Hypoechoic thyroid formation: rounded, with clear, fuzzy outlines
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Ultrasound diagnostic study is used for various diseases and suspicions for them - ultrasound can detect many disorders and changes in the body. For most doctors, deciphering the results of ultrasound does not present any difficulties, which can not be said about ordinary patients. For example, such an ultrasound term as "hypoechoic thyroid formation" causes a lot of questions in people who are not connected with medicine. We will try to answer some of them today.
Experts recognize that over the past thirty years the prevalence of detection of hypoechoic formations in the thyroid gland has increased significantly. And this, without a doubt, determines the physical and mental state of the population.
Regularly changing environmental and radiological features of the environment contribute to the increase in the incidence of the thyroid gland and changes in the structure of thyroid diseases. A significant negative role in our area is played by massive violations of the nature of nutrition. This is expressed in the extremely low consumption of seafood, meat and dairy products. An additional factor was the well-known event at the Chernobyl nuclear power station, which affected not only the incidence rate, but also the increased risk of developing malignant pathologies.
Causes of the gipoehogennogo formation of the thyroid gland
If the doctor-iszist (sonologist) indicates a lowered echogenicity (hypoechogenic) of the thyroid gland, this indirectly can mean the presence of such conditions:
- appearance in the thyroid gland "node", which often happens due to iodine deficiency in humans;
- the presence of hypoplasia;
- presence of diffuse goiter;
- the presence of a tumor process.
In some cases, specialists do not exclude the possibility of the existence of a hereditary predisposition to the formation of hypoechoic formations in the thyroid gland.
Risk factors for the formation of hypoechoic nodes may be as follows:
- living in an ecologically unfavorable region (high radiation background, iodine-poor terrain, etc.);
- malnutrition and malnutrition (malnutrition, prolonged severe and "hungry" diets, unbalanced diet);
- regular and severe stressful situations;
- taking certain medicines;
- bad habits, chronic alcoholism and smoking.
The concept of "echogenicity" reflects the property of tissues to carry out ultrasound. Since all tissues of the human body have different density and structure, ultrasound penetrates them in different ways, or does not penetrate at all.
Such features allow us to distinguish several basic values of the ultrasound image. Consider the main types of visualization of tissue density:
- Isoehogenicity is the normal density of a healthy thyroid gland, which in the image looks like a uniform gray mass.
- Hypoehogenicity is a characteristic of less dense tissues, which on the ultrasound monitor look dark (almost black).
- Hyperechogenicity is the term that determines the denser tissues of relatively healthy gland tissues. Hyperechogenous formation in the image has the appearance of a light zone.
- Anehogenicity is a term that means that there is no echogenicity in this area (formation is echo-negative). Anehogenous formation on the image differs dense black color.
Of course, in addition to echogenicity, during the ultrasound examination other parameters of organ quality are taken into account: granularity, contours, homogeneity, etc. However, in this material we will only consider the concept of hypoechogenic tissue.
Symptoms of the gipoehogennogo formation of the thyroid gland
Often a person accidentally learns about the presence of his hypoechoic thyroid gland formation - for example, with the planned passage of ultrasound, - since not always this condition is accompanied by any symptoms. Even relatively large nodes can be painless and do not cause unpleasant sensations in the neck.
With a careful palpation of the neck at the site of the thyroid gland, it is sometimes possible to detect a slippery and dense knot. Large knots - more than 30 mm in diameter - become visible even to the naked eye: they clearly disrupt the normal outlines of the neck.
The first signs of hypoechoic formation in the form of a node are observed only with its steady increase:
- the feeling of a foreign body;
- dryness and swallowing in the throat;
- hoarseness, the complexity of voice playback;
- pain in front of neck.
Large nodes can exert mechanical pressure on adjacent organs and vessels. If education is malignant, then nearby lymph nodes are painlessly increased.
If the appearance of hypoechogenic formation is accompanied by a violation of the thyroid gland function, it is possible to detect symptoms such as heart palpitations, arrhythmias, thermal flushes in the body, excessive excitability, exophthalmos.
Stages of growth and development of formations in the thyroid gland may be different, depending on the course and stage of the pathological process. The characteristics of such stages are determined by the degree of their echogenicity in ultrasound:
- the stage of anehogenicity - is characterized by an increase in the degree of blood flow and the expansion of the vasculature in the vicinity of hypoechogenic formation;
- the stage of resorption of the internal contents of the cyst;
- stage scarring.
The transition from one stage to the next is a fairly long process, the course of which depends on the size of the formation, on the degree of immune defense, on the equilibrium functional state of the thyroid gland, and on the organism as a whole.
Describing the ultrasound image obtained on the monitor, the doctor is not always limited to the concept of "hypoehogenicity" of education, using other medical terms. Let's briefly describe what they can mean.
- Hypoechoic nodular formation of the thyroid gland is a rounded formation that develops from the glandular tissues of the thyroid and is a seal resembling a knot. Most often, such seals are formed as a result of a deficiency in the body of iodine: the thyroid gland absorbs iodine for the production of hormones, and its deficiency is replenished with drinking water and food.
- Hypoechoogenic formation of the thyroid gland with fuzzy contours can be a sign of colloid goiter, malignant formation. However, most often the fuzziness of contours is found in newly formed nodes - and this is a fairly favorable sign.
- The isoechoic formation of the thyroid gland with a hypoechoic rim is a section of healthy thyroid tissue, surrounded by an elusive contour, along which the presence of the node is determined. This formation develops as a result of increased blood flow and expansion of the capillary network around the healthy tissue site.
- Hypoechoic heterogeneous formation of the thyroid gland is a hypoechoic node whose structure is not uniform. Such changes in the site can be triggered by edema or / and an inflammatory reaction.
- Hypoechoic thyroid formations with blood flow are most often detected. In this case, the blood flow can have different localization. Increased blood flow may indicate that education is prone to structural changes and division.
Complications and consequences
For cystic formations in the thyroid gland is characterized by the development of an inflammatory reaction with the formation of purulent internal contents. Further growth of the cyst can provoke not only inflammatory processes, but also internal hemorrhages and even the transformation of the node into a malignant tumor.
Inflammatory processes in the nodal formation can cause pain in the heart, increase in temperature, increase and inflammation of the lymph nodes, signs of general intoxication.
Cysts and other large formations can cause discomfort in the form of pressure on closely located organs and vascular beds.
Diagnostics of the gipoehogennogo formation of the thyroid gland
Hypoechoic formation is not a diagnosis, but only a characteristic of the image: thus the doctor describes what he saw on the ultrasound monitor. To reliably learn a more accurate diagnosis, you need to use a number of other additional studies.
- Exterior examination, palpation of the projection zone of the thyroid gland.
- Blood tests with the determination of the content of free and bound thyroxin and triiodothyronine.
Analysis for the content of antibodies to thyroid-stimulating hormone receptors.
Blood test for oncomarkers.
Histological examination of the material taken with puncture (biopsy).
- Instrumental diagnostics:
- Magnetic resonance imaging;
- CT scan;
- scintigraphy (radioisotope scanning method).
In most cases, only a comprehensive approach to diagnosis allows you to put the right diagnosis.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis in the detection of hypoechoic formation in the thyroid gland is performed between the following pathologies:
- diffuse goiter - may be accompanied by the appearance of multiple hypoechogenic formations (cysts);
- Hypoplasia - a decrease in the size of the gland compared with normal indices;
- papillary cancer, cyst, lymphoma, adenoma, lymphadenopathy.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the gipoehogennogo formation of the thyroid gland
If a hypoechoic thyroid is found in a person who is subsequently diagnosed as a cyst, then he is prescribed a certain therapeutic regimen, depending on the specific features of the pathology.
If several formations are found, each of which does not exceed 10 mm in size, then such a patient becomes monitored to further elucidate the appropriate therapeutic tactics.
A single small formation (a few millimeters in diameter) also requires periodic monitoring of the doctor: usually the condition of the gland in such cases is checked once a quarter.
Large formations, as well as malignant tumors, are treated surgically.
The main goal of treating hypoechoic formations is to determine the cause of their appearance with further elimination. In addition to the possible prescription of medications, a diet with increased intake of iodine-containing products is necessarily recommended.
If the doctor is to treat a colloid goiter, he will prescribe a medication like L-thyroxine. Its action is to block the division of cellular structures of the tumor, which leads to the cessation of its growth.
Thyrostatic drugs - such as Espa-carb, Propicil or Thiamazole, can affect the reduction in diffuse volume of formations.
If the cause of the appearance of nodes is the lack of iodine in the body, then use regular medication with sufficient iodine content.
A good effect is provided by preparations based on white lapchatka - Endocrinol, Alba, Zobofit or Endonorm.
Dosing and Administration |
Side effects |
Special instructions |
L-thyroxine |
The amount of the drug is determined individually. The drug is taken every morning, half an hour before breakfast. |
The recommended doses rarely lead to the development of side effects - such as increased body weight, a disorder of kidney function. |
In no case is it allowed to self-medicate this drug. |
Propycil |
Usually take 75-100 mg of the drug per day. The interval between doses should be about 7 hours. |
Treatment with propicil may be accompanied by the development of arthritis, abdominal pain, swelling, skin rash. |
Propitsil is contraindicated in patients with agranulocytosis and active phase of hepatitis. |
Iodomarine |
Take 200-500 mcg daily, after eating. |
Possible development of hyperkeratosis. |
Iodomarin is not prescribed for hyperthyroidism. |
Josén |
Take 1 tablet 1 time per day, with food. |
In recommended amounts, Josen does not cause side effects. |
It is not prescribed for children under 12 years. |
Endocrinol |
Take up to 2 times a day for 2 capsules immediately before meals. |
Endocrinol can cause headaches, nausea and dizziness. |
Do not prescribe the drug to children under 12 years. |
Next, we present to your attention a number of vitamins, which are especially important for people prone to diseases of the thyroid gland.
- Vitamin D 3 + calcium - they are taken together, because without each other these substances are not digested.
- Vitamin K is necessary for the normal course of blood clotting.
- Vitamins A and E - are necessary to facilitate the work of the thyroid gland.
- Vitamins of group B in combination with copper, manganese and selenium - normalize the function of the nervous system, which also has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland.
In order for vitamins to better digest and bring maximum benefit, it is desirable to use less coffee - this drink increases the excretion of calcium from the body, and also depresses the properties of B vitamins, microelements of zinc and potassium.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Not all physiotherapy procedures are indicated for thyroid diseases. Since gipoehogennoe education may be a pathology, which is a contraindication to physiotherapy, then hurry with the application of this method before the formulation of an accurate diagnosis should not be.
Contraindications to physioprocedures are the following diseases of the thyroid gland:
- nodal toxic goiter;
- severe form of thyrotoxicosis;
- children's age up to 3 years.
In addition, it is necessary to take into account the general contraindications to each specific procedure separately.
Alternative treatment
Food products are the main suppliers of all substances necessary for the thyroid gland. For the stable function of the thyroid gland, it is necessary to pay special attention to such truly therapeutic products:
- Walnut and honey - these products are highly recommended for the improvement of the thyroid gland. To prepare the medicine, you need to grind four cores of walnut, add 1 tbsp. L. Natural honey and eat in the morning on an empty stomach. This should be done daily for at least 14 days.
- Lemon is a valuable and useful citrus. To facilitate the work of the thyroid gland, a medicine is prepared: two or three lemons are well washed, ground in a blender or rubbed together with a peel on the grater (approximately a cup of lemon mass is obtained). Next, chop the ground lemon with one glass of honey. Take this mixture in the amount of one tablespoon three times a day 1-1.5 hours after eating.
- Sea kale is the most valuable product with a high iodine content. Salad from sea kale should be consumed daily, and at least 3 times a week.
- Persimmon - in the autumn-winter season it is necessary to pay special attention to this fruit: a persimmon is rich not only with iodine, but also with magnesium, sodium, iron, vitamins A, P and ascorbic acid.
Herbal Treatment
If the doctor on ultrasound revealed a hypoechoic formation, then it is not necessary to rush with alternative treatment until the final diagnosis is known. Treatment with herbs can not be the same for all diseases of the thyroid gland: there are a lot of contraindications, it is also necessary to take into account the stage of pathology, the individual characteristics of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases.
To maximize the effectiveness of phytotherapy, you must follow all the recommendations for the manufacture of tinctures and other medications, according to alternative recipes.
With thyroid pathologies, it is most often recommended to use herbs such as thorny cocklebur, tavolga, sea kale, eucalyptus, drock, coltsfoot, burdock and nettle leaves, cassava, thyme.
Specific prescriptions are used, depending on whether the function of the thyroid gland is lowered or increased.
To treatment by homeopathy it is possible to proceed immediately, as soon as the final diagnosis of the disease is known. The effectiveness of homeopathic preparations is individual - in different patients, improvement can occur at different periods of time, which depends on many factors.
There are practically no contraindications to such treatment. An exception is only the intolerance of any ingredient of a particular preparation.
In case of deficiency of the gland function, it is recommended to take Thyreodinum, Graphite in combination with Fucus and Spongia in small concentrations.
Hyperplasia of the thyroid gland is treated with Aurum iodateum or Witch hazel.
In cystic formations of the thyroid gland, you can use Barium or Aurum iodate, and also Conium.
In the postoperative period after removal of the malignant tumor of the thyroid gland, use Conium, Calcium fluoride or Acidum Fluoricum.
The duration of homeopathic treatment in these cases can be from one and a half to two months. Then they take a break, at the doctor's discretion.
Homeopathic preparations can be used as a basic therapy, or as an adjunct to medical treatment.
Operative treatment
Surgical intervention may be required if the hypoechoic formation rapidly increases, or already has a volume of more than 10 mm in diameter and exerts pressure on nearby organs. In such cases, hemistrumectomy is performed, which involves resection of one of the thyroid glands. After a similar operation, in most cases, it is possible to maintain the function of the gland.
If pathological formations - for example, cysts - are found in two lobes, then a bilateral subtotal strumectomy is carried out - that is, an operation for complete excision of the thyroid gland.
If education belongs to oncopathology, it is necessary to remove all gland with surrounding fatty layer and lymph nodes. This intervention is considered quite complex and traumatic, but in such a situation it is impossible to do without it.
One of the possible complications after removal of the gland is a violation of the function of the vocal cords. In addition, throughout life after surgery, the patient will have to take drugs that replace thyroid hormones, as well as preparations containing calcium (total removal also involves resection of parathyroid glands).
In order to prevent the appearance of hypoechoic thyroid formations, it is recommended to daily use iodine according to individual physiological norms. In the daily diet must be present preparations or foods with sufficient iodine content. For example, most of the problems with iodine deficiency can be solved by the use of ordinary iodized salt.
In addition, an important element in preventing the appearance of thyroid nodules is the minimization of irradiation - X-ray and radiation.
If a person has cysts, the doctor usually prescribes basic therapy for him. After carrying out the necessary treatment it is very important to observe the state of the thyroid gland, controlling it with the help of ultrasound examination every year.
The prognosis of hypoechoic formations found in the thyroid gland depends on the histology (structure) of these nodes.
Thus, benign formations make it possible to assume complete healing of the patient. Cysts are prone to relapse and complications.
In malignant tumors, the prognosis depends on the size and the duration of the tumor, as well as on the presence of metastases. If a malignant process is detected at the initial stages, then it is removed, and often the patient completely recovers without further development of pathology. With old tumors - for example, with adenocarcinoma - the outcome may be less favorable.
Let us repeat that hypoechoic thyroid formation is not a diagnosis, but only an ultrasound sign, so hasty conclusions should not be made. According to statistics, the vast majority of such cases do not pose any serious threat to a person.