Dysfunction of the brain in adults and children
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The brain is one of the basic structures of the human body, which has relative autonomy and performs a regulatory function. It is the coordination of the brain's work that determines the balance of the basic processes in the body, the normal functioning of the main organs and systems. Sometimes there is dysfunction of the brain. The slightest disturbances in the brain work lead to a tangible imbalance, which manifests itself both in violation of the basic functions of the brain, and in behavior, emotional and intellectual development.
Causes of the dysfunction of brain structures
Dysfunction often develops in children due to immaturity of the brain structures at the time of birth. Also, metabolism and blood circulation in the main structures of the brain are disturbed. This occurs against the background of a hereditary predisposition or pathology of pregnancy and childbirth.
Disorders can occur with prematurity due to premature birth, with various diseases and toxicoses and malnutrition during pregnancy. Anemia of the pregnant woman, hypoxia and fetal asphyxia can also lead to brain damage. The cause is often hemolytic disease, the threat of miscarriage or spontaneous abortion, various pathologies of labor, for example, weak labor activity, fast delivery.
The causes that contribute to dysfunction in early childhood are factors such as malnutrition, malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, severe diseases, especially infectious diseases, as well as those pathologies in which there is a lack of oxygen (bronchial asthma, heart disease, heart failure) .
Risk factors
The risk group includes people with craniocerebral trauma, permanent circulation disorders, frequent loss of consciousness. The risk of development of pathology in children with cardiac and respiratory disorders, prone to frequent attacks of epilepsy, nervous breakdowns, loss of consciousness, seizures is significantly increased.
Any disease in which an oxygen deficiency develops, entails a disruption of the normal functioning of the brain.
At the heart of pathogenesis lie violations in the structure and functional state of the brain. In most cases, injuries occur in the intrauterine development of the child. After birth, pathology is aggravated by various unfavorable environmental factors. There are mainly functional disorders, whereas organic lesions are less noticeable.
Symptoms of the dysfunction of brain structures
The main symptoms are various functional disorders of the brain. The child may experience inhibition or hyperactivity, behavior changes dramatically and is significantly different from peers. The child sits up late, starts to walk late. He has a lag in development: normal speech, pronunciation is broken, various neurotic reactions and mental disorders develop. Violated fine motor skills and coordination of movements.
Often the pathology is manifested against a background of a stressful situation, with a long-term finding of a child in unfamiliar surroundings. The patient is characterized by the inability to concentrate, lack of assiduity, increased distractibility and lack of concentration. Subsequently, the child can not cope with the school curriculum, lags behind in training, is different in behavior.
Also, the child has a bad dream, often the mood changes, emotional lability, impulsiveness is observed. Usually, hyperactivity prevails over other qualities. Reduction of excessive activity comes to adolescence.
It is necessary to pay special attention to the child if he becomes restless, randomly jerks hands and feet, can not calm down and recover, reacts too impulsively to any events. A child with dysfunction can not concentrate on one thing, constantly takes on something new, does not bring things to an end. When communicating with peers, it can exhibit impulsiveness, aggression.
External stimuli easily distract his attention, after which he can not concentrate on a certain action for a long time. The child can not see or hear, when people address him, he talks a lot and speaks without talking, talking to himself. Often, such children are intrusive, others are outgoing, require constant attention. They often lose and forget their things at home and at school, commit absolutely thoughtless deeds that can be dangerous for life and health.
As practice shows, if in childhood minimal brain disorders were diagnosed, eventually they pass, or significantly decrease. Nevertheless, it should be noted that most neurological problems are being treated, while psychological and adaptive problems persist. Also, an adult may experience dysfunction with a craniocerebral trauma.
Adults with brain dysfunction experience difficulties in interpersonal communication, social interaction. Often such people have a sense of insolvency, immaturity. They show a low level of adaptive abilities, unsatisfactory training and labor skills.
Often, dysfunction of the brain in adulthood is indicated by problems with motor function, for example, awkwardness, awkwardness. A person is not capable of learning, can not deal with the same thing for a long time, he has no perseverance. The mood is constantly changing, depression develops, and often, without any objective reason. There is a problem with arbitrary attention, impulsive behavior, excessive aggression.
Such a person is suffering a lot of stress, he is characterized by a high degree of irritability, hysteria. It is difficult for him to cope with the increased physical and intellectual load. The main method of correction of the condition is massage, sessions of osteopathy.
Minimal brain dysfunction
It is often the minimum dysfunction that causes frequent headaches. In children, it leads to the development of hyperactivity and hypersensitivity. Children are overly excitable, they find it difficult to concentrate on the task at hand, on the monotonous work. Against the background of these disorders, secondary pathologies appear: memory impairment, attention, increased fatigue, reduced work capacity and learning ability.
Over time, neurotic disorders, epilepsy can develop. At present, minimal disorders are observed in about 20% of children.
Easy dysfunction of the brain
By mild dysfunction is meant a minor lesion of the brain functions, in which only the functional state is disrupted, whereas organic lesions are not observed. Such damage is reversible. Children have hyperactivity, poor memory. Mindfulness is practically not developed.
In school, these children develop learning problems. Children can not write competently, clearly express their thoughts, they have disrupted spatial orientation. Hyperactivity does not allow you to concentrate. In the treatment of this pathology an important role is assigned to the psychological factor. Such children should be surrounded by a sufficient level of attention.
In some children, on the contrary, hypoactivity manifests itself. They look lethargic, apathetic, practically have no desires, no interests. Often speech is broken. The instability of the autonomic nervous system is observed.
Disorders are especially intense in adolescence, when there are endocrine disorders, imbalance of hormones, imperfection of nervous regulation. For teenagers, there is an increased interest in alcohol and drugs, there is a craving for early sexual intercourse and various perverted tastes. Adolescents with such pathologies become antisocial, aggressive. Often they are drawn to commit crimes, to participate in illegal and criminal organizations. There is a tendency to cruelty, violence, gambling.
Moderate dysfunction of the brain
It is manifested sufficiently persistent violation of venous outflow, stagnant phenomena as a result of traumatic head injury. Also, dysfunction can occur during childbirth, with improper care of the baby, the development of various infectious and inflammatory processes. Headaches often develop. Pain can be of a pulsating nature. Usually it is associated with a change of weather, pressure drops. There may be spasm of the brain, which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting. In the morning there are dull pains, there are cases of loss of consciousness, fainting. On the face there is a cyanotic shade, there is a cyanosis. A feeling of darkening in the eyes develops. In the first half of the day, as a rule, there is no activity, a poor state of health is observed. In the morning there are swelling, in particular, swollen face, eyelids.
For treatment often apply various physiotherapy procedures, massage, manual therapy, sessions of osteopathy. It also requires a comprehensive diagnosis, which will allow an accurate diagnosis, determine the cause of the pathology and choose the appropriate treatment. It is also recommended drug treatment.
In addition, a child with moderate dysfunction should undergo a psychocorrection, both with a specialist and at home. The teacher, the speech therapist, the psychologist necessarily take part in the work. This is due to the fact that headaches, spasms and other symptoms often lead to mental disorders in the child. It is important for him to create a developing environment, a calm environment. Contacts with a large number of strangers are better restricted.
It is necessary to give the child as much attention and care as possible. Parents should understand and realize that the difficulties that arise are not related to the characteristics of the child's character or behavior, but to functional disorders of the brain. Therefore, it is important to adequately treat the disease, educate it, deal with it.
We must strictly observe the regime of the day. Tasks should be focused on concentration of attention. Parents should be patient with the child, talk only in a calm tone, avoiding excessive emotionality. Instructions should be given clearly, they should not be contradictory. The computer and the TV need to be limited. An important condition is maintaining the necessary level of physical activity. It is important to monitor nutrition, to ensure that it is full, balanced. Only with strict adherence to all the doctor's recommendations, timely treatment, careful work with the child, brain dysfunction can be successfully cured. Otherwise, the disease will progress.
There are many different classifications of brain lesions, depending on which part is subject to deformation. By localization of the pathological process, the following types of dysfunctions are distinguished:
- dysfunction of dysencephalic structures of the brain, in which the regulation of appetite and sleep is disturbed. Thermoregulation and metabolic processes are disrupted;
- dysfunction of brain stem structures that respond primarily to vital functions such as breathing, impaired appetite, impaired muscle tone;
- dysfunction of the middle structures of the brain, which are responsible for autonomic functions of the nervous system, emotional state.
More details about the types of brain dysfunction.
Complications and consequences
The consequences can be social and physical. Among the social consequences include the difficulties of adaptation, problems with communication, training, work. Together with social disorders, vegetative-vascular dystonia, blood pressure changes, and vascular tone disorders develop.
In childhood, the consequences are less serious than in the adult. The main problem of the adult contingent is a high level of social maladjustment, up to mental disorders and nervous pathologies.
In adulthood, brain dysfunction entails the inability to realize oneself on a professional level, the lack of career growth and professional development. Such people often suffer from drug addiction, alcoholism, are prone to suicides and unlawful acts. Also, brain dysfunction entails a large number of divorces, constant moving and changing jobs, frequent changes of sexual partners, immoral lifestyle.
Diagnostics of the dysfunction of brain structures
The main diagnosis is carried out by an osteopathic physician. The first diagnostic session includes immediately and the correction of the state. This will give an opportunity to assess whether the patient will be better after the session. If there are improvements, then the problem is of an osteopathic nature and requires further treatment. If the improvement does not occur within a few days, then the problem of a different nature and further diagnostics is needed to discover the causes of the pathology. In most cases, instrumental and differential diagnosis is performed.
The task of the osteopath is to identify the damaged areas. After that, massage is done. By moving the cerebrospinal fluid, the spine again acquires the correct position, the normal structure. Several sessions of osteopathy will give an opportunity to fix vertebrae. Several sessions will greatly facilitate the patient's condition.
The study requires the patient's blood. The main study is aimed at detecting a glial neurotrophic substance in the blood. The analysis is carried out mainly by the method of enzyme immunoassay. In order for the patient to be diagnosed with minimal cerebral dysfunction, the glial agent should exceed 17.98 pg / l.
Also very informative can be clinical blood tests, urine tests. If necessary, the study of cerebrospinal fluid.
Many diseases are diagnosed on the basis of a clinical picture of pathology. In order to make a final conclusion about the diagnosis, it is necessary to compare the data of laboratory studies, instrumental methods and anamnesis. A family history of a person, as well as an anamnesis of life and illness, is studied. Additionally, consultations of such specialists as an orthopedist, an oculist, a psychiatrist may be required. If necessary, they will prescribe additional tests.
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Instrumental diagnostics
It represents the main stage, which makes it possible to put the final diagnosis. Use mainly special methods of research, for example, REG, KIT, CT, ultrasound, EEG. The results of all studies are compared with the results of the analyzes, after which the final diagnosis is deduced.
If there is a suspicion of trauma during childbirth, a hemorrhage, spondylography of the cervical vertebrae is performed. This is a method that allows you to assess the degree and severity of the pathological process. The procedure consists of 4 x-ray images. They are carried out from the side, straight, from below (with the head thrown back) and with the head tilted forward. This study is especially informative with copious salivation and syncope symptoms.
Wide application was found by such method as ultrasound dopplerography. Using this method, you can get information about the state of the blood flow in the head, as well as how the venous outflow from the brain is carried out. The features of the reaction of the cerebral vessels to the respiratory arrest, head turns are studied.
When dysfunctional disorders also necessarily carry out sonographic examination of the brain, which allows you to assess the state of blood vessels, the size of the ventricles of the brain. The survey provides an opportunity to identify the cause of brain development problems.
With the help of the EEG, the parameters of the bioelectrical activity of the brain are recorded, and also the changes occurring in the brain are recorded. Indications for the electroencephalogram are various convulsive conditions. Additionally, such research methods as ultrasound of the brain, dopplerography, encephalogram, neurosonography, brain condition scanning, x-ray, ultrasound are used. These methods make it possible not only to carry out diagnostics, but also to carry out medical measures.
Dysfunction of median brain structures on EEG
The electroencephalogram is a very informative method, which is carried out with suspicion of disturbances in the functional state of the brain. The study is conducted in a special room. The room is dark, with good insulation and soundproofing.
The patient is given various stimuli and records the performance of the brain. Activity indicators judge the delay in the mental and physical state of a person. As well as the degree of development of his skills. Using this method, it is possible to identify foci of epileptic activity.
Determine theta rhythm and delta rhythm, which has a frequency of 8-14 Hz. These rhythms reflect the state of human dormancy, and it is recorded in a person who is in a state of wakefulness, but with closed eyes. The appearance of such a pathological delta rhythm indicates a violation of the function of the brain. It appears precisely over the area in which pathological changes develop.
With dysfunction of the brain, the alpha-rhythm parameters have the greatest diagnostic significance. If they manifest themselves with high frequency and are of an unstable nature, one can speak of a traumatic brain injury. This often occurs after a concussion or a brain injury.
A regularity is revealed: the more the periodicity, duration and amplitude of such spindles, the more severe the inflammatory process.
The desynchronization of the EEG may indicate the development of a second type of neurosis. In this case, slow waves prevail in all parts of the brain, which are fixed normally only during sleep.
If a synchronous theta rhythm appears on the EEG, delta waves recorded in all parts of the brain, as well as outbreaks of bilaterally synchronous theta waves with high amplitude, can be diagnosed as acquired dementia. The presence of paroxysm and theta rhythms indicates the predominance of an excitable type of psychopathy.
The appearance of diffuse changes without any other disturbances can be considered as a variant of the norm. However, if such changes are detected against the background of paroxysmal changes and foci of pathological activity, one can speak of the presence of epilepsy and a tendency to convulsions.
Depression can manifest itself as a reduced bioelectrical activity of the brain. EEG can show features of the functional state of the brain at various physiological states of the patient, for example, in sleep, wakefulness, active mental or physical activity. It is also possible to register symptoms of cortical and cerebral circulation irritation, paroxysmal activity.
Differential diagnosis
The basis of differential diagnosis is the isolation of specific signs of certain diseases and differentiation of various diseases with similar characteristics. For example, in order to diagnose brain dysfunction, it is necessary to differentiate it from such a pathology as cerebral palsy. The easiest way is to do this on the basis of clinical signs, as well as using instrumental research methods.
Also it is necessary to differentiate dysfunction from injuries and head injuries, infectious diseases such as meningitis. For this, mainly bacteriological methods of research are used. Similarly, various poisonings, in particular, lead poisoning, manifest themselves. To differentiate the diagnosis, a toxicological study is carried out. To differentiate from cerebral hypoxia, functional tests and instrumental studies are carried out. It is necessary to differentiate from nervous and mental disorders.
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Treatment of the dysfunction of brain structures
There are many methods for correcting dysfunctional states of the brain. All of them sharply differ from each other. At the heart of each of the methods are different approaches. In general, scientists from different countries of the world agree on a common point of view that a complex approach is needed to correct brain dysfunctions. Corrective effects are carried out on the basis of an individual approach. In the arsenal of specialists there are many approaches that make it possible to take into account the needs of different categories of patients.
The main methods that are most often used in practice are the methods of neuropsychological and pedagogical correction. Modification of behavioral and emotional reactions.
If the therapy is ineffective, resort to medical correction. The main groups of drugs are tranquilizers, antidepressants, pseudostimulators, nootropic substances. The most effective means most doctors recognize are amphitamines, such as ritalin and amitriptyline, which are classified as a group of antidepressants.
To diagnose and take timely measures, when the first signs of dysfunction appear, you need to contact a pediatrician (therapist), or a psychiatrist.
It should be noted that the treatment of the disease is associated with a number of difficulties. For example, it is necessary to provide the child or adult with the necessary level of motor activity, because without it it is impossible to guarantee the success of treatment. It is important to pay attention to the development of such qualities as dexterity and coordination of movements.
When using psychological and pedagogical methods of correction, it is important to ensure full-fledged work with the child in the family. He needs to pay due attention, use various developing joint games. It is necessary to limit the time of the child's stay at the computer, in front of the TV. This kind of leisure is expedient to replace by mobile games, walks in the fresh air. Parents should spend as much time together as possible. The regime of the day should be carefully thought out, communication with the child organized. The food should be timely and full. The child should receive the necessary amount of attention, the proper level of encouragement and praise.
The treatment plan depends on what goals you need to achieve, and on the severity of the underlying symptoms. For example, with hyperactivity, therapy should be aimed at reducing activity, eliminating impulsiveness, preventing rash actions. A child needs to be taught to be cautious, to control oneself. Help in this sedative, soothing. You can use both medicines, and various herbs, homeopathic remedies. Compulsory vitamin therapy is carried out. If necessary, additives containing nutrients are added to the diet.
If other manifestations of the disease are found, symptomatic therapy is performed to suppress these symptoms.
If the child is dominated by inhibition, therapy should be aimed at stimulation, activation of brain structures. It is also important to use the means aimed at the activation of motor activity, mental activity. Often, various stimulants are used.
Brain dysfunction is quite effectively treated with medication. When using them, a number of precautions must be followed. Medicines should never be drunk on their own, without prescribing a doctor. In most cases, this results in serious consequences. The situation is only aggravated, pathologies of other parts of the brain develop. With improper treatment from a mild form of dysfunction can grow into a pronounced, stable. Medicines require exact compliance with dosage, treatment regimens. Side effects are manifested in the form of aggravation of pathology, headaches, migraines.
Well-proven molleril, belonging to a group of potent neroleptikov. But it reduces hyperactivity, increased excitability and normalizes the work of the central nervous system. Applied with dysfunction of the brain, severe irritability, neurasthenia, neuroses. It is recommended to take 0,005 grams three times a day. In severe mental illness, the dosage is increased to 50-100 mg per day. It should be borne in mind that with prolonged admission, a decrease in the number of leukocytes is possible. Dry mouth may develop, extrapyramidal disorders often develop. It should not be taken with eye diseases and problems with the retina.
Trioxazine is used for increased excitability and neurotic diseases. It also effectively fights irritability, insomnia, weakness and increased fatigue. Take 0.3 grams three times a day. Side effect and a sign of overdose is dry mouth, nausea, vomiting.
Seduxenum helps to relax the muscles, soothingly affects the central nervous system, eliminates convulsions. The daily dosage for an adult is 8-10 mg.
Aminalon is used to treat birth injuries and postpartum brain damage. The drug is indicated with a delay in mental development, lag in physical and mental development, various brain dysfunctions. It is taken 1 gram twice a day.
When brain dysfunction is recommended to take vitamins in the following daily dosages:
- Vitamin PP - 60 mg
- Vitamin H - 150 μg
- Vitamin C - 500-1000 mg
- Vitamin D - 45 mcg.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
It is used in the event that traditional medicamentous treatment is ineffective. Physiotherapy methods are selected, based on the individual characteristics of the organism, the purpose and objectives of corrective interventions. In most cases, a set of treatment methods contains sessions of manual therapy, sessions aimed at restoring the spine, and massage. Kinesitherapy has proved itself well. To improve the metabolic processes can apply methods of acupuncture and electrical stimulation.
Alternative treatment
Alternative treatment is widely used to treat dysfunctional brain disorders.
It is recommended to take a vitaminized mixture, which can be easily prepared at home. For cooking, you need to take 150 grams of dried apricots, raisins, prunes and walnuts. Skip it all through the meat grinder. Add the juice of one lemon and the juice obtained from the pulp of an aloe leaf. All this is thoroughly mixed, add a tablespoon of honey. Insist for a day in the refrigerator. Take a tablespoon three times a day. Saturates the body with vitamins, promotes rapid recovery, stimulates the immune system.
Also, with dysfunctions, it is advisable to drink vitaminized juice. For cooking requires 200 ml of pomegranate juice and 50 ml of juice or hawthorn syrup. Mix, you can add honey to taste. Drink in 2 sessions: part in the morning, the second part - in the evening. The duration of the course is 7-14 days.
To purify the body, stimulate metabolic processes, prescribe aloe juice with honey. To prepare, take 50 grams of juice and a tablespoon of honey. Mix thoroughly. Allow to stand for half an hour. Drink for 1 or 2 approaches. The course of treatment is from 5 to 7 days.
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Herbal Treatment
You can treat dysfunction with herbs. In this, the chamomile medicinal helps well. It helps to remove the inflammatory process, has a tonic soothing effect on the body. Apply a decoction: 1,5 tablespoons of herbs pour a glass of boiling water, insist for half an hour. Drink half the glass twice a day. You can also add chamomile to tea and drink in unlimited quantities throughout the day.
Well-proven decoction of mint. For cooking requires 1-2 tablespoons of mint. Pour a glass of boiling water, drink in small sips during the day. Affects the body soothing, tones up the nervous system. Eliminates side dyspeptic disorders, nausea. It is not recommended to take men, because it contains as part of female hormones, which contribute to the restoration and normalization of the female hormonal background and negatively affect the hormonal background of men.
With increased excitability of the nervous system, irritability, nervousness, restlessness take decoction of the motherwort. To prepare 2 tablespoons of herbs pour 500 ml of boiling water, insist for an hour. They drink like tea. The whole broth should be drunk a day. The next day they brew a new one. The duration of treatment should be at least a month.
Homeopathic remedies are quite effective in treating various disorders of brain function. However, they are not so safe that they can be taken uncontrollably. They can have serious side effects, both to the brain and to other organs and systems. An important precaution is to use caution - to take homeopathic remedies only after a comprehensive diagnosis is made and the cause of the pathology is identified. This will give an opportunity to choose the means as accurately as possible, to build in an optimal treatment regimen.
Well-established plant collection. For cooking, take a tablespoon of chamomile herbs, marigold flowers and mint. Mix, pour two cups of boiling water, I drink during the day. Helps to remove stress, fatigue, neuro-psychic overexertion. Toning and soothing.
With a depressed state, a decline in strength, a weakness of nervous origin, a plant tax is recommended. For cooking, take a tablespoon inflorescence of asters and half a tablespoon of a mountaineer bird. For brewing, the mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water, it is insisted for an hour. Then drink a third of a glass three times a day.
Ginseng infusion is used to eliminate brain disorders and normalize its basic functions. For cooking take 5-10 grams of plants, pour a glass of vodka, insist for a day. Drink 2 tablespoons three times a day for 15 days.
In cases of brain disorders, hysteria and depressive states, chicory is used. Approximately 20 grams of chicory on a glass of water. Brew like tea, I drink 2-3 times a day.
Prevention of violations of normal brain activity is reduced to the prevention of intrauterine disorders and birth trauma. After the birth of a child, one should not be allowed to form stereotyped thinking. We need to devote as much time as possible to development, communication, walks, joint creativity. Children should receive the required amount of vitamin. It is important to visit preventive exams on time, visit a psychologist, a psychiatrist, a speech therapist. Also, a planned examination of the neurologist is necessary. If treatment is necessary, it should be done as quickly as possible.
With a minimal and mild degree of pathology, the symptoms of the disease disappear on their own as the child grows up and finally ceases to bother him with adolescence.
With more severe pathologies, the disorders do not disappear on their own, but require mandatory correction. If you follow all the recommendations of a doctor, deal with your child at home, you can overcome dysfunction without consequences. If one treats correction and treatment is irresponsible, brain dysfunction can lead to poor health, mental disorders and social adaptation.