Symptoms of paralysis of facial muscles are diverse due to the varying degrees of conduction disorders in the branches of the facial nerve. The more branches involved in the pathological process, the more severe the clinical picture.
The sagging of the nasal septum is usually due to the excessiveness of its cutaneous part. As a result, the nostrils are wide open and through them the anterior part of the nasal septum mucosa is visible.
The wide tip of the nose is a deformation that can be caused by an increase in the angle between the medial and lateral legs of the large cartilages of the nose wings or the arc radius formed by the transition of the lateral legs into the medial ones.
Defects and deformations of the skin of the face and neck can be congenital and acquired (as a result of injuries, operations and various diseases: leishmaniasis, lupus erythematosus, syphilis, etc.).
Most often, total and subtotal defects of eyebrows and eyelids arise due to traumatic injuries (scalping), face burns, radiation therapy, skin diseases.
Defects of the upper lip on the soil of non-affection of its fragments are often accompanied by such deformations that can not always be eliminated during cheyloplasty; they may appear immediately after surgery or after a while.
Defects and deformation of the lips and entire arthritic zone - cheeks, chin - can occur due to accidental trauma, surgical intervention (due to congenital defect, neoplasm, fresh trauma, inflammation)