

Diseases of the eyes (ophthalmology)

Diseases of the teeth and eyes

Changes in the eye often occur with such dental diseases as caries, periodontitis, periostitis, abscesses, gangrene, periodontitis, granulomas.

HIV infection and eye changes

In patients with acquired immunodeficiency against a background of other lesions, generalization of cytomegalovirus infection usually reveals chorioretinitis.

Endocrine pathology and eye changes

With insufficient activity of parathyroid glands as a result of hypocalcemia, cataracts develop along with convulsions, tachycardia, and respiratory disorders.

Diseases of the blood and eye changes

With anemia (aplastic, hypochromic, pernicious, secondary), paleness of the skin and mucous membranes, hemorrhages under the conjunctiva and in the thickness of the eyelids, which are based on hypoxia of the tissues, may lead to the paralysis of the external muscles of the eyeball.

Toxicosis of pregnancy and eye changes

In the event that the pregnancy is normal, there are no changes in the vessels of the retina. As an exception, angiospasm and hyperemia of the optic nerve disk are sometimes observed without lowering visual acuity.

Kidney Disease and Eye Changes

In chronic glomerulonephritis, changes in the retinal vessels are frequently observed-narrowing of the retinal arteries (renal antiopathy). With prolonged course of kidney disease, sclerotic changes occur in the walls of the vessels, renal retinopathy develops in the retina.

Hypertensive and eye changes

With hypertension of any genesis, changes in the vessels of the fundus are noted. The degree of severity of these changes depends on the height of blood pressure and the duration of hypertension.

Eye manifestations of craniosynostosis

Craniosynostosis is a group of rare hereditary disorders characterized by premature infection of the cranial sutures in combination with pronounced orbital anomalies.

Rhabdomyosarcoma of the eye

Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common primary malignant tumor of the orbit in children. The main role of an ophthalmologist is to establish a diagnosis by biopsy and refer the patient to a pediatric oncologist.

Lymphoma of the eye

Lymphomas of the eye auxiliary apparatus (conjunctiva, tear gland and orbit) account for approximately 8% of all extranodal lymphomas. Lymphoma, like benign lymphoid hyperplasia, is referred to as lymphoproliferative diseases.


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