Omission of anterior and posterior vaginal walls: symptoms, what to do, how to treat
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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The omission of the vagina is a pathology, the basis of which is the lack of muscle strength and pelvic structures, as a result of which the physiological localization of the organs of the sexual, urinary and digestive system changes.
The prevalence of pathology is significant, since every third woman after 45 years of age suffers from the omission of the vagina. In addition, up to 80 years, 10% of women have already undergone surgery on this issue.
The cause of the development of the disease can be excessive physical exertion with lifting of the severity, traumas obtained during labor, frequent constipation, overweight and age-related involutive processes in the body.
Depending on what part of the vagina has fallen - the anterior, posterior, or both walls, the pathology is classified into complete omission, after which the uterus falls out, and partial - when the localization of any wall changes with further loss of parts of the intestine and bladder .
Causes of ovulation of the vagina
Change in the physiological location of the vagina is observed due to changes in muscle tone, as a result of which the structures in the small pelvis change their location. Most often, the pathological condition worries about giving birth to women in senile age, who have more than 3-4 children.
In addition, there are the following reasons for the omission of the vagina: excessive physical stress associated with the transport of heavy loads, multiple births, difficult labor, which is accompanied by complications in the form of birth injuries.
Do not forget about the age changes in the process of which there are destructive changes that affect the state of the muscular system of the small pelvis.
Causes of vaginal omission may also include metabolic diseases and endocrine pathology, resulting in overweight. Frequent constipation and diseases of the respiratory system affect the condition of the muscles of the vagina and uterus.
The omission of the vagina and uterus is rarely found separately, since the vagina is closely related to the uterus. As soon as there is a weakening of the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus, so the vagina can fall down until the moment it is visible from the sexual slit.
Vaginal opening after childbirth
There is a vaginal descent after childbirth as a result of the development of functional deficiency of the ligamentous apparatus, thanks to which the internal organs of the small pelvis are in their place, and the pelvic muscles.
Numerous factors contribute to the omission, which affect the process of pregnancy and labor. So, it is necessary to distinguish the damage to the pelvic floor after traumatization, obtained during childbirth.
The omission of the vagina after childbirth is noted as a result of significant crotch ruptures that have not been properly stitched, or infection of the sutures.
The walls of the pelvic organs descend due to stretching the muscles or traumatizing the perineal tissue. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of disturbances in the innervation of sphincter muscles located in the urethra and anus.
Of particular importance is the size of the fetus, since with a large volume that will need to pass through the birth canal, an episiotomy should be performed, since a large fetus contributes to the development of muscle weakness.
Vaginal omission after operation
The vagina is closely related to the uterus and the surrounding around the muscular structures. Changing the location of one or two walls threatens to completely vagina with surrounding organs.
The omission of the vagina after surgery can occur in cases where surgery is performed on the pelvic organs. In addition, the operation can be involved in the process of the structure of the female reproductive system.
In order for the vagina to fall after the operation, it is necessary to damage the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus and other genital organs. Incorrect stitching of damaged tissues or weakening the strength of the pelvic floor muscles or ligaments that hold the uterus at a certain level can provoke the descending of one of the vaginal walls.
Operative intervention after trauma (falling from a height, ruptured ligaments or fractures of the pelvic bones) can also leave complications in the form of muscle weakening. As a result, gradually there will be a drop in the vagina.
Omission of the vagina after removal of the uterus
The vagina is closely related to the uterus, but in some cases it is necessary to remove the latter, and sometimes even with a part of the vagina. This applies to oncological pathology and other additional formations that extend to these structures.
The omission of the vagina after removal of the uterus is a fairly frequent manifestation and is associated with a violation of the anatomical location of the pelvic organs. However, not only the prolapse of the vagina, but also the bladder, which is located in front of it, is possible.
To prevent such complications after the removal of the uterus, it is recommended to perform special exercises that will help to increase the tone of the muscles of the vagina and hold in its original position.
Physical exercises contribute to strengthening the muscular structure of the pelvic floor, thereby reducing the risk of changing the location of the bladder and intestines. You should also monitor your weight and avoid it, especially women who undergo surgery, use hormone therapy to provide the body with the missing hormones.
Symptoms of ovulation of the vagina
At the beginning of the development of pathology, the symptoms of vaginal omission may not bother. With the increase in the intensity of the painful pulling character in the lower abdomen, the woman does not attach importance to this, since it presupposes the onset of premenstrual syndrome.
However, it is with this symptom in the third part of all cases that clinical manifestations of the vaginal omission begin. In the future, there are symptoms of vaginal dilation associated with dysfunction of other organs - urinary incontinence, difficulty in urinating, with abdominal tension in laughter, coughing, screaming, pain in the lumbar region, or intestinal disorders that manifest constipation or diarrhea.
As for the immediate genitals, it is worth highlighting a decrease in sensitivity during sexual intercourse, the appearance of erosions and ulcerative defects of the vaginal mucosa, a violation of the cyclicality of monthly discharges, as well as sensation of the foreign body in the perineal region.
Due to the typical location of the bladder in front of the vagina, then with the prolapse of the anterior wall, symptoms of cystitis are observed. The prolapse of the posterior wall is manifested by frequent constipation and an uncomfortable sensation of the presence of additional education in the vagina.
Omission of the vagina 1 degree
The percentage of cases of such a pathology as a vagina of 1 degree is most often observed after the second, third birth, as a result of which the muscle tone of the pelvic floor decreases, and the muscles of the vagina become less strong.
The omission of the vagina of the 1st degree indicates that there was a displacement of the uterus towards the vagina, as a result of which it lost its physiological location.
Since the uterus is connected to the vagina, then after the uterus it also begins to change the localization. Because of this, the vaginal walls descend to the entrance, and the external uterine shed is at a level - below the spinal plane.
For the first degree, the gap in the genital gaps is characteristic, because the pressure of the uterus on the vagina increases, which in turn tends to go out. Despite this, there is still no escape of parts of the vagina or other organs beyond the sexual slit.
At this stage, from clinical manifestations, you can identify minor pain sensations, similar to premenstrual syndrome, dysuric disorders, as a result of involvement in the process of the bladder, and uncomfortable sensations in the vagina.
Omission of the vagina of 2 degrees
Absence of treatment of the first degree of pathology is manifested as an omission of the vagina of the 2nd degree. Thus, this condition is characterized by the approach of the cervix to the genital cleft, which indicates a greater relaxation of the muscles.
In some cases, to the second degree, slight protrusion of the vaginal walls outward is attributed. Parallel to this, following the vagina, there is a change in the localization of other structures that are directly related to it.
This applies to the bladder - when the front wall is lowered, as well as the intestine - at the back. Symptomatic omission of the vagina of the 2nd degree is manifested by a disturbance in the functioning of the affected organs - the occurrence of frequent urination and difficulty with it, constipation or diarrhea, pain in the groin or abdomen, and unpleasant sensations of additional education in the vagina and perineal region.
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Omission of the walls of the vagina
A serious pathological change in the physiological localization of organs is the omission of the walls of the vagina. In this case, the functioning of not only these organs, but also adjacent to them, for example, the bladder and intestine, is disturbed.
The omission of the walls of the vagina occurs not only in the elderly, when, due to destructive processes, muscles lose their tone in part, but also in 30 years. The number of cases reaches 10%, but with age, the frequency increases and by 45 years reaches 35-40%.
The process of ovulation of the vagina consists in weakening the muscles of the pelvic floor and increasing the pressure in the abdominal cavity as a result of chronic constipation or excessive physical labor with lifting weights.
There are many reasons for the development of pathology, the main ones are injuries received during the labor process, tumor formations of the pelvic cavity, excess kilograms, more than 2 genera, and age-related changes.
Omission of the anterior wall of the vagina
There is an omission of the anterior wall of the vagina most often after birth, since the muscles become weaker. In addition, there are complications in the process of labor, for example, ruptures of the perineum. As a result, the wound is sutured, but later it loses its muscular strength.
The omission of the anterior wall of the vagina is characterized by an increase in the pain syndrome of the pulling species, the localization of which can be both in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. As the vagina descends, the sensation of the presence of a foreign body appears in the site of the sexual slit.
During sexual intercourse, unpleasant sensations appear, even pain, as a result of which a woman can not fully relax, which leads to emotional stress. Periodically observed blood discharge, not associated with the menstrual cycle.
The localization of the bladder - in front of the vagina, causes a violation of its function. So, frequent urge and difficulty with urination are possible. As for the intestine, constipation is noted in a third of all women with a modified localization of the posterior wall of the vagina.
Omission of the posterior wall of the vagina
Pathology - the lowering of the posterior wall of the vagina arises from the failure of the pelvic muscles of the posterior fornix. A concomitant complication is the partial or complete destruction of the endotazic fascia, which separates the intestine from the back wall of the vagina.
The omission of the posterior wall of the vagina has some features of clinical manifestations that distinguish it from the pathology of the anterior wall. The incompetence of the pelvic muscles contributes to the prolapse of the posterior wall of the vagina due to the pressure of the rectum.
Due to the fact that there is no delimitation in the form of fascia between them, therefore part of the intestine fills the posterior wall, as a result of which there is an increase in size in the form of a bladder. Thus, as the "bubble" grows, a foreign body appears in the vagina, which is present during walking or sitting.
In addition, it is necessary to distinguish a symptom associated with dysfunction of the intestine. So, every process of defecation is accompanied by pain and great efforts to promote the stool masses through the intestine and exit them from the formed pocket.
Ovulation of the vagina during pregnancy
Under the influence of constant high pressure on the pelvic muscles, as the fetal body weight increases, the vagina is dropped during pregnancy. This process begins approximately from 10-12th week, as a result of which the muscles are in tension.
In addition, their condition must be considered before pregnancy. If the muscles have already been weakened for other reasons, by the end of pregnancy, not only the vaginal wall can fall, but also prolapse through the genital slit.
The omission of the vagina during pregnancy occurs after a strong pressure on it by the uterus, which can also fall under the weight of the fetus. So, muscles lose elasticity and stretch.
The danger of pathology is due to the effect on the pregnant and fetus with a high probability of developing spontaneous abortion or premature birth.
When dropping the first degree, doctors recommend using special exercises that will strengthen the muscles and facilitate the process of childbirth. As for the more serious degrees of omission, it is necessary to use a bandage, pessary, and the issue of delivery is decided individually.
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What to do when the vagina is lowered?
What to do when the vagina is lowered? At the first degree of pathology, it is possible to use conservative methods of treatment. These include: physical exercises, gynecological massage and medicinal herbs. All these methods are needed to increase the tone of the pelvic muscles and reduce the likelihood of vaginal prolapse.
There is one more method for controlling the omission of the vagina - the pessary or otherwise - the uterine ring. It is located in the vagina, which helps to keep the cervix in a physiological position.
The uterus as a result is in a slightly elevated state, as the pessary covers the cervix and retains the entire organ. Such a ring is rational to use with a slight omission or in old age with the expectation that age-related changes contribute to the reduction of organs in size and mass.
The disadvantage of pessary is the need for frequent washing, as well as individual selection in volume. In addition, it is mandatory to use a bandage, which also supports the pelvic organs.
Treatment of vaginal discharge
The tactics of treatment are determined by the degree of development of pathology, the age of the woman and the presence of concomitant diseases. It is accepted to allocate two directions in treatment - conservative way and operative.
Conservative treatment of the omission of the vagina is used at the first degree of omission, when the structures of the vagina do not cross the border of the genital gaps. It consists in limiting physical exertion, lifting heavy objects, conducting a course of gynecological massage, as well as performing special physical exercises.
The treatment of the vaginal delivery is aimed at strengthening the pelvic muscles, supporting structures and the abdominal press, thanks to which the internal organs retain their physiological location. In addition, in the process of massage and performing exercises, blood circulation in the small pelvis is activated, which is also necessary for treatment.
In the second or more stages, the use of surgical intervention for the purpose of restoring the muscular structures of the pelvic floor is recommended. Thus, colporphia or colpopyreneoraphy is used to raise organs within the pelvic cavity.
Surgery to lower the vagina
Method of treatment of pathology - operation with the omission of the vagina is to carry out colpoplasty, the essence of which is based on suturing the walls of the vagina. This type of surgical intervention can be of two types: colporaphy and colpopyreneoraphy.
The first form of surgery involves resection (excision) of the tissues of the vaginal walls, which are "stretched" with further cross-linking of the remaining structures. In the process of colpoperineorafia, a reduction in the size of the posterior wall by means of its suturing, as well as a tightening of the pelvic muscles, is carried out.
The operation when the vagina is lowered can consist of an additional stage in which the surrounding internal organs, such as the bladder, urethra and rectum are involved. To reduce the manifestation of symptoms of dysfunction of these organs, it is necessary to restore their physiological location.
Plastic can pass its own tissues or using implants. Surgical intervention is performed under general or epidural anesthesia. The choice is based on the scope of the proposed operation, its duration and the state of health of the woman.
Operation when the front wall of the vagina is lowered
With the purpose of tightening the organs, providing their physiological location, and preventing the formation of new defects that can provoke the occurrence of relapse, surgery is used when the front wall of the vagina is lowered.
In addition, surgical intervention improves a woman's sexual activity and is used to treat urinary incontinence.
The operation when the front wall of the vagina is lowered is called anterior colporphy. Modern equipment provides the use of vaginal access, which is less traumatic than laparoscopy and access through the abdominal cavity.
The preparatory period before the operation includes the use of hormonal means, especially for women who are in the climacteric period. They are necessary for improving local blood circulation, which positively affects the postoperative recovery period.
After surgery, it is necessary to use antibacterial drugs to prevent infection of the operated outbreak, as well as pain medications, with the exception of aspirin. In addition, at least a month is recommended to abstain from sexual activity.
Operation when the posterior wall of the vagina is lowered
An operation is performed when the posterior wall of the vagina is lowered to resect the intestine, which protrudes toward the vagina and exerts pressure on its posterior wall, and in order to restore the rectovaginal septum.
Surgical intervention consists in elimination of intestinal protrusion, strengthening of the wall (anterior) rectum, septum between the intestine and vagina, and also in the normalization of the function of the sphincter of the anus.
Surgery when lowering the back wall of the vagina involves suturing the intestinal wall with a group of muscles that lift the anus, which helps strengthen the septum between the organs.
In the presence of concomitant pathology and involvement in the pathological process of surrounding organs, the amount of surgical intervention is increased to eliminate the physiological location of the structures.
So, a combination of the main direction of the operation with treatment of prolapse of the anterior vaginal wall, hemorrhoids, polyposal lesions or anus fissure is possible. As a result, the time of surgical intervention increases. In addition, in some cases, endoscopic treatment with the setting of a reticular implant is allowed.
Exercises for ovulation of the vagina
The close relationship of the vagina with the uterus predisposes them to joint fallout, at first the vagina, and then the uterus. Exercises when the vagina is lowering have a strengthening effect on the muscles with which the organs retain their physiological location.
The maximum result can be obtained by using these exercises at the initial stage of the vaginal omission, since besides it the surrounding structures are not yet involved in the pathological process.
The simplest exercise for training is to stop urinating by clamping the muscles. If during the urination to stop periodically jetting, it will help to strengthen the muscles and overcome incontinence.
Exercises to lower the vagina should be performed at a different pace throughout the day. Of course, do not constantly train, but 3-4 times a day for several exercises will soon help normalize muscle tone.
Training can be conducted sitting at the computer, standing at a stop or at home in the "lying" and "standing on all fours" positions.
Kegel exercises when the vagina is lowered
Before you begin to perform the exercises, you need to determine which muscles will work and where they are. To do this, during the urination, try to stop the jet and remember how it is performed. These muscles in the future will have to be trained.
Kegel exercises when vagina is omitted include 3 types of exercise. First, it is the contraction of those most detected muscles. However, the performance should be slow, squeezing the muscles you need to count to 3 and slowly relax them.
After this, it is necessary to conduct all the same, only quickly. And, finally, "pushing out" is performed by the tension of the muscles of the press, as in childbirth, but much weaker.
In order to monitor the correctness of the exercises it is recommended to insert a finger into the vagina and follow the contractions.
First you need to start with 10 times each exercise, performing 5 times a day, and then gradually increase the load. In a week, you should add 5 repetitions to each exercise and so on until you get 30 times. To maintain the effect, you can stop at this load and perform these 3 exercises 30 times 5 times a day.
Bandage at the lowering of the vagina
The omission of the organs is due to the loss of the muscular framework that supports them. So, after pregnancy and childbirth, muscle relaxation is most often observed to such an extent that vaginal discharge is possible.
A bandage when the vagina is lowered is necessary in order to maintain a constant intra-abdominal pressure without lifting, which affects the location of the uterus and the vagina. The bandage gives the muscles time to restore their tone and strengthen the organs in physiological positions.
Despite the effectiveness, the bandage when the vagina is lowered should not be used constantly, as the organs need rest. So, at night it is not rational to apply it, since neither gravity nor pressure contribute to the vaginal omission.
During even a little physical activity (walking, doing homework), you need to wear a bandage to support the organs. In addition, it is mandatory after the performed operations on the uterus and the vagina, since the muscles in the postoperative period are the weakest and unable to perform the basic function.
Alternative means for ovulation of the vagina
In order to treat a pathological condition, it is recommended to use physical exercises and alternative means at the same time when the vagina is lowered. This is done by collecting the herbs taken orally, in the form of baths or syringing.
For broth it is necessary to take lemon balm and lime blossoms - a quarter cup, a white clear-down 70 g and an alder root - 1 dessert spoon. After a thorough grinding, you need to take 30 g of the mixture and pour boiling water in the volume of one glass.
To persist the broth should be about 1 hour, after which it should be filtered and taken 100 ml three times a day before meals in half an hour. The duration of the course is 20 days, and then you need a break - a fortnight.
For syringing, you need to prepare a solution of quince, which must be crushed and poured with water, the volume of which is 10 times the quince. After boiling for 25 minutes, filter the broth and cool to a warm comfortable temperature. Douching with this solution helps to increase muscle tone.
LFK when the vagina is lowered
Exercise should be repeated every morning before eating, starting with the minimum exercise load and gradually increasing it. LFK at the lowering of the vagina helps restore the old muscle tone and longer to strengthen them more.
A "bicycle" is an exercise that everyone has long known. To do this, just lie on the pedaling of an imaginary bicycle for about a minute, lifting your legs by 45 °. In the same way, "scissors" are performed, but with straight legs.
Lie on the floor, under the buttocks should be put a twisted roller, while the back remains on the floor. The left leg should be straightly raised to 90 °, and then lowered and changed to the other. Repeat up to 8-12 times.
The exercise is complicated by removing the roller, it is necessary to raise both feet simultaneously to the angle perpendicular to the floor. Standing near a chair, you need to stick to it and move your foot to the side to perform circular movements for 30 seconds. Then change the direction, and then the leg. Also standing you need to wiggle your foot up to 7 times each, standing in the pose "swallow" - about a minute.
Omission of the vagina can disturb women at any age, but there is an effective way to prevent muscle weakness - it's physical exercise, so if you want to, you can reduce the chances of developing the pathology yourself.
Sex with the vagina down
Pathology should be considered in each case individually, taking into account the degree of omission and sensation of a woman during sexual intercourse. Sex with the omission of the vagina at the initial stage is resolved, but one should take into account the fact that excessive passion can aggravate the situation and cause pain to the woman.
Beginning with the second stage, not only the vagina, but also the uterus is involved in the process, therefore, their localization changes, so that the woman herself is unlikely to already experience pleasure during sex.
The sexual act helps to strengthen the muscles, but only at the stage of normal physiological arrangement of the organs. In the case when a woman begins to experience pain during sexual intercourse - this is the signal to stop and see a doctor.
In addition to physical pathology, a woman can develop a depressive state, as pleasure in sex is not delivered, and even visually, parts of the vagina can be viewed from the outside of the genital gaps.