Fibrooadenomatosis of the breast
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Dystrophic changes in the mammary gland, which can occur both in women and men, are called fibroadenomatosis of the breast.
Sometimes the term cystic mastopathy, adenofibrosis, fibromatosis, Reclus disease is applied to this disease. Fibroadenomatosis is characterized by the appearance of multiple small nodules that are inactive relative to surrounding tissues.
Causes of the fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland
The underlying cause of the development of fibroadenomatosis is the imbalance of the hormonal system in the body. This happens in the following cases:
- stressful situations - mental instability, psychoemotional failures are a factor contributing to the development of many diseases, including mastopathy. Especially if a person is in a stressful condition for a long time or a long time, this affects the activity of the endocrine glands;
- sexual problems - the practice of interrupted sexual intercourse, irregular sex or lack of a regular sexual partner, the lack of satisfaction of sexual needs;
- associated gynecological diseases and the conduct of artificial abortions, including medicamentous ones - the health of the sexual sphere provides for the normal production of hormones necessary for the body (progesterone and estradiol). Disturbance of the functional capacity of the ovaries, provoked by inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs, violations of the menstrual cycle leads to an imbalance of the hormonal background;
- refusal or early cessation of breastfeeding of the baby - provokes stagnation in the mammary glands. If there is no problem with the amount of milk, breastfeeding should be practiced for at least a year after the birth of the child;
- pathology of the thyroid gland - a deficiency or excess of thyroid hormones affects the balance of sex hormones.
Also on this list, you can include liver diseases - this body takes part in removing from the body the products of the decay of hormones. Their untimely or incomplete excretion also provokes instability of the hormonal level.
Symptoms of the fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland
Clinical signs of fibroadenomatosis can be:
- often repeated stitching pains, especially before the onset of monthly discharge;
- a feeling of pressure and burning pain in the breast;
- discharge from the milk ducts, both independent and appearing when squeezing the nipple;
- Sometimes lymph nodes in the axillary area increase;
- The thoracic gland swells and becomes dense.
Soreness has the property of intensifying after a nervous or physical strain.
Fibroadenomatosis can occur in various forms:
- diffuse fibro-adenomatosis of the mammary glands is a diffuse form of the disease, when pathological foci are widespread, being located everywhere on one or two glands. Palpation is determined by a number of nodules characterized by heterogeneous, granular, painful seals.
- localized fibroadenomatosis of the breast - the presence of seals in the breast that have a denser structure than in adenosis or masoplasia. Sometimes patients notice soreness on palpation. The edges of the nodal formations are defined relatively clearly, the skin above them is compacted, represents an uneven tuberosity.
- focal fibro-adenomatosis of the mammary gland is a benign process characterized by focal replacement of the glandular fibrous tissue, manifested by the appearance of focal seals in the breast. Soreness is not felt in all cases of the disease.
- cystic fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands - is a form of fibro-adenomatosis, in which multiple and multi-chambered formations of the type of cysts are found. These cysts are homogeneous clearly marked seals with smoothed contours. Cysts can be arranged singly or in groups.
- fibrotic fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands - seals in the breast with a predominance of fibrous tissue proliferation. As a rule, such a state develops as a result of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition, when epithelial cells acquire the phenotypic abilities of the mesenchymal cell. Most often this happens after a traumatic injury, or an infectious-allergic process.
- nodular fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland - this form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of localized small seals, with the greatest sense of pain precisely in the zone of nodal proliferation of tissue. Nodular fibroadenomatosis usually occurs on the background or as a consequence of diffuse fibro-adenomatosis.
The accompanying signs of all forms of the disease are expressed in the violation of menstrual function, mental and emotional instability, problems with conception and bearing, deterioration of the nails, hair and skin.
Where does it hurt?
Diagnostics of the fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland
Chest examinations can be standard, special and optional.
The standard survey methods include:
- mammography (in two projections) - one of the most informative and common methods of diagnosis. The possibility of a large increase and a high resolution of the picture makes it possible to detect even the smallest pathological deviations;
- ultrasound examination (ultrasound of the breast).
Special diagnostic methods include:
- method of aspiration biopsy - taking the necessary material for a cellular examination (cytology);
- the method of a trumpet-biopsy - the taking of material for the study of tissues (histology);
- stereotactic biopsy - taking material from non-palpable tumors;
- doktografiya - examination of the dairy ducts glands.
Such special types of examinations are used mainly to differentiate the seals when they are suspected of malignancy.
Additional diagnostic methods can be assigned to:
- thermography - a print of the temperature of the tissues in the picture (in healthy tissue the temperature will be lower);
- roentgenogram of the chest;
- magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography;
- examination of lymph nodes;
- laboratory tests, including the content of hormones.
Complete diagnosis of the disease allows you to build a more successful and complete treatment regimen.
What do need to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of the fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland
The basic principles of therapy for fibroadenomatosis are as follows:
- stabilization of the hormonal level in the body;
- symptomatic treatment and restoration of damaged gland tissue.
To determine the necessary scheme of therapeutic measures, it is necessary to establish and eliminate the cause of the pathology, and also to balance the work of the hormonal system.
Selection of treatment is carried out depending on the age category of the patient, the stage of the disease, the features of metabolism and hormonal development, the presence of any other related pathologies in the body.
At the present time, the therapy of this disease involves the appointment of hormonal drugs, homeopathic remedies, vitamins, antidepressants, adaptogens. For the removal of pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed, but this is done for a short period.
Treatment of diffuse fibro-adenomatosis of mammary glands is carried out with the help of the following medicines:
- drugs that affect the function of the thyroid gland (depending on the violation of this function - hyper- or hypothyroidism);
- antiestrogens (phareston, toremifene, tamoxifen);
- androgenic drugs - oppressive production of gonadotropic hormones (danazol);
- antiprolactin means - oppressive production of prolactin (bromocriptine);
- preparations of analogues of neurohormones (releasing hormone of the hypothalamus);
- contraceptive preparations regulating the menstrual cycle (zhanin, non-vilon, tri-regol);
- Progesterone preparations (progestogen, utrozhestan, dyufaston, crinon);
- vitamin preparations for improving metabolic processes and functional ability of the liver;
- drugs that facilitate liver function (Essentiale, hofitol, artichoke, carpel, hepabene);
- homeopathic remedies.
In addition to drug treatment of fibro-adenomatosis of the breast, the patient must adhere to a certain method of nutrition: to abandon coffee drinks and strong black tea, chocolate, alcohol and smoking.
In cases of ineffectiveness of conservative treatment, surgical intervention can be prescribed. It is a sectoral resection of the breast, followed by a histological analysis of the materials taken. Such an operation can be performed with application of both general and local anesthesia. The size and complexity of the operation are determined by the form of the disease, as well as the duration and neglect of the process.
In the postoperative period, because of possible pain and discomfort, anesthetics can be prescribed (ketones, analgin preparations).
Treatment of fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland by alternative means
In the treatment of the disease often use alternative medicine that help to normalize the metabolism, stabilize the level of hormones, activate the protective functions of the body, calm the nervous system.
Nature has created many different plants, the action of which resembles the hormonal effect. However, unlike medicines, plant components do not contribute to the development of side effects. Such plants include corn stigmas, valerian root, birch buds, dog rose, currant leaves, nettle, burdock root.
When local treatment is often used fresh leaves of cabbage or burdock, applying them to the affected chest.
The medicinal action of plants should be aimed at eliminating the cause of fibroadenomatosis. Therefore, mixtures of grasses have the greatest effect, where each component acts in a complex, mutually complementing each other: - grind 200 g fresh burdock root, mix with the same amount of natural honey, 200 g of castor oil and juice of four lemons. The resulting gruel should be spread on a clean cloth and applied as a compress at night. Keep in the refrigerator. Duration of treatment is about 2 weeks;
- take equal parts of yeast dough, unsalted butter, egg yolk, mix. Blend the pieces of tissue with a mixture and apply to the affected area of the breast. Take this treatment for a month;
- warm unrefined sunflower oil (spoon) should be mixed with 40 drops of the veterinary antiseptic agent asd-3. The resulting mixture is used as a compress. If during the period of treatment at the place of the compress there will be unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to endure until it is possible: after 3-4 procedures the painful sensations will disappear;
- bake the onion head, remove the top layers, and grind the remaining part into a gruel. Add a tablespoon of tar. Blend the mixture on the fabric and apply to the seals, compress every 9-10 hours;
- grate half a glass of carrots, add half a glass of beet juice, art. A spoon of ground in a coffee grinder of a dry golden root and four st. Spoons of sea buckthorn oil (or any other). Make compresses, changing them every 5 hours. The duration of such treatment is about two weeks;
- to grind into a powder mass of st. Spoon of cumin, art. Spoon anise, 2 tbsp. Spoons of dried potato color, 2 tbsp. Spoon balm. Add 3 teaspoons of St. John's wort oil and half a glass of dark flour to the powder. Knead the lozenge, adding boiling water instead of liquid. In place of the seal, it is necessary to attach such a lozenge and do not remove for 5 hours. After the lozenge is replaced with another;
- apply a warm soft part of the pumpkin to the mammary gland (peeled of seeds);
- 100 g of fresh unsalted butter mixed with chopped garlic head. Apply ointment to the affected area of the breast, bandage;
- mix equal parts of the root of valerian, seeds of cumin and dill, mint leaves and chamomile flowers. Two full st. Spoon collecting brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist half an hour and take half a cup three times a day before meals;
- twist the leaves of the ficus into a meat grinder, mix with honey to taste. Eat according to art. Spoon before each meal, at the same time spread out in the form of a compress in place of the seals. The duration of application is one week, then after 2 weeks we repeat again.
The use of herbal preparations in the treatment of fibro-adenomatosis can be combined with other therapeutic agents, but before starting treatment, always consult a doctor.
More information of the treatment
The main methods of fibroadenomatosis prevention:
- healthy food and lifestyle - avoid breast trauma, drink iodized water, eat well, have enough vegetables and fruits, avoid psycho-emotional overload, strengthen immunity;
- the right choice of underwear - to choose a bra is necessary not only for beauty, but also for the convenience of wearing. The bra should not rub, press on the chest, and also deform it;
- preventive examination - a woman should periodically inspect and palpate the chest for seals or painful areas. It will not be superfluous to visit a mammologist once a year for prophylactic ultrasound;
- breastfeeding - the risk of developing fibroadenomatosis increases if a woman stops breastfeeding earlier than three months after childbirth. The ideal variant of feeding is 1-1.5 years;
- artificial abortion - the artificial abortion of pregnancy provokes a sharp decline in hormonal activity, which further contributes to imbalance of hormones and increases the risk of fibroadenomatosis;
- full sex life - regular sex life improves the hormonal background, it serves as the prevention of stagnant phenomena in the small pelvis.
The prognosis of mammary gland fibroadenomatosis is favorable. Timely qualified therapy usually leads to complete recovery. Having discovered the first signs of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor: the earlier the pathology is diagnosed, the better the treatment.
Fibrooadenomatosis of the breast is a disease that lends itself to uncomplicated treatment, if not to start the process.