.
Flux in the child on the tooth
Flux in the child on the tooth - inflammation of the periosteum of the jaw part of the face. It is a dense neoplasm that grows quite rapidly in size. Gradually, the edema from around the dental region of the gum begins to spread to other areas of the soft tissues of the jaw portion of the face.
Doctors consider two types of flux:
- Acute flux. It has pronounced symptoms with a rapidly developing inflammatory process.
- Chronic flux. Usually it appears in cases when the tooth is not completely cured (due to incompetence of the doctor, or self-medication, which was conducted by parents). If the swelling is stunned and can not be seen visually - it does not mean that the disease has receded, it can simply hide, in order to manifest itself again after a short period of time. But its course will not be as demonstrative as in the acute form. A little discomfort and only. But the infection ceases to be local and captures all large areas of the jawbone. Disease, as it were, undermines from the inside. At first glance, a healthy tooth will be affected. This problem, most often, concerns children under the age of five, who have not yet fully developed and are working the immune system. If you miss the treatment of baby teeth in a child, the disease can affect and only the incipient permanent teeth. Until their complete defeat.
Do not forget. If you have any doubts about the disease, it is better to immediately seek advice from a dentist. Let him look at your baby. And either he will calm you, or the child will start receiving medical care even if the inflammatory process is not so much played out.
But to date, a fairly common method of treating flux, both in children and in adults, is self-medication. Parents, after receiving advice from a friend or neighbors, begin to "rinse out pus." Rinsings - this is certainly good, but going to the doctor is necessary, if you do not want to get an acute development of the disease with its complications.
Flux in children of infant teeth
Some of the parents believe that if the baby's tooth is darkened and hit by caries, then there's nothing wrong with that. After all, they will soon be replaced by new permanent healthy teeth. But the question arises. Where will this healthy tooth take, if the oral cavity is not sanitized and there may be an infection in it? Each parent must understand that the milk teeth must also be treated. Carious tooth must be cleaned and put at least a temporary seal. This will help close the channel through which the pathogenic fleet can penetrate. Such a procedure can be made qualitatively only by a specialist.
If you just rinse the baby's mouth and lay the cotton wool in the canal so that he can eat - the sanitized mouth will not do it. If the tooth from above is intact, and the process is going on, the doctor can open the abscess from the side of the gum. If this is not possible - you have to remove the tooth itself, but after that the orthodontist usually does correction of the occlusion.
Flux in a child 3 years old
The main task of parents, try to keep the teeth before the age of six, at which achievement, the removal of teeth no longer affects the displacement of the bite in the baby. And this means you can avoid going to the orthodontist.
To go to the examination to the dentist is necessary regularly, this applies to the kids. However, the parents of the carpuses are reluctant to visit the polyclinic for preventive examination, believing that nothing can happen with the milk teeth. But in vain. Many problems could be avoided. Flux does not particularly choose which tooth to hit: milk or permanent.
In connection with an unimportant ecological situation, almost all diseases have become younger and the flux in a child of 3 years is not new. Therefore, carefully monitor your baby and at the slightest manifestation of the disease, consult a doctor. Otherwise, instead of fallen dairy, the young will receive a permanent, but already sick tooth of irregular shape.
Flux in the child 4 years old
Most often, the child's flux develops at the age of 3 ÷ 5 years, when the immune system of the carapace is not fully formed and is not able to withstand the disease in a qualitative way. Therefore, for a 4-year-old child it will be better if parents are accustomed to everyday hygiene and will follow it. It is easier to prevent the disease with preventive measures than to treat it later.
If it does happen, and the kid is naughty, refuses food and complains of the tooth, immediately to the clinic. The dentist will conduct an examination, assess the degree of progression of the flux in the child. Compared with many factors: the location of the tooth, the localization of the abscess ... Only after that, he will be able to paint an effective treatment and determine whether it is necessary to remove the tooth itself. The early stage involves both anti-inflammatory therapy and pain medication. The surgeon may need to dissect and flux to be able to access the purulent capsule.
Flux in a child 5 years old
In children of this age, the flux most often occurs as a result of poorly cured caries, or as a consequence of a trauma received during fall or during play. Infection through the damaged tooth penetrates the periosteum. For a while, it may not manifest itself, waiting for the confluence of favorable conditions. This can happen after a simple cold. The body after the disease is weakened - it's time for the infection to manifest itself. An inflammatory and then purulent process begins, affecting the dental tissue, gradually reaching the roots. To find a way out, pus on the mini cracks gets to the periosteum, and there begins to form a flux.
Do not try to rinse pus at home. Especially it is contraindicated to apply warming compresses to a sore spot. They only provoke the activation of the inflammatory process and contribute to an increase in pus. To open an abscess too it is not necessary in house conditions (it is possible to bring repeatedly in a wound an infection) - it should be done by the expert. If the parents are delayed with a visit to the doctor, the area of infection will grow and eventually you can get a blood infection from the child. Purulent processes will capture the deep tissues of the temporal and cervical regions.
Delay with the help can lead to a fatal outcome. Seek immediate medical attention. But you can still improve the condition of the baby at home. Prepare a decoction of any herbs that are known for their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties (chamomile, oak bark ...).
Flux in a child 6 years old
Flux in a 6 year old child is less common. By this age the immune system was finally strengthened. But it does not mean at all that the baby is not in danger. All of the above applies to our child. Caries is one of the most common dental diseases in children. Do not ignore it.
It is also necessary for adults to know that if one milk tooth is not repeatedly sealed, then it is better to remove it, thus removing the source of infection.
Flux on the child's cheek
Caries - he does not look at the age of the patient, hitting even just chipped teeth. This disease is complicated by the fact that it can hit the tooth in places visually inaccessible. And only reaching the pulp, will begin to signal a growing pain. If you do not provide medical assistance on time, we will get another disease - flux.
Increasing pain in the gums, swelling, which goes to the cheek. All these are the first signs of developing flux in a child. They say that pathogenic microorganisms have already begun their destructive path. If you do not eliminate the cause of the disease in the bud, the infection can penetrate into the blood, and that will spread it all over the body. Therefore, to start treatment as soon as possible. Treatment should be attributed to a specialist and under his control it is necessary to undergo the entire course of treatment to prevent further spread of the disease and to prevent complications with which it is fraught.
Where does it hurt?
Diagnosis of flux in the child
Diagnose the flux in a child should a specialist (dentist). He first makes an examination of the baby, assessing the presence of all the symptoms, confirming the diagnosis by laboratory tests. If necessary, an x-ray examination is also carried out.
How to examine?
Who to contact?
What to do with the baby's flux?
This is the first question that parents come to mind if they suspected or recognized the baby's flux (periostitis). Let's figure out what can and can not be done in this situation.
- Do not apply warming compresses or do any other warming up. Heat provokes a more rapid growth of pathogenic flora, which, in turn, leads to activation of the inflammatory process.
- Prohibited and active rinses. This process allows harmful microorganisms to spread throughout the oral cavity, getting into the gastrointestinal tract. Disease from the local is transformed into a common infection of the body.
- It is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible in the dental clinic. After the treatment, the doctor will prescribe the necessary rinsing.
Unfortunately, this disease is attributed to relapsing pathologies, that is, the inflammatory process can return, and its localization can occur in the same place as the previous time. This is more likely if the therapeutic measures were not carried out qualitatively.
If the baby often has fluxes, parents need to pay special attention to maintaining the immune system of the baby. It is necessary to conduct a more thorough examination of the baby.
Treatment of flux in the child
It is necessary to remember clearly to parents that periostitis will never independently resolve, but the diagnosis and treatment course should be set and appointed by a specialist. Therefore, the first thing to do is to come to his reception. If the exacerbation comes at night, immediately call an ambulance, and she will take the child to a specialized department of emergency facial surgery, where the small patient will receive emergency care.
The accepted protocol of treatment will correspond to what degree of lesion and general condition of the patient. A purulent abscess is opened surgically, and for a complete outflow of pus a special drainage strip is inserted into the resected hole. The entire procedure is performed under general or local anesthesia. If necessary, immediately remove the root of the tooth or tooth completely.
After surgery, the doctor attributes antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy, as well as physical procedures. In particularly severe cases, antibiotics are prescribed. To quickly eliminate the effects of the inflammatory process, rinsing is introduced with special medical solutions and herbal tinctures.
It is necessary to go through a full course of treatment, not tossing halfway, as soon as a little was wasted. This will reduce the risk of relapse.
Than to rinse a flux at the child?
The most affordable at home "medicine" for rinsing is a solution of 250 g of warm boiled water with ½ tsp added to it. Kitchen salt and baking soda. This composition is taken in the mouth, not a strip, just hold in place of the swelling a few minutes and spit. Repeat the procedure as often as possible. The parents only have the task of persuading the child to do it.
To remove the inflammation, you can gradually drink a tincture of garlic: per liter of water - five cloves of garlic.
Reduce the size of the swollen gums can be, sprinkling it with a dry pounded clove. Try to put on the wound a tampon moistened in a solution of salt with the addition of a few drops of iodine.
Slightly stop the pain will help and infusions of such herbs as sage with a blue-eyed flat-leaved, St. John's wort, as well as decoction of the killer whale root with sage.
Antibiotic for child's flux
Flux is a purulent inflammatory process, which must be urgently damped. One of the most reliable ways to stop the growth and complete destruction of the cause of the flux - pathogenic bacteria - are antibiotics. This disease is very insidious and complications to stop this scenario of the development of the disease, antibiotics also enter the complex of the treated measures .
The most popular are:
- Amoxiclav. Reception three times a day, after eight hours. The accuracy of the dosage is determined by the doctor. With a flux in a child, the drug goes in the form of a suspension, drops or syrup. Single dose: for children up to three months - 30 mg / kg / day in two divided doses; children from three months and older - 25 mg / kg / daily - 2 times or 20 mg / kg / daily - 3 times.
- Lincomycin. The daily dosage is 10-20 mg / kg. Introduced intravenously, drip (speed 60 ÷ 80 drops / minute). Before dropper, dilute with sodium chloride solution (for 2 ml of 30% of the drug - 250 ml of solution). The course of treatment is 1 ÷ 2 weeks.
- Ampiox. Daily dose: toddlers up to a year - 0,1 ÷ 0,2 g / kg of body weight; children from 1 to 7 years are credited with 0.1 g / kg body weight; Carapace from 7 to 14 years shows 0.05 g / kg of body weight; over 14 years is already adult dosage.
But the treatment should be comprehensive, since antibiotics are not a panacea in the treatment of flux.
More information of the treatment
Prophylaxis of the child's flux
To prevent the occurrence of flux in a child, it is necessary to follow simple rules in life.
- This disease, in the majority, follows as consequence or investigation of not finished or started caries. Therefore, take for yourself the rule every six months - a year to pass a dental checkup in a specialized clinic.
- Regularly maintain the hygiene of the oral cavity of the child: we clean the teeth twice a day. At the same brush and toothpaste should be correctly matched for the child's age.
- After any meal, rinse the mouth.
- In time, remove the aching tooth and dental calculi (they become a hotbed of bacteria).
- Let the baby eat enough fruits and vegetables (especially apples and carrots). In addition to vitamins, they chew gum while chewing, thereby strengthening them.
- Strengthen the immune system of the baby - it protects your child from many pathogenic viruses and bacteria.
Prognosis of flux in children
If you adhere to all the recommendations prescribed by the doctor, the prognosis of the flux in the child is favorable. A few days and the baby will stop fussing and complaining about the pain in the tooth. Only in rare cases, pain in the hollows is delayed for two to three weeks.
A kid who came to this world is not protected from the negative influences that the modern environment offers us. And the duty of you, as parents, to protect it and teach you how to defend yourself. To prevent the emergence and further development of flux in the child, be more attentive to the baby, his behavior. If he began to be capricious, behaves atypical, it is necessary to find out the reason for such behavior. Its cause may be a nascent disease.
Preventive measures, adherence to the general rules of child hygiene will be a good barrier to its protection from many diseases. But if the signs of the disease are obvious, do not delay with a visit to the doctor, in this case a dentist. And by joint efforts your baby will be healthy.