How to remove a wart on the nose: drugs, alternative means
Last reviewed: 17.10.2021
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With a problem like warts, one has to face many. There are many different reasons that contribute to its development. These are stresses, and neuropsychic overstrain, and hormonal changes. Warts often occur during pregnancy, after the disease, after prolonged antibiotic therapy. A wart is a skin outgrowth (skin defect) that is flat, or substantially elevated above the surface of the body.
Treatment of how to get rid of warts on the nose
There are quite a few ways to treat warts. In some cases, the use of etiologic therapy, the essence of which is to eliminate the cause of the development of the wart. This requires competent diagnosis, and it is important to determine the cause as clearly as possible in order to fix it purposefully. Usually this method is the most effective, since in most cases the warts are a consequence of the pathological process that occurs in the body, or a consequence of the transferred disease. It is also important to eliminate the irritating factors that trigger the development of the pathological process. In some cases, this is enough to eliminate pathology.
Just in case, in order to prevent, you need to eliminate the impact of all factors that could potentially cause the development of warts, and other skin pathologies. It is not necessary to visit the solarium, stay under open sunlight, undergo cosmetic procedures, especially with the use of chemicals. Also need to exclude and mechanical procedures, such as pilling, scrubbing, massage. Do not rub the skin, nose. The towel should be soft, it should be wiped with neat slapping movements, so as not to damage the wart.
The most common treatment is complex, since local treatment is not always able to completely eliminate pathology. It only masks the symptoms. The composition of therapy includes predominantly drug treatment, which consists in the use of drugs inward. In addition, warts are treated with preparations ( ointments, bolts, sprays), and other means that are available in general, or are manufactured according to an individual prescription.
Sometimes surgical methods are used: wart removal, coagulation, laser removal and correction, other methods. Quite effective, in combination with drug treatment, can be cosmetic procedures performed by a doctor-cosmetologist. For example, for a long time and effectively apply such procedures as cryotherapy, in which warts are frozen with liquid nitrogen, and then burned.
A phototherapy is carried out, in which directly on the wart is affected by waves of different lengths. To do this, use special lamps. Quite often resort to laser therapy, during which warts are removed by laser radiation. Some of these manipulations can be painful, and can also injure surrounding areas. But usually the recovery period does not last long.
Than to deduce a wart on a nose?
For the removal of warts, it is better to contact a dermatologist who will perform the examination and prescribe a treatment. The most effective are the talkers made in the conditions of a pharmacy or a laboratory according to an individual prescription. Usually such a prescription is prescribed by a doctor, then laboratory assistants prepare a medicine for 1-2 days. To do this, you should contact a specialized dermatovenerologic dispensary, or in clinics and cosmetology centers, which specialize in the treatment of skin diseases and removal of growths.
Nevertheless, there are also folk remedies, allowing quickly and effectively to get rid of a wart. There are homeopathic remedies, phytopreparations, herbs. It is also worth noting that since ancient times in alternative medicine the usual juice of celandine is a traditional means of removing warts.
It is necessary regularly, several times a day, to smear a wart with freshly squeezed celandine juice. Treatment is long, can last from several months to six months. But in most cases, effectively, allows you to completely get rid of the wart and prevent its further appearance. Usually the duration of treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the body, including the state of immunity, the size and shape of the wart itself, and even on its density, development time.
In no case should you take the medication yourself, without first examining the wart and accurately diagnosing it. Also, it is necessary to determine whether there is a risk of its degeneration into a malignant tumor. If there is such a risk, only its removal can become the only reliable remedy. With the wrong treatment, any wart can degenerate into a benign or malignant tumor - this must be taken into account in the treatment. Also, the danger of improper treatment is that there may be other serious complications, in particular, the reproduction of warts, their growth upward or in width. Sometimes a wart becomes a starting point for the development of various skin diseases. So, the treatment depends primarily on the cause of the appearance of the wart.
Some warts can itch, accompanied by severe itching and burning. When such warts appear that are strongly itchy and accompanied by burning, antiallergic drugs are prescribed. First and foremost, this is the well-known drug - suprastin. It is taken 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. Suprastin has one significant drawback - it can cause drowsiness and delayed reaction. Therefore, people whose work is associated with the need to show increased attention, as well as drivers, it is better to choose other drugs.
Another antiallergic agent is loratodine. It is taken 1 tablet a day, as it is a drug of prolonged action. The duration of its action is 24 hours. However, in this case, there is also one drawback - you can not exceed the dosage, since strong intoxication can develop. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the need for increasing dosage arises extremely rarely, since the drug is highly effective.
For topical administration, various ointments are prescribed. Particularly, levomycetin ointment works well. It is applied a thin layer on the skin, thoroughly rubbing. Advantages are that this ointment not only eliminates skin defects, but also has antiseptic action, and a slight anti-inflammatory effect.
In some cases, antiviral treatment may be required, which is used if the wart has occurred against a background of high viral load in the body, or the persistence of viruses. This is especially true of the high degree of viral load by the viruses of the Herpes group (chicken pox, Herpes, cytomegalovirus). In this case, it is recommended to take anaferon. The recommended dosage is 250-500 mg per day, the course of treatment on average varies from 5 to 10 days. You can also take 2 courses for 7 days, with breaks of 5-10 days.
In the event that the bacterial infection is thought to be the cause of the development of the wart, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. It is recommended to take antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action. For example, azithrox (500 mg) helps a lot. He will quickly get rid of bacterial infection and reduce or completely remove the wart, or speed up the treatment. The entire course of treatment is designed for three days. The drug is recommended to take 1 tablet (500 mg) once for three days. It is important not to interrupt the treatment, and to take a full course, as the bacteria can not be killed completely, as a result of which they will become stable, and the pathological process will only increase, the rash will spread to other parts of the body.
If the cause of the development of the wart is an intoxication of the body, or an autoimmune process, it is recommended to take ordinary activated carbon, or white coal (sorbex), to eliminate toxins, autoantibodies and metabolic products from the body. As a result, the body is cleared, the wart gradually disappears. Activated charcoal requires 5-6 tablets, and sorbex is enough 1-2 tablets per day.
Alternative treatment
There are alternative means of not only treatment, but also the removal of warts. Despite the fact that there are many reliable ways to treat and remove warts that have been tested for centuries and have proven themselves well. Still, you need to follow the precautions, and consult a doctor before starting any treatment.
There are many ways for painless removal of warts. The most effective is daily lubrication of warts with strong infusion or fresh plant juice. To prepare the infusion, it is necessary to cut the plants finely, after which they are laid in a jar (about two-thirds). After this, pour vodka to the top or 96% alcohol. Apply directly to the wart, and the area around it to 5-6 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of pathology, human immunity and a number of other factors. On average - not less than 1 month.
Consider the main plants used to treat warts.
Euphorbia is used to lubricate warts. More effective in the form of juice. Removes warts completely and prevents the appearance of new ones.
Sweet cherry is used not only in the form of juice and infusion, but also in the form of gruel. In this case, a crushed onion bulb is used. It is recommended to apply gruel at night under a compress. The skin around the compress should be lubricated with vaseline, or other fat-like substance, which will prevent a burn.
Highlander snake can also be used as a decoction. To make it, you should grind the roots, and take about 2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water. Insist for at least an hour. After that, it is necessary to cool, drain. Take inside a third of a glass three times a day, and also lubricate the surface of the wart up to 10 times a day for the first 3-5 days, then lubricate up to 5 times a day until complete disappearance.
Dandelion juice also reduces warts. Lubricate daily at least 2-3 times a day, about a week.
Herbal Treatment
Herbs quickly and effectively eliminate any skin diseases and growths. But here you must also observe safety techniques. It is necessary to consult with your doctor to avoid unwanted side effects and complications. It must always be remembered that the most dangerous complication of improper treatment of a wart is its malignant degeneration, or rapid growth, intensive reproduction.
Of plants use Kalanchoe. It is recommended to use mashed fresh leaves, which quickly remove warts. Juice is moistened with napkins and applied overnight in the form of a bandage.
Rowanberry is used as a mass of berries. It is applied in several layers, then knotted for 2-3 hours. Healing usually begins after 5-10 days.
Ivy is used in the form of poultices. They are made daily from leaves. For this, the ivy leaf is moistened in boiling water, applied to the wart. It is also recommended to cover with cellophane to create a "greenhouse effect". The course of treatment is 7-10 days.
Homeopathic remedies should be used under the supervision of a doctor. This is the main precaution, which avoids numerous side effects. Also, you must strictly follow the dosage and treatment regimen, because improper treatment, and even a slight excess of dosage, can cause serious side effects, intoxication, and deterioration. Consider the most effective recipes.
- Recipe # 1
For the preparation of the ointment, it is recommended to take a slurry of garlic, mix it with lard, or unsalted butter. Apply all this to the wart approximately 3-4 times a day.
- Recipe # 2
Ointment from sundew of round-lipped and lemon balm is prepared by mixing gruel from the leaves and stems of one and the other plant. Take gruel in approximately equal parts. Lubricate is recommended up to 2-3 times a day. In addition to that warts leave, freckles, and birthmarks also disappear.
- Recipe # 3
Mixture of the spell (turnip) with celandine juice is also used for lubricating warts in the morning and in the evening. For cooking, you need a tablespoon of pulp and a half teaspoon of fresh celandine juice. All this is mixed, and then applied to the wart within 2-3 weeks, daily.
- Recipe # 4
Magnesium powder is recommended to take 1 gram at the tip of the knife approximately 2-3 times a day for a month. It can also be added to ointments, and gruel, prepared from a variety of herbal ingredients.
Wart removal on the nose
Warts are often removed surgically, by laser or by burning with liquid nitrogen. This procedure can be quite painful, since warts almost always choose a soft and delicate skin, with the highest sensitivity, a large number of nerve fibers and blood vessels.