

Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

Treatment of eclampsia

Treatment of eclampsia includes a set of the following therapeutic measures: assess the degree of patency of the respiratory tract, identify violations to eliminate; catheterize a vein, preferably central; to introduce magnesium sulfate.

Preeclampsia treatment

Radical treatment of preeclampsia is a rapid delivery, 48 hours after which the symptoms of the disease subsided. Up to this point it is important to correct arterial hypertension, shortage of BCC, violations of blood coagulation, and also to prevent and arrest seizures.

Medicines used in childbirth

A special feature of pharmacotherapy in obstetrics is the participation of three specialties in it. According to rough estimates, during birth 32% of children born receive from the mother's body more than six drugs. One third of them are appointed in connection with the complications of taking other medications during pregnancy and childbirth.

Epidural anesthesia during childbirth

The technique of catheterization of the epidural space is described in many manuals; the most popular epidural anesthesia during childbirth is the technique of loss of resistance. Lidocaine and bupivacaine may be used.

Anesthesia during childbirth

All women entering the maternity ward are potential candidates for planned or emergency anesthesia during childbirth. In this regard, the anesthetist should know about each pregnant woman in the department, the following minimum: the age, the number of pregnancies and births, the period of the present pregnancy, concomitant diseases and complicating factors.

Why does it make me sick when I'm pregnant and what should I do?

Nauseating at pregnancy is a typical complaint, made by almost every third woman who is waiting for the addition in the family. It is believed that nausea is a sign of toxicosis or auto-toxicity of the body.

Diarrhea during pregnancy

Diarrhea in pregnancy can be caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, the colon, disorders in the work of the nervous system, the intake of medications, various general diseases, as well as toxicosis, infectious agents, since it is during pregnancy that the woman's body is particularly acute reacts to food toxins.

Pregnancy management and re-delivery tactics in a patient with a prosthetic heart valve

In the last two decades there has been a trend towards an increase in the number of pregnant women with prosthetic heart valves. Obstetricians, therapists, cardiologists have problems in managing these patients, which is due to the physiological characteristics of pregnancy (a tendency to hypercoagulable), the possibility of developing uterine bleeding during childbirth, the difficulty of correcting anticoagulant therapy against caesarean section.

Placental dysfunction in the background of endocrine pathology

Placental dysfunction is a clinical syndrome caused by morphological and functional changes in the placenta and manifested by a violation of the growth and development of the fetus, its hypoxia, which arise as a result of the combined reaction of the fetus and placenta to various violations of the condition of the pregnant woman.

Method of preparation of endometrium for implantation in women with endocrine infertility

One of the main functions of the endometrium is the provision of implantation and embryo nidation. An important role in this process is played by the maturity of the endometrium, its synchronization with the hormonal background during the menstrual cycle.


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