

Gynecological diseases (gynecology)

Cyst of endocervix

Mucous, lining the inner surface of the cervix (cervical canal) is called endocervix. Endocervix cysts are enlarged endocervical glands in a form corresponding to cystic formation.

Omission of anterior and posterior vaginal walls: symptoms, what to do, how to treat

The omission of the vagina is a pathology, the basis of which is the lack of muscle strength and pelvic structures, as a result of which the physiological localization of the organs of the sexual, urinary and digestive system changes.

Glandular cystic endometrial hyperplasia

If a failure occurs during rejection and regeneration, the endometrium may begin to increase in size, leading to an increase in the size of the uterus. The glandular-cystic hyperplasia of the endometrium begins to develop.

Cervical Hyperplasia

The proliferation of cells lining the cervix beyond the normative indices is the cervical hyperplasia. As a result, the thickness of the endometrium increases, which leads to an increase in the size of the uterus itself, and, in some cases, and adjacent organs.


In gynecology, inflammation in the appendages (ovaries, fallopian tubes) occupy one of the first positions among diseases of the female reproductive system. Among doctors, inflammation in the fallopian tubes is commonly called adnexitis (salpingoophoritis).

Acute adnexitis

In practical gynecology, acute adnexitis occupies one of the leading positions in female morbidity. Given the importance of the fallopian tubes and ovaries in reproductive processes and women's health, attention should be paid to this disease in order to have the necessary and adequate representation about it.

Symptoms of adnexitis

Symptoms of adnexitis vary depending on the form of the disease, which can be acute, subacute, chronic, one- or two-sided.

Causes of adnexitis

The causes of adnexitis are diverse, but they need to be known in order to prevent the possibility of disease or to facilitate therapeutic measures.

Chronic adnexitis

Frequently arising or not completely cured inflammatory disease of the uterine appendages may eventually become a more protracted form - chronic adnexitis.

Treatment of adnexitis

Treatment of adnexitis is directed primarily to the destruction of the infection, which triggered the inflammatory process in the appendages.


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