Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Hyperdontia is a fairly rare pathology due to the presence of teeth in excess of the norm. But, one way or another, about two percent of the people of the globe suffer from this disease. And if so - about this disease you need to know.
A normal average person should have thirty-two teeth. Hyperdontia involves the appearance of one or more "extra" teeth, that is, in excess of the set. It is not strange, but more often there are cases when they grow in the zone of the upper incisors and canines, although cases of lower germination of such teeth are also present. Abnormal teeth can form and general sizes (often in a smaller direction) differ from "normal" teeth.
Causes of hyperdontia
It is quite difficult to unequivocally and categorically name the causes of hyperdontia. Doctors suggest that the etiology of this pathology may lie in the failure of the genetic program or the pathology of intrauterine development of the fetus, which led to the laying of more than the required number of tooth germs.
Symptoms of hyperthyroidism
"Superfluous" teeth are found both with anatomically familiar forms and structure, and pathologically abnormal. Based on the anatomy and localization of the "patient" additional teeth, a specialist can easily predict the defects that the dentition will acquire. Dentists have noticed that more often the victims have cone-shaped teeth and smaller in size. And an amazing paradox - this disease is much more common in the stronger sex than in women. It looks like such neoplasms are not aesthetically pleasing, traumatizing both psychologically and physically its owner.
What are the symptoms of hyperdontia:
- The vast majority of people diagnosed with hyperdontia suffer from dyslexia, and, more simply, lisp.
- As a rule, supercomplete teeth are not endowed with broad, powerful roots, but are content with a compact small root.
- With the appearance of an additional tooth, healthy teeth also suffer. They have to move slightly.
- As a consequence of the displacement of healthy teeth - the occurrence of a significant distance (diastema) between the central incisors.
- Hyperdontia can significantly slow down the eruption of new teeth.
- The eruption of supercomplete teeth often provokes the curvature of the roots of permanent teeth.
- The same fact can lead to the rotation of healthy teeth around its axis.
- The "extra" teeth themselves are often shifted, turned upside down, tilted or arranged horizontally, as opposed to normal teeth.
- Well, as a result of all of the above, this is a violation of the bite, which entails not only an aesthetic defectiveness, but also the development of the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and the entire digestive system as a whole.
In the place of its location, with hyperdontia, dentists divide over-standard teeth into several types:
- The styliform teeth appeared above the norm. They are cut in the maxillary zone, near the dental arch, in the interval of the central and lateral incisors. They have a cone shaped, pointed upward shape resembling an awl. With their sharp ends, they are able to severely injure the oral mucosa, which can subsequently lead to the entry into the wound of the pathogenic flora and, as a consequence, the inflammatory process begins with all the ensuing consequences.
- Additional paramolarians. They are located, as a rule, in the cheek area, on the interval between normal molars.
- Superflexible fangs. Area of localization - upper jaw.
- "Superfluous" premolars. Area of localization - lower jaw.
Diagnosis of hyperdontia
As a rule, supercomplex premolars and fangs are located deep enough, as if drowned in the soft tissues of the oral cavity. Therefore, in order to detect them, it is necessary to make radiography without fail.
A dentist diagnoses hyperdontia on the basis of:
- Visual examination of the dental arch by a specialist.
- Laboratory research.
- Radiographic examination of the patient's jaw.
What do need to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of hypertension
Anyway, did the supercomplete teeth appear in the newborn in the first months of life, or did the patient acquire them at a later age, the verdict is one - removal. Indeed, in the baby age these teeth can injure the tongue and mucous of the baby. And they will also prevent breastfeeding, traumatizing the mother's nipple.
Having received an X-ray, the dentist draws his attention not only to the supercomplete teeth, but also to the retina teeth. Those that can not normally erupt properly, because they are partially or completely covered with bone tissue. They are also subject to removal.
- If the dental rudiments are located deep enough in the direction that the tooth will erupt, then, first of all, it is necessary to undergo a course of massage of the alveolar process (or electro- or vibrovacuum stimulation) of their eruption.
In turn, the upper and lower jaw massage is performed (if necessary). Massage is done by elastic pressing, mainly on the one hand, placing the fingers in such a way that they are located perpendicular to the surface of the bone. In the canine pit, which is located between the upper cheekbone and the wing of the nose, if it comes down to the tooth row, the tooth roots are located - in medicine this area is called the alveolar process (in this case, the upper jaw). Having received this experience, now it will not be difficult to find the alveolar process on the lower jaw.
Gaining both sides of the jaw in the region of the corresponding processes (one finger is on the outside of the jaw and the other in the mouth), massage, squeezing and releasing the location of the alveolar process. This functional irritation leads to better circulation of blood in this area, the tooth wakes up and starts to grow. Similar manipulations can be done with the use of additional equipment (vibro- or electromassage). Recently, infrared and red rays have been used for this irritating therapy. There is evidence that, in order to obtain the desired result, doctors injected prostaglandin E1 under the oral mucosa. Getting in the region of the alveolar process, this preparation increases 1.6 times the growth of the teeth of interest.
Any oversized supercomplete teeth, especially if they sprouted not in the direction of the primary eruption, but also in case they interfere with the anatomically normal growth of the dairy or basic teeth, must necessarily be removed. If such teeth do not interfere with the growth of normal teeth, do not lead to a defect in the bite, do not cause pathological changes in the oral cavity, then they can not be touched.
- Often, the treatment of hyperdontia can be limited only by removing an unnecessary tooth. This procedure is performed by a dental surgeon on an outpatient basis in a specialized clinic. The tooth is removed quickly and almost painlessly under local anesthesia.
- Further postoperative therapy is carried out. After removal, a blood clot is formed in the well, a clot of blood that, as it were, clogs the wound, enabling it to heal faster. But if something went wrong when you removed something: a fragment remained in the wound, or the alveolus was severely injured, this clot loses its integrity, which can provoke the development of suppuration. To the formation of an abscess can lead and pieces of food that have fallen into the wound. Another problem may arise. With too zealous rinsing of the oral cavity, the patient flushes from the hole of the thrombus and it turns out, as the doctors say, a "dry hole".
And with the first and the second development of events, in the next three days there may be pain in the gum area, which, in time, will spread to the entire jaw, giving painful impulses to the head. The body temperature of the patient may rise to 37.5-38 ° C. Such symptoms are a clear sign of the inflammatory process, which struck the mucous walls of the socket. To prevent further development of the disease (purulent-necrotic processes), it is urgent to start treatment.
- The disinfection of the wound and the near lying tissues are carried out. Disinfection passes a solution of furacilin, chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide.
Furacil. Used for rinsing: in 100 ml of water, dissolve 1 tablet of the drug. This drug is contraindicated: with allergic dermatosis or if there are foci of sufficiently severe bleeding.
Chlorhexidine. Use 20% solution of this drug. It is prepared: dilute in 40 parts of ethyl alcohol (70%) one part of chlorhexidine. With this solution, the wound is treated. Very carefully it should be used in the case of young children, pregnant and nursing mothers.
- For a more thorough cleaning of the wound, a tampon impregnated with an antiseptic enzyme drug is placed in the alveolus.
- Trypsin. Immediately before use, moisten 50.0 mg of medication crystals in 5 ml (0.9% solution) of sodium chloride or sterile water for injections, or in 0.5-2% solution of procaine. In rare cases, use the powder of this medication. This medicine is better not to be prescribed for cardiac and pulmonary insufficiency, hepatic dysfunction, tuberculosis. It can not be applied to a surface that has malignant neoplasms.
Chymotrypsin. After surgical intervention, intramuscularly, once a day, 10 mg of a drug diluted with 3 ml of novocaine is administered. For preventive purposes (antibacterial therapy) - 30 mg pleural, once a day. With purulent wounds, the drug is applied to a napkin and applied to the wound. It is advisable not to prescribe the drug when hypersensitivity to components that make up its composition; with cardiac and renal insufficiency, cirrhosis of the liver, complicated diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hepatitis, pregnancy, breast-feeding; children under the age of 18 years.
- If the process of suppuration went too far, areas of necrosis appeared, then antibiotics should be used.
Rifampicin. This drug is perfectly absorbed into the walls of the digestive tract, reaching a maximum of 2-2.5 hours in the blood plasma. And when administered intravenously - by the end of the dropper. Easily seeps into the tissue cells and accumulates in them. Perfectly excreted in the urine from the body. Has a positive effect on the body for 8 to 12 hours.
Preparation of the solution: 0.15 g of the preparation is diluted in 2.5 ml of sterile water. Before use, the solution should be shaken well. Next, the resulting mixture is diluted in 125 ml of 5% glucose solution. The daily dose of this drug should not exceed 0.45 g of medication. If the disease is severe enough - 0.6 g.
This drug is contraindicated: for children, with individual intolerance of one or more components that make up the medical device. It is not recommended for people who suffer from impaired liver and kidney function, cardiopulmonary insufficiency, including if the patient has had hepatitis of infectious genesis less than a year ago.
Heliomycin. Before you enter this medication into the protocol of treatment, it is worthwhile to conduct a test for the sensitivity of pathogens, pathogens of the inflammatory process to it. The ointment is spread over the tampon and applied to the infected area for 20-30 minutes. Treatment is carried out for a week or more. Side effects and contraindications are not revealed.
- If after removal of retinning supercomplete teeth with hyperdontia such terrible consequences do not exist, then the patient, in order to bring his oral cavity into proper form faster, the dentist recommends in the home conditions to make warm baths in the oral cavity. Do not rinse, but just dial the solution into your mouth and hold it for a while, then spit it out. Prepare a solution of baking soda at a rate of one teaspoon per glass of water or make a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
- Anesthetics and vitamins are also prescribed.
Grippostad. The main active ingredient is paracetamol. The patient takes one to two capsules three times a day, followed by no more than 6-8 hours later. Take no more than five days. Contraindications: pregnancy, individual intolerance of the components of the drug, diabetes mellitus, with renal and hepatic insufficiency, with violations of work in hematopoiesis and urination systems, as well as patients suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Avoid prescribing this drug for children under the age of 12 and for the elderly, as well as for those whose work involves increased attention.
Ketanov. Today - this is one of the most popular painkillers. The main active ingredient is ketorolac. The patient takes one tablet every 10 to 6 hours (10 mg). The course of treatment should not exceed a week. If a patient over 65 years old, or his weight does not exceed 50 kg, prescribes a lower dosage.
The drug has a systemic effect. This drug should be given very carefully, as it has contraindications and side effects: drowsiness, constipation, head and stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness ... Contraindications: pregnancy, breast-feeding, children under 16 years old, bronchial asthma, peptic ulcer disease gastrointestinal tract, problems with blood clotting, kidney failure ...
Prevention of hyperthyroidism
Prevention of hypertension is not difficult. To prevent it is impossible, since medicine can not unequivocally state the etiology of this disease. Therefore, just be more attentive to yourself and your children. And with the slightest suspicion of supercomplete teeth, without wasting time, hurry to the doctor.
Prognosis of hyperdontia
With the timely detection of retinas of supercomplete teeth and immediate treatment in a specialized clinic, the prognosis of hyperdontia is usually favorable. If a patient with this pathology has turned to a specialist with already neglected form of the disease, the patient will in any case receive medical care, just for this will have to spend much more and effort. After all, if the eruption of supercomplete teeth led to a change in the occlusion, then the work is not only for the dental surgeon, but also for the orthopedist.
If you are in those two percent of the population who have super-complex teeth in their cavity, do not worry and do not panic. Your problem is solvable. To date, hyperdontia is not a verdict. And the earlier the patient turns to the examination and for consultation with a specialist, the sooner the long-awaited time will come, when one can feel "like everyone" and fully enjoy all the life colors.