

Injuries and poisonings

Open bite: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

According to the literature, open bite (mordex apertus) occurs in 1.7% of children, and more often in older age than in younger. This type of bite is 1-2% of the total number of its violations.

Excessive development of the upper jaw (upper prognathia): causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

In children, the upper prognathia is 50-60% of the total number of all deformations of the dento-jaw system. Among the endogenous etiologic factors, one should first of all mention rickets and a violation of the respiratory function (for example, on the basis of hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils).

Ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Ankylosis of temporomandibular joint - fibrous or bone fusion of articular surfaces, causing partial or complete disappearance of the joint gap.

Contracture of the lower jaw: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The contraction of the lower jaw (Latin contrahere - shrink, contract) is the sharp restriction of mobility in the temporomandibular joint due to pathological changes in the soft tissues surrounding it and functionally associated with it.

Fistulas of the salivary glands and their excretory ducts: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Fistulas of the submandibular salivary gland in peacetime are extremely rare. They arise, as a rule, as a result of gunshot wounds of the submandibular region.

Underdevelopment of the upper jaw (upper micrognathia, opistognathia): causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Underdevelopment of the upper jaw (upper micrognathia, opistognathia) is a type of deformation that is relatively rare and it is very difficult to treat it with a surgical method.

Defects of the lower jaw: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Depending on the etiology, all defects of the lower jaw are divided into two main groups: gunshot and non-fire. The first group of defects is characteristic mainly for wartime.


Macrogenia is one of the most severe deformities of the face, ranging from 1.5 to 4.28% of all malocclusion anomalies.

Underdevelopment of the lower jaw (microgenia, retrognathia): causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Congenital absence of the mandible or its separate fragments, as well as the "double" jaw, are extremely rare in practice. Usually the surgeon is faced with either underdevelopment, or excessive development of the lower jaw, ie, with microgenia or prognosis.

Anomalies and deformations of the jaws

The size and shape of the jaws can vary greatly according to the individual size and shape of the entire face.


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