Food poisoning with eggs: boiled, fried, fresh, homemade
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Eggs are one of the most popular foods on our table. And this is not surprising, because this externally attractive product has great nutritional value as a rich source of easily digestible protein, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The ease of preparing the product itself and the ability to cook a variety of dishes with its use made the eggs the leader in the kitchen. But there is one nuance. Eggs - a special product and not always safe for health, so it is important to know not only the options and recipes for dishes using eggs, but also information on how to prepare them correctly. Only then cooked dish will benefit and there will be no poisoning with eggs, sometimes having rather serious consequences.
Statistics in this regard are inexorable, arguing that almost a third of all toxic infections are caused by ingestion of affected Salmonella. By the way, eggs along with fish occupy the second "honorable" place in the list of products, poisoning which happens most often. They are inferior only to dairy products and meat.
These are terrible figures, especially if we take into account that the death rate from toxic infections exceeds the number of deaths associated with myocardial infarction, and the main patients whose poisoning takes place in severe form become children. There is something to think about, choosing food on the table and taking care that food is not poison.
Causes of the poisoning with eggs
It is not necessary to think that the possibility of poisoning with eggs does anything to detract from their value. Take, for example, the most common in our menu chicken eggs. They contain 6 of the 11 known B vitamins, as well as the vitamins A, C, D, E, K, H and nicotinic acid necessary for the body. In addition to vitamins, egg white and egg yolk contains most of the mineral substances described in Mendeleev's table, and no less important to man.
Especially valuable is egg white, after all it is considered the best supplier of easily digestible protein (proteins), so necessary for the construction of cell membranes and increase in muscle mass. Yolk is responsible for the supply of poly- and mono-unsaturated, as well as saturated fat and cholesterol. And although there is a lot of eggs in eggs, it is not dangerous, as it is balanced with the lecithin present in the egg, which is called to maintain a normal level of cholesterol in the body.
It would seem, if the eggs are as useful as they can cause poisoning? Alas, even this valuable product, so necessary in the diet of children and adults, with improper storage and handling can cause great harm to human health.
The causes of egg poisoning can be different. First, you can poison yourself with a spoiled product. Incorrect storage of any natural product invariably leads to its premature deterioration. If the seller on the market in the summer convinces you that the eggs are fresh, collected 1-2 days before delivery, this does not confirm their safety for the person if the product is stored outside the refrigerator.
Secondly, eggs can be bought even fresh, but not observing the hygiene of hands and cooking equipment during the preparation of dishes from eggs, it is quite possible to supply the same salad or omelet with the pathogenic microorganisms surrounding us everywhere.
Well, these 2 reasons are not unique, because incorrect storage of any products and non-observance of cleanliness in the kitchen can cause poisoning not only by eggs, but also by meat, sausage, fish, dairy products, etc. This happens all the time, not only at home kitchens, but also at public catering points, which are under the control of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.
Specific cause of poisoning with eggs are salmonella, which fall into the product from the bird itself. Chicken in this case is the source of infection, and its eggs are a storage point and a carrier. In this case, bacteria can be found not only inside the egg, but also outside, on the shell.
In appearance, it is impossible to differentiate a pure product from an infected one. Even in a broken form, such eggs are no different, except for the color of the yolk, but this is only an indicator of the nutritional value of the chicken ration and has nothing to do with the disease.
And yet the eggs are different. Drinking or eating a clean fresh egg, a person takes pleasure and a portion of beneficial substances to the body, and eating an infected product - a terrible disease called "salmonellosis" with an incubation period of 6 hours to 3 days. Next followed by several painful days (usually 4 to 7), and in severe cases and not enough effective treatment, even there is a possibility of a lethal outcome.
A useful feature of Salmonella is that they are afraid of high temperatures and cold. The death of the bacterium occurs at a temperature of 55-70 degrees. And if the 55-gadusnaya heat kills salmonella within an hour and a half, then at 75 degrees it will die within just 5-10 minutes.
A temperature within 37-42 degrees is considered comfortable for Salmonella. With this temperature regime, they begin active multiplication.
When freezing a product contaminated with salmonella, the bacteria do not die, but in the cold they stop multiplying and it becomes much easier to fight them.
What is the probability of poisoning with eggs?
Eggs are a product from which you can prepare a variety of dishes. It's a variety of pastries, salads, desserts and much more. However, many compatriots use eggs and as a simple dish in cooking. Eggs can (and is useful!) Eaten raw, boiled (soft-boiled, in a bag and hard-boiled) and fried (scrambled eggs, omelets). This is ideal for breakfast on the go and a light dinner.
However, this delicious product is safe to use only if the egg supplier is known for its honesty and concern for the purity of the product, and you yourself always monitor the hygiene of hands and workplace in your kitchen during cooking and eating.
The main risk factors for poisoning with a favorite product are the consumption of raw eggs, especially if the product owner does not care about the purity of the product, and cooking soft-boiled eggs. Poisoning with raw eggs can be considered the most likely and frequent cause of salmonellosis. At the same time, the hen itself, carrying the infected eggs, gives meat that is dangerous for health in terms of the presence of Salmonella.
Poisoning with boiled and fried eggs is, in principle, a rare phenomenon. For example, a boiled egg for a certain time was in boiling water, which has a temperature of at least 100 degrees. For 5-10 minutes in boiling water, the yolk manages to warm even above the temperature dangerous for salmonella, so a 10-minute boil is usually enough to make the infected egg not dangerous.
The danger is only soft-boiled eggs, the yolk of which has not heated up to the desired temperature, killing the bacteria. Of course, salmonella in this dish is already less than in a raw egg, so poisoning will initially proceed in a lighter form. But we must also take into account the fact that, when getting into the intestines, where the temperature is just perfect, even a single bacterium can reproduce a large number of offspring in a short time. The more time passes from the moment of infection, the more parasitic microorganisms will be.
In principle, fried eggs with unhardened semigumbing protein can also be considered a probable source of infection. Poisoning by roasted eggs under the condition of sufficient heat treatment of the yolk (the yolk is well roasted and hardened) does not occur.
Not so often, but still there are poisonings with a rotten egg. And here already the cause of poisoning can become not only salmonella, but also other bacteria that cause spoilage of food when stored incorrectly, and after the expiration date.
This type of poisoning occurs only through the fault of a person eating stale foods. To distinguish a fresh egg from a spoiled one is not so difficult. A rotten egg has a softer shell, so an unpleasant smell is felt even through it. The smell is even more exacerbated if such an egg is broken.
If the whole egg does not smell, and you do not plan to break it, it's worth it to shake the testicle. If there is a sound of yolk beating against the walls, the freshness of the egg should be in doubt. If the inside of the egg is pounding and splashing, the egg is probably already rotten.
You can check the freshness of the egg by lowering it into plain water. The egg has gone to the bottom - you can not worry about its freshness, the egg is a maximum of 3 days. If the testicle becomes a column and oscillates in the water, it is from 3 to 7 days. The egg that has surfaced is considered to be stale, it is dangerous to eat, especially in its raw form.
Dishes from rotten eggs also have an unpleasant smell and are somewhat different in color. Scrambled eggs are blooming with a light yellow yolk. To eat such dishes is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous.
Eggs are considered a legitimate guest on our table and on Easter days. Who does not want to eat a ruddy and beautifully painted Easter egg. Eggs on Easter usually cook a lot, so they eat for a long time, not caring that the long storage of eggs on the table (few care to take them away in the cold) can lead to product damage and food poisoning.
Poisoning with Easter eggs became especially important with the appearance of brightly painted films, tightly fitting the egg when it was lowered into hot water. Not only does the boiled egg undergo reheating, which shortens its storage time, so a microclimate is formed under the film, which contributes to the development of putrefactive processes in the product. Eggs in the film are stored less than those that were left without "clothes."
It is clear that not only conditions and duration of product storage play a role in preventing poisoning, but also the correctness of its preparation. The hard-boiled egg presents less danger than the soft-boiled egg, and it does not matter whether it's cooked for the holiday or not.
So far, it was about poisoning with chicken eggs. But what about the useful dietary product, like quail eggs?
There is an opinion that the body of a quail with an elevated body temperature does not allow salmonella to settle in the egg. This ostensibly excludes poisoning with quail eggs, despite the fact that they use them for the most part raw. In theory, everything may be exactly as it should be, but in reality it is still possible to poison a quail egg.
First, the egg of the quail is very small, and its shell is quite fragile. Through the crack in the shell, various pathogens can easily enter the egg. And salmonella are no exception, because they can live in the external environment, for example, on the outside of the shell.
Even a clean inside egg can become a source of contamination if its shell was not thoroughly washed with soap before use. After all, it is impossible to exclude the possibility of finding on the shell pathogenic microorganisms that live near the dreams. And here it does not matter which bird produced the egg. Is it bacteria for anyway, a quail egg in front of them or chicken?
Secondly, stale quail eggs are no less dangerous than chicken eggs. Poisoning a rotten egg quail may not be a common occurrence, but exclude its possibility is also not worth it. Spoiled eggs must be disposed of. Sorry for the money spent? But is not health more valuable than material wealth?
And even more so, if it's not just about your health, but about your family's health. For example, eggs must necessarily enter the diet of a child, whose body is in the growth phase, and therefore requires the intake of protein and nutrients hidden in the bowels of the egg.
But poisoning a child with eggs is a big problem, because a child's body cope with intoxication worse than an adult. Toxins, released by bacteria, destroy the internal organs of the baby, which in the future will result in major health problems. And the mortality from intoxication in childhood is higher than in the adult.
Salmonellosis is a serious infectious disease. Its causative agent is gram-negative mobile bacteria in the form of rods with flagella. Salmonella belong to the number of bacteria that can live both in environments containing oxygen, and without it.
Bacteria that cause salmonellosis are a fairly stable species of microorganisms. In the external environment, they persist for several months, and getting into the nutrient medium (eggs, dairy and meat products), salmonella begin to multiply intensively. Cooked from contaminated food products have the usual taste and color, so a person may not even suspect an infection.
The nutrient medium for salmonella is also the small intestine of humans or animals. They select specific parasitizing cells: macrophages (cells of the immune system) and reticulocytes (finally not formed young erythrocytes). With these cells in the generalized form of the disease, salmonella enter the blood. The septic form of the disease is characterized by a secondary purulent lesion of the internal organs, where the causative agents of salmonellosis penetrate.
Damage to human organs is caused by endotoxin, which produces salmonella.
Poisoning by eggs contaminated with salmonella is classified as a food poisoning, because bacteria enter the body with food and practically poison it with toxins formed during the life of bacteria.
Symptoms of the poisoning with eggs
The clinical picture of egg poisoning depends to a large extent on how many infectious pathogens got into the body during the meal and from the immune status of each individual person. Symptoms of poisoning are, first of all, manifestations of organism intoxication due to the vital activity of bacteria.
The first signs of toxic effects of microbes on the body can be varied. Their appearance can be expected already during the first day. However, in some cases (for example, when infected with salmonella), the asymptomatic period can last up to 3 days.
Food poisoning can be indicated by the following symptoms:
- Spastic pains in the abdominal area caused by inflammation of the stomach and intestinal mucosa, indigestion.
- Excruciating nausea with frequent urge to vomit for a long time (if the first signs appeared after 24 hours, this symptom may be absent).
- Frequent desires for defecation and loose stools (in the case of salmonellosis, the stool becomes like a muddy greenish liquid with a very unpleasant odor, mucus and blood may be present in the stool).
- Elevated temperature (with salmonellosis, fever, as a rule, has a wavy character, lasts a long time, sometimes from a month)
- Weakness in muscles, loss of strength, sometimes impaired coordination.
- Headaches and dizziness (in severe cases, fainting and loss of consciousness).
- Frequent pulse, increased heart rate, the appearance of dyspnea, lowering blood pressure.
- Pale skin, especially the face and lips, sometimes a cold sweat appears on the skin.
- Dryness of the skin, drying of mucous membranes, thirst as a consequence of dehydration (dehydration).
Intoxication of the body can be accompanied by symptoms of damage to various organs and systems: impaired vision, speech incoherence, husky voice, paresthesia of limbs and trunk, the appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth, an increase in certain organs (liver, spleen), skin rash, the appearance of purulent inflammatory foci in different parts of the body.
Conditionally, there are 3 stages of food poisoning:
- Reactive toxic stage. This stage lasts from the moment the bacterial infection contained in food products (in this case in eggs) enters the body before the first signs of poisoning appear. It is practically asymptomatic, except that a person can feel some weakness. To determine the presence of a bacterial factor at this stage is possible only with the help of laboratory studies.
- Stage of severe toxicemia. Bacteria begin to multiply actively, producing toxins, which in large quantities begin to enter the blood. This causes the appearance of obvious symptoms of poisoning, and the more active the process of multiplication of microorganisms, the harder the patient becomes.
If at this stage to remove from the diet contaminated products and cleanse the body of toxins with the help of enterosorbents, the disease will decline.
- Stage multiorgan dysfunction. If the second stage does not take any treatment or continue to eat bacteria infected with eggs, toxins begin to destroy internal organs, causing a violation of their functions. At this stage, the symptoms of poisoning can be considered to be the smallest of evils. Common symptoms include hypoxia, impaired intestinal permeability, purulent skin rash, loss of consciousness, dehydration, decrease in the amount of urine (oliguria), sepsis and other dangerous symptoms.
Poisoning stale eggs in most cases occurs in 2 stages and does not lead to critical abnormalities in the work of the body. Another thing is salmonellosis, in which the defeat of internal organs happens quite often. In this case, the course of the disease depends not only on the initial amount of salmonella, which got into the body together with the eggs, but also on the form of pathology.
Salmonellosis can occur in 3 forms:
- Gastrointestinal. This is the most common form of the disease, which has an acute course with all signs of inflammation of the stomach and intestines (gastroenteritis): epigastric pain, nausea and vomiting, dyspeptic phenomena, diarrhea, pressing pains in the head, dizziness, severe weakness. Further, there are symptoms of severe CNS damage (convulsive syndrome, paresthesia, loss of consciousness) and heart (increased and frequent heartbeat, low blood pressure).
Symptoms may appear for several hours, sometimes in the first two days.
- Typhoid. Quite a rare pathology variant. It starts from the same way as the gastrointestinal form, but the manifestations of gastroenteritis are observed only for a couple of days, after which they disappear. Now the symptoms of intoxication come to the fore, and first of all the fever, which lasts from a week to a month. In some cases, on the background of increased fever, there is another cough, perspiration and sore throat, which makes it much more difficult to diagnose.
A specific sign of this form of salmonellosis is the appearance of a light pink rash in the chest and abdomen (observed in a week in 30% of patients), as well as an increase in the liver and spleen, which can be detected during physical examination and palpation.
- Septic. This is the most rare and severe form of pathology. It is characterized by a fever for a long time, which is accompanied by chills and profuse sweating. At the same time inside the body on different organs there are purulent-inflammatory areas. The inflammatory process can include the lungs, endocardium of the heart, bones and cartilage, lymphatic system, brain, upper respiratory tract (type of angina), peritoneum, etc.
In addition, there are 2 more nonspecific forms of the disease:
- Bacteriosis. There are no signs of disease in patients, but the pathogen can be detected during the study of biological material (tissues and secretions). At the same time, there will be no antibodies to the pathogen in the human blood.
- Subclinical. For this form is also characteristic of the absence of symptoms, but in the feces you can identify individual units of the causative agent of salmonellosis, and antibodies are found in the blood.
It is clear that in all cases of salmonellosis with non-compliance with hygiene and sanitation requirements, patients are a source of infection for other people and animals.
Poisoning by eggs is a problem that lies in wait for us at every step, because the contamination of bacteria so beloved by many products does not have such obvious signs that we observe when it is damaged (color, smell, shake sound, etc.). What is the view of this problem from a medical point of view?
Bird eggs are a popular food product for people, which is used in raw form, as well as for cooking various dishes and baking. From this point of view, the use of stale (and spoilage of the product is always associated with a bacterial factor) or infected eggs with the subsequent appearance of symptoms of intoxication is considered as food poisoning of a bacterial nature.
In turn, food poisoning of bacterial origin can be of 3 types:
- Bacterial toxic infections, the pathogenesis of which is associated both with living pathogens of the infection, and with the products of their vital activity - toxins.
- Bacterial intoxication, when the poisoning of the body is caused by toxins contained in the products, while living microbes either do not exist at all, or very few.
- Mycotoxicosis, in which the cause of poisoning are mycotoxins, considered the product of the life of some mold fungi.
In the case of poisoning with eggs, it is mainly food toxicoinfections, which, although they occur with pronounced symptoms of poisoning the body, are lethal to the very rare.
Complications and consequences
It is clear that the toxic effects of bacteria on the body during poisoning with eggs can not pass without a trace. Just some of the consequences can make themselves felt almost immediately after the episode of poisoning or course of treatment, while others will manifest much later, and the person is unlikely to associate emerging health problems with past contaminated eggs. What can be the price of carelessness?
The consequences of toxic effects on the body of bacteria contaminated products can be:
- Infringement of a microflora of an organism (in medical terminology a dysbacteriosis). Pathology can be the result of prolonged vomiting and diarrhea, cleansing the gastrointestinal tract, not only from harmful, but also from beneficial microorganisms, as well as the side effect of antibiotic therapy in severe cases of poisoning.
- Chronic pathologies of the inflammatory plan affecting the stomach and intestines (gastritis, colitis). Against the background of severe irritation of the stomach and duodenal ulcer, a peptic ulcer may well develop.
- Food allergy, resulting from sensitization (increased sensitivity) of the body. In this case, allergic reactions can occur both after the consumption of eggs, and under the influence of various allergens.
- Lack of kidney function. Still, the kidneys are the main filter of the body, and therefore, the main blow accounts for their share.
- Arterial hypertension (hypotension). The consequence of toxic effects on the heart.
- Inflammation of the joints. Intoxication can be cured quite quickly, but the inflammatory process in the cartilaginous tissues will require long-term treatment.
- Metabolic disorders, and as a consequence, the development of pathologies such as obesity and diabetes.
- Increased excitability of the central nervous system. Again, the result of toxic effects on the nervous system.
It is necessary to understand that children and elderly people are most susceptible to health disorders due to food intoxication, as well as those who, at the time of poisoning, already had acute or chronic diseases of internal organs, in particular the gastrointestinal tract. For them, the consequences will be more severe.
Well, let's go back to salmonellosis and see what complications this dangerous infectious pathology can have. Consider the consequences depending on the active forms of pathology.
Gastrointestinal form can occur with such dangerous symptoms:
- collapse (a sharp drop in blood pressure),
- severe disruption of kidney function and cardiovascular system,
- infectious-toxic shock - a pathology that proceeds with the defeat of vital organs and body systems,
- hypoxia due to toxic effects on the lungs and other organs of the respiratory and cardiovascular system,
- dehydration of the body (weakness and fatigue, decreased efficiency, formation of kidney stones, difficulties with defecation, deterioration of the skin and muscles, etc.).
The typhoid and septic forms can have even more severe consequences:
- again a toxic shock,
- inflammation of the heart membranes (myocarditis, endocarditis),
- inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia),
- the formation of thrombi in the vessels due to the inflammatory process in the venous walls,
- inflammation of the meninges,
- inflammation of the joints and cartilage,
- inflammatory pathology of the kidneys,
- failures in the work of the nervous system,
- the development of infectious psychosis,
- abscess (purulent inflammation) of vital organs,
- inflammation of the appendix of the cecum, which is known as appendicitis (in severe cases, if the gut ruptures, can lead to inflammation of the peritoneum),
- death of the patient.
In any case, if poisoning with eggs occurs with the development of the inflammatory process in the digestive tract, for a fairly long time will have to adhere to a special sparing diet so that the mucous stomach and intestines come back to normal.
Diagnostics of the poisoning with eggs
Poisoning by eggs, and in particular salmonellosis, in most cases has an acute course with pronounced signs of gastroenterocolitis and intoxication of the body. And since there is practically no difference in the first symptoms between poisoning by a spoiled product and salmonellosis, it is recommended to seek help from a medical institution in order to exclude the latter. In severe situations, if a person is constantly vomiting and fever, it makes sense to call an ambulance, which will deliver to the infectious disease department of the hospital.
The doctor who examines the patient first of all specifies what products can be caused by poisoning. If it turns out that the day before people used raw eggs, eggs or pastries, there are all the prerequisites for suspecting salmonella.
However, the presence of a bacterial pathogen and its type can not be determined by eye. Therefore, the diagnosis is based on bacteriological studies. The material for research can serve as feces and vomit, as well as the blood and urine of the patient.
In addition, the doctor will ask for a general analysis of blood and urine, which help assess the condition of individual organs and the whole body as a whole, as well as diagnose the inflammatory process.
Instrumental diagnosis for poisoning with eggs is not so relevant. It is used mainly to assess the condition of the gastrointestinal mucosa. This may be a rectomanoscopy that allows you to visually see the rectum visually by using a special device, or an endoscopic examination of the stomach and duodenum for internal injuries.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the poisoning with eggs
Poisoning by eggs, like any other poisoning, requires active measures to stop the intoxication of the body and prevent its dehydration. In order not to waste precious time searching for information on what to do when poisoning with eggs, when the poisoning episode has already occurred, we recommend that you read this information in advance. Still, eggs are a frequent visitor on our table, which means that there is always the possibility of poisoning with this useful but not always safe food.
If a little time elapsed between eating food poisoning symptoms, you can try to rinse the stomach by drinking plenty of warm water (you can add a little salt or potassium permanganate).
After a day or more, rinsing the stomach is useless. In this case, it is advisable to cleanse the intestines with an enema.
Diarrhea and vomiting, in addition to painful desires and discomfort, conceal a significant danger in the form of removing water from the body, without which a person can not live. As a result of dehydration, the work of many organs and systems is disrupted. To avoid this, you need to drink as much fluid (some doctors advise non-carbonated mineral water or boiled water with the addition of salt, which will help fight microbes). In addition, water will help to remove these very microbes from the body.
From food on the first day of illness, doctors advise to refuse. On the second day, you can try to gradually include in the diet of weak broths of meat and vegetables, dried bread, wiped baked potatoes.
Since the poisonous mucosa is very affected during the poisoning, during the treatment of poisoning and during the recovery period it is necessary to observe a sparing diet. Products should be cooked or baked, well-rubbed, unsteady. Preserved, fried. Sharp dishes should be excluded. Dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits can be included in the diet no earlier than a week.
Drug therapy for poisoning with eggs
After all the first-aid procedures are carried out, doctors recommend in any case to seek the advice of a specialist. After all, only a doctor can accurately determine the cause of poisoning, the stage of the disease degree of damage to certain organs and prescribe an effective treatment, because without treatment to avoid the unpleasant consequences of food intoxication is not always possible.
What drugs can a doctor prescribe for poisoning with eggs? First of all, these are drugs - enterosorbants. In principle, the preparations of this plan can be found in any home medicine cabinet or at the point of sale of medicines. To drugs that are able to bind and remove from the body harmful and toxic substances are "Activated Carbon." "White Coal", "Smecta", "Polysorb", "Polyphepan" and others.
Take sorbents immediately after cleansing the stomach. Let's consider features of application of enterosorbents on an example of a preparation "Smecta".
This absorbent is of natural origin, which attracts bacteria and viruses to itself and removes them from the body, without affecting the intestinal peristalsis. It is used as a part of complex therapy of infectious diarrhea in adults and children, including newborns. Allowed for use during pregnancy and lactation.
The medicine is produced in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension placed inside the sachet. In 1 sachet, 3 g of the drug.
Adults appoint 3 dosed sachets per day, newborn enough to 1 bag. Children's dose ranges from 1 to 3 bags per day. Take "Smektu" should be in between meals.
The daily dose of the drug should be dissolved in water or another liquid, taken in an amount of 50-100 ml, and then drink in 3 divided doses. For young children, the powder can be added to semi-liquid soups, mashed potatoes, and mashed potatoes.
Do not exceed the dose, as this can cause constipation.
Do not prescribe the drug with hypersensitivity to the drug, intestinal obstruction, intolerance to fructose, glucose-galactose malabsorption, sucrose-isomaltase deficiency.
Taking "Smektu" together with other medicines should be observed 1-2 hour interval, because the absorbent can negatively affect the absorption of drugs in the intestine.
Simultaneously with the removal of toxins from the body, a fight with dehydration must be conducted. Of course, you can try to drink more water, but this does not always help, when it comes to severe vomiting and diarrhea. The fact is that along with the liquid from our body, useful minerals also leave in the form of electrolytes. Replenish the supply of water and electrolytes in the body called special preparations: "Regidron", "Gastrolit", "Hydrovit", "Orasan", "Regidrin", "Orsol and others, which are available in the form of granules and powder for the preparation of solution.
Consider the use of one of these useful drugs. "Orasan" is a preparation for peroral rehydration, which normalizes the water-electrolyte balance and fights with manifestations of acidosis (acidification of the body). The inclusion of dextrose in the preparation contributes to better absorption of water and minerals.
The drug is produced in dosage bags, designed for 1 liter of water. Water should be taken boiled, but chilled. Use the solution doctors recommend after each act of bowel evacuation within 7-10 hours.
How much solution to cook is calculated based on the severity of diarrhea. The average daily dose is calculated from the ratio of 60 mg of solution per kilogram of the patient's weight. The minimum dose should not differ from the average by more than 2 times.
In severe cases of intoxication with multiple diarrhea and vomiting, a re-course of rehydration is possible. In the presence of vomiting, the drug is given 10 minutes after the episode of emptying the stomach.
The drug is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to its components and diabetes. Taking medication can be accompanied by nausea.
If oral reception of funds for rehydration is difficult, drugs in a hospital infusion.
Together with salts and elektolitami our body during the diarrhea or vomiting leave and so necessary vitamins for life. Therefore, in the recovery period after the effective treatment is shown the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes (Undevit, Duovit, Vitrum, etc.).
Intoxication is a strong and severe blow to the body, for the restoration of which requires the strength and coordinated work of the immune system. For this reason, at the final stage of the disease, immunostimulating preparations of both plant and synthetic origin (tincture and Echinacea tablets, Eleutherococcus tincture, "Viferon", "Laferon" preparations, etc.) are introduced into the therapeutic regimen.
Severe diarrhea can cause damage to the intestinal microflora, which can be normalized with the help of such drugs as Lineks, Bifiform, Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin and other probiotics. The same drugs will be useful if the doctor has prescribed antibiotic therapy, which is not so rare in case of severe poisoning with eggs with a large number of secreted bacteria. Antibiotics doctor chooses at his discretion on the results of bacteriological research, but the patient can choose probiotics himself based on his financial capabilities.
Consider the most popular of the above group of drugs probiotic. "Lineks" is an antidiarrheal drug based on 3 different types of lactic acid bacteria that live in our intestines and are responsible for the stabilization of its microflora. It can be taken both during and outside antibiotic therapy.
The preparation is in the form of capsules. Contains lactose, therefore this drug is not used in patients with a metabolic disorder of this component.
Single dosage for adults and children is 1-2 capsules. You need to take the medicine three times a day while eating. The exception is hot meals and alcoholic drinks.
If the patient can not swallow the capsule, its contents are poured into a teaspoonful of liquid. The solution is used immediately after mixing.
Do not apply the drug with increased sensitivity to it because of the danger of side effects in the form of allergic reactions, itching, skin rashes.
Bacteria, getting into the digestive tract, exert an irritating effect on its walls, which leads to inflammation of the mucosa. Even if the bacterial factor is removed, tissue repair will take some time. To this time, doctors can be reduced in the recovery period when poisoning with eggs can appoint the drug "Methyluracil", which starts the process of regeneration of cells of the gastrointestinal tract and improves cellular immunity.
Tablets "Metiluratsil" should be taken with food or after eating. Single dose for adults - 500 mg (1 tablet). Multiplicity of admission - 4 times a day.
The dose for children 3-8 years is half the adult. Take the medicine by ½ pill 3 times a day.
Children older than 8 years of age are prescribed by a doctor depending on the condition, from ½ to 1 tablet three times a day.
The course of treatment usually takes 1 month.
The drug is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to its components, hemoblastoses, myeloid leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, bone marrow oncology, during pregnancy and lactation. In pediatrics apply from 3 years.
Side effects are headaches and dizziness, heartburn, allergy.
Treatment of poisoning with eggs can be carried out both at home and in the hospital (severe intoxication, salmonella of the typhoid and septic form). Physiotherapeutic treatment for food poisoning is not carried out, however, as well as surgical.
Alternative treatment
Poisoning by eggs can proceed in different ways, it all depends on the number of pathogenic microorganisms trapped in the body, their type and the ability of the body to resist the bacterial attack. In severe cases of food poisoning it is recommended to seek help from specialists. Alternative treatment in this case can only slow down the recovery process. But for easy poisoning, alternative recipes will be just right, they will help to cleanse the body of toxins and will contribute to its recovery after illness.
Some alternative recipes, such as an aqueous solution of salt for gastric lavage, are welcomed by physicians. The water should be slightly salty and warm. You need to drink it in large quantities (at least half a liter at a time). If water is drunk a lot, and vomiting does not come, you need to press your finger on the root of the tongue, causing vomiting violently. The stomach is washed as many times as needed until it is completely cleared, as indicated by the purity of the water withdrawn from the body.
It has a good antimicrobial effect.
In those cases, if the stomach is empty and vomiting does not stop, you can normalize the situation with a lemon, adding a little sour juice to the fluids used to combat dehydration and toxin removal.
By the way, about the removal of toxins. Useful in this regard will be the treatment of herbs. The ability to quickly and safely remove toxins from the body have broths of dill and anise seeds. For their preparation take half a teaspoon of seeds, pour them a glass of boiling water and cook for 10-20 minutes. After that, the composition is cooled under natural conditions.
Decoction of the anise seed is taken on an empty stomach and immediately causes vomiting to purify the stomach. Requires 2-3 anise rinsing.
Decoction of seeds or herbs of dill takes half a cup for 30 minutes before meals once a day for several days.
By the way, a fine antitoxic action is possessed also by a powder of a kelp, known to many as sea kale. You can buy the powder in any pharmacy. Take 3-5 g of powder every 2-3 hours, depending on the severity of intoxication.
And now about tasty treatment. It's about herbal teas. With food poisoning, ginger and melissa tea will be useful. Ginger tea is prepared by filling 1 teaspoon of ground root with a glass of boiling water and insisting the mixture for 20 minutes.
Take a useful medicine you need every half hour-hour, drinking at a time 1 tbsp. Aromatic drink, in which to improve the taste, you can add a little honey.
To make melissa tea, you need to pour 40 grams of herbs with two cups of boiling water and insist for a quarter of an hour. The prepared formula to drink during the day for 4 admission.
These delicious and healthy drinks will help to fill in the body lack of fluid and nutrients, have a calming effect, increase immunity and significantly reduce the intensity of symptoms of intoxication.
If among readers there are adherents of treatment by natural means, belonging to the section of homeopathy, then this information should interest them. When poisoning with eggs as a type of food poisoning, homeopathic physicians are advised to find in their medicine cabinet or purchase in a specialized pharmacy the following homeopathic medicines:
- Arsenicum album. This drug helps with the poisoning of protein foods of animal origin. Indications for its use are pain in the intestinal stomach, which become stronger at night, nausea and vomiting, severe diarrhea, abdominal cramps in cold water.
- Hina. The medication is prescribed for patients suffering from dehydration, complaining of a rise in body temperature and muscle pain. You can take the medicine both during the illness and during the recovery period, because it helps restore the vital forces of the body after a serious illness.
- Nux vomica. The drug, which will be useful for any food poisoning, accompanied by symptoms characteristic of egg poisoning: headaches, painful abdominal cramps, painful diarrhea and vomiting, weakness, etc.
- Camphor. The medicine is indicated for patients who have a sharp drop in pressure during poisoning, heart rate and pulse increase, tides appear (with cold skin they experience internal heat), pale and cyanotic skin.
- Kuprum Metallicum. Indications for the use of this drug resemble the symptoms of salmonella: a liquid greenish stool, frequent urge to vomit, painful colic in the abdomen, the appearance of cold sweat and chills, the appearance of pink spots on the body, cramps are possible.
- Aconite. The drug is indicated for fever and severe diarrhea caused by food intoxication.
An effective dosage of drugs should be prescribed by an experienced homeopathic doctor, only then treatment of intoxication will end with a quick recovery and recovery of the patient's body. It is necessary to take into account the fact that homeopathic treatment is based on the principle that "wedge is knocked out with a wedge", i.е. Often from poisons and toxins get rid of by the same poisonous substances. So, prescribe drugs yourself, and even picking up dosage by eye can be dangerous and not only for health, but for life.
More information of the treatment
The question arises, how can this be done if there is always a chance to buy eggs of dubious quality (stale or infected with salmonella)? And in fact, it is not always possible to prevent such a dangerous purchase, but it is possible to make even infected eggs safe for health.
Fans of raw eggs can be advised to buy only fresh eggs from trusted vendors who regularly check their goods for good quality. Raw chicken and quail eggs are useful for children and people whose work is associated with the strain of the vocal cords. Buying goods for these groups of people should always be very careful and scrupulous. If necessary, ask for documents confirming that the product is quality and safe.
If you are not sure about the quality of eggs, it's better not to take chances. Scrambled eggs with "live" yolk, soft-boiled eggs, protein creams, curd pasta and other dishes, in which eggs do not undergo sufficient heat treatment, can not be cooked using a product of questionable quality.
Preparation and consumption of food should be carried out with clean hands and kitchen equipment that has passed qualitative cleaning.
Ready-made dishes from eggs, however, like raw eggs, can not be stored for a long time at room temperature, and even more so in warmth, which will provoke rapid growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms inside the product. Only a 10-minute warming at a temperature above 75 degrees will help to correct the situation, provided that the egg warms evenly. Alas, such "disinsection" can not always save a ready-made dish from eggs. Corrupted by the wrong storage, the dish should be discarded.
So, heat promotes the multiplication of bacteria. At the same time, the cold can significantly slow down this process. But remember that the freezing of the product is not capable of killing Salmonella in it, which means that under the influence of heat their vital activity will be restored.
With a scrupulous approach to the choice of products, as well as the process of their preparation and consumption, a problem such as poisoning eggs with high probability will leave your life. Caring for your health and your loved ones, buying quality products that have the appropriate price, you can make your life much happier than giving preference to doubtful savings.
In conclusion of the article on egg poisoning, let's talk about what chances of recovery and how to avoid food intoxication with the participation of a beloved protein product. As in many cases of toxic effects on the body of pathogenic bacteria, the prognosis of treatment of patients depends on the severity of the course of poisoning. In turn, the severity of the course of the disease depends on the number of bacteria that have entered the body, the age and the state of the patient's immune system.
Poisoning stale eggs and salmonellosis of the gastrointestinal form are much better treated than the typhoid or septic form of salmonella, requiring hospitalization and active antibiotic therapy. But even mild degrees of poisoning are more difficult for children and elderly people, and so relatives and close ones should treat the patients of these groups with care, trying to prevent such intoxications.